all 11

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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all 11

Post by Big lion »

I see the 11 all the time. not just 11:11 but 011, 111, 211, 311, etc. the most common one is 911. this started about 3-4 years ago. glad to see that I'm no alone lol. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. what I really need to know is how do I develop this event that is happening to me?
I have no idea how to tap into this, but I know something is happening what im not sure? but its good
please advise anyone that can help

thank you!
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Re: all 11

Post by Sandy »

Hello Big Lion,
Welcome to the message board!
Many of us have been just where you are now, wondering where do I begin.... and most of us would immediately respond..."Meditation." But I must say that I suspect we would all give you different advice, as well, on the best way to accomplish that because there are thousands upon thousands of ways to meditate, and further the connection. What is important is to figure out what works for you and what what fans that flame within to know more.

So any advice I, or anyone else, may give you on this subject may not be what inspires you. I ask that if this is so, that you do not give up... Remember, within you is the perfect guidance, what some deem your Higher Self, or Divine within, and this guidance will lead you when you ask and are open to the way the guidance is presented.

So with all that let me ask you first if you have ever meditated before?

I need to go out in just a few minutes for a few hours but I will definitely be giving it some thought, hopefully returning with some kind of ideas and suggestions for you.
Nice to meet you, Big lion!

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Re: all 11

Post by Sandy »

Hi Again Big Lion,
First of all ask yourself and for your own benefit, "Why it is that you wish to further communication with the beings who are prompting you?...Determine where you wish the relationship to go? Curiosity? a real need to know, a burning desire to further communication to progress your own spirituality and your relationship with the divine and other people on earth? Intentions are very important because if we are simply curious, like reading a good "ghost story" chances are it may be a futile effort. We most likely won't put into the endeavour the needed diligence necessary to create the lines of open communication. (I'm making it sound hard and even painful..It's not!
Because you are being prompted, and so heavily with the 11's, I think the other side of the relationship... the Angels and Midwayers Celestials, very much are trying to get your attention.
So ask yourself how you would feel if you did make contact...and believe can. :D Does the idea make you fearful or uneasy ?... or excited and awed? Are you looking forward to discovering new realms of being, new appreciation for self and others...etc...?

As I said these are just a sample of little questions we can ask ourselves as we begin this awesome relationship with the Midwayers, angels and celestials. And just a note... in every case, these celestial friends serve the Creator of All. They are very loving beings who often encourage us to look within for our Divine guidance and wisdom. They always put our hand in that of the Divine One. And give Him/Her all glory, Love and honour

With the intentions contemplated, now one can move forward towards the next step....learning to quiet your mind and develop a peaceful platform within which is conducive to communication. This is accomplished by simply taking a few moments to share your intentions with the Source (God) of all, asking for guidance and protection, allowing only beings with your very best intentions at heart to approach you in meditation. many people envisage a bright glorious white light surrounding them,...and believe it or not this works very well as we put our trust in the One who loves us unconditionally to provide what we need to spiritually grow.

Now...I don't know about you, but I have developed over the many years of my human life, a habit of thinking of about a zillion things a minute. (well, truly not that bad but when I proceed and attempt to quiet my mind, it feels like it is that many! :lol:
I've recently discovered a little of many that has helped me to reign in my thoughts by giving me something concrete to do as they settle. If you discover you are having some difficulty in this area try not to worry about it or allow it to frustrate you. I'll be glad to pass it on to you just in case it helps.

Posture is very important when one meditates. Now frankly I know eastern traditions call for a straight back...but that may not be possible for everyone. I think because we are making an effort to connect, showing our deep desire to work with the celestials that in the beginning maybe it is more important to try to make yourself comfortable so that you are not distracted by aches and pains. For instance sitting upright in a comfortable chair is helpful. I have also found that feet touching the earth or floor in the beginning is beneficial in learning/feeling your way through grounding with the earth energies... some people sit cross legged and some people stand tall and relaxed... this is one of those areas you will hear many different opinions. of what works... The important what works for you. And be advised that your needs may very well change as you progress.

Okay, back to meditation, as you sit in your comfortable position...begin breathing slowly deeply and evenly. Listen and concentrate on your breath as the thoughts slowly pass through your mind. Try not to focus too much attention on them just allow them to come and pass... this is very normal.
Many people close their eyes as they do this and as they meditate and it does help in shutting out the worldly distraction. Others stare at a mandala, or a candle flame... whatever suits you really...personally I enjoy the closed eyes and can easily follow what flows into my 'spirit vision. In fact, the Divine uses light and beings of light to help us in this endeavour. In time you may notice swirls of light and colours and objects and shapes materializing... This is part of the progressive process and it is all good. It is also good if you don't see anything, as well. LOL I just don't want you to expect or project what you think you should be observing...besides, the Divine beings connect with us in many different ways...via touch, hearing smell etc... So allow yourself to be open to whatever comes to you without trying to direct anything.

You will eventually develop a knowing for when you reach that peaceful quiet place within. Keep in mind that meditation, stillness is much like going to the gym. In the beginning even the simplest activities can seem complicated, but with dedication and continued daily effort... you soon strengthen those all important muscles. Meditation on a regular basis (daily) strengthens your spiritual muscle and helps prepare you for the wealth of inner gifts that flow as we are ready. Remember that even if you do not readily feel or sense the presence of your celestial kin or hear and see nothing...That does not mean that you are failing in any such way. No you are getting strong... in all the ways that matter... developing skills that will allow you to do these things you wish to accomplish.

Sit in meditation in small increments of time in the beginning...ten or fifteen minutes perhaps... you decide.

Anyway... as I said there are many methods... Many beginning with grounding... grounding with the earth energies and the heavenly energies. This is a good idea and can be done with little fuss, might even be helpful if you have a busy mind and Let me know if you wish for some ideas in this area.

When it is time to allow your consciousness to return to full awareness again, take a few moments to breathe deeply, to notice your surroundings. It is helpful to keep track of these sessions afterwards in a journal set aside for this very purpose. That way you can look back and see the progress that is being made. and when you do make connections can record the communication. (In this computer age of course, that could be an online journal. :mrgreen: I forget as I am an ole fossil. )

This is just one simple way...

You may find you are more attuned to a guided meditation. This one is good if you have a busy mind... ;)

Here is Geoff''s tips on beginning a mediation. (LOL I forgot that it was there)

and here...
another helpful read...

Anyway I have jabbered on enough for one afternoon... Hope these URLs help.
Please make yourself at home here, Big Lion, if you have any questions or need clarification, don't hesitate to ask.
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Re: all 11

Post by Big lion »

Thank you sandy for your input. I'm so happy to be a part of the group. I've been asking for help and praying that someone would be able to tell me what was going on with the 11's. at times I did not say anything as I felt people would say I'm crazy.
Sandy this might sound off but I do connect with spirits/guide but only while I'm dreaming. I feel I have been chosen for some special work for Good, but I don't know what it is.
I will try the meditation technique you wrote about tonight and see what happens.

I have another question I was reading some of the other logs. most of the members see the same number with 11 or double numbers. do you have ant insight as to why I see so many forms of 11's. 110, 011, 111, 211, 112 etc. and as I said before mostly 911. the hour it took me to get to work today I saw 4, 11's. also, I was late for work today I start at 9am but got here at 911

to answer your questions Sandy, I'm excited :bana:
I also feel deep in me that what ever it is I need to learn will be to help others. I will follow up with you if you have any other question Sandy. if not I will let you know how it goes tonight with the meditation.

My over all goal is to be closer to the creator and help as many people as I can along the way.
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Re: all 11

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning Big Lion, or is it Good evening?
It's late morning or very early afternoon here... depends on when you get out of bed, I suppose. :lol:

I'm thinking about your post and it sounds as if the Angels and Midwayers have a new and very good friend in their ranks enlisted in the task of lighten this world! I was quite moved to read your words and the deep feeling underneath them.
You wrote:
Sandy this might sound off but I do connect with spirits/guide but only while I'm dreaming.
That is not off at all. In fact, I believe Krystal shard mentioned that form of communication on the '11:11 More Questions About Number Sequence' thread. A brilliant post it was and a reminder to me of the many forms messages and communication building celestial-human relationships can be fostered. Here it is a bit of it ... worth repeating for some who may have missed it.
Krystalshard wrote:
The structure of our universe and our own bodies is a wonder, and though we don't have all the answers, we are blessed with communication in all sorts of forms. Written, spoken, telepathically received, dreamt, nudged, prompted..... there are multitudes of ways those who are on the other side of the veil reach out to us to help us on our physical journey here. Know that the basics of Love, Compassion and Open-mindedness are what we ascribe to.
So your dream communication is just as viable as anything I have suggested, and you are already well on your way to communication. :D
I feel I have been chosen for some special work for Good, but I don't know what it is.
I felt the same way 10 years ago...I was chomping at the bit to be off doing something useful for the Divine and my human siblings... But keep in mind that in reality every day gives us that opportunity... to do special work. We never know how the little positive things we do for others during our busy days will ripple outward...create an avalanche of change. Each interaction is special and with the flow of Love and energy from the Divine, it is capable of changing the world. (Okay lets not get carried away, Sandy ;) :mrgreen: ) But in a funny way, and as way out as it is true...each brick, stone or whatever it's made of (never been there) in the Great Wall of China contributes to the strength and durability of the whole structure that stretches for thousands of miles! Your little brick is just as important, holding and contributing to a spiritual structure that has the potential to bring Light and Life to this planet... you may very well be amazed some day as you look back to your contribution while living your mortal life on this planet. So beyond a shadow of a doubt, you are special as you sit here and breath in this moment and you couldn't be more loved if you were Mother Theresa, herself. :) Big things are built on the foundation of little things...
I will try the meditation technique you wrote about tonight and see what happens.
I would like that. :D I thought of you last night when I read Oscar transmit posted in the Celestial message forum today.
Oscar began just as you with a desire to contribute and lighten the world and the lives around you. Progress will happen with that deep inner desire your sport so beautifully. No worries now, you already are well on your way to stepping into that spirit life role you desire...and I suspect you have been for a long time.
You are a lovely person Big Lion and I am so pleased you joined us!

Oh almost forgot. I believe I mentioned the numbers you have been seeing on your thread under 11:11 Number Sequence thread so I won't place it here too... but I just wanted to add that I too in the early days of promptings saw similar numbers with 11's especially 711. For me it was sort of encouragement, attention getting support as I continued my pursuit of better communication skills and wisdom and knowledge of "all things spiritual." LOL I was a busy bee back then in more ways then one and I am still out there... looking for new insights, broadening my outlook when possible... building bridges between religions and spiritual outlooks. it's funny, when one looks for what we all have in common rather then what we dislike about another's beliefs, etc... building structures of lasting value is a cinch.

Okay I am rattling on again as usual. Sorry Big Lion. :oops:
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Re: all 11

Post by Big lion »

Thank you Sandy, you have answered more question for me than in the past years. I feel free to write it as I see it here.
saying that I did try the mediation last night. I'm not sure what happen as I was in and out of that quite place. I keep hearing a ringing that I don't hear all day but I do suspect that its always there. I don't know! but I will continue to work on it. I did not hear any voice or felt that anyone was talking to me.
I want to share that I did dream the Ebola before it happen. I also was the lady in Spain that got it before the world new. in my dream I saw the entire world and all the areas that would have it. it was highlighted in red on the globe. might sound crazy but its the work of God (Jesus)
so much I could share with you but don't want to come on too strong.
Thank you for having me on your site. again its good to know that i'm not alone.
ps after I read your reply yesterday I crossed the street to coffee shop and in the span on 10 min. 4, 11's came to me. which I take as confirmation of your words. God bless you and your works

talk soon
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Re: all 11

Post by Sandy »

Hi Big lion,
Glad to help if I can. :)
I don't know if its the same ringing you speak of but just now as I quietened myself, I too noticed a background ringing... even a sort of hum. I have been advised by others wise in the ways of meditation that the sounds of connection to higher realms can produce a sound similar to radio what you hear when tuning a radio. I guess if I thought about it, generally I tend to be more visual as I quiet my mind (you may have noticed that from my meditation advice. LOL) It's the lights and colours that capture my focus most of the time as I feel the energies flow through me...

Awesome how you were given these "knowings" via your dream visions! :sunflower: No doubt, there is much "work" for you to do in this ole world of ours... I have a feeling you are already bringing "Light" to others and have been for some time. :D
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Re: all 11

Post by Big lion »

hi Sandy God Bless,
I've been doing the silent meditation now for a few day. I'm also having a hard time keeping my mind from wondering. the only thing that has changed is that I how hear the ringing in my ear all day. its always with me now. also I'm now seeing more and ,more 11 all day around 20-30 time. last night as I was going home from work on the hwy 3 lanes all 3 trucks that were blocked (rush hour) all 3 truck lice plate were 11 with some letter.
I also have a question Sandy I see on some of the links that 11 with other numbers mean something ie 711, 411, 511, 011. how does someone know what the 7, 4, 5 etc mean?

Thank you Sandy
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Re: all 11

Post by Sandy »

Hello Big Lion,
Hmmm I am wondering about the ringing in your ears all day, now? I heard the ringing and thought of you yesterday while in meditation. What I heard was hearing was a constant drone... a background sort of thing. Is that the way you describe it?... or is it something different? Do you find it distracting or annoying?

Funny thing I was also reading something yesterday about increasing your ability to sense the subtle energies (Divine and "what not" around you) It spoke of our differing senses and how we often block out much sensitive around us as we go through our busy days. There were exercises given to help us eventually sense the subtle energies. (and by sense I am speaking of all our senses in play.) I guess the reason I bring this up is that, perhaps, meditation itself is allowing you to, in this particular case, extend your hearing a bit...detecting something that most people generally block out. Of course, I am grasping at straws here, because no one but you can describe and feel what is happening around you and within you....

So in a strange way I am thinking the ringing could be a form of progress toward your chosen goal. :finger: Truly, I am glad to know that you are meditating and from my own experience I can tell you that daily practice produces better results then a hit and miss kind of meditation sequencing. I did that for nearly a year in the beginning of my efforts, making small but erratic progress... and then I came here and made a commitment (strictly to myself, of course) to set aside some quiet time, practicing meditation and the Akashic Construct on some sort of a daily schedule. ( I alternated the two if I am remembering correctly) I made speedy progress during this later effort towards an ongoing goal.

Now it doesn't have to be the way I or anybody else suggests. Remember, meditation can be what best resonates with you and allows you to open your heart center to the Divine Energy the Love of the First Source...(what ever you wish to call this magnanimous being...)

I recall you have a close connection to Jesus...saw that on another thread and a light bulb dawned.... ;) :sunflower: Meditation works best, I suspect in a context that is meaningful to the participant...Soooo what if you first set aside a time to pray as in a traditional manner taught in the Christian faith...speak to God of all that is in your heart...hopes, dreams, problems of the day, expressed your gratitude for the gifts given etc... then before moving on sit quietly and listen for what is often termed...that still small voice, allowing your thoughts to focus on your idea of the brilliance of this being... feeling His/Her energies and love surrounding you and upholding you?

I was thinking back and remember this was something I found very it connected past, present and future within me in a neat tidy package, allowing me to feel safe and comfortable and produced, as my heart focused on a desire to be in the presence of God, a profound peace and joy within...very helpful in growing my puny little soul. ;)

Anyway...this is exactly what I am talking about when I suggest that there are thousands upon thousands of ways to communicate with the Divine allowing for an ever growing and fulfilling relationship... after all this is your Divine birth wright as one of a billion zillion children of God floating around the grand universe. :mrgreen:

Now you asked this question....
I also have a question Sandy I see on some of the links that 11 with other numbers mean something ie 711, 411, 511, 011. how does someone know what the 7, 4, 5 etc mean?
I can best explain it like this... all of us as we make connections and show our willingness to communicate can design along with the approval and acceptance of our celestial cousins, a method of rudimentary communication via numbers, possibly sounds and feelings as well. The suggestions given to you I believe came from a woman author named Doreen Virtue who has long time experience in angel communication. The numbers represent her experience and chosen method (library of worked out meanings between her and her angels) that came to light as she worked with her own angels in work to heal herself and others.

This can work beautifully and be adopted by anyone as to what the angels and guides are communicating simply because of their acceptance of these meanings/method. That is why I can sometimes suggest a meaning... from this block of possible meanings there, as in many cases it is right on the money if those people accept that it is. If the angels know that their 'charges" are willing to use the numbers in the future they will prompt you accordingly. The same thing often happens with Dream guides. If one accepts the meaning of certain items in a particular dream guide your Angels will continue to use the information in this guide to attempt to seed your dreams when possible.

Anyway... one of the best methods for determining what the numbers mean is very personal and takes a bit of work and time. Whenever you get a particular prompt, make note of what was going on in your life at that moment...what was happening in the physical and what was going on within, in your thoughts. After a time you will probably start to notice a pattern and can discern a meaning. This method will, of course, be speeded up as meditation becomes regular and fruitful... and even a tad obsolete as we grow our spiritual muscle and work through any blocks that might arise within, making communication more easily discernible.

Well, oh my! It seems I have a disturbing habit of writing long posts when I speak to you, Big Lion. Please forgive me and I hope you are still awake on your end. :lol:
Hey, have a great week end! :hithere
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Re: all 11

Post by bevmat »

Hi All,

I was reading about that ring in your ears Lion and brought me back few month ago. I was hearing like mosquito and I stand look around, as I was moving the noise was following me. That's when I realize it wasn't mosquito because it can't follow your movement. I hear it for 3 days then it was gone. But what I felt instantly is someone, my guardian angels was trying to talk to me but I couldn't understand the message. It happened in the morning and evening. Deep down I felt there was a message there. Now I'm waiting to hear again and maybe another noise ;-)

Voilà this is my story to share. Life is funny because when you know there is invisible around you, you're not scare either afraid and that feeling is warm and make you smile sometimes. Good feeling because with all the negative things happening in this world, we need that comfort. :sunflower:

Take care all.
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Re: all 11

Post by Sandy »

Voilà this is my story to share. Life is funny because when you know there is invisible around you, you're not scare either afraid and that feeling is warm and make you smile sometimes. Good feeling because with all the negative things happening in this world, we need that comfort. :sunflower:
:cheers: I love that Bev! So true!
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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