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Post by Pennysense »

So I've made it through The Urantia Book, and now I'm at the end of A Course in Miracles. I've read most of Deepak Chopra's books, and anything else spiritual that has been placed before. So what's next... Is there a continuation to The Urantia Book or A Course in Miracles that anyone is aware of. I'm in need of some spiritual uplifting mind boggling book that will top off the last two, anything - anyone?
Well I'm on my way to Barnes & Noble tonight after work if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks ahead of time!!!!

With Much Love,
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Daddy - O
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Post by Daddy - O »

Hi Pennysense :D

Wow, I can't believe you've made it through both of these books :D . How long have you been reading them? I have both of them, but have yet to finish either; I think it's because I get very distracted and I usually have about 5 books laying around the house that are only half read :duh , I gotta get more focused :study: .

Recently, I read a wonderful book. It is written in a very simple format/language, which works best for me; I get absolutely lost in the mind-boggling stuff (makes my brain feel like spaghetti).

It is called: "The Four Agreements" - by: Don Miguel Ruiz. This author has several other books; however, this one is probably the best one to start with. Have you already read this book? If so, what did you think?

I'm so jealous that you're going to Barnes & Noble. I think the nearest one to my home is about 3,000 miles away :cry: .

Daddy - O
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Post by Pennysense »

Hi Daddy-O
Where in the world do you live??? 3,000 miles away, are you in the middle of the universe, lol. Don't be jealous, its about 25 miles away from me, but on my way home from work, and today I'm only here until 3:00 p.m. Ah, vacation!!! So I started reading The Urantia book about January or February 2005 & I bought A Course in Miracles about May 2005. Daddy-O, you have to understand that I am a bookaholic, literally. I read every and any chance I can, and I can. Of course, The Urantia book was quit difficult to understand, so I read through it quit quickly & now use it for a reference, if I need better understanding on a subject. A Course in Miracles was quit fascinating, I just couldn't put it down & could absolutely relate to it in my life. So speed reading it was easy to do. As for, "The Four Agreements" - by: Don Miguel Ruiz sorry to say I have not come across this one, but for you suggesting it, which is the only books I like to read. I will see if I can pick this one up tonight on my way home & start it this wonderful 4th of July weekend. Can you give me some insight into the book, please.

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Post by Daddy - O »

Hi Pennysense,

I'll try to give you some insight. Well, it is based on the Toltec teachings; the Toltecs were an ancient civilization in southern Mexico and were a group of people who formed a group to explore spirituality and the knowledge of the ancients. The author of the book I believe is considered to be a Master of the Toltec teachings; I believe the Toltecs refer to these masters as "naguals."

The book refers to reality vs. non-reality. The non-reality (or dream) is the life most people are currently living. This life being formed by "making agreements" thus these agreements make you who you are (normally at a very young age).

The book speaks about how you can break these agreements and begin living a new life. The author refers to "Four Agreements" that people can implement into their daily living and completely transform their life.

A great book...and being that your a "bookaholic" you'll get through this book very fast (it's a quick read, even for a snail like me) - you might have to pick up a couple more books to get your through the long weekend. Take care, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!! :D

Daddy - O
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Post by Geoff »

Dera Pennysense,

The four agreements is good. I think I posted you my list of favourite books. The only other major revelation that I am aware of other than Urantia is Padgett. But his messages are not as nicely published, and there are a plethora of volumes, some with duplicated material, some still "typed". But it is a very significant revelation, with stuff that is not in Urantia. Again I have precied most of the volumes.

Then if you have not yet read "Glenda Green" and "Love without End". That really is a must.

After that I suspect you need to decide what area interests you, and you will be guided.

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Post by Helen W »

entirely! I have always tended to walk into a bookshop and allowed volumes to jump out at me..seen proud over the years,
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Post by HigherSelf »

Hi P!

Why not try going through the Workbook... One lesson a day of ACIM.
I have seen peoples lives transformed by doing this. Not that you need any transforming, of course.... lol

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Post by Pennysense »

Well I'm sorry to say I didn't have time after work to pick up any other books, thanks everyone for your suggestions. I decided to go over some things in the ACIM that I didn't understand that well, because I think this book is so very important that I would love to understand it with pure wisdom, like the back of my hand so to speak, lol. Thank you everyone for your offers, and I will get to the book that Daddy-O recommended & Geoff, I have read Love Without End. A beautifully written book, now I've loaned this book out to my girlfriend. As a must read. The ACIM is my most valued book read so far, I highly recommend it to anyone trying to walk this journey, because as I have become witness to the miracles in my life with the help & understanding of the ACIM, so shall you. I had another miraculous weekend. It was most unbelievable without a doubt in my mind that God is indeed working with me to help me understand his unending love for us. God I love God!

With Much Love,
On my spiritual path...
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