Checking in on 1111

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, All!
Returned from a weekend trip to Chicago with my sister, her daughter and friend. Yup,...I'm not a city girl! You can keep the traffic and dirty streets, but! The Chicago Institute of Art Museum was spectacular!!! would not believe how many famous paintings and sculptures are housed there. I could go back there several times as we only got thorough about 1/3 of it.

We had a fun 11:11 synchronicity though. My daughter as been living in Chicago for about 5 months. She happened to be moving back home on the same day we were going down. I said, "Wouldn't it be great if we saw each other on the road someplace! I called her to see if they were on the road yet, forgetting that they are an hour later than us. They happened to get an early start and actually were coming toward us! We thought it would be fun to have lunch together. They were traveling without a GPS, so we were trying to figure out how close we were to each other. There was a sign, "Grand Haven is the next town we are coming up to." Right when I said that they had sign for Grand Haven too. "Let's meet at Taco Bell! You find one and we'll meet you. There was a sign for Taco Bell right in front of them. I told my phone to reroute us to Taco Bell in Grand Haven. My phone said we were 11 miles away and would be therein 11 minutes. There were several Taco Bells in the town, but the one they were at was the one it directed us to.

Pretty sure we did a couple of 11K's walking downtown Chicago. It's funny you mentioned connections with people. The whole time I was down there I wondered how there could be so many people in one place that seemed so disconnected.

Love to all,
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
I would love to visit a big city Art Museum some day. Like you, though, I am anything but a city girl. For one thing George and I have no sense of direction and become lost in a matter of seconds in new places. To illustrate my point, we were lost several years ago for 30 minutes or so in one of Sydney's big train stations, called Central. Granted it was a big one...but still... You ask for directions and someone says go north or south and its like...For heavens sake, we're underground! (not that it would have mattered even if we were above and could see the sun. :roll: ) Which is one thing I am working on...trying to learn the positions of the directions regardless of where I am... not having a whole lot of success as of late but not giving up. :roll

I've always been interested in the impressionist's work from the middle 1800's. Would love to some day gaze on an actual painting by some of my favourite artists of this time period. George has a story about a number of Van Gough's works during world war II. I believe they were in the possession of his niece or something like that ..can't remember, but they hid them in the middle of a large sand dune for the remainder of the war. Imagine having a fortune, many times over simply sitting in a pile of sand. :) It worked at any rate!

I enjoyed hearing about your trip too... isn't it fabulous to be traveling with celestial friends, helping to arrange the synchronicities, for instance, like the one that you experienced with Aleah and Taco Bell! (My kingdom for some Nachos about now! :mrgreen: ) SO COOL!!!

Well, you enjoy having you "song bird" back home with you I'm off to make breakfast and grocery shopping! :bana:

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Sandy,
That's so funny about you and George and the train station. Normally I do have a good sense of direction. Who ever I travel with I'm always the navigator, but in the last few years depending on technology has done something to my inner compass! But, I'm pretty sure having a GPS, Siri on my phone and now one in the car dash has saved my marriage on multiple occasions! Even then we always count on getting lost a least a few times, when technology goes wrong it's usually pretty funny. When going to a concert in Detroit, Dave wanted to pick something up at Walmart. Of course it was late at night, after carefully following the GPS he ended up in a cemetery...twice!

Totally excited about having Aleah up north. She's agreed to work with me this summer. Am waiting rather impatiently for her to bring her piano and guitar over for a sing-along. I'm feeling a little sad is already starting to get crazy. If it seems I suddenly fell off the face of the earth just know how much I love you guys and would much rather be on this site working on my spiritual progress instead of lost in the mad dash of the material world. Hhhhh, will try to get back as much as possible. everything alright?

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

Seeker13 wrote:Hi Sandy,
That's so funny about you and George and the train station. Normally I do have a good sense of direction. Who ever I travel with I'm always the navigator, but in the last few years depending on technology has done something to my inner compass! But, I'm pretty sure having a GPS, Siri on my phone and now one in the car dash has saved my marriage on multiple occasions! Even then we always count on getting lost a least a few times, when technology goes wrong it's usually pretty funny. When going to a concert in Detroit, Dave wanted to pick something up at Walmart. Of course it was late at night, after carefully following the GPS he ended up in a cemetery...twice!

Totally excited about having Aleah up north. She's agreed to work with me this summer. Am waiting rather impatiently for her to bring her piano and guitar over for a sing-along. I'm feeling a little sad is already starting to get crazy. If it seems I suddenly fell off the face of the earth just know how much I love you guys and would much rather be on this site working on my spiritual progress instead of lost in the mad dash of the material world. Hhhhh, will try to get back as much as possible. everything alright?

Everything is fine, just busy with work and outdoor activities . I've been a good boy out skiing almost every second evening and then working extra hours on top of that. I'm going on vacation to Turks and Caicos in a week and I'm trying to get ahead . Being self employed is a curse for vacation rationing , I end up working more hours before I go then if I had just stayed. :shock: Oh well, it is what it is , just have to roll with it. :roll Good thing I already live in a nature lovers Paradise
otherwise I'd never get to enjoy the great outdoors as I do. Paradise is all white and cold, right :? I mean, that other place is really , really hot :evil: .Yup, I'm in Paridise :D :D :bana: :bana:
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Glad to hear all is well up there in the frozen North, Roxie. If we don't get to hear from you before you go, as it sounds like you are really going to need a vacation after getting reading to go on one, please stay safe and have fun! Oh, and if you would take a few pictures to share here of your travels, that would be lovely. :mrgreen: I don't ask for much, eh? :roll

Big hugs,
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

Sandy wrote:Glad to hear all is well up there in the frozen North, Roxie. If we don't get to hear from you before you go, as it sounds like you are really going to need a vacation after getting reading to go on one, please stay safe and have fun! Oh, and if you would take a few pictures to share here of your travels, that would be lovely. :mrgreen: I don't ask for much, eh? :roll

Big hugs,
Yes, will do with the vacation pictures. Best one of have from a vacation at the same locale two years ago is with my Mom on her 80th Birthday Para-sailing. Had to feed her a couple of glasses of Vino for courage but she did it.
If I find that one I'll post it. :bana:
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Yes, will do with the vacation pictures. Best one of have from a vacation at the same locale two years ago is with my Mom on her 80th Birthday Para-sailing. Had to feed her a couple of glasses of Vino for courage but she did it.
If I find that one I'll post it. :bana:
That is so good!!!!
Oh please do post it when you can! I would love to see it... might give me some courage to step out of my own narrow "safety zone" ;)
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

My Mom was like that. We sent her on a hot air balloon ride, I think for her 70th birthday. After that she wanted to try hand gliding, but her arthritis kept her from trying it. I would have to be comatose, but I suppose that would defeat the whole purpose huh?

My mom was the first female lifeguard in the area. One of her male friends bet her $100.00 she couldn't swim all the way out to an island in the bay, it was seven miles. She needed the money for college, back then that was a lot of money! The guy rowed a boat beside her while she swam. Couldn't believe she made it! When they got there he bet her another $100.00 to swim back. That two hundred paid for her tuition that year. Don't ever tell a Kingscott woman she can't do something!

Have a great day! We had two consecutive days of sunshine and fifty degree weather! :bana: :bana: :sunflower: Banna, banna, flower dance!

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Your Mom sounds like an awesome lady Kim! I suspect in your case, despite your wish to be comatose while hand gliding, that the apple did not fall too far from the tree. :)
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy wrote:Your Mom sounds like an awesome lady Kim! I suspect in your case, despite your wish to be comatose while hand gliding, that the apple did not fall too far from the tree.
This gave me quite a chuckle! :lol: My mom was a character indeed. And as for being like her, that Kingscott gene is inescapable!...As long as my feet stay firmly planted on the ground. ;) She was much bolder than I, not in an unkind way, just braver I guess. I remember even at a young age when others were stuck in their stereotypical bigotry, Mom treated others as equals. I was really proud of her for that. A characteristic gene of a Kingscott woman is to stand up for others even if it's not their fight, just because it's right. At 4'6" my grandma was a force to be reckoned with!

On that note, time for me to get moving! :bike:

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

At 4'6" my grandma was a force to be reckoned with!
:D Sounds like she (and your mom too) were "giants" among women! :cheers:... True inspirations and role models. :sunflower:
Through you, and Aleah their "work" continues! ;) :thumright:
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Sandy,
My Grandma worked at The State Hospital. She had to trek about a mile through the woods, in the dark to get home. Her form of security was a big ball baring(sp?), you know a round piece of iron, in the end of a sock. She wasn't afraid to use it either! One of my favorite memories of her was visiting in the spring. Have I told you this story before? She'd send me out scouring the hills behind her house looking for wild strawberries. I would wander back there all day, her house was always in view. I'd pretend the sumac were my house and there were wild roses all over the place. Of course there was the strawberries to look for, tiny little things, but sweet! When I returned, no matter how many berries I'd found, or brought back rather, it was always just enough for a batch of homemade jam and Grandma always had a fresh loaf of homemade bread to put it on. For dinner we'd have barley soup, the ingredients were all the left overs in the frig and a handful of barley. It was always delicious! For desert there were ginger snaps and lime sherbet...Hmmm, wonder why I love food so much?

She sent a message to me a few years ago through a friend on the boards. She said, "I always knew who you were." It still brings tears to my eyes today.

Well, back at it!

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
Now that's what I call a great memory! I recall those tiny wild strawberries... We used to eat them too and they were food for the kings! Blackberry picking was our favourite thing to do in the summer. It was almost like a bit of neighbourhood competition with three families all sending their kids out for enough berries for jams and cobblers. We'd get up earlier and earlier to get to the berry bushes before the other kids.. LOL It was all in good fun and often times we all picked together eating berries and immersed in the sounds tastes and smells of the season. The only negative in the berry picking episodes were the "chiggers!" (for those of you who have never had the unpleasant experience of meeting these pests... they are tiny red bloodsucking insects that make your skin itch to high heavens!!!... They are usually found in Tennessee at least, in fields and especially on Queen Anne's lace, which as it happens also grows near blackberry bushes. :roll: ) ah well... still those berries were worth the discomfort and what mom could do with them ...yum! I can still taste those cobblers! :mrgreen:
She sent a message to me a few years ago through a friend on the boards. She said, "I always knew who you were." It still brings tears to my eyes today.
Brought tears to mine too! ((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))

Anyway I have this sensation as if I am trekking through the woods/fields with you... we're two "youngins" completely at home in those long ago moments still vibrantly alive in our memories. 8)

Well better get on with it... I'm trying to attract a lost Sun Conure to Boyd's old cage. (One was lost in our community) I know what that kind of loss is like and I would sure love it if he could be returned to his loving family.

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Re: Checking in on 1111

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Here we are both of us getting high :lol: see you in a couple of weeks .

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

AWESOME!!!!! :cheers:

(((((((((((ROXIE and beautiful Wife))))))))
Have a great Time!!!!! And stay safe!!!!
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

Sandy wrote:AWESOME!!!!! :cheers:

(((((((((((ROXIE and beautiful Wife))))))))
Have a great Time!!!!! And stay safe!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That's my 83 yr old mamma, when I tell her you thought she was my wife :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: . Question is now
how old do I look :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Roxie,
I thought, "That looks like his mom. :cheers: :salut: :sunny: :king: :queen: " She doesn't look eighty-three though. All I can say is, "WOW!!" If I tried it do you think they could keep me only a foot or two off the surface? :rabbit:

There's something so satisfying about gathering your own food in the wild. We loved collecting strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and of course blackberries! Reminds me I should go look for some mushrooms! We live in farm country so picking rhubarb, apricots, cherries, pears, peaches, nectarines, plums, and apples is a fun past time for us, and of course making fresh cider!... Have you realized how much we talk about food? :shock: We don't have chiggers this far north, thank goodness, sounds awful, would really put a damper on my gathering experience.

I have memories way back, back to eighteen months even. Wish it extended to the present. :roll I'm forever forgetting important things like, "Where did I park my car?" I attribute it to having so many little detaily things clogging up my brain it has difficulties sorting through them. My Mom always said, "Give it a minute it'll come around again!" To compensate I'm a passionate list maker, but if rushed and going a little overboard on the multi-tasking I usually loose the list. Which reminds me of another Momism, "The hurrieder I go the behinder I get." Ain't that the truth :tongue:

Well, I'd better hurry on, before I get more behind,... now where did I put that list!

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm soooooo sorry Roxie!
Let's just chalk it up to my eyesight... I'm blaming these "obviously need to be replaced" eye glasses, myself... WHIST ..couldn't be my brain surely! :shock: :scratch: :finger:
Still, Kim's got a point...she does look very young for an 83 year old! WOW! I wish I looked so good! :shock: :thumright:

Hey Kim, I would never trust myself picking wild mushrooms... I mean really...after the Roxie's Mom thing I'm not sure I should be allowed outside on my own anymore. :oops: :mrgreen: Ah well...I'm going to have your mom's saying tattooed on my arm!...
"Give it a minute it'll come around again!"
Love that! :) You know if you were a "reincarnationist", wouldn't that make a pretty good epitaph? :lol:

Well, I've been putting off figuring the GST taxes...better get a move on... Have a good week end everybody!
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm soooooo sorry Roxie!
Let's just chalk it up to my eyesight... I'm blaming these "obviously need to be replaced" eye glasses, myself... WHIST ..couldn't be my brain surely! :shock: :scratch: :finger:
Sandy I'm right there with you! The bifocals in my glasses never seem to be strong enough, now that I need a new pair I've been switching back and forth with a stronger pair of readers. The other day someone walked in the office door. In my zeal to switch glasses, took off the readers and couldn't find my regular pair for a few seconds. I said to the guest, "I''ll be right with you!"

The "guest" happened to be my daughter. I saw a form, but couldn't make out the face! The sun was behind her, even though I'd been expecting her. Of course she immediately began laughing at me and shaking her head. Little does she know?! Everything she mocks me about will come back to haunt her!...At least it did with me and my mom.

Anyway, it's been too cold for any type of mushroom hunting, two days ago we had two inches of snow...I almost jumped off the balcony. Dave and Ken both commented on it. I responded, "Nope! No it isn't. I only see rainbows and sunshine..." Although I was building a fire at the time. Another idea for an emoticon, denial. I wonder what that would like, oh yeah probably like my face!

I get a reprieve today! Going to see my sweet almost four-month-old granddaughter and drive our new car for the first time! Hope you have a great day Sandy.

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

You crack me up!!! :lol: But seriously, after the winter you've had, who can blame you for the denial business. Besides a nice positive attitude never hurt anybody, right? ;) :mrgreen:
Pretty soon,.... surely... , the snow will be a thing of the past... I mean it is nearly May! :shock: Geez!

This bifocal business can take a bit of getting used to. As for me, I am now wearing my old glasses ever since within a couple weeks of getting my new lenses, I sat on them! Obviously, I need to work on my backside as well. :roll: Anyway, I told myself that I was just going to have to make the old ones work!... and do you know, I can see better through them then I could in years? :) ( Mind over matter? :scratch: hmmm)

I am off soon to dig up some Jerusalem artichokes. We should have a fair many of them this year. All thanks to Flint on the boards who was speaking of them several years ago. :sunflower:

Enjoy your little granddaughter and your week end... and please...Stay away from that balcony! :D
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Seeker13 »

No time for the balcony today, even if it's only 44 degrees, that's better than 32! Tell me about the Jerusalem artichokes. They sound interesting. We're off early, niece Josie has a play this afternoon. It's crazy they are charging $15.00 for a high school play! And the kids have to pay $55.00 to be in it! Oh, well.

Had so much fun with Clementine yesterday, going to go back after the play... to play some more! I almost bought her a Onesie yesterday that said, "Daddy's new boss...sorry mom." But I resisted and got her bathtub toys instead. It's the funniest thing, I mean really funny, seeing characteristics in your grand kids that their parents had. I had to change Dan's diapers on the floor with one leg over him, low and behold I get there and Clementine is on the floor with Dan's leg over the top of her, with her twisting herself into a pretzel and squirming around...It's so much more funny this time around. Seriously I used to work up a sweat just trying to change his diapers, AND he was allergic to disposable diapers so there were pins involved! I laugh heartily, he was walking around furniture at six months and running at eight months. Clementine already holds her own weight and walks forward. She'll be 4 months on the 30th. I told them to hold on to their hats! Dan's favorite game at 1 year was escaping the house to go out and play in the mud puddles! Always been my mover!

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

MY goodness! Clementine is a most advanced little thing. :shock: I believe my boys were just sitting up on their own at around that age...Oh I am laughing as I imagine the scene...first you, holding baby Dan tightly to the ground with your leg while trying to NOT stick the little darling with those monster diaper pins then the Youngster as an adult... proving that often what goes around comes around. ( I bet you were good at the game of "Twister!" :mrgreen: Yep, watching our kids being parents is worth a big ole pot of popcorn as we take our seats comfortably in the cushioned bleachers this time around. Let the "comedy" begins! :mrgreen:
Still, I am impressed when I watch and listen to them ... really proud of them, I am ( :alien: )... and if truth be told just a tad envious. I would so love at times to do it all over again! But nope, I'm enjoying this grandma thing too much... and following it wherever it leads. :bana:

I was just talking about you today with my son telling him about the gorgeous motel you manage way up there! (Not sure what brought it up now. :scratch: ) but who knows, you may have, some what, familiar guests up there some day. ;) Well, familiar as in soul felt...Isn't it funny how some of us have never met face to face yet feel close... 8)
Have a lovely evening and eventually Monday when it rolls around up there.
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Re: Checking in on 1111

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Not only am I thoroughly enjoying this grandma gig! Watching Dan and Rachel navigate parenthood is as much fun as watching Clementine! So many life lessons wrapped up in that little bundle. It's so different being on this side of parenting and interesting! Those two were so much about being upwardly mobile professionally. Rachel still is... during the day she's the boss. The second she hits the door of home, Clementine is the boss. And all my daughter-in-law wants to do is be with her little family, trying to figure out the needs wants and desires of their little creation. Dan is the stay at home parent. He was a loan officer in a bank, a very serious bean counter, unaffected by emotional upheaval. I'm sorry, I have to laugh! Guess what I appreciate the most is how this addition to their family is making them so much more...human! I'm so relieved as they carefully watch for milestones and are so full of love, consternation and wonderment for her.

I'm not envious one little bit, empathetic of course. Knowing the hard part of parenting sleeplessness(for years), sick babies, influences of societies intruding on your idealism of what parenting should be,...teenagers. I'm happy they count on Dave and I as storehouses of parenting knowledge.

I would love to see any one and all of you and your family up in our little corner of the world, any time, any day! You could meet my kids, we could laugh, play, have a bonfire on the beach with Aleah playing her guitar while we sing under the stars, then wake to the most beautiful sunrise any of us has seen in ages. It would be beautiful, because of the natural beauty of nature and also because our happiness at being together would make it even much more so.

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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by roxiedog13 »

I'm back and brought the sun along with me :bana:. Two weeks of vacation with a party of 12 was indeed very enjoyable but the 4 hours of fitness everyday has left me
somewhat nackered . Eating enough to feed a herd of Elephants daily didn't get old , the fitness kept my waistline all the same :mrgreen: . My daughter and I won the beach
volleyball tournament , almost beat their national team too. So nice to bond with family. Anyway, will read to catch up, my eyeballs are the only body part that does not need
recuperation :lol: :lol: .
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Re: Checking in on 1111

Post by Sandy »

Welcome back, Roxie! :bana: Sounds like you had a fabulous vacation and just what the doc ordered. I hope the world has warmed up upon your return up there and spring is well underway. We on the other hand down here have come off of about 10 days of rain and quite a bit of it was torrential deluges. It was great at first, for me anyway, living as we do in well drained area but for some it meant flash floods and months of work to recuperate. Honestly everyone told me this was a dry country before coming here but my little "dark cloud over my head must have changed that. :lol:

Hope you took some photos... (hint...hint... ;) WHIST )

Well, it is great to have you back! :cheers:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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