Benford's Law

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Benford's Law

Post by cottonowl »

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Petra Wilson
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Re: Benford's Law

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello and welcome Cottonowl, I know this makes sense somehow, but I'm really thick as a brick
and can"t grasp it at all.
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Re: Benford's Law

Post by overmind »

It is likely being implied that since one's are so common, seeing them in succession on something like a receipt may not be as impressive as some think. I would agree, but I believe this topic has been discussed multiple times. I brought up a similar point, probably a year ago. That is why I have mentioned that it is more realistic to read more into successive numbers through different mediums. It is important to point out that must number prompts come from the time of day, and the likelihood of seeing a certain time simply depends on your schedule. However, it is also important to note that if people see meaning in times beginning with the hours of one o'clock and eleven o'clock, then one's will appear more often. Though, with the time example, it is far more likely that if you openly look for certain times, you are bound to find them.

But I certainly have no doubts of the midwayers' activity, since I have seen four different electronics become manipulated in otherworldly ways for specific reasons (and only ever occurring once). They know I don't care about number prompts anymore.
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Re: Benford's Law

Post by inlikeflint »

Benford's Law does not work with the Powerball Lottery.
...and you can lose a lot of money using it at the Roulette wheel in Las Vegas.
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Re: Benford's Law

Post by Sandy »

I guess for me it isn't the numbers as much as what is behind the numbers...something you can never prove to anybody else as it has to be lived and experienced... This board is chalk full of people's experiences for the past 8 or nine years... and when read thoughtfully, it is not just about our special numbers but rather the real life experiences that occur, the incredible Love that we discover as we learn to become quiet within. That is where we each find our own answers and if they don't jive with everybody else's or with what science dictates...Well that's okay too. Happiness within, peace, strength for those times we need to be strong as Titans, compassion when a fellow human sibling needs our arms about them... joy when we are shown something new and wondrous by celestials who have become family. No, I'm sorry, but one cannot play the statistical number game on this and explain it all away... Not for me, anyway and probably not for any of us who have done the daily inner work and touched the stars in stillness. I can honestly say that it is worth all the effort in the world to find this for ourselves... to make the infinite journey our own.
Welcome Cottonowl.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Petra Wilson
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Re: Benford's Law

Post by Petra Wilson »

OK, I'm better understanding it now, thanks.
When I am number prompted it's with an overwhelming feeling too.

ॐ LOVE Petra
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