11:11 madness

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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11:11 madness

Post by Joebenz »

Last year i had this 11:11 phenomenon that lasted for months. I could see it on the clock, random numbers on my computer etc... but it was driving me crazy!!! it was happening 4 to 5 times every. single. day...
I had this happen to me before that and usually it would come to me in waves.

It would last a few months and then absolutely nothing for the months after. But last year it was the most instense. It went to a point that when i would see these numbers, i would scream in frustration: "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS! WHAT DO YOU WANT?". It made me belive that there is something out there that is doing this to me because there is no way that this is random.

And now... nothing. Zero, nada! for months!
What the hell is going on seriously???

I told no one this and the every few i told to said :"bah! you're just delusional".

I've searched on the net and only found random stuff from religious ramblings to new age, astrology and aliens blablabla. No definite awnser.
I know something is doing this and i will find out what it is whether i find the awnser in this life or the other.
I'm hoping that someone here can please help me.
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Re: 11:11 madness

Post by happyrain »

Hi Joe,
Welcome to the forum. I hope you find what you’re looking for.
I’m not sure if anyone can provide you with answers that ultimately satisfy you but I believe there’s beauty in that. If it’s any consolation, you’re not delusional and I believe things will become clearer for you, in this life or the other. :tongue:

There’s a wealth of information here and you may find valuable responses from some members.

Hope you stick around and share more down the road.
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Re: 11:11 madness

Post by Sandy »

Hello Joebenz,

Many of us here understand your confusion and even frustration as you try to make sense of the 1111. I, on the other hand, found myself here because I wished to learn more about Midwayers...These are the beings you have been looking for, the ones prompting you. Now I don't know if this fits into your category of religious ramblings or new age stuff. ;) But it is what it is to each of us I suppose.

Perhaps it would help if I told you a little about how I found myself on this website for quite a few years now.

Long ago I began a journey of spiritual discovery. I suppose if you wanted to classify me at that time I was a Lutheran who sort of went along with what I had been taught from my parents even though questions often arose in my mind that the religion of "my ancestors" could not answer. So to my surprise, being well into middle age, I found myself searching for answers to those long ago questions. There was no doubt that I was being led via books from one point to another everything clicking into place as one answer led to another question prompting more searching...One day I discovered the Urantia Book which of course just gave me tons of new question material. But something else too... that big giant blue book held my thoughts and I just couldn't let it go... well I could.... not like I was being held hostage or anything. :roll: but no...I wanted to know more... more about Midwayers. It was then that I read one sentence in a book talking about George Barnard who had a working relationship with these hard working and complex beings of our Earth, Midwayers. ( Nope they aren't aliens LOL so maybe that is a point in my favor. ;) ) From this board I learned about 1111 and all the people who had come here sharing their own quest to find out what it meant. (Place was really hopping then) I was a tad upset because I had been searching for how I could be of service to God, the planet, friends and family for some time now and I was not being prompted like everyone else! I was wondering what the heck was wrong with me! :( :oops: But then one night I watched a movie and in the special features at the end, all big and bold, was an actress's diary dated...July 11th. This jumped out at me because this was my birthday. And to be honest, I had already seen that number many times during the day..but this was certainly the most, "in your face" prompt. I pondered it for a bit and then as it was late began drifting off to sleep from where I sat on the couch...when all of a sudden I was awakened by a loud voice saying, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I jumped up but I was alone... no one in the room with me. Finally I get up and went over to shut off my aquarium light. I paused as always to take a good look at my beautiful pair of large parrot fish expecting the wave of sadness as the female had suffered an infection in her egg laying apparatus for some months, leaving it swollen and red. I had tried ever aquatic medication I could think of (I worked at a pet store so knew a lot about such things.) But anyway, I was shocked and totally surprised that my parrot fish showed no sign of infection whatsoever. ( I must clarify that she was definitely ill that very day. ) And with that, I finally realized that I was being prompted in my own way. And in a way it was my birthday. The beginning of a fantastic journey that has never failed to move and awe me as I stumble my way through life.

And so it is with all of us.... We are all unique and while we can easily find thoughts, situations and happenings that seem the same as others. In the end we are walking a very special path all our own. This path is made up of all kinds of happenings that help us to learn and grow and even at middle age look for something that is seemingly missing or unanswered in your life. So with that long narrative in mind. I want you to understand that I could and probably will tell you what this 1111 means...but it will only be a baseline... a place to begin. You will discover if you ask openly the answers you seek just as I did in your own time but I suspect they won't come from me or any other human necessarily. What is written and spoken of on this web site is sort of like an open door. ... your own personal door and where you go and what resonates and charges your heart , revs you up or turns you away, is all part of your own amazing soul journey.

I will give you a few URLs to ponder that might help... Look at them if you so choose but I warn you you may find them a little "yadda yadda "too. LOL That's alright... I know it sounds strange but I must add that I am so glad I gave the Midwayers the benefit of the doubt in those early days as it has opened the door for realities on this mortal plane I didn't believe possible. It has lightened my human load a bit, and helped me to begin to fulfill my own little spirit-filled destiny. That door I walked through years ago has helped me to find a very subtle peace in a sometimes chaotic existence... a peace and "Guidance System" welling from within.

Okay I have rattled on enough and I still haven't given you any URLS. Remember all this is a starting point, one way or another. It is always up to you where you go from there...and it is all good.

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What It Really Means

11:11 More questions about number sequences.

Hope this helps... Welcome Joebenz
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Re: 11:11 madness

Post by Joebenz »

Thank you for the awnsers.
I'm sorry if i seemed harsh but this is so so so frustrating.
Of all the awnsers i found, the ones about the midwayers makes the most sense (because the other things i found were either weird or fanaticial like).

Usually when there is a strange phenomena happening i do researches about it and then choose what awnser is the most plausible for me.
But this, the 11:11 numbers, there is something different.
Every time i would see them numbers it would feel like a slap to the face. I could tell that alot fo energy was spent sending these "messages".
I don't know i feel like it is urgent, someone wanting to send me an urgent message.
It's like an unknown phone number calling on your cellphone multiple times every day but you can't awnser back or call them back.
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Re: 11:11 madness

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning Joebenz,
I hope you've had a great week end. Although,depending on where you are, I suppose, it could still be underway. But for me, here in NSW Australia, we are well into our Monday morning.

You wrote:
I don't know i feel like it is urgent, someone wanting to send me an urgent message.
It's like an unknown phone number calling on your cellphone multiple times every day but you can't awnser back or call them back.
Well actually you can... answer them...maybe not with a phone, however. Depending on the person, being able to "hear" them takes time... but it is heartening to know that from their end...they hear/see/sense/feel us fine. So tell them what you wish for them to hear and pay attention to the varied ways they might answer you at this time when communication between you seems one-sided. Their response could come from a book, a paper, the radio or TV...even from a friend or colleague (Unconsciously probably) Or if you already have developed some sensitivity...you may feel their energy. That way is easiest for me. I generally know when they are with me as I sense their energy..I feel it and at one time with a particular pair of glasses ( spectacles ) the glasses would pop and crack, make a sound when they were with me.

But... as I said, it doesn't have to be so one sided. Learning to quiet your mind, to bring it to a state where you can here their voices in your head is possible for most of us that are prompted. We make it rather complicated though, even though in reality it is rather simple, with our own mind/ego sometimes second guessing our abilities and even the probabilities that such a thing is possible. :lol: ai yi yi. ...don't I know.

But every day is a new day to start afresh everybody! :cheers: To enjoy life in its fullest and to discover minute by minute our wonderful destiny that we can create and experience for ourselves. Anything is possible and that includes a relationship with these awesome beings, Midwayers, with our Angels, with beings whose name category we've never even heard of or knew existed and most important of all and most precious... our fragment of God within, our Higher Self.

Anyway I do go on.. LOL you have probably already noticed that Joebenz even though you have only been here a mere few days.
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Re: 11:11 madness

Post by Joebenz »

Yes somehow i understand what you're saying. It's weird but i feel like i already knew the awnser to this. For now i have had no luck but hopefully in the near future they will reveal themselves more and more. They must have had a good reason for doing this. Time will tell :) thank you again for your input.
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Re: 11:11 madness

Post by happyrain »

:afro: :bana:
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Re: 11:11 madness

Post by Sandy »

It's weird but i feel like i already knew the answer to this.
I suspect that you do... It is a bit cliche to say this, I suppose, but "the guidance really is within you." Learning to access it is a great and empowering joy as we begin to unwrap another side of our nature... our cosmic birthright.
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Re: 11:11 madness

Post by Amigoo »

In almost a decade, I have not found that prompts communicate anything specific (generally), but always give "evidence" of a certain presence (or nearness) of unseen spiritual forces and beings that are "just beyond the veil". With Midwayer prompting dependent on our human brain's capacity for pattern recognition, prompting seems tailored to what's currently happening "at home" (mind, brain, local environment). ;)

I believe that each person, once convinced about the phenomenon of prompting, can then adapt to - even encourage - the phenomenon in ways most meaningful to them, thereby aligning oneself with those spiritual forces and beings sufficiently to profit by that personal guidance. :roll

Once Midwayer prompting is sensed as "journey" more than "event", the urgency to comprehend a particular prompt fades as the expectation that more and different and sometimes mysterious prompts will be waiting "just around the corner" ... from "just beyond the veil". 8)

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Re: 11:11 madness

Post by Joebenz »

Well got something interesting that happened. Last night i made a prayer but i didn't address myslef to god/the divine/angels... but more specifically to the Midwayers. I asked them for their assistance and also asked them that if they heard me and listened to me, to "activate?" the 11:11 phenomena again.
Next morning i nonchalantly look at the time.... 11:11. After more than 6 months of no 11:11, right after i asked them, it happens again. :o
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Re: 11:11 madness

Post by Amigoo »

Re: http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogsp ... mbers.html
An interesting numbers index but includes numbers not displayed by a digital clock.

:o There's evidence that prompting is more related to patterns than numbers:
"I nonchalantly look at the time" becomes "I nonchalantly look at the pattern"
... then sense that this has appeared before ... nonchalantly. 8)

:cheers: Whether or not these definitions relate to a personal prompt, it's supportive
of belief that angels and midwayers (when relating to prompts) are part of the
integrated network of spiritual forces and beings "just beyond the veil". :roll

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Re: 11:11 madness

Post by Sandy »

Hello Joebenz,
It sounds like you have had an interesting turn of events over the week end. :D See, "they" hear you... :sunflower:
Now, it may be time to give some thought on what would you would like to do with this communication.... :)
We are all different...and we experience the prompts and use them in a way that is condusive to spiritual progress... progress of all sorts, I suppose. When I first moved to Australia from the US despite the shared English language between both countries... it was still a bit of culture shock and the enormous distance between me and my family wore on me. The midwayers literally buoyed me up and kept me company. I didn't have to be happy and full of spiritual vim and vigor to enjoy their presence. They accepted me just as I was. One night when I was having a very low spell... Secondary Midwayer, Sharmon allowed me to feel her presence in a physical way, first by allowing me to experience the sensation of her sitting beside me on the bed and the weight of a hand on my arm. I didn't ask for this... But isn't this what friends do for each other...comfort, laugh, cry, dance sing etc. in each other's company as the experience calls for it? Now with all that said... the midwayers have a very important job to do on this planet. It is something they have been doing for thousands upon thousands of years... Helping to progress the human race and thus progress the planet, their home too. So this isn't a lark or a mere romp in the park for them. They truly wish that we would take up our "let's change the world for the better during our lifetime hat" and start making a difference in any way we can... Even if it is a simple smile, something needed when someone- a stranger, a friend is having a bad day. We don't all have to be Mother Theresa but we all have something vital within us to share that truly will add our own mark in the developing Light.

Well, I am off with a smile on my face after reading your post, Joebenz. See...sharing the light within us is easier then it seems at first glance. ;)
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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