Passing threw again...

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Passing threw again...

Post by Joey M »

I've only ever made one topic here, yet it was the size of a novel lol
Life has gotten pretty insane for me lately. Back in February me and some friends got into a crash going over 100mph. I came out with only a bit of internal bleeding and pretty much every part of my body bruised and sore for almost a month. The driver was ejected from the car and broke 13 bones, the kid next to me's bladder exploded on impact and had to have surgery, and the last guy had internal bleeding right along with me.

It's been pretty freaking crazy. (Notice how I remembered I'm not supposed to swear :D
Me and Bri are still doing fine, lots of arguing lately but that's normal. She stayed with me 24/7 at the hospital taking care of me. And luckily i was able to keep my job even after being out for weeks. I've finally got pretty much completely clean. Switched to smoking electronic cigarettes, and substituting my alcohol intake with kava. Which is nice. I feel healthier.

But I figured I'd come share one of the more bizarre coincidences I realized recently. Last year I had a buddy get hit on a bicycle and die. He was a great guy, a good friend. Well the twenty second of February was the anniversary of his death. And after thinking about it, my mind was blown. He died 22 days after his birthday. His 22nd birthday. On 2/22. On the police report it says "Around the time of 2am". Which I wouldn't be surprised and actually pretty much assume it was 2:22am. This one just seems ridiculously bizarre to me. It's insane.

Lots of more crazy coincidences happened to me, small yet obvious weird coincidences. I'd list them all but I don't want to make this as long as my first topic haha

Take It easy guys.
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Re: Passing threw again...

Post by Sandy »

JOEY!!!! wonderful to see you again! And it sounds like we are lucky in that as you have had a close call with your recent accident. Are you all healed now?... no resultant complications? (gosh, I sound like a nosey neighbour don't I? :roll: But truly I have your best interests at heart.)
Speaking of heart... mine nearly melted when I read how your previous Bri was by your side 24/7 after your accident. Love is a precious thing and oh she must have worried about you during those early agonizing hours... and I thank you for telling us how the others fared as well... It is a miracle that you all survived even though the injuries were very serious.

I am sorry about your friend who died last year on February 22. I lost a friend many years ago on May 31 also to a bike accident. I think of him every year on that date... It used to be a sorrowful day for me but as the years passed I had a strong feeling that he was doing well and better then he had ever been here on earth. ..which was pretty good at that. Still, though, I wish in a sort of selfish little way that he was still here. I would love to see him again.

I see the 2's a lot. nearly every day in some form or another...and you aren't going to believe it, but just as I wrote that I looked up at my desk clock and there it was again 222. :lol: For me it reminds me that all is well... strong encouragement no matter what is going right or even wrong in my life.

Okay trying to follow your example and keep it short. ;)
Thanks for popping in again and giving us an update on your life. See, that's the wonderful thing about long introductory posts...We feel we already know you... despite your one topic and four posts. take care... :)
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Passing threw again...

Post by Joey M »

Oh I believe it, 222 tends to stick around almost as much as 1111 for me (just like how your post count is 11110 right now lol)
From what i understand, 222 means something along the lines of "Plans set into motion". What those plans are, well who really know? :lol:
But my condolences for your lost, bikes are incredibly dangerous now days with every one driving around in 5000 pound vehicles and what not. Ever since the accident I barley leave my house unless im walking. I trust my ability to dodge cars on foot more than when Im driving. I have severe automobile phobia now basically. Hopefully Ill get over that by the time I move up north this summer, as Its going to require me driving long distances almost daily.
Im going to try to stick around this fourm though, its like a nice little internet hide out for the 11:11 phenomenon. most other places seem a bit cluttered.
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Re: Passing threw again...

Post by Sandy »

Hi Joey,
Things have been a little quiet around here lately so knowing you are planning on stopping in more frequently is welcomed news. And I am smiling from ear to ear at your avi photo!!! That has to be you and Bri :thumright: ... another snapshot to add to all our hearts. I know...I am a little bit of a sap this morning... but I generally go with the flow of my thoughts and this morning I am very sentimental thinking about the 8 plus years I have been here and all the wonderful friends who have passed through these internet doors. We are not the most exciting of places to click into but you would be hard pressed to find a group that is more compassionate and caring... Yet with that thought, immediately I remind myself of recent mistakes of judgements and try not to berate myself again as we are all learning (hopefully) from the lessons of the past. And sometimes we can derive lessons from those that others have learned from their hard life experiences. I would say you have experienced much in your short life and have earned the hard way much wisdom...something in time you will pass on to us even if it is so subtle like the wind. LOL Yep, I am in a strange mood today...sort of philosophical as I think back to some of the things we were just discussing and your last post. Would you mind if I remembered my friend Johnny for a moment. He was the friend who died tragically on a motorcycle and because of that, to this day, I cannot see one of those contraptions without a tiny sense of loss.

My family met Johnny when he began dating my sister in High school. He was so full of good humour and the joy of life...I never heard him ever say an ugly word about anyone... rather just the opposite... as he had a way of building your self esteem just by being around him. Johnny loved people...all kinds of people, young and old alike and he loved music... ballad kinds of music that he played on his guitar whenever he had the chance. He loved God and showed it through his actions rather then beating us up the side of the head with Bible quotes. He changed my life... and set me on a path that led me to this place in life and I will always be eternally grateful to him for that.

Well, nearly ten years passed and he moved on with his life as we all do. He got married and had a little girl but still never lost his boyish exuberance. On the day he died he had just picked up a brand new motorcycle from the dealer and tragically, it was on the way home that he had an accident and broke his neck. There were no other vehicles involved. But there is some confusion as to why the throttle was stuck wide open with engine still racing when help got to him. He was wearing a helmet too... but sometimes that is not enough.

I do feel a sense of peace now when I think of him. It has taken awhile, but if there was anything that I picked up from this great was that life does continue despite the hard stuff. And it is in the continuation that the true power lies as we always can have a fresh slate when we wake up each morning. Making our goals and dreams a reality... gosh, that takes some doing, I think, and in my case sometimes I just feel like throwing my hands in the air and giving up...but it is strange because it is then that I feel something a little intangible...a sweetness that helps me to let go of the helplessness. And it is that teeny tiny speck of, without a better word...hope, that has helped me again and again dispel the darkness and so I am grateful to all those I love who have passed before me. Love, whether it is from a beloved partner standing by our side (like your beautiful Bri), or that felt from friends and family whose support arrives from the next realm...has the power to lift and sustain us, throughout some of the direst circumstances..
Which is one reason I so enjoy hearing you speak about your precious girl...and now we can see her too... thank you for that Joey. :D

I am sorry. I have gone off on a tangent again... :roll: so I think I should also thank you for putting up with one of my long posts. :lol:
Give the fear of riding in cars a little time, okay? It may be rough for a bit but it often does get easier. If it becomes too much of a challenge please consider talking to someone who can help you organize your feelings about the accident. You went through a terrifying experience and you and your friends could have died. It would be odd if it didn't have a strong effect on you.

Okay enough out of me. ;) :finger:
XX Sandy
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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