A glow in the corner

We will list here stories almost too amazing to believe - when our spirit brothers and sisters turn up physically here to help us. This forum is only about angels physically helping us.
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A glow in the corner

Post by Krystalshard »

As I was sleeping, I came to feel as though there was a light on, which usually will wake me. So, as I came slightly out of sleep, I opened my eyes to see a soft glow in the upper corner of the room above my head. It gently, slowly flickered and I blinked a bit to focus. It was white-gold and very soft, not bright at all. I was very sleepy, so in comprehending this, had closed my eyes. When I opened them again it was gone. Of course, the human mind immediately tries to analyze, but I put it aside and fell back asleep until it was time to rise. It was first on my mind and I just lay there a minute musing on the spiritual connection this may have been. I'm thankful for the gentle and loving spirits whom I have at my side, and those departed that I still love.
God bless.

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Re: A glow in the corner

Post by Sandy »

Oh Jean,
That is lovely... not just the gentle connection made as you lay safe and peacefully in your bed, but your own acceptance and gratitude for the experience. Some beautiful things are happening in our lives, eh?
Much Love,
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Re: A glow in the corner

Post by happyrain »

Wow Jean
that is a lovely experience =) thank you for sharing
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Re: A glow in the corner

Post by Krystalshard »

Thanks you guys... I am glad I have you to come to, and share these kinds of things.
Now I'm off to Colorado to visit family and friends for the next few days. I'm sneaking around the "back side" of the front range to get to my destination, because I want to make it above 10k feet or more before I start my busy visit. It feels so neat up there, so vibrant and clear; I always seem to make a spiritual connection.

Hope you are having a great day!


Jean :bike:
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Re: A glow in the corner

Post by Zachary »


I had to reply after reading your post... How lucky are you to see a light and relate it to spirit!! You know, most of my anything I receive relating to spirit never quite pops out like that. In fact, the most recent unordinary moment I had with spirit was a knocking I heard. This is big for me cause it's not all in my mind, and it's so much easier to rule out your self doubt when something 'physical' happens as opposed to mindal. At least it is for me, probably because I dwell on the animal circuits more.... I wish I saw a light from my bed!!! Or had more physical experiences - they are so rare to me.

And what a beautiful time to travel here.... All those trees changing colors and preparing their lives to withstand what winter/the future has in store for them. Such an awe inspiring scenery always seem to boost my connectedness... I know what you mean!!!

stay hydrated :!:

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Re: A glow in the corner

Post by Krystalshard »

Back from my whirlwind vacation. umm... was it a vacation??? Anyway, I got my mountain fix. And Zach, your admonition to "stay hydrated" popped into my head on more than one occasion! Thanks for that!


“You are born into life for a purpose, and one purpose only; to learn to do the will of God and be of loving and merciful service to one another." Monjoronson
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Re: A glow in the corner

Post by Sandy »

(((((((((Jean))))))))) Welcome back! I wish I could have been a little mouse and experienced those beautiful mountains with you. Some day maybe I will get to see the western mountains with my own eyes. :bana: But I suppose when I think like that I may very well be overlooking the beauty and peace in my own back yard...Hmmm might be time for George and I to take a trek to Minnamurra Rainforest which is only about twenty minutes away. http://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/Bud ... lk/walking
Love to you,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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