11 11 in NYC

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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11 11 in NYC

Post by zues11 »

I was cycling down Manhattan's westside bike track and stopped at the lights to cross the multi lane westside highway at 21st St. As I was patiently waiting I looked up and saw two street signs - one across the highway and the other in the middle of the crossing - both were in perfect alignment. The Highway at this point is really 11th Ave and so the two overlapping signs read 11 11th Ave. My heart skipped a beat. From any other position the illusion was lost. Not sure it could've possibly been set up by a Midwayer, but it was totally cool and did the job nonetheless.
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning Zues11,
That is certainly one of the most unusual prompts I've heard. (One of the coolest too) :) The Midwayers could definitely have set something like that up.
It's nice to meet you by the way... Welcome!

Well, I'm off to bed but you and all of the Northern hemi have a fabulous Friday! :bike:
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by zues11 »

Hi Sandy, thanks for the welcome and I'm actually an Aussie from way back. A Melbourne boy in fact - so G'day! And now I'm heading into my 21st year as a NY "resident alien". So Trump is definitely not my president - lol.

I've been seeing 1111 consistently since around 2005 - actually I saw one walking the dog last night that caught me totally by excellent surprise. But other than maybe sharing those experiences on this site, I can't help feeling I live alone in my 1111 bubble and was just wondering if any of us signed up here ever get together in the real world? And I don't mean Urantia Book readings and heavy discussions, I mean get togethers with other 1111ers to celebrate our 1111ness?

Obviously we're all over the world and meeting in one spot is going to be tough, so maybe it's something on a local scale or an annual thing on November 11th like the Burning Man event here in the US. Okay, so I dream big - lol - But it all depends on how much interest - if any - anyone actually has in meeting others like them. And then anything’s possible.

Even if it begins with just three of us in NYC or Sydney toasting a better and more spiritual future today - that’s two brand new friends I’ll have made forever - lol. And of course we’ll invite our celestial friends along too so I’m pretty sure a good time will be had by all.
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

Hey Zues,
I hear you... I remember feeling very alone myself for awhile as no one that I knew had even heard of the Urantia book or saw the 11's. Of course, I didn't start out seeing the 11's. That came about a year later when I discovered this site in my quest to learn more about Midwayers. That mere google search years ago changed my life.

I smile reading your post because I am actually a Tennessee girl and have only been in Australia (about 2 hours South of Sydney) about 11 years. We sort of swapped opposite sides of the Earth, eh?
I know we've have had MB members from NYC but it has been awhile since they've been on board. And I agree whole heartedly, Some day it would be wonderful to have a meet up. We've talked about it but found it hard to get it off the ground. We'll keep our ears to the ground and who knows perhaps another New Yorker may very well turn up. :finger:

I found the board was a nice outlet for me a few years ago to speak with others and develop friendships. But as you can see it is a rather quietish place these days though still loaded with good and helpful information but just a few of us speaking up.( Many thanks to Rod (Amigo) and Welles for their contribibutions :love )
Please know that you can pm me whenever you want or ask questions on the board etc... It would be good for all of us I suspect. ( LOL No pressure though) That goes for everybody who may be reading this.

As for DT or Voldemort as I have been calling him when speaking privately about the "state of things" with George. :oops: :roll: Aye Yi Yi!!! I can't believe he has become President. Well... I suppose we stand tall for what we believe in and keep pressure on our Congressional representatives and Senators at the very least. I have written so many letters to my TN Senators that I think they must roll their eyes and say, "here we go again! "... I am hoping that they are getting swamped with their constituent's views on the various bills up for debate etc... For many years I think I held the Pres. responsible for all the ills, forgetting that the laws are formed in congress and it is there where one can really see the "flavor" of "things." Well I am beginning to get overly political. LOL and it gets pretty bad when I get on a roll LOL Ah well," life finds a way, eh? " and we will too. I think all of us will be experiencing some new things over the next few years... taking them one day at a time though.

Anyway before I put you to sleep, off I go. :) Please do drop in anytime and as much as you can. It is a pleasure to talk with you, Zues.

On a happish note... I got to go to the women's march held in Washington DC. :bana: Well, sort of... my wonderful sister put my photo in the corner of her pro civil rights sign. :sunflower: :mrgreen:
I know it may sound silly but it really did help me to feel a part of the great wheel, the turning of events. (There was a walk in Sydney and Melbourne too but unfortunately old slow poke here didn't look into it in time to figure out the logistics of getting us there safely and back again. Our George had a stroke last year ( my husband) and so I don't test him physically or put him into unsafe situations if I can help it. :hithere )
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by zues11 »

Yeah, I had a feeling that was going to be the case. Everyone's experiences and understanding of the 1111 phenomenon varies. I signed up here years ago and sniffed around a few times but never really came back again until now - for some reason I've been drawn back. So I'm just going with it.

I loved the Women's global protest against President Fanta. If I can say one good thing about the orange one's rise to power it's that it's only strengthened the desire of the decent to pull together and fight peacefully for what's right and just in this beautiful world. But I had no clue about George's stroke last year. I hope he's doing okay. And I had no clue you're George's wife so I hope you're doing okay too, especially in regard to overseeing hubby's care.

It is funny you're the US girl in Oz and I'm the Oz guy in the US. I try and get to Oz to see my massive Catholic inspired family every couple of years which is always a blast. Actually on one of the trips I did think about tracking George down just to say hey and maybe have a chat, but I didn't know how to make it work - or even if George was open to visitors or whatnot - so I just let it slide. And more recently I've even been thinking I'd love to make a documentary about George and 1111. But I just have way too much on my plate and this was of course way before I knew anything about poor George's stroke.

Oh well. It's all about a question of timing, priorities and balance and I'm definitely being nudged to have more of a voice here, so I guess anything and everything is possible.

Nice to meet you, Sandy. And as much as I love it when you call me Zues, my real name's Rohan - only it's pronounced Rowan - like rowan the boat - lol.
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

Hi Rohan ( I love that name! and thank you for explaining how to pronounce it. You can imagine how this southern girl must struggle with the many Aboriginal words, towns and such over here.

I had to chuckle at your post and what you say here...
I loved the Women's global protest against President Fanta. If I can say one good thing about the orange one's rise to power it's that it's only strengthened the desire of the decent to pull together and fight peacefully for what's right and just in this beautiful world.
You know what amazes me? How some people can get it totally wrong...the reasonings behind the Women's march. For instance today as I was changing the newspaper in our four-legged children's litter box (rabbits) I started reading a massive editorial and I couldn't get over the fact that he thought the reason for the march was to protest Trumps presidency. He lashed on the participants as demonstrating against free speech. There you have an example of someone not really understanding the multlayers of intentions for the participants. My sister was empowered..not with a desire to run "the orange one" out of Washington DC but with the unity of the individuals who came from all walks of life and cultures. They walked as much for peace and unity as much as anything. I have seen others without a moments research label it a march for abortion. I have a feeling that wasn't really on the mind for most of them as they each joined hands in solidarity as one people of the world. What I thought beautiful about the event was how there were marches all over the world expressing beautiful ideals and showing unity for higher ideals.

Ah well... It will be an interesting ride and I suspect we will have much to do as we work to heal the divides.

Thank you for your compassion for George and the support you express. He really is doing very well now though just a teeny tiny bit slower. It has been a long year though and one we do not hope to repeat. Thankfully, Doctor Mendoza worked on him in the hospital and he had an amazing recovery for the most part. But as the doctors searched for the reasons this happened they discovered that he had some severe blocking in one of the arteries in the neck. So George also had surgery to clean out and correct the problem. In a funny way, the stroke was a blessing in disguise I suppose. It could have been so much worse.

Well Rohan, I'd better get crakin on supper. Have a great week end.
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, All!
Welcome to the boards Rohan! Nice prompt! I noticed you signed on a while ago. There are a lot of us who bounce back and forth. Sandy the, "Voldemort," reference had me laughing out loud. Maybe this is the kick in the backside we needed to get people thinking for themselves? My niece is only seventeen, but is among a growing number of teens who are looking more closely at political issues, correctness, the environment and equality. They are going to rallies and speaking out. If the political climate had been different, who knows how many would have remained complacent with the status quo? I remember a while ago it was mentioned on the boards the midwayers were doing their best to influence our elected officials. What happened? Can't help but keep repeating, "Everything happens for a reason," otherwise I'm stymied.

Many of us have dreamed of a meet up of those on the boards. It's just such a big world and the issue of cost. I
visited Sedona AZ where several of us thought would be a great place to have it. Honestly with the experiences I had there, I'm not sure I could handle the added energy of a whole group of us were there! :roll

Well, getting late!
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,

You know, what you say here has me thinking...
I remember a while ago it was mentioned on the boards the midwayers were doing their best to influence our elected officials. What happened? Can't help but keep repeating, "Everything happens for a reason," otherwise I'm stymied.
I am laughing as this rings true... on a personal level I can say that this "old lady" certainly upped her involvement and knowledge about what was going on a year ago when she began to realize that "Voldemort" might be a serious contender. :shock: ;)
So who knows, the end game from all of this may manifest as you said so beautifully with a greater number of people involved, discussing and acting on their dreams for the people of the US and the world then ever before. and I am hopeful too that perhaps our vision of what is doable in relation to world poverty, human rights and peace between nations will become a reality as this becomes a priority in the minds of the majority of the people. :finger:

Anything is possible! :bana:

Funny you brought up Sedona. I was just thinking about your experiences there about a week ago. 8)

I remember being smitten with the pictures you posted of the beautiful cottages where you worked years ago. I was thinking, to myself, " That would be a beautiful place for a meet up. Well if not in winter anyway... Brrrr ( But it is sort of center of the US. )
I wonder how many people would be willing to make the trip to Australia if there was something of that sort here. :scratch:
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by vivrider »

Hi Rohan, Kim and Sandy!

Welcome Rohan! I've only been to NYC once, I took my daughter there last year for her 16th birthday and we had a blast!! Would love an excuse to go back! And Kim, this nasty Minnesota weather has me daydreaming of summer vacations. I hope to get to your resort someday. And Sandy, I've always wanted to go to Australia. For now the cost and teenagers at home make it not possible. But we should keep thinking about it. Rohan, the plan a while back was to meet up on 11-11-11 but it didn't work out :(

As for Voldemort, I agree that people are finally waking up. Eventually we will come together rather than let the government divide us and convince us to hate each other. I believe that this is the beginning of the Correcting Time, and it has hit with a vengeance! We've known it was coming, just didn't know it would have an orange face.

Since it is now February, I can say that next month I'll be a grandmother! My daughter is due on the Spring Equinox, which I think is so cool but of course it probably won't be that day. But amidst all the terrible news I have a wonderful adventure to look forward to!

Love to all,
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

Oh Viv, you are going to be a great Grandmother soon! Time has really flown fast! :cheers:
I longed for a grandchild for the longest time and I knew I would love it but I never knew how positively overwhelmingly wonderful it would be. I worried for years, though, living on the other side of the world from my family, how I would ever cultivate a closeness with my Grand babies, but I have found in this modern age "Skype finds a way. " :lol: I talk to my eldest grandson, Eli, often and we play Star Wars. Picture me leaping and rolling off and around the patio chairs with a make shift light saber. :bana: It is grand fun! :lol:

Anyway, I have my fingers crossed your future little one is born on that wonderful date. But saying a little prayer that the birth goes without a hitch and everyone is healthy and happy.

Well, some day we will all get to meet. :finger: Maybe at the very least some of you who live withing sates of each other can meet some day. You must promise me to take loads of photos!
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by vivrider »

Hey, Sandy, do you mean "great" grandmother as in wonderful??? :lol: Time's going fast but I'm not going to be a great grandmother in the other sense of the word anytime soon!! :bana: :bana:

That reminds me of one of my favorite stories. When my son Peter (now in college) was about 4, my grandmother was visiting us. She said to Peter, "Do you know I'm your great grandmother?" Peter looked kind of irritated and then said, "Well, my mom's great too!" :lol: :roll :love It was so sweet and hilarious!

Well off to a busy day for me. Work is crazy, we are at the height of influenza season along with everything else. It's stressful. Please say a prayer that I do a good job and don't make any mistakes.

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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes Viv I used the word "great" in the term most wonderful. :lol: :lol: That is rather tricky though isn't it? I mean, something like that would be quite confusing to someone just learning their English. But this "E" language of ours is filled with such things. Isn't it funny, though, how we learn to go with the flow of the conversation around its usage without a hitch in most cases.

I am still laughing at Peter's thoughts on the subject of the greatness of the women relatives in his life! So cute, sweet and funny! :D It says a lot about you, though..." Isn't love grand!" :sunflower: Sorry, I can't quite bring myself to use the ain't word there. (Mrs. Davis (high school English teacher) would have me writing, "I will not use the word ain't" until eternity ends :lol: ) Funny how some things stay with you and other things are gone before you leave the classroom.

Viv, I say a little prayer for you as I sit here. I send you love as you serve your patients with all your heart . May you be blessed. May they be blessed. :kiss:

Love, Sandy
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by zues11 »

Okay guys, I think the hijacking of my post to talk about Grandma stuff has to stop - Lol!

That said, I now have to mention my own mum who is a Grandma and a Great Grandma to a current 54 (yes Fifty Four) grandkids and great grandkids combined! Melbourne’s population has steadily risen over the years thanks primarily to my mum - Lol. She actually turns 90 this June and there’s a big party being organized which I’d really love to attend - but I’m not kidding when I say that since the Orange One took over, my little company hasn’t made a cent - ouch. So that needs to change before I can afford a trip to Oz I think. But we’ll see. You only turn 90 once if you’re lucky, right?

Anyway, nice to meet you Kim, and you too Viv. So it seems we all have American ties and are being affected one way or another by President Baby Carrot’s whims. But I don’t suppose it matters where in the world you are these days, those tiny hands have quite a reach don’t they? But it is so great to see the majority of the world uniting against him. And if you haven’t seen this yet please visit TrumpDonald.org and have a good laugh at Lord Pumpkin’s expense. It does still irk me that America voted this clown in and although I’m not a US citizen it’s hard not to feel embarrassed for America and the system that allows for such a tragic joke to actually happen.

But I totally agree, Viv, that we’re living in the Correcting Time. And that feels so good doesn’t it? We all know there are more good people in this world than bad people and it finally feels like we’re all waking up. I’ve said it before but it’s the only good thing that’s come about from our Commander in Cheetos rise to power.

So it seems an 1111 get together somewhere in the States is the better bet to make happen. Although to be honest I’d travel to one in Australia too - any excuse - lol. Arizona is so beautiful and a great choice I think. I love it too that the view of the stars would be so clear there. So count me in. Be great to try and make it happen if there’s any interest. Sandy, is it possible to use your mailing list as a “We’re thinking about having an 1111 get together - anyone interested?” kind of message? Be good to plan around a tentative head count. If not no worries. I’m sure we can drum up interest on the boards.

Anyway, take care for now,
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Seeker13 »

Sorry about the hijack Rohan!
Considering my granddaughter was born in room 1111, I can jump in on both subjects!

Vivian, can't believe you're going to be a great grandma! What were you twelve when you started having kids? I told my three-year-old nephew last week I was his Aunt. He thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard!!! Every time he looked at me he started laughing.

The flu has hit hard here too, everyone in my family except me, Clementine and son Ken are down for the count. Very nasty bugger! Made a huge pot of Grandma Kim's Sure To Make You Better Soup and was babysitting also. Clementine helped make the corn bread. Never a happier moment than cooking with a two-year-old! :loves I am the luckiest grandma in the world, get to see her almost every day.

Rohan, my jaw is dropping to the table thinking about how many grand children your mom has! Her birthday will undoubtedly be an event! Wow, that's a lotta soup.

As for our current political situation... I'm breathing and praying.

I'm also in for the gathering, if in Arizona it would be better in late October or November. If in Australia, better be in a few years and in cooler weather. Vivian, I'm not in the motel business anymore, but have an in with the owner(my son). Believe it or not I was convinced to manage the place by his newly deceased mother-in-law. It took her a while to convince me, but finally relented. I really never imagined my son and daughter-in-law would ever move back to Michigan, let alone the country, but they did and took over last fall after almost three years. PHEW!!! It was just like someone had planned it. Our house became empty, my old job opened up and I get to be Clementine's preschool teacher!

Sandy, I understand completely about using the 'ain't' word. Doesn't feel right in my mouth.

Have a great night.

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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

Hello you guys!

Rowan I do apologize for hijacking your thread... and here I am an admin to boot. :oops: I'm glad you jumped right in with your own grandma stuff. (If you can't beat it, join it, right? :mrgreen: ) You're a good sport. Now about that grandma of yours...WOW!!! :shock: I wish I could say I was blessed in such a manner but I am lucky to have the two little grand boys at this time. I guess I should give them their childhood before wishing for great grand children. My Dad's mom had 9 kids . (They had a farm to run and having large families was more common back then) Anyway that translated into many grandchildren and great grandchildren too and she was amazing keeping up with all of them. :shock:

I do hope you make it back to Australia for your mum's birthday. What a major event...imagine turning 90 and all the things she has learned and seen along the way! :D Well lets hope and pray that the situation will be favorable and allow you to get home in June. I will keep that intention in my head for you when I think of my own prayers and dreams... Hmmm not sure that came out right but I think good intentions and prayers when "spoken" in a "lightened" state can help fabricate into reality. It doesn't even have to be your own dreams and desires either. We can help with these positive intentions when spoken in support and very best interests of others. There is some evidence that a circle of friends etc can help in the manifesting of something for an individual. Just like in prayer circles. ..with everyone focusing their intentions on the well being of the individual.
Well I don't want anyone to think I know a great deal about manifesting...really just wetting my feet but I do know I stumbled across the right formula 11 years ago when I made it to Australia which was something as likely as my being chosen for the first NASA mission to Mars. :lol: Life is a wonderful learning experience, eh?

I, of course, sit on the opposite side of you making it to Australia as I would need to make it back to the US. My second grandchild was born in August and I am desperate to see him before he goes off to college. :roll:

With George's health problems and at his age I do not think he would be able to fly to the US for a meet up at this time...don't think he could get health insurance for the trip and his health has been to fragile to risk it without it. but if that is alright anyway...we could still see who may want to travel and meet up somewhere over there.
We do have other 1111 receivers/leaders in the US who might consider it, too. Anyway something to think about. :D or maybe if everyone can wait a couple years we could have a meet up down here. It is expensive though and jet lag can knock you about for a day or two so that would have to be given some consideration. Our dear friend, Geoff, another admin here, has been to a fair few meet ups with his Divine Love group so he may have some suggestions about organization and such. :finger:

Now about Mr. Cheetos. Yep, it is embarrassing. And there's no escaping it as the news channels in Australia now show almost more US news then Aussie. Mostly because everyone is wondering what crazy thing DT is going to do next. I fear that Americans abroad may find themselves at greater risk, though, unless he learns to think before he speaks.
Somehow we will all get through this and I am determined I am not going to let him strip us of our rights, our heritage, our compassion and empathy. I am flooding my lawmaker's and Senator's offices with my opinions on a wide scope of issues and would be appointments. May not help but we must try.
(There I go again...soap box :roll: :oops: )
If we get one thing out of this fiasco let's let it be that we all learn to get involved in the process...really know and understand what our representatives are doing... which brings me to a point Voldemort needs to realize. As president he serves us as a representation of the American people. He is no longer simple DT...he is our extension. So he must (should) also take into affect the opinions of all the citizens of the United States of America. Unfortunately, though it seems this is a "one man show" Well, We know what trying to be a caring compassionate caring human being is all about. The world is progressing and if he won't get on the band wagon we will ride off without him. Four years is not so long a time, eh? . LOL (okay enough out of me!)

Oh Kim..I am thinking about your soup and cornbread tonight...almost supper time and my stomach is growling...It sounds wonderful despite temps in upper 30s. (Air conditioning) Hug Clementine for me! We will give this meet up some thought. Would love to see everyone. :hithere
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by vivrider »

Hi everyone! First of all Kim, Sandy's phrase was a little misleading. She meant "wonderful" grandmother, not great grandmother!! :lol: This will be my first grandchild. I'm very lucky that they live only two hours away but how wonderful that you are able to see your Clementine every day now! What a cute name. My daughter and her boyfriend decided to not find out the sex of the baby ahead of time, which isn't very common these days. It will make it very exciting to find out! Sandy, that is hilarious to think of you rolling around playing Star Wars via Skype! As long as we hijacked your post Rohan, do you have any children?

I agree with all the suggestions here. Arizona in the fall sometime, or Australia in a few years. With teenagers still at home I couldn't go to the other side of the earth just yet. But I have always wanted to. So I will try to manifest too. I remember as a teenager and young adult I would specifically take time to daydream. It made me happy to imagine things I wanted to happen but I had no idea that I was actually creating them!

My goal for today is to finish a quilt for the baby. I still haven't figured out how to post pictures here, but when it's done I'll send you a picture on FB, Sandy, and you can post it.

Rohan, you mentioned that you own a business. Do you mind if I ask what kind? Regarding the Correcting Time, the messages have been saying it will start soon but it's kind of scary that it's starting now. I think that there will be such drastic changes that will affect so many people. It's good to know that people are waking up and will be ready to pick up the pieces and rebuild. But there is so much greed, corruption, inequality and injustice in the power structures all over the world that it just can't be fixed. Though my hero, Bernie, really tried. My understanding, from what I have read over the years (certainly could be wrong!!) is that it all needs to be swept away and we kind of start over and start working toward Life and Light.

It's a cold but sunny morning and it's almost time for the birds to start feeding. Yesterday at one time I had cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, several kinds of woodpeckers, juncos and a blue jay on my feeder all at once!! And then a pair of hawks flew by. I live on a river and my deck overlooks it. I'm so blessed to live where there's so much nature and serenity. I did some good manifesting a while back!

Love to all,

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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

Hi Viv,
It's a cold but sunny morning and it's almost time for the birds to start feeding. Yesterday at one time I had cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, several kinds of woodpeckers, juncos and a blue jay on my feeder all at once!! And then a pair of hawks flew by. I live on a river and my deck overlooks it. I'm so blessed to live where there's so much nature and serenity. I did some good manifesting a while back!
Your home sounds wonderful...blissful.... As much as I'd love to have a home of my own in reading what you wrote I realized that our home overlooks a big lake and we live in an undeveloped bay where there is tons of wildlife. LOL Goes to show the grass always seems greener elsewhere. I appreciate the birds too... some of them have become my beloved friends and they never fail to lift me up and make me smile with their antics...mostly I am talking about Magpies, Currawongs and Pee Wees as they are the ones who have adopted me. But running a tiny watering hole (a heavy duty small tub filled with fresh water) I see all kinds of feathered friends. It is a joy isn't it?..and I think in the watching a connection is formed. I feel they sense us and our kindly compassionate natures which they quickly can use to their advantage. Watching nature for me is very spiritual and always leaves me with a feeling of awe and gratitude to the Creator of all.

At night this time of year we have flying foxes in the Palm trees next door. (eating palm nuts) They can be quite messy though as I discovered this week when they relieved themselves on our car. Well not all over it but in one spot...but what a spot! :shock: I've yet to clean it off because I was thinking that their poo contains some nasty bacteria... Rohan do you know anything about that?

I promise I will learn how to post photos on the board and then we'll get a look at those gardens and baby blanket. In fact, I am trying to post a series of photos from Welles wonderful project, the Thayer Little Free Library grand opening a week ago. Geoff told me the trouble I have been having is because they are not on the internet yet :oops: (Okay I never professed to know much about such things. ) Anyway, it will be good for me to figure this out and then I can post all your guys photos easily.
Hey it can happen. ;) :)

Have a great Monday! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h81Ojd3d2rY
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by vivrider »

Just a quick note as I'm at work. I've heard of magpies, but not currawongs or pee wees. And flying foxes?? I've heard of flying squirrels but not foxes! I have a lot to look up! It sounds beautiful. I could sit and watch the wildlife around my house all day. In the summer from the deck, but in winter it's almost better because I can see them through the trees better, from the warmth of my house!

Cool that Welles has made a little free library! I made one for my clinic last year, and I'm about to start a new one for another clinic in our system. (With all my free time :lol: ) The ones I made are for the waiting room. I contacted the organization, and they said that they don't have to be outside. I''' send you a picture and when you figure out the photo thing you can post that too!

Better get to work now!

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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

Here you go Viv, some images of the Australian birds and mammal I mentioned... :)

http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/species ... us-tibicen

http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/species ... -graculina

Flying Foxes or Fruit Bats
https://www.google.com.au/search?q=aust ... AFcQsAQIGA

I think it is so cool that you too are participating in Little free libraries... :bana: It'ss such a wonderful idea! I do have the photos ready to put on the message board. It has taken me awhile to figure out a few things but hopefully I can show you guys today Welles's awesome project coming to "fruition" as Chief Bzutu often says. ;)

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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by vivrider »

Thanks Sandy! So flying foxes are fruit bats! Do you know the children's book Stellaluna? It's one of my all time favorites! My kids loved it too. You should send it to your grandsons and then someday they can visit you and meet Stellaluna!

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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

I remember do remember the book, Stellaluna. What a great idea to send him that book. I could tell him all about these bats that visit our neighborhood durring the summer months. Actually in reading they could be endangered. :( Their habbitat is being destroyed and people are shooting them when they get on their fruit trees. There are things that can be done covering the tree with bat safe netting (Netting that is too small to get your fingers through the weave. New South Wales is one of the states that still allows the shooting of these bats, but George told me that you are not allowed to shoot in a populated area so the next time I hear anything of the sort I am calling the police!

Don't mind me I am feeling vulnerable today...sort of like there is so much wrong...so much at stake and so much for all of us to do that it is a little overwhelming. One day at a time though...One letter, letting our elected officials know we are keeping a close eye on what they do and "drag" others along with you into the fray!

Oh I almost forgot, I missed putting up information about Pee Wees or Magpie Larks. They are black and white like the Magpies and are often found in the company of their larger cousins. But their relationship between these birds is a strange one. They are often found together in a love hate kind of situation. The Pee Wees have mastered the art of the "flutter" as they hover for 5 seconds or so just over the head and out of reach of the Magpie's powerful beak. I think they are tolerated and even allowed to sit next to the larger bird because Pee Wees are such wonderful busy bodies and little escapes their notice . So they are often the first to give the signal alerting other birds of danger. When they give a certain call everybody takes to the air and trees for safety.

Anyway here is a little information about these precious birds.

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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Fyras »

vivrider wrote:Thanks Sandy! So flying foxes are fruit bats!
They're amazing creatures.
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

Hello Fyras,
Welcome to the board!
You wrote:
vivrider wrote:
Thanks Sandy! So flying foxes are fruit bats!

They're amazing creatures.
We are lucky as our little flat sits in their flight path. Not sure where they are going every night but it is fascinating to stand outside on a moonlite night and watch them flying past.Though this year observing them is made much more difficult because of the enormous numbers of mozzies. :shock: Living by large bodies of waters can be nice but this is unfortunately one of the down sides. I try not to use bug spray, thinking that could be on a daily basis just as bad as the mosquito bites.

Ah well, I'll risk being bitten from head to toe to watch the night birds and mammals and stare at that gorgeous moon. Thinking about the Moon and our gorgeous planet, reminds me that blessings abound everywhere when we really think about it, eh? A welcomed relief of thought after a tough morning of trying to figure out how best to help in this mess in my home country revolving around politics. My dilemma.... how to express my voice effectively against the numerous hap haphazardly constructed and dangerous policies without polluting myself in the poor and unhappy feelings it generates. (mainly anger etc.. you all know the feelings I'm talking about)

As I write this I am thinking maybe instead of railing against certain things I should take a more proactive support of the issues that are important to me. ...write my Senator and congressman (who I definitely would like to put on a "slow boat to China") and tell them that the support of all people regardless of culture, religious beliefs, and persuasions, climate change, preserving clean water air and soil, net neutrality, preservation of our public lands and Park, as well as strong progressive leadership in high ranking government rolls is important to me. (Whew! that's a mouthful of issues) ...I think I'll simply put my elected officials on notice, telling them I will keep a close eye on their voting record and their stance in the coming months. They are our representatives after all and we should remind them of that. ;)

Ah well... as the rain falls gently over here after a night of torrential rain... I am finding my peace. May the pen be mightier then the sword! :D

Nice to met you Fyras!
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by Sandy »

Good morning/afternoon/evening friends!

I apologize for bringing my worry and fear over the state of affairs into this thread. Though perhaps it is something many of us are experiencing in these strange times. The world seems a little topsy-turvey and that can throw us off our "resolve" from time to time.

A good friend of mine has reminded me of something this morning... "the earth will go on"... Yes, She will. Her energies are beyond what any of us could imagine or sustain and she has weathered such cruelty and despair that would freeze our hearts... and she breathes with a loving energy that can be felt and even given back to her with our own loving intentions.
So I am thinking letter writing and petitions etc. alone... are not the only way... probably not even the best way as I am reminded that it is only through love that we ourselves will heal and in turn healing our Earth, Urantia will follow suite. I know some people will immediately roll their eyes, perhaps at the simplicity of such. But I am not talking about a mere four letter word...simple though it may appear. It isn't the word alone that is powerful! No, it is what lies underneath... the heart-felt acceptance of those indescribable "Divine Palpitations"...(for lack of a better description LOL) We do reflect that Love in some way every day. Surely nearly everyone does be it large or small..even those we may consider "unsavory" are loved by the Divine and probably have felt a deep love for someone or some thing at some point in their life. ...????

and so, If we are having trouble feeling a connection to this Love due to any innumerable things, there are simple methods that can help.... Here is something I experienced a few weeks ago from Emily Fletcher. ( I can't remember it completely but something like this...

Close your eyes.
Relax and breathe... breathe in slowly to the count of two and then out to the count of four. Do this 4 to 6 times, allowing your body to relax and bask in the energy and fuel that breath provides...
Now, think of someone you love.... a parent, child, sister, brother, friend... anyone. And if you cannot think of a person that softens your heart when you picture them...how a bout a pet or an animal friend. Picture them in your minds eye them and how much you love and appreciate them, then allow this love to spread to your neighbors close by...

If you loose the feeling go back to envisaging the one you love again allow those love feelings to build... then allow this love to spread outwards in your community. See it perhaps as a brilliant warm healing light.
Return again if needed to your loved one and then allow this love to spread to your state, country and the world until the entire world is blanketed with your loving feelings...

Allow this love to spread beyond the Earth's confines spreading outward through our solar system and outwards, blanketing the enormous Milky way Galaxy.
See the entire Universe, with Her thousands upon thousands (millions probably) galaxies blanketed in Love/Light energy.
(Once again should you loose the loving energy return again to your loved one)

Now See this Love returning to the Source of all Love!
Allow this love to permeate your heart center and your entire body...
Enjoy the indescribable peace of this heart space.
Stay in this state as long as you wish, as you revel in the knowledge that you are a universe child of Love, a child of Light.

And so, as you are replenished with Divine Love energy so you share it in all ways.

Celebrate with joy and gratitude the gift the Divine Source of all Love provides and share it with and all children of the universe.

Open your eyes. Step out into the light and Be...

Hope you all have a wonderful week end!
When our internet provider releases our 'brakes" I will try to find the actual meditation from Emily Fletcher on Youtube. Take care everybody. :hithere
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Re: 11 11 in NYC

Post by vivrider »


Thank you for posting this. I will definitely do this soon. When I read about "Divine Palpitations" a couple of days ago, I wondered if you were describing something that had happened to me that morning. I was already feeling good--it was a sunny day, I was finally getting over a bad cold, Spring is on the way. But all the sudden I felt extremely excited for no apparent reason. Like the feeling you get when something great is about to happen. The closest I can compare it to is arriving somewhere for a vacation, and you know that you're going to see amazing things and have a lot of fun. You get there and the weather is perfect and you know that it's going to be fantastic! So I just felt like that, sitting at my desk at work. And then I looked at my computer and it was 11:11!

I know what you mean about not focusing on fear and bad events happening in the world. But it kind of helps me to know that whatever happens with all this craziness, we are eternal, and the age of Life and Light is coming.

So the grandmas have completely hijacked Rohan's post. I did finish the quilt! I don't have your email address anymore but I posted pix on FB. Feel free to post them here if you want. I'll also tag you on a picture of my Little Free Library.

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