Message to the world: Channelled message

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Violet Flowers
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Message to the world: Channelled message

Post by Violet Flowers »

Channeled message through Automatic writing.

"We are worried about the decisions your people are making to divide through race and color and creed. You are one people connected in love through the hearts and yet you rip each other apart with words and bodies and souls, you forget who your brothers and sisters are and you hurt yourselves and others by not living in love.

So much suffering through this lack of love and suffering through separation of the mind separation from your souls and from your heart. You must unite now, you must unite your hearts and your minds, stop the killing of bodies and each others hearts and souls, stop creating separation, stop saying and being that you are all different when you are actually all the same, from the same seed and spark of creation, you came from the spark of love.

You are created from the creator of love itself and yet you choose to destroy each other through greed and fear and jealousy and all of the traits that are common to the human experience.

Please wake up before you destroy this beautiful world and each other, please stop hurting innocent people with your petty beliefs and thinking only of yourselves and your wants and needs to clothe and feed yourselves and make yourselves beautiful. You are beautiful when you do beautiful things and when you care for one another.

You are beautiful when you sing and stand and joy for one another. You are not beautiful when you cut another down for the color of the skin or the race or where they were born. You are not beautiful when you make yourself stronger in order to wield your power and dominate those that you believe are less than you.

You are beautiful when you truly care about each other, you are beautiful when you care about your animals and your beautiful planet, you are beautiful when you share your resources instead of keeping them for yourself to make yourself live more in luxury or drive in flash cars while the rest walks in the searing heat. This needs to stop.
Nobody is going anywhere fast unless we break these walls of hate, injustice and corruption.

The time has come to stand together and not fall apart. You are not one better than the other, you are all the same. You have the same souls minds and abilities wrapped in different skins, but instead you get completely obsessed with these skins instead of why you are really here which is to go beyond this.

Please stop it now! Wake up and love one another; take a stand and connect with your neighbour and those people that you think are so radically different to you are actually just the same in a different skin.

It pains us to see you all pulling each other apart and for what? Not joy - because joy is not found this way. Joy is found through caring and sharing and rejoicing for each others lives. Joy is found in realizing that you are all one and that by supporting your fellow men you will grow richer than you will ever grow in the one place that only ever matters:


You are measured by your ability to love and love without exception, without judgements and without holding back. You are measured by your abilities to let those tears flow when you are happy or sad and feel life itself, FEEL IT, not destroy it, not judge others or yourself.

Judgement destroys and gratitude connects. Be grateful for your fellow man and find ways to rejoice one another, find ways to understand them, find ways to love and help them.

Your world is in some dire straits if it doesn't wake up and go inside to the heart and realise what is really going on. Look hard in the mirror and see who are you really. Do you really care or is it just a show? Do you really love or is it just a charade?

Don't give up those of you on the path to love. Love more, love abundantly, don’t get shadowed by the fear in this world. Open your arms your heart to love and accept your fellow man, planet and animals. Only through caring and acceptance and love comes real joy. Come back to your joy and your real purpose here, come back to love, come back to why you came here in the first place to test the limits you have placed on love. Expand those limits and set yourself free.

Now its the time, now its the time."
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Re: Message to the world: Channelled message

Post by Sandy »

Welcome Violet flowers,
It is good to have you with us and sharing such a powerful message. " Love more, love abundantly!" There is much power in Love...power to overcome anything... yet we sometimes forget this in our complex world.
Thank you for the rallying call. :D
with love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
Violet Flowers
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Re: Message to the world: Channelled message

Post by Violet Flowers »

Thanks very much Sandy for your positive response and thank you for sharing the message.
Feeling the energy of my chanelling team as I received this message was really emotional. I'm really glad to
be able to share it. Thanks Sandy and 11/11
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Re: Message to the world: Channelled message

Post by nasra1996 »

Thanks for the message Violet and welcome aboard ! :sunflower: :loves :sunflower:
"Only from the heart Can you touch the sky" Rumi

"Righteousness strikes the harmony chords of truth and the melody vibrates throughout the cosmos, even to the recognition of the infinite." UB
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Re: Message to the world: Channelled message

Post by Violet Flowers »

Thank you for making me feel welcome. They keep telling me to share and I am so glad I have found a place where I can now. Thank you all very much :
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