Job woes and bad interviews

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Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Nikki88 »

I know I probably shouldn’t post this one but I’m desperate and could use some prayers for job related troubles. I’m starting to feel the pinch financially, and I’m unhappy in my current living situation that I desperately want to get out of, as well as, loooong over due for a trip to the doctor for some issues I have. Everything hinges on me finding a job and soon but right now I’ve had no luck. I had a particularly awful job interview the other day and it’s left me feeling a bit hopeless at the moment. That particular interview had been my best chance at getting hired since I already had name recognition from a previous interview with them that went well. Unfortunately it didn’t go well this time when the second interviewer got angry at my request to read one of the questions off the paper since it was a multipart question. I’m a visual person especially when I’m nervous which is when I have more dyslexic moments, and reading directly from the paper helps me organize my thoughts better sometimes. Her response left me flustered for the remainder of the interview since she overreacted to the point where the other interviewer had to repeatedly ask her to calm down, and she continued to have an attitude with me even after when I went to take the exam for this position. I’m not really sure why that was such a trigger, and my family keeps telling me it was probably for the best as she was likely a nasty person in general. They keep telling me to have faith that something better is around the corner but nothing ever seems to give and I never seem to make it around that elusive corner.

Anyway thanks for putting up with me yesterday has me feeling kind of down. I hope things really do work out for the better like everyone says it will but I have my doubts.

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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by happyrain »

Hi Nikki,

I'm in a pinch too and am in desperate need of a new job. As for the Woman who demonstrated a lack of professionalism, is that toxic personality something you'd want to be around anyways? I hope you got to read my last reply to you. My advice was to breathe since focusing on the breath gives our busied minds a task and can help reduce stress or anxiety. I need to take my own advice however because I usually end up self medicating off delicious wine instead :lol: Although we're strangers I will pray something comes our way. I know it's not good to assume but maybe you can go in with the assumption you're going to get hired wherever you get interviewed next? Just a thought.

Peace :sunflower:
Eric. You can call me E or HR. :jocolor: :king:
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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Sandy »

Dear Nikki,
The woman interviewer you mentioned showed a complete lack of professionalism during the interview, something that may not go un noticed by her own "higher ups." She over reacted and that, sweetie, was NOT your fault. Your request was not out of line as multi-part questions can be tricky. I'd say pat yourself on the back for doing well the first time and know you probably would have done well this time too had this person not dumped her own frustrations on you. So do not let her unhappiness undermine your own self confidence. You are worth so much more than that. Everything happens for a reason and even though I do not think the "Good Lord" want you to be jobless and unhappy, She does want you to be fulfilled and in an environment where you will thrive and be able to contribute in your own wonderful unique way.

Years ago my eldest son was out of work for well over a over and he was getting desperate. I felt for him and yet I felt this very strongly that all could change with one phone call, one job interview, one written application. and you know what? It did! So please do not loose heart because in a flash the Creator and you can change everything and then just think of the wasted hours of worry and stress you've endured. Bless you though, it is easy to say these things but hard when one sits in the middle of an uncomfortable situation.
Hmmm... I'd say maybe it is time to dance, to let of some tension, in whatever way works to lift you. I am not prone to exercise myself (sadly) so this is one of those remarks you can take as a "do as I say not as I do." :roll: :D but when you feel down and troubled etc... a little activity that gets the bodies endorphines rolling is a good way to shake off the disappointment. (well worth a try anyway)
I am praying for you as I type, and then some. One of these days you will get that phone call, that appointment that will change everything. Believe that.
In the meantime we pray and send love to You Nikki.
May you be blessed!
(and that goes for you to (((((HP)))) )
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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Nikki88 »

Hi HR and Sandy :hithere !

Thanks for the replies! I’m feeling a little bit better today though still kind of bummed out about the whole disaster. You’re both right though my working with her wasn’t meant to be. Even though I was upset after the interview part of my brain still thought maybe the universe is saving me from this one. I’m sure she would have been a real “joy” to work with if at her age and level of career she’s still throwing hissy fits about a trivial matter, and you’re right HR I wouldn’t want to work with that toxic a personality on a daily basis. I can vaguely imagine she’s the kind of person who would have tried to kick me around, push me out, or find fault in any task even if it was done to perfection. Although I don’t know for sure yet that I didn’t get the job, and I doubt that things are in my favor I’d still prefer they just didn’t offer it to me so I don’t find myself having to make a difficult choice due to financial strain. Just based on her continued condescending behavior towards me even after the initial event, I’d find it hard to accept the position now. After she was triggered she started talking to me like I was a mentally handicapped person because I got flustered after her initial meltdown. So this will probably be the one time ever I’m happy to get a rejection letter :lol: . As for her higher ups I’m afraid she was one of the higher ranked people in that department though the one person who did out rank her was actually the other interviewer asking her to calm down. Since this was a government job I’m sure she just gets away with being like that. According to a family friend it’s almost impossible to get in trouble or fired from a government job and he would know lol. Funnily enough the interview I did before this one was for a higher position and was about 3 times easier including the exam. I was scratching my head as to why this one for a lower position was so much more difficult than the last one, and then it dawned on me that she likely wrote up this interview herself and the whole thing was a reflection of her personality. I’m glad now I got a sneak peak of what I would have been signing up for. I really hope I do get that one miracle phone call that changes everything for the better, and gets me out of this difficult situation I’m in. It’s hard not to feel blue sometimes though since I’m not getting that many interviews for how much I apply to.

As for the exercise I do find it a bit difficult to be physically active when I’m depressed. I did however recently start trying to learn guitar since learning an instrument was something I missed out on as a kid thanks to my scrambled brain so I'll get back to practice on that for now until my energy recovers.

I'll pray something comes your way too HR. Hopefully things turn around for us both soon.

Lots of love,
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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Nikki,
Hope today is a great day for you! A strong realization when rising this morning from yet another frustrating meditation was, "I must recognize my own power!" This was the true message I was supposed to internalize. It left such an impression I actually feel different today. I am not a powerless person. After years of working through my fears and low self esteem, I'm content with my life and how I feel about myself personally. But! There are those deep seated beliefs clung to that hold me back from attaining my true dreams.

A message from Monjoronson(of course my first reaction was who am I to receive a message from someone so important?!) a while ago was, "You are so much more than you allow yourself to be." And it is true. I believe it is true of all of us. Until we are able to shed those old beliefs of who we think we are that hold us back from attaining our true potential, we are going to stay right where we are. Not because we don't deserve it, but because we don't believe we deserve it.

My advice to you is the same as it is for myself today, "Let it go and believe in yourself!" The universe can't give us what we don't think we deserve.

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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Sandy »

Oh ((((((KImmie))))) :sunflower:
This said sooooo much to me today...
A message from Monjoronson(of course my first reaction was who am I to receive a message from someone so important?!) a while ago was, "You are so much more than you allow yourself to be." And it is true. I believe it is true of all of us. Until we are able to shed those old beliefs of who we think we are that hold us back from attaining our true potential, we are going to stay right where we are. Not because we don't deserve it, but because we don't believe we deserve it.
I struggle with believing in myself...believing I deserve my dreams. When briefly looking within this morning with this in mind, I can see it is the result of a very long practiced way of being. Like a dandelion root (which to be honest I appreciate having pet bunnies) the roots of this habit go deep and it is going to take some work to find all of it. But... (there's always a" but" ) the end will be worth it. (hopefully :finger: :mrgreen: )
My advice to you is the same as it is for myself today, "Let it go and believe in yourself!" The universe can't give us what we don't think we deserve.
Thanks, sweetie, for your straight to the heart post. I so appreciate it and you! :loves
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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by happyrain »

Hi Nikki,

Any updates on the job hunt? I actually got hired to one place but had to turn the offer down simply because I need a steady money flow sooner than later.

Dear Kim,

Thank you for your very inspiring message. I was especially drawn to your last sentence, "the universe can't give us what we don't think we deserve."

We really are our own worse enemies. Then just today the Bowl of Saki came through in line with your sentiments so I'd like to share with you what I read after your important message:

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

Our greatest enemy is ourself. All weakness, all ignorance keeps us from the truth of our being, from all the virtues hidden in us and all perfection hidden in our souls. The first self we realize is the false self. Unless the soul is born again it will not see the kingdom of heaven. The soul is born into the false self; it is blind. In the true self the soul opens its eyes. Unless the false self is fought with, the true self cannot be realized...

The lions could not harm Daniel because of the harmony of his will with the universal Will. The lions represent the destructive elements in the human mind. They represent wars, disappointments, rivalries, jealousies, envy, passions, and so forth, in different horrible guises. Our ego is the lion of lions, and if this is conquered, then these external lions -- different egos around us -- are conquered also, and wherever we go, with anyone, whether foolish or wise, good or bad, we now have peace.



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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Eric,
I read and reread this part.
happyrain wrote:Our greatest enemy is ourself. All weakness, all ignorance keeps us from the truth of our being, from all the virtues hidden in us and all perfection hidden in our souls.
Thank you for posting it. I felt very disquieted emotionally today, this gave me a sense of clarity.

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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
I too thank you for your thoughts and posting the message from the Bowl of Saki. It sort of expands on a message given to me yesterday. :happy I love it when that happens reinforcing and clarifying lessons. :sunflower:
Have a wonderful and empowering week end everybody. :hithere
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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Nikki88 »

Hi Happyrain,
No luck for me on the job front I’m afraid. Not sure what I’m doing wrong other than I lack experience. On a more positive front a relative mentioned to me an old company was looking for more female degree holders (not sure how true it is). I missed the April recruitment round, but I might give applying for them a try when they come back around again. If I can get in it would solve everything, but it’s a major commitment if you go to work for one of those companies and I’m still searching for guidance on it. Wishing I had better contact with my TA or guides right about now :lol: .

Glad to hear your job hunt is going a bit better. I hope you get an offer you’re happier with soon.

Thanks for the message Kim! My family have all unbeknownst to each other given me the same advice. They’ve all told me more or less that sometimes when things fall apart abruptly like this it makes room for something better down the road and then they relayed their personal stories of it happening. I hope it will work out the same for me in the end and that has helped me let go of that unpleasant interview experience. I do still need to work on believing in myself more that’s something I have a hard time with because of my past I admit.

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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Seeker13 »

This probably shows more than ever I'm a preschool teacher, but its where my brain went reading your last post. Many times in my life I've fallen back on repeating positive affirmations to myself, especially when I really didn't feel that way at the time. The Little Engine That Could popped into my head, "I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!" Maybe not that affirmation exactly, but a personal one for you, reinforcing a positive belief in yourself.

Back when my anxiety and low self-esteem was really bad, I'd begin it when getting into the car, repeating all the way to my destination. Even now when needing a little boost I'll start chanting. My affirmation has grown from three words to a whopping 46! Sometimes I'll just start laughing at myself because it's kind of ridiculous, but it does the trick! What's really funny is my kids know it too.

Hope your having a good day,
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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by happyrain »

Hi Nikki,

That sounds great! Sounds like that job will have a lot of benefits! I hope you get it! :hithere If you need something to hold you over for the meantime have you heard of It's been a big help for me and I get fast replies from companies looking to hire- whether I get to the next step or not. Still shooting out resumes on a daily and getting a a few interviews here and there. Having the time off has helped me think what I'd like to do next, what I can do next in the time frame necessary- these upcoming bills aren't waiting on me :lol: I also have more time to be with my family and my two beautiful cats and that's been a bit of a relief. :roll Never thought I'd have cats! Well anyways, I'll keep you in my prayers and am wishing you all the best!

Hi Sandy and Kim,

I'm glad you both enjoyed the message, his words are very inspirational for me. Sandy thanks for your prayers as well. Kim, I started exercising again and the mantra is a HUGE help. Jogging is a bit meditative but sometimes I think about how tired I get( which doesn't take long being so out of shape :lol: ) so I try to replace those thoughts with a mantra to help me finish my route.... "Healthy, happy, beautiful" Something like this. Focusing on the breath, on a mantra- it's transformative and helps me finish strong(I think it'll have long term benefits too). :hithere

Bye for now!

E 8)
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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Sandy »

Hi E,
I was wondering not long ago if you still had your cat. I came across the little guy and you not long ago in a photo in my computer. I believe he was the little stray? So you have two little beauties now... Wonderful! I love cats..all animals really. I like your positive attitude too... staying positive and looking at the bright side and the blessings in your life.
Thanks for the inspiration. I needed it today...
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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Eric,
It sounds like you are really focusing on the positive and gaining what you can from your time. Congratulations! No matter where we are, that's where were suppose to be right? I am not a runner, but your statement reminds me when I was a crisis counselor for my internship. I'd get home late at night. To release stress I'd run by moonlight in an old abandoned orchard. It put me in the most wonderful frame of mind, was able to let the day go completely. Thanks for the reminder of the memory.

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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Eric,
It sounds like you are really focusing on the positive and gaining what you can from your time. Congratulations! No matter where we are, that's where were suppose to be right? I am not a runner, but your statement reminds me when I was a crisis counselor for my internship. I'd get home late at night. To release stress I'd run by moonlight in an old abandoned orchard. It put me in the most wonderful frame of mind, was able to let the day go completely. Thanks for the reminder of the memory.

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Re: Job woes and bad interviews

Post by happyrain »

Dear Sandy,

I hope you're feeling so good today and know that you have much respect and support from members here on this forum. Yes I have two cats! Stella and Sammy. Sammy is the stray you see in the picture and she has definitely gained some weight. :lol:

Dear Kim,

Wow that sounds beautiful. When I enjoyed exercising, night time runs and night time swims were my favorite. The positive outlook you say may only last so long as long as I'm unemployed :lol: but TY for the beautiful imagery of your memory. :)

Peace ladies! Nikki, I hope all is well with the job hunt.
Thought I'd send it one last time just incase ! :lol:

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