Your Heart Connection

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Violet Flowers
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Your Heart Connection

Post by Violet Flowers »

Your Heart Connection

“We bring you today energies to assist you in bringing forth that heart connection that you all desire – To your loved ones and your world around you.

When you feel sadness you mostly have become disconnected from life- from the living aspects of your world. You may have lost that connection to your bountiful animals, seeing them only as a means to clothe or feed yourselves- You may have forgotten that they too have souls and are on a journey as well. You may have forgotten that they too care for one another and when one of them dies they grieve and they feel it. Just watch an animal lose a brother or sister and you will see its loss. Their feelings – their joys and their happiness are all very real. Their experience of love and knowing they are loved is real. They are here to grow their souls just as we are and we can help them. We can help them by allow them to step into roles that engender feelings of love and caring for their own and other species and of course human beings. When an animal bonds with a human being it is moving its way up the evolutionary pathway and understands more about its ability to make conscious decisions and evolve.

So, back now to this feeling of connection and the heart. Caring for our animals is good for our hearts- They can bring us such joy, teach us patience and show us how to love one another. Caring for animals is a vital part of opening ones heart here on earth. Realizing that they too deserve a good life, they too deserve to be loved and respected even though in their physical form they do not speak our human language –They are infinitely alive and connected to all of life.

The other way to anchor that love into our hearts is to care for mother earth and her beautiful nature. To care that she feels respected and loved- to care that she is clean and looked after and all her elements are in balance. To care that our intentions for mother earth also hold her inhabitants in a place of respect. Often times humans believe we can exist without our nature and we really cannot. We need the shade and oxygen of the trees and the food from the ground. We need so much more from nature than we remember on a daily basis. Taking time frequently or daily to connect with nature and truly care for how it is going is infinitely valuable for the health of your hearts. It lifts you up and connects and grounds you. You feel supported as you support your mother earth and her beautiful creations.

The other way that brings us such joy (and therefore at times such distress) is to care deeply for one another. Care about the well being of the person beside you on the bus. Care that they have a beautiful day. Care that they feel beautiful and loved. Care that they get to achieve their dreams. Care that their body is healthy and well and they feel happy in their body. Care that they feel welcome in your group or in their job or in their house or neighborhood. Caring about others turns on your heart. Not the kind of caring that disregards your own heart but a compassion that wants the best for all, that celebrates when others have success or do well in their endeavors. Be that person that celebrates another’s success and moves them towards their own light. Their light of creation, their light of joy, their light of connection and fun. Be the kind of person that smiles when happy people walk by you for you know that more happy people in the world means a happier world. Rejoice in such things and join in the party. Allow yourself to connect with this joy. Find ways to connect and celebrate the joys of others- the happiness of others.

Find joy and share it please- Give flowers, give praise, give your help, give your heart, give your forgiveness, give your joy.

This giving brings joy in return- we just need to know where to look, and this looking is always close to where we are, at our hearts. Giving joy to others is such an astounding priceless action as it really gives us this joy back- Not a reason to give joy but nevertheless one of the keys to open your heart and find connection and joy is through the giving of it.

How would you light up those around you today? With words, or affection, or praise or a smile.

How could nature and its beautiful animals be a recipient of your joy? How can you share your gratitude for all of life?- Through connection- Taking the time to care – to care and to connect with all of life- To lift up and smile at that person as they pass by- They are just like you- looking for joy. Share some of yours with them and they will radiate it forward as they move through their day too.

Care deeply for others – be curious about their lives. Make it your job to have them shine, for when one shines, we all shine. Never be afraid to pass the torch along and light up another light- We can all shine together. Light is light- no hierarchies – no ladders- Just light and love- so share it, pass it along and light as many candles as you can. Caring for your people and your world is a very good place to begin. Light each area up as you pass by; as you light up your space, your space will light you back up on a dark day. Surround yourself with lit candles and joyful plants and people and animals. They feed you this caring and love right back. Don’t hold back when you have light to shine and connections to make and caring love to share.

What if we measured the size of our hearts instead of our bank balances? This world would be a much more loving, fair and just world. People would feel loved and care for and trust in all those around. What if you could begin this spark today?

Care for those that don’t feel cared for, nurture those parts of nature that have been forgotten- love and tend to those lost and sad animals- caring and the size of your hearts is all important. We don’t count your money when you get to heaven but we can see the impact and the size of your hearts and the difference you have made. We see how much you cared and how those around you grew or shrank. Please be proud to be who you have become at the end of your lives…

Big hearted- caring- loving- connected people who lights up hearts wherever they went. Be that light- that joy, that spark- you will smile at your time of passing if you lived a good life filled with caring for others and all that is around. Loving yourselves and staying connected to all.

We love you so much- In loving service- The Circle of Seven”
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Re: Your Heart Connection

Post by Sandy »

Dear Violet,
Thank you! :happy
The other way to anchor that love into our hearts is to care for mother earth and her beautiful nature. To care that she feels respected and loved- to care that she is clean and looked after and all her elements are in balance. To care that our intentions for mother earth also hold her inhabitants in a place of respect. Often times humans believe we can exist without our nature and we really cannot. We need the shade and oxygen of the trees and the food from the ground. We need so much more from nature than we remember on a daily basis. Taking time frequently or daily to connect with nature and truly care for how it is going is infinitely valuable for the health of your hearts. It lifts you up and connects and grounds you. You feel supported as you support your mother earth and her beautiful creations.
Love that...
Today hasn't been so good for me here as I watched beloved trees fall illegally on public land. I guess you could say I am a tree person and love them all, even the scraggly ones. But some people consider the view of a body of water from their window or balcony the end all to end all, taking no thought to the way these trees contribute to life on Earth. As you can see I am out of sorts and your message gives me something to hold on to today as a part of me just wishes to roll around in my own negativity. So with that I will reread this latest message from the Circle of Seven and maybe even a few more and with that inspiration, renew my connection with the Light ... find my joy again.

Love to you from New South Wales,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
Violet Flowers
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Awww Sandy

Post by Violet Flowers »

A big big hug for you today Sandy

We had a battle with a tree here that we managed to save on private land too but luckily the public managed to get it saved. I cried a lot at the idea it was going to be cut down for no real good reason. It is tough when we forget how special the trees are and how much they give to us.

I feel you my dear.. and after receiving that message a while back from the Guardian Spirit of the trees where the love for the people sending love to the trees was so strong it makes it hard for me to see them not treated with love or respect too.

It is very hard to mistreat the earth when you feel the connection to it isn't it. I wish we all felt the connection as you do now.. Hard to be sensitive sometimes but I think worth it in the end.

Sending you a huge big hug- All will be well and lets all send some love to our beautiful places of nature- I sometimes visualize floating over a country or body of water and I send love down to it. It helps me a lot and hopefully the place too.

Lots and lots of love for you xx
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Re: Your Heart Connection

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Violet for the warm words and the hug. I needed it as I have become rather sensitive to these things of nature... and it all happened so quickly yesterday that there was no stopping it. I am always in awe at the lack of consideration given to the length of time it takes to grow a wise old tree to the matter of minutes with modern day power equipment they can bring them down. :( and it doesn't stop there as people in these subburbs think nothing of using nasty herbicides right next to the lake to end productive wild vegetation so they can then replant with thick mats of grass that do not support complete ecosystems. (and this is on public land!???? :shock:
The senselessness is over whelming at times and sometimes tears seem the only option. :?

Well, we won't hold out hope for this planet, eh? Besides... the trees have their own reconnaissance plan in their allies the birds, specifically the large cockatoos, who love nothing better then to drop seed bombs as they fly. ;) I suspect in ten years there will be more Shea Oaks growing there and who knows a new home owner who sees great value in their existence. :finger:
Thanks again for holding my hand on this one. I do feel better. Thank you dear lady! :kiss:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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You are welcome- I am a big softie too

Post by Violet Flowers »

Hi Sandy
I know.. It is very hard as we become more sensitive isn't it. One time after I started getting more sensitive I would cry if I saw a duck with a broken wing and I went to get a spiritual counselling.... and they told me to try and send love to the duck instead of getting so upset. This seemed to work a little although I still get very upset like you over things that seem so common sense like taking care of our nature and animals.

Good on the birdies dropping the seeds all over the place- Sometimes it seems as though perhaps the animals have more sense that humans eh..

I'm glad you are feeling better my dear and guess we can pray and hope that people start waking up a little faster and become more connected to the beautiful earth they have around them.

Have a great day and hope the feeling better has continued. :)
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Re: Your Heart Connection

Post by Sandy »

Hi Violet,
We've had some very changeable weather the past couple days here in New South Wales. Right now it is in what I think of as a glorious phase.... clouds racing around wind blowing strongly but not gale force or anything to cause apprehension. I could go out and twirl if the ground wasn't still so wet and I didn't have Mormon friends arriving in a few hours. It's going to be a great day! well...I am determined to make it so, anyway. :mrgreen:

Those injured animals get me every time... Your spiritual councillor is very wise...
and they told me to try and send love to the duck instead of getting so upset.
Truly we are not without ways to assist and lighten their burden a little, but I forget that sometimes as the sadness of a situation closes over me. :) Over here too is a wonderful organization of wildlife volunteers, WIRES, who help injured wildlife. Some day if we ever live in a place where this is possible, I would like to learn more and become a volunteer and be able to better help animals physically, as well. :finger:

Well enjoy your day and lets get a little twirling in before the day's done, eh?
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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