Sasquatchi People

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Sasquatchi People

Post by Geoff »

In Canada I met a Canadian first nation's elder. He told me of a time he saw three Sasquatchi People. They were there by the side of the river, deep in one of the sacred lands. A male, a female and a child. He looked at his friend, looked back and they were gone. But it was about 150 metres from the waters edge to the nearest forrest. I said - biolocated. He did not know what I meant, but for sure if someone is there, and then gone, thats what has happened. And it would explain why we never seem to "catch" these guys. Which is also a good thing of course. Then I saw this today on FB.
BIG FOOT MESSAGE Shared by Standing Elk

BIGFOOT Cultivates Purity, Innocence and Truth

Sasquatchitan. I am Chief of Sasquatchi People. You may think we are hairy and have big feet. Really this is not so.

I come to speak to you because soon, our people will come to you again. The reason we had to leave the community of human beings is because of their loss of this innocence, truth, and purity. For our race and the Laws of our race are based upon these three.

All true Star Nations practice innocence, truth and purity.

Our people did not want to leave the human beings. This is why you have seen us here and there. Your grandfathers and grandmothers who have grown through what you call “years” usually are those who have seen us, because the Earth Walk teaches innocence, truth, and purity. This is why the Elders are the Spiritual leaders.

Our people are ready to come to the human beings again, to live with you and to teach you many things.

First, human beings must purify. For when we see you, we see things that are very horrifying to us because we have spiritual sight. You must cleanse the cloud of bad spirits that surrounds you, the negativity, unholy feelings, and unwise thoughts. Not only do these dark clouds prevent our people from having relationship to you, it prevents you from having relationship with Spirit and having relationship with Mother Earth.

We will share some practices now that will help you.

First, within the Sacred Elements, Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, there is the power for your cleansing.

If you were to bury yourself in Earth and stay there for a day, you would be clean.

If you were to go and stay with Brother Waterfall for a day, you would be clean.

If you would stay under the Desert Sun for a day, you would be clean.

If you would stand in the Strong Winds of the Mountain People for one day, you would be clean.

The Elemental Peoples love human beings. They will do service at any time for you. Take Tobacco to them. Pray for their Nation and they will come to you with hearts overflowing.

Then, honor their gift to you by changing the way you think, feeling with true heart, praying for renewal with Creator and honoring Mother Earth with each footstep.

The way of cleansing for human beings is right outside your door.

Mother Earth and her peoples are glorious beings of Universe!

Learn to respect us!

You look to the skies for miracles, the miracles are here!

Open your eyes and see!

Mother Earth is a great teacher of Innocence. She is a great teacher of Truth. She is Purity embodied. Know your Mother! Most of you came from far away to be with her and to be with the Peoples of her Love.

We Sasquatchi are ready to join you in the community of Sacred Law, in True Heart. We will teach you how to step through those Portals of Time. We will teach you how to remember who you are, your starry intelligence and wisdom. We will help you learn how to be in balance with the Sacred World around you.

Our Peoples have adopted this Universal Law and its sign as the symbol of Our coming and as the energy of our Teachings. And so, you may call us through these ways.

First, we will check you out. We will watch you. We will see if you are ready.

Can you see the little signs? For the biggest teachings are little things. We will be watching to see. For, when you can respect that little pebble, you can respect us. You can respect who you are.

Purity. Go out to the Sacred Waters.

Innocence. Remember when you were very young and be that way.

Truth. Stop trying so hard to lie.

The Elemental Brothers and Sisters are of these Essences. They are Purity in form. They are single. They are True. They are unpolluted, they understand that they are the Keepers of Life.

Learn from Soil and Stone.

Learn from River and Ocean.

Learn from Fire and Lightning.

Learn from Wind and Breath.

They are so close to you that you cannot remember who they are. And yet, not one action that you take, could you do without them.

These Sacred Element Peoples will restore you.

And then we, Sasquatchi, will come and teach you the community ways of being in balance with Sacred Mother. Then your lifeline will be unbroken as ours has been from the beginning.

Mitakuye Oyasin
Standing Elk/Golden Eagle Chief/Chief Black Spotted Horse
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Re: Sasquatchi People

Post by lilly »

I loved reading this, Geoff!!
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Re: Sasquatchi People

Post by 11light11 »

Wow, Geoff, up until reading your post, it never occurred to me that the Sasquatchi people might be of a different realm than this one! Thank you for sharing about your experience with the elders, and this incredible FB post!

:love With love to you, Michele
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Re: Sasquatchi People

Post by inlikeflint »

The gifting of tobacco is very Native American...

I've been having discussion in cyberspace with other people (At least I think they are people) about "Bigfoot" for the past few months. A lot of the film "Footage" :D seems genuine.

One of the conclusions we came up with was that Bigfoot was one of our missing links between the primates. You don't run into them very often because they live in remote locations that are not explored by humans.

One of the thoughts are that; If Bigfoot is closer down the evolutionary chain and their typical height is between 8 & 11 feet tall, I don't know that I would want to meet one for the specific reasons that a 160lb chimpanzee can rip a man's arms off. These thought then go into ideas that humans are descended from an alien race & Bigfoot just happens to be some sort of other flavor of being. It's interesting...

Revisiting the 60's Paterson Bigfoot video: The film has been digitized to HD video and stabilized and I'm convinced that the video is real... Anyway,there is more than one sasquatch captured on the film. (about 16:00 on the video)

Another video: Oliver the Humanzee. (an upright walking chimpanzee.) show that it is possible for a chimpanzee to walk upright, so it's not a stretch to assume that a gorilla can walk upright...

We have missing links in out evolutionary scale because we have not found "the" specific primate that makes the evolutionary leap between primate & human, OR... the scale/chain is flawed or incorrect and the skeletal remains of our evolutionary ancestors are not who we evolved from, and they are the remains of primates that still roam our forests/wilderness etc...

This all ends up back at humans are not evolved because we are too fragile to exist in the wilderness with those who are adapted to live in the wilderness. Humans are hybrids of beings from another planet & bigfoot. (Humans are not stronger than primates and this conflicts with "Survival of the Fittest" rules.) We were created as self reproducing biological robots to work as laborers for beings from other planets to mine gold. When the earth was tapped for the resources the "aliens" needed for their own planets... they left. (210,000+ years ago.)

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Re: Sasquatchi People

Post by Geoff »

inlikeflint wrote:
This all ends up back at humans are not evolved because we are too fragile to exist in the wilderness with those who are adapted to live in the wilderness. Humans are hybrids of beings from another planet & bigfoot. (Humans are not stronger than primates and this conflicts with "Survival of the Fittest" rules.) We were created as self reproducing biological robots to work as laborers for beings from other planets to mine gold. When the earth was tapped for the resources the "aliens" needed for their own planets... they left. (210,000+ years ago.)

Well I guess you can choose to believe that if you like. I don't and we have actually heard from the very first humans. And they don't tell of anything except suddenly being conscious of themselves and that they had parents who were not self aware. The Urantia book tells a similar story. There were humans in greenland a very long time ago, and the way eskimos have survived suggests humans are very adaptable and very tough.

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Re: Sasquatchi People

Post by inlikeflint »

I'm not sure I believe in the idea, but I just found it odd that it seems to be a reoccurring topic for me. (On the Internet.)

I get something out of the discussions, even if I'm not sure what it is.

Through "Bigfoot" discussions I discovered the singing stones and ancient structures in Africa that I never knew existed... so, that has been a bonus. Somehow, I discovered a whole group of 11:11ers who subscribe to everyone being descendants of other beings from other planets, but they reject the Christ consciousness theme... Somehow, I think that it both fits, but maybe it is how people are supposed to find their own way though this thing.

it's material thinking... Still looking out instead of looking in, but if you ask them,they claim to be enlightened.

The thing I like from this articles is that the Sasquatchi mention the elemental spirits... Which, reminds me of why I love gardening, "Bury yourself in the dirt" is like the feeling breathing in a fresh earthy loam & putting your hands into the soil. I do it to detoxify my mind, or to focus on one problem, or nothing at all.

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Re: Sasquatchi People

Post by Geoff »

inlikeflint wrote:Somehow, I discovered a whole group of 11:11ers who subscribe to everyone being descendants of other beings from other planets, but they reject the Christ consciousness theme...
Curious that, that they must reject the Ubook, in spite of it being literally the only spiritual source that fully describes the midwayers. And of course that book also tells that being a decimal planet, we would not have been seeded. Thats not to say no one here is a seed, but that we mortals are fundamentally an evolutionary product. Even Adam and Eve is an issue of up stepping, not seeding.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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