Looking for support in making contact..

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Hi all,

I started getting the 11.11 prompts a couple of years ago and bought George's 1st book. I read half of it, convinced myself I was nuts for even believing in any of it, and stopped reading it.. No one out of all the people I have met in my entire life has spoken about it before, I felt alone trying to believe in it. Over the past couple of years, I've been seeing a psychologist sorting things out, but mainly to try and steady my moods which come and go as they please.. Although I remained Skeptical over this period about the 11.11 phenomenon, the prompts have not stopped. I've recorded a lot of them in my diary to make sure I don't forget but how many times I just laughed out loud and looked up at the sky after seeing a prompt, haha good memories.. I bought the AC CD last year when the prompts were going mad, listening to a bit of it, tried to visual for a couple of days, but again convinced myself I was just nuts... Again I felt alone trying to believe in it. This time around, I've followed the prompts to this forum, spent the last few days reading a heap of posts, registered and left this post - feels like it's where I should be.

I've been doing exercise 1 for 3 days now, a couple of times each day. I will finish the week and then move onto the 2nd.

I've gotten to a point now where I don't really understand life, I don't get all the suffering, I don't get all the pain, I don't get all the inequality in dispositions, I feel guilty wanting to speak to my very few spiritual friends about the 11.11 prompts because I don't want them to feel bad that they haven't received any signals, and I can't speak to my non-spiritual friends about it as they wouldn't even understand. So I'm here instead, a place where you guys have all received the prompts also, and I don't feel bad about speaking of it. So my question to you all: Is it really possible to make contact with midwayers and other spiritual beings?? Are all the stories posted on the forum true?? Man I sure hopes so... Is there really a much bigger plan behind the human life we experience? I want to be a part of it...! I don't want to live this material world only anymore, I need to reach out to our creator - I'm ready to help humanity in any way that I can in this life I was given.

I thank you for any support you want to send my way, in the mean time I shall continue with the exercises..

Thank you all,

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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Dear Mael,
Welcome to the message board I too think you have come to the right place as no one here will think funny of you as you relay your experiences. Most of us have been in "your shoes" and felt awkward to tell others what we are experiencing. But it really is happening as many people can attest and not just on this website...So no way are you nuts!...at least not for seeing 11:11 ;) :)

I was lucky in the beginning, as I was sort of gently eased into speaking with celestials. You see, a year or so before I found George and this site, I had come across a book in the library of the woman I worked for. She was an elderly, fine, upstanding Christian kind of lady so I was sort of surprised to find a book on her shelves speaking of how to talk to your guardian angel. But I respected and loved her and knowing how much she loved the Creator gave me the confidence to try some of the meditations myself. So I began at first reaching out to my guardian angels, beings a little more recognizable by the general public and the way I rationalised it .hearing them is just one step away from seeing them which many people report and their stories are celebrated. Months later, I learned about the Midwayers from a fabulous book called the Urantia Book and I wanted to know more. That is when I googled Midwayers and George's name came up and... well... here I am. Like you I too did and do the Akashic Construct cd and it helped me immensely because it helped me to discipline myself to meditate and /or do the cd every day. My previous "laxidaisy" attitude as far as making time for meditation was partially responsible for my seeming lack of progress in those early months. For instance, I might do it one day and then several days would go by and then several more days or maybe a week. The more I visited my akashic workshop, the more times I quieted my mind and simply listened the more I began to notice gradual progress. I discovered that these special times with the celestials and with the Creator of All gave me a peace inside I had never known before. Not that I am always peaceful :shock: But I'm a work in progress. Meditation when approached with an open attitude can be sort of like a nice vacation from the hazards of life.

Well it seems I am rambling again... but I must say, that it was only when I began setting aside time everyday in this manner that "things" really began to happen...things that I so welcomed as contact and friendships were made and exists to this day...(8 or 9 years later. :) ) I had no background in spirituality in any way shape or form and I must say I always had very little imagination...so I know I am not fabricating this. It changes us on the inside and it is so hard to explain and you certainly can't prove it to someone who hasn't experienced it, but it is such a wonderful experience to work with celestials to feel the Midwayers as they come into the room. Too hear the words of encouragement in a world that frankly seems so "topsy turvey" these days. But the best thing...there is peace and there are innumerable people in many spiritual forums and places working diligently to make this world a better place. I want this more then anything for my grandson Elijah and for all the people out there... I want people to know how precious they are that they are not alone and that we can and will overcome all the obstacles until our world is a place of absolute peace.

Many people find that after awhile... working/talking with celestials feels pretty normal...sort of like calling your really nice next door neighbour. But it doesn't have to be hard or worrisome. Doctor Mendoza, a wonderful Midwayer Doctor, told me once to look at the sessions with the Midwayers and Celestial Teachers just as you would a long awaited outing with a beloved family member, with joy and excitement. It has always helped as does never second guessing myself or the experience...which is soooooo easy to do. Sometimes as we move away from our spiritual experiences they fade a bit and it is easy to fall into the mental trap of wondering if you imagined the whole thing...So what I found helpful on that end was keeping a meditation and Akashic construct journal. Just as soon as I finished a session I wrote down everything...at first there wasn't a whole lot to write down but before long I started seeing white swirls as I meditated and then colors and even geometric shapes etc...By writing these things down I could look back later and re read, seeing that indeed I was progressing. ..learning to be quiet with mind at rest...learning to be open and peaceful.

Anyway this is getting rather long so I will sign off for now... You are doing well as you take your time with the Akashic construct exercises....and by doing them daily. Now, no worries, just relax, feel yourself protected safe and sound and allow your adventure to roll on as you are ready.

If there is anything we can do to make this more comfortable please let us know, okay?
Nice to meet you Mael! :hithere
love, Sandy

P.S. Yes, they are all true! (the stories) :D
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by overmind »

Hi Mael. I believe you will find that just about everyone here is quite sincere in their posts. It's not bad to always be questioning, but don't let that keep you from your own personal discoveries. It can be good for us to occasionally leave our comfort zones.
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Mael,

I don't understand suffering either, it makes no sense to me at all. Even when I can look back on my suffering from the past and realize I went through it for a reason, or it helped me to move forward in one way or another . . . the pain that is here right now is still the worst. I'm with you, I look around and think about the pain others are going through and it's really difficult to make sense of all of it.

I think that's partly why I appreciate the time-prompts, it helps me feel like there's something bigger than this physical world. I don't know much about it myself, I just know there is that connection. I was smiling reading about how you find it hard to believe that these prompts could be real . . .I'm the same way. :roll: It's also true that with spiritual friends who aren't time-prompted, it's hard to bring it up to them, because sometimes in the spiritual community people do get kind of competitive about their experiences! :lol: It's really a shame when you think about it, but it is hard sharing about certain things.

I'm just glad you've introduced yourself and shared a bit, so we can share this weird phenomenon together. I could relate to your message so well . . . I hope you make yourself comfortable here and enjoy the relationships you form!

How're things going for you within the AC?

Lots of love and welcome! Michele :loves
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Thanks for the quick response everyone, really appreciate it - and thank you for sharing your story with us Sandy, I'm very happy you can communicate with the midwayers, it has motivated me to reach out..! Thank you :D
11light11 wrote: I think that's partly why I appreciate the time-prompts, it helps me feel like there's something bigger than this physical world.
I feel exactly the same way Michelle, there's a longing to be connected to something higher - otherwise what does all this mean, this experience? It just doesn't make any sense.. A couple of months ago, I was helping out a lady friend to move out of her current relationship back to her mum's to gain clarity on the situation and re-assess her life, knowing she was very unhappy with him for years now - but it was complicated as they had a child together.. It was a really intense few months for her, she was so scared to leave, I was her emotional support and so it was really intense for me too haha! In that period I kept looking up into the sky, reaching out to the universe asking to give her a hand, she deserves it as she's an amasing girl - "just give her courage" is all I asked, courage to re-assess her life... In those 2 months, the prompts were going out of control, so I knew that I was on the right track. I remember one night we spoke at length on the phone about life and the universe, when I had an urge to look at the time on the phone - and saw we had been speaking for 10.10 minutes and the time was 11.11pm, again I looked at the sky with a smile on my face.. She was the only girl who knew about my time prompts, I felt that she was also connected to something higher - we could spend hours talking about the universe. We got involved with one another (again.. she was the first girl I loved 9 years ago), but it was too confusing for us both this time around given her current situation. But during the time we saw each other and speaking of life outside of the world, I was so happy, at peace, optimistic about the future, so strong - I felt like nothing could stop me, I saw clearly, I saw through people, saw their sadness, saw through societies and their many pressures. It was a crazy time, I felt like I understood what needed to be done. To reach out to people, get to their hearts, and make them question their existence. I felt connected to a much higher power for those few months, it was amasing..! I want more of that, so that I can help out in any way that I can.

And believe it or not, I decided to cut ties with her after, to let her finish her story and to protect myself, following my best friend's advice on the 11th of the 11th month of 2013... Again I looked up at the night sky asking if I had done right... Maybe you guys think not haha..

I've had a taste of what it feels like to be connected to something bigger, and I want more of it. The great thing is that when I feel "inspired" and connected, I don't think much of myself and what I need. I always think of others and how I can be of service to them, how I can brighten their day, talk about their problems.. But as you'd expect I've felt pretty down since cutting ties with her, and now it's hard to want to be there for others when I can't even sort out my own head space..! Strange thoughts, strange moods, strange emotions.. And so that's why I've started the AC again, I want to connect once more to the spiritual realm - each time I start exercise 1, I try and clear my mind and make a quick prayer asking for my celestial teacher to make contact with me when he/she (it?) feels the time is right.

I will keep you guys posted on my development, and will stay patient with it.

Thanks again for the support :D
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Krystalshard »

Hello Mael,
Just came across your post, and so I'm tardy in welcoming you!
Thank you for your honesty and for entrusting us with your thoughts and questions. We are all on our own paths, and this "intersection" is a loving secure place to meet and contemplate the sphere of existence we inhabit. Have faith, in your self, in God, in the Light and Love that is this Universe. You know in your heart of hearts that what you feel and experience is Truth. We can call it belief or maybe just a good idea, but it is our own; and when we hear that other thought in our mind at the moment we encounter something, we absolutely know.

Trust in your gut feelings, let your heart speak for you, and rest in the Peace of that "right" feeling. This connection to the Divine is so cool.
The more Light Workers there are, the better this world will be. I look forward to hearing more from you!


Jean :happy
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by 11light11 »

I second Jean, Mael, trusting yourself and following your intuition is the best you can really do. I could relate to your experience with your friend, and also to the difficult decision of saying goodbye.

It really is magical having someone you can share these things with. Maybe it's a bit of a synchronicity that you found us right when you've decided to say goodbye to her? When I'm low and log on here, I am usually able to find some sense of higher connection just from reading people's stories. I might be personally low, but as I've grown to trust these folks, I know the experiences they share are genuine, and all serve as reminders that there is something bigger than ourselves.

It's exciting. When you close one door another usually opens. I feel that lately I've just ended a destructive pattern in my life, and I am noticing how immediately (and maybe because of that) the new way forward seems to open right up. :shock: Maybe you'll find as well the flip side to the sad goodbye, and will rekindle your vast sense of connection to our universe.

I like how you look up to the sky!

Lots of love and looking forward to getting to know you better, MIchele :loves
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Krystalshard »

Michelle said:
I like how you look up to the sky!
Me too!
(I do all the time!)
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Hello guys,

Thank you for your responses and support, I really appreciate it - there is just so much love on this forum actually, it's pretty amasing.

I'm moved on to the 2nd AC exercise which I have done a couple of times and will continue to do for a week as recommended, before moving on to the final exercise. I spent some time last night reading papers on Urantia for the first time. There is some pretty unbelievable information there, there's not much more I can say... Most of the time, I am loving the stories and at times I am skeptical - which I guess is normal at this stage? What will make me an unquestionable believer and dedicated worker is when I am able to contact a midwayer through the thought adjuster in the 3rd exercise. I definitely feel ready to find a teacher who can guide me on the right path. I say right path because I won't have any support from family and friends and without this guidance, I don't think I will be able to grow spiritually to the full extent we are all capable of, and will always feel torn between the material world and a need to connect to the higher power, to our creator. It's difficult to live through the senses and also seek to grow spiritually, no doubt you guys understand this so much..

And what about you? Are you still doing the exercises? Did you make contact? Or do you still feel like I feel currently?

Mael x
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Mael!

I know what you mean about having a teacher. Short of finding one, being true to yourself and following your heart is the best you can ever do. You're using the CD and with time you will increase your sense of connection, though I can tell you've already had a strong sense of it over the years!

When you talk about logging on, enjoying the stories but being skeptical, I'm still right there with you, and I've been on here for years. ;) I actually have a much easier time believing other people's experiences than in believing my own. I think doubt is a powerful feeling . . and it's hardly all bad. Without doubt you can easily get caught into a mess, just look at cults!

Lately I've been thinking about doubt a lot. I noticed that though I doubt, I do have faith. I used to think of this like a contradiction . . .but now I'm not so sure. It's hard to believe I'm special enough to be touched by the Great Beyond or to attract their attention my way . . I think that's what makes it so hard for me to believe it's all real. But when I have those special experiences and they don't stop . .. it helps. Can you relate to that at all?

I still do the exercises on the CD from time to time. Mainly I work on my own sending energy healing . . .different things work for different people. I think the CD helps when people feel like they're getting something wrong when they try to meditate. And plenty of people talk about their wild experiences in the Construct here in this board (under Akashaic Construct Students).

Are you feeling better lately? How do you feel after doing the exercises on the CD?

Lots of love to you and thanks for sharing!

Jean I love looking up at the sky too!!! :roll It's especially awesome now that I'm far from the city lights. ;)

With love, Michele :loves
p.s. Mael, when you said it's hard to advance spiritually without support from family or friends . . .I never had any, really, till coming here, and a few friends I've made from this board. Believe it or not you can! I relate to what you said about materialism vs. spirituality and always feeling that gap . . . you know, I've heard some say the greatest spiritual challenge is to be born in the 20th/21st century, especially in the western world. We're so devoid of spirituality as a people . . . so while it seems a daunting task I also believe it encourages the deepest and most authentic growth, simply because it is so challenging. Peace!
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Hey Mael,
I agree with Michele and feel the Midwayers have probably been working with you all along because they don't need us to "believe " in them to do the work they do. Nope they know how we humans like to see tangible evidence...and yet they don't always provide it. Why? no clue... LOL I know that is not much help is it?...but I just want you to know you do not have to believe the Urantia book either. It is not a Bible and I hope it never is treated in that way. It is a huge book, though, and filled with all kinds of various information. But it is not something to live by, swear by etc.... more just a tool to perhaps encourage us to look further afield in our views as to universe existence and even what our "lives" can be when we eventually leave this rock in death. So please, do not feel you have to read the book or cherish it or anything of the sort to have guidance from Midwayers and teachers. They help people of all beliefs...as beliefs are really not so important. But I think what is important is Love. Love is something that unites us all and is always appropriate. It smooths the door of upset and helps towards understanding of those across the table or the world from us. If we can learn to love those around us and even see behind the facades we build to protect us, then we can build a future that will nurture those that come behind us. That is my grandest and deepest desire. ...and perhaps it is as simple as just making someone's life a little better today then it was yesterday. But to do that we must find our own peace perhaps as this often flows from the inside out. If that makes any sense atall! :scratch:

Anyway, I loved the second exercise. It helped me relax in other ways as well... not just preparing us to work in our ACs. And If I remember correctly, I got a might sleepy at first doing this exercise and would fall asleep while the cd continued to roll on and suddenly I would hear George's voice booming out through the speakers as he was getting me prepared for the Akashic Construct. :shock: Always made me jump it did, but in a funny way, I believe it was helping... this sleep. Awhh well...I look forward to what you intuit as you continue your journey. Because that is what is important. You will follow your own way and your journey will reflect it. For instance...when I went into my AC I immediately had patients to heal which of course thrilled me to no end as that is what I most so desired. But then when I desired to see my Celestial Teachers and asked for that....nothing... just an empty work room. :? So I busied myself doing this... working on that... etc... But it was on one of those busy days that I was surprised with a booming voice saying, "You can ask one question!" :shock: :shock: :shock: Well even though I was hoping of contact of this sort, I was so flabbergasted that my mind went completely and totally blank! I couldn't even remember my own name! :oops: drat! sigh... I heard the most wonderful laughter and then I knew the being was gone. LOL Anyway, the interesting thing was that my friend, Wingzie, an accomplished Reiki and akashic healer, too wanted very badly to see her Teachers and Midwayers and experienced the same thing... no one there. To this day I am not exactly sure why it took us a little while, (couple months) but we did both see our "friends" eventually and it was a great joy. Now I don't need or necessarily want to see them anymore. I know they are there I feel them. I guess for me feeling is the easiest of my senses, with hearing next and then seeing... But whatever happens and in whatever way your journey progresses it is for your benefit... one that will enrich you and help you grow towards the "stars of eternity".

Oh my I am such a "rattler on" today... please forgive me for a trip down memory lane. :oops: I hope you will continue to post your thoughts and your experiences Mael . I am off to make some Christmas cookies even though it is terribly hot and humid here. Blah...
Love to you and yours,
Sandy ( Ebenezer Scrougette ;) )
P.S. I too have days when I can't feel, hear and see the broad side of a barn! ;) But such is life and being human. :sunflower:
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hi Mael! :hithere

I am so glad you have found us. You are right; there is a lot of love around this place and it shows. It is really an amazing feeling for many people, including myself, to find this sort of sanctuary where everybody is so accepting and understanding, especially when it feels like there are things you can share here that are very hard to share with the other people in your life.

You are not going crazy. You are not silly for 'believing' in anything. You are not alone. Please know this! It means a lot to me that you can find some comfort here. Like Michele said above, it is a tremendous challenge to be born into this material society and time, particularly in the West… however, the beauty of *this* very time we live in right now, with the internet and everything, is that even though the lack of spirituality starts to become more apparent.. it actually also becomes more accessible. Communication and access to information makes it easier than ever to break free from that lonely feeling and realize you are not alone at all! There are people who understand exactly what you are going through and who feel the same way. I understand. I feel the same. I care about you, and I care a lot about helping you feel more comfortable with yourself and with life as you grow personally, spiritually.

I understand how difficult it can be to have moods that come and go as they please. Really, I do. I won't pry too much about that but I just wanted to say that I hope the help you are trying is working out for you and sorting things out. I also wanted to say that you can feel free to PM me on this board anytime. One of the most important things I have learned lately about the 'dark' parts of ourself is that they aren't dark or bad on their own. They are just parts. If you ever need some comfort and understanding without fear of judgment, or just need to vent to steady yourself out and let writing help you out, I am here. I promise.

I feel very much for your feelings about all the pain, suffering, and inequality in the world that you just don't understand. I felt that way once too. However.. would we even know what light was if there was no such thing as darkness? Could we believe in heaven if heaven was all we had? Not trying to get too philosophical but I am sure you understand what I mean. You see that there is ugliness and pain in this world. You also see that there is truth, beauty, and goodness. It's like what I said about how we don't have 'bad' parts, we just have parts. Well the world is the same. It just has parts. When we separate the darkness as something we don't want to accept and don't want to look at, we are shadowing darkness in darkness. But if we accept that the darkness is a part of the whole, we can cast Light on it. It's a fact that there is oppression, inequality, and pain in this world. My question to myself and to all, everyday, is what are you going to do about it? I don't even mean that with attitude, that is a sincere question. And what I really feel from you, Mael, is your desperate urge inside to follow the calling that has come to you and to bring light and love into this world. I feel it. You are on the way. You have something very special to give to this world. I am like you, I am at odds with the material world. I have discovered that the greatest way to free ourselves is to remove the shackles and chains of sorrow and hate from our brothers and sisters. I know you will do this in your lifetime. You are good. You are loved. You are light.

"There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness." - Dalai Lama

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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Hey all,

I'll share something about my day before replying to each individually.. Just after I told you all I am at times skeptical about this whole experience, I received prompts in a way which I never do :shock: It is through the time prompts on clocks that I bought George's first book, and then again following the clock prompts I bought the AC CD, and finally they have led me them to the forum - all this in a period of 2-3 years. But today was different and I'd be a real ungrateful fool if I didn't acknowledge them.. After the prompt, I waved my hand in the air and acknowledged their signal - probably their most influential signal to me because of the way in which it was done, but more importantly because of the timing at which it was done after I have said publicly and for the first time that 'yes I remain at times skeptical...'. To the prompts: I have been working part-time in retail selling DVDs for over a year and have seen quite a few prompts on the computer clock. There is a key I can press on the keyboard to see how much money I have made for the day, I check periodically throughout the day to make sure I make budget and keep my job. And so this afternoon, I press the key and see $888, and instantly realise this is my first 888 prompt ever, and so looked up at the sky saying hi back. An hour or so passes, I press the key again and see $1010 - I ask myself 'are you serious?" but I acknowledge it again. And at the end of the day, I balance the EFT machine along with the cash sales - how much have I made today? $1111...! I was shocked.. So there you are. I guess for those of you who already speak with celestials, you must just be giggling :roll But for those that don't - this is a big day for me.. It's given me more Faith in all I have been reading over the last week and since joining your forum.
Me too!
(I do all the time!)

Where do they expect us to look!? haha :lol:
It's hard to believe I'm special enough to be touched by the Great Beyond or to attract their attention my way . . I think that's what makes it so hard for me to believe it's all real. But when I have those special experiences and they don't stop . .. it helps. Can you relate to that at all?
Hey Michele. I don't think any of us are special but we must have awoken quicker than others. The minute we think of being special, Our egos grow and we become more important than others. And we don't want that at all - we want everyone on par with their egos so that we can co-exist together without suffering. I view the concept like a bit of a race. Is it Paradise we are all trying to get to? So it's just a matter of time in my eyes... We've getting the prompts so let's just go for it? We are good people, otherwise we wouldn't be here. That's for sure.. Let the prompts give us strength to move forward xx
when I went into my AC I immediately had patients to heal which of course thrilled me to no end as that is what I most so desired. But then when I desired to see my Celestial Teachers and asked for that....nothing... just an empty work room. :? So I busied myself doing this... working on that... etc... But it was on one of those busy days that I was surprised with a booming voice saying, "You can ask one question!" :shock: :shock: :shock: Well even though I was hoping of contact of this sort, I was so flabbergasted that my mind went completely and totally blank! I couldn't even remember my own name! :oops: drat! sigh... I heard the most wonderful laughter and then I knew the being was gone.
Hi Sandi :o hahaha I can imagine your face when they made contact...! I will use your experience to again motivate me to keep on going forward with the AC, just like you did. Thank you for your stories which make me want to work harder and harder at it - by that I mean 'consistently' without giving up, hoping that one day they too make contact (what a day that will be for me..) ;)
I understand how difficult it can be to have moods that come and go as they please. Really, I do. I won't pry too much about that but I just wanted to say that I hope the help you are trying is working out for you and sorting things out. I also wanted to say that you can feel free to PM me on this board anytime. One of the most important things I have learned lately about the 'dark' parts of ourself is that they aren't dark or bad on their own. They are just parts. If you ever need some comfort and understanding without fear of judgment, or just need to vent to steady yourself out and let writing help you out, I am here. I promise.
Hi Lucky :) Thank you for your very insightful words, I will slowly re-read through it to digest all the information. You have a very nice way with words.. For your passage above, all I can say is that I haven't reached the level of compassion you are showing me, but also all over the forums. You care so much for the people who are posting - It makes me feel like I too can do more for people. Thanks again for the kind words, I am sure we will speak again very soon.

Thank you once again everyone, you've all filled my heart with lots of love :loves

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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by happyrain »

Mael. Awesome ! I am fond of the 8's.
Welcome to the Board !! Merry Christmas.
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Nice to hear from you again Mael. :)

I think it is very important what you said: how you haven't reached the level of compassion you felt from me. That is quite alright. Did you know that there are people out there who couldn't care less about finding that compassion within themselves? Just like some people may find my care and mercy strange, well I find it strange how one can exist and go through a whole lifetime with no interest in that. Don't be mistaken; even the river of love in my heart has thawed from inner cold from the past. Even the light and warmth within me has blinded and burned me before like the sun and raging fires. We can both admit that there are levels of love we have not reached yet, and it's very important to recognize that. It means we accept where we are, and it also allows us to make a clear decision about where we want to be. You have expressed very much that you *wish* to grow more, do more, and love more in this life. That is a step some people don't even care about taking.. the step of intention. The wish is in your heart and you have already shown more of the beauty and goodness inside you than you may realize!

I started noticing the prompts about 8 years ago, and it brought me to George and to this forum just like you. I have never looked back, it started me with an awareness of my personal spiritual journey in this life, wherever that may take me. I have learned a lot and grown a lot, I have experienced more of life and love than I ever dreamed was possible at such a young (that's what they tell me ;) ) age. And yet.. I have also realized that over 8 years, the questions, the challenges, and the pains never go away. There was once a time where I thought I was at my spiritual peak, where I was so awake and strong that I would never have to worry about suffering and sorrow again. I was wrong. One of the things that has confused me most in this life is how we can have those times, just like you yourself said you had in the past, where we feel so joyous and inspired and at peace with the world… and then somehow it goes away. It's confusing, because if we understand what it's like to feel that way and how we think when we feel like that, why would we ever stop? And yet, that is how life goes.

An important thing I have learned is to never gauge your progress by that of any other human. I remember in the first few years, I used to get psyched out about reaching a level of compassion inside and achieving the levels of contact and spiritual experience I would read about from other people. As if those people were 'more' spiritual than me, and it was something I had to chase after. Think of yourself on a path in this life that has been tailor-made, unique and like no other, just for you and only you. Don't ever feel like you are 'lagging' because you have not achieved the same contact or experiences others have. There's nothing wrong with going after and working towards what you feel like you desire, but always remember not to measure your progress against that of anybody else. This is your life. This is your journey. We are friends, siblings, and teachers along the way, we are here just for you. You have already achieved and experienced the most important thing of all: intention. As long as you live with that intention, that wish and desire to be on this path you are on and to find truth, beauty, and goodness.. you are where you need to be. You have always been. The questions of today will become tomorrow's answers, and even those answers will become questions once more.

Being skeptical, having doubts, and asking questions is what builds faith, not fights it. Don't ever hold that against yourself. There is a difference: there are those who cast doubts and smash down all potential ideas because they don't want to believe. Then there are the honest and sincere like you, and me, who will always be asking questions and carefully considering all possibilities, because we very much *do* want to believe. There is nothing noble about ignorance and following anything without so much as a question or second thought. You are well on your way.

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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Mael!!!! I love the photo avatar!!!! :sunflower: Thank you for entrusting us with your image and that of that precious little baby! It is so good to see your face!

I had a great laugh over the prompts you were given. I never tire of them and am delighted when they shower me with unexpected 'surprises during the day!
I think Lucky had several good points in his writing just now...
An important thing I have learned is to never gauge your progress by that of any other human. I remember in the first few years, I used to get psyched out about reaching a level of compassion inside and achieving the levels of contact and spiritual experience I would read about from other people. As if those people were 'more' spiritual than me, and it was something I had to chase after. Think of yourself on a path in this life that has been tailor-made, unique and like no other, just for you and only you.
It is so true that your experiences will be all your own. They will come to you just as the prompts above surprised and delighted you... not the other way around so please do not feel you have to work hard to achieve what you consider or measure as success...okay? You are amply supplied with Love in your heart and that is it the fuel that progresses our soul.
I have to say that we are all beginners. The celestials have told us that more than once...helping to keep our egos in check I think? :lol: so it isn't the experiences... the voices, what we see, etc.. that truly gauge progress it is simple and beautiful love...It happens without fanfare and grows without measure. Thankfully, there is no end to what we can learn about Love!

...and I wonder, Lucky, if that is why sometimes we go through those periods some people might call, "the dark night of the soul?" Which is sort of the way I feel about it after having had periods of what seems spiritual awakedness (Not sure that is a word LOL)
Lucky wrote:
There was once a time where I thought I was at my spiritual peak, where I was so awake and strong that I would never have to worry about suffering and sorrow again. I was wrong. One of the things that has confused me most in this life is how we can have those times, just like you yourself said you had in the past, where we feel so joyous and inspired and at peace with the world… and then somehow it goes away. It's confusing, because if we understand what it's like to feel that way and how we think when we feel like that, why would we ever stop? And yet, that is how life goes.

So what is the value in this I wonder? Is it our inability to sustain the level of spiritual aptitude, or are these "darkish" times actually adding depth and strength and flexibility to who we are...the real us within that is timeless as we grow towards perfected Light and Love? Don't know??? I often wish personally I didn't have these periods you describe... but maybe there is a purpose and it is all wrapped up in our eternal growth. :finger:

Anyway, I'm off to make a low carb...low sugar... low taste peanut butter pie. :mrgreen:

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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Hey Lucky,
You have expressed very much that you *wish* to grow more, do more, and love more in this life. That is a step some people don't even care about taking.. the step of intention. The wish is in your heart and you have already shown more of the beauty and goodness inside you than you may realize!
The wish is there and now I feel like I'm needing some direction from a teacher, someone who understands how I operate, and most importantly understands my heart. I'm really hoping I can find such a teacher through the AC exercises, someone who can offer guidance through this life. I think the concept of "love" is simple to understand but so difficult to live by each and every day whilst on this Earth. It’s most difficult to understand the boundaries of love through every day living. How selfless can I truly be without wanting happiness for my own being, for my own ego, for my own sense of self? And in seeking this happiness, it means I have to be selfish to some along the way. To what degree must I be selfless? This is where I get confused the most about love, it’s now the main reason I’m seeking guidance from a celestial being.

I have a brother who I know is unhappy… He doesn’t have the courage to face the world and to give it a go once more, so he spends his days in solitude reading and playing games. No one else really helps him, most have given up. As a servant of love, must I put aside more time of my own journey to try and help him? This would drain a lot of my energy and I just think it’s easier to just let him be, easier for me… He is not generous and lives only for himself, most of the time I don’t want to help him because he doesn’t want to help himself. Does love require me to help him? And if so, how much? This is just one example of some decision making among numerous I have to make on a daily basis, but I am not sure I am making the correct ones as viewed from an all loving perspective.

Hi Sandy,
So what is the value in this I wonder? Is it our inability to sustain the level of spiritual aptitude, or are these "darkish" times actually adding depth and strength and flexibility to who we are...the real us within that is timeless as we grow towards perfected Light and Love? Don't know??? I often wish personally I didn't have these periods you describe... but maybe there is a purpose and it is all wrapped up in our eternal growth.
Would be become complacent if we were always happy? Content and not seeking to grow further? I’ve always believed that it is through dark times the real character within is revealed. And perhaps it’s also like a test – even feeling so low and insecure, do we still choose to show love to those around us? When our sense of self is under threat, do we still choose to worry about others?

On another note, I’m still going through the 2nd exercise of the AC. Do you have any advice to give me Sandy, since you have already mastered it :P

Hope everyone has had a very Merry Christmas :loves
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by 11light11 »

Hi again Mael!

Great picture! Cute baby! I am thinking he is lucky for feeling that love in his life. ;) And I'm already picturing him pointing to the clock at 11:11. :lol: :hithere

I agree with your comment about ego interfering with own's sense of the Great Beyond. I've been there myself, many years ago when I first started moving into the spiritual world. When I said I struggle to believe I am special enough, I almost meant the opposite of any kind of idea like "I am more special than others, that's why I am prompted." I meant, I take for granted that others are prompted, that any human being could be prompted. But I wouldn't be suitable . . . I suppose even when we're putting ourselves down ego is getting in the way. But with doubt and skepticism and finding it hard to believe that I am truly prompted, or that I do occasionally sense what someone is going to say before they say it, etc. . . When I really challenge myself and ask myself why I go on doubting despite these many experiences? One of the answers that always comes into my mind is that it couldn't happen 'to me.' Does that make sense? I'll read one of George or Sandy's stories, or Lucky's, or yours, and I'm nodding, I do believe you experienced that and I do believe Celestials are touching your lives. Because I think you're all fantastic. ;) Then it comes my way and rationality enters in and I'm finding some logical reason to chalk the whole thing off to chance!!! :lol: I have good days and bad days when it comes to 'believing,' but this is one of the key reasons I struggle with doubt.

I just try to understand why the certainty fades, and I just had a cousin talking about this a couple nights ago when he was very drunk. His dad just died and that night, and the night after, he saw two shooting stars in a row, though he's never seen a shooting star before. Each night his first thought was, "That's dad." 100% certainty. Perfect 'knowing.' But by the time he told the story to me, it had faded. He started saying how there are many shooting stars . . .that others might have seen it too . . that it couldn't've been his dad because how would that be possible? And we probably stop when we die. It was just wishful thinking because the death caused so much pain.

Well I could relate to him perfectly well. That's my pattern too: Perfect knowing . . . time passes . . . the massive force of logic enters the scene and 'undoes' the beauty of it. :lol: But I'm patient with myself! I have some sense as to why my cousin and I do this to ourselves, and maybe it's not all bad after all. But if we keep looking at our experiences as either 'knowing' or 'doubting' that they happened, we'll never find the grey road in between, in which we have a sense or feeling for it . . even if we can't say 'for sure' that something magical happened to us. That's what I've been thinking of lately . . . uncertainty is ok, especially when it intermingles with a sense of magic.

I liked all the things Lucky was talking about, regarding darkness and light, and how we don't have good parts and bad parts, just parts. That any area of darkness can be brought into the Light. It reminded me of a tenet from esoteric Judaism, that says that there is no 'good' or 'evil.' There is only Light . . and the areas where Light doesn't yet shine. Picture your bedroom. It's dark. You turn on the light, and the whole darkness disappears. It's like that. So that's the job of the Light Worker, just to shine the light around . . and even those of us who doubt can do that!!! You've already shined a nice dose our way and that baby's getting his fill, I can see. ;)

I have a brother who is in a lot of trouble too, at least emotionally. I really don't believe that it's right and good to sacrifice yourself to save the other, especially when the person hasn't asked for help. Over many years I've tried to provide that lifeline and it's as you said, quite draining with no residual benefits for either of us, and meanwhile I feel depleted. You matter too . . I believe a balance can be achieved where you let him know you are there, and offer whatever you have, but when you see he is not yet willing to accept the help, it is not selfish to move on . . .I don't mean to sound insensitive, but it's like the bit about the man who is drowning. If he has it set in his head not to survive, and you jump in to save him, now two people are drowning. I think over a long period of time, you reaching out to show him you care, that love and caring *does* get in there. You are shining your Light.

I can relate to your wish to find a teacher. I have never heard the voice of a teacher before, and it may be that I don't hear voices, at least not yet. But often I can sense that I was guided to say or do a certain thing . . almost as if certain information was impressed upon me, and my unconscious was able to grasp it and make use of it. It's a heartening thing to witness, and it does help with that hope.

With love, Michele :loves
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Hi Mael,
You asked:
On another note, I’m still going through the 2nd exercise of the AC. Do you have any advice to give me Sandy, since you have already mastered it :P
Well I wouldn't say mastered it. Really there is nothing to master...It is “a tool” that is helpful and I still do it from time to time when I need some help totally relaxing and understanding what it feels like to be quiet and peaceful inside which is what the exercise is helping you to do.

One has to do nothing but listen as it is being played. So if there is any advice I could give you regarding this exercise and the following exercise, the Akashic Construct, it would be to go into the meditation exercise with absolutely no expectation. To just be in the moment and to enjoy it. Afterwards, then to not critique yourself. That is very easy to do because let’s face it, there are times our busy minds are hard to shut down as we think about the jobs and days ahead. That is why this is truly is an exercise because overall when done frequently and reliably, it helps us to build the foundations of our spiritual muscles that we will continue to build on.
I used to lament to my Teacher...whether I could hear them or not...oh and that reminds me hearing is often more than what we hear with our ears. Hearing comes in other forms as well...it comes as words in our head, senses too something akin to intuition. Michele, you have that dear lady by the bushel loads as you work daily on healing those in need. Healing meditation is very much working with celestials for the good of our human and animal kin. (plant too LOL don't want to leave "anybody" out. ) So Michele, you may think that you are not in touch but you are very very much in touch at these times! You would not be able to do what you do and I can testify to the accuracy of your healing work, if you did not open your heart and soul to the spiritual energies around you.
... Okay, back to my lamenting... :lol: I used to complain to any Celestial within ear and "thought shot", telling them that I completely bungled the meditation attempt. What I “heard” back was that there was no failure and that every attempt to draw closer to the Creator of All and the Celestial kin was beneficial and added something in the way of growth and spiritual strength. "Things" are happening whether we feel, sense, hear, see or think they are. And, thankfully, when we least expect it and are not trying to direct our progress...we can be awarded with tidbit of confirmation.

As our trust muscle grows and by trust muscle I am speaking just as much as trust in ourselves and a doubting of our worthiness, (There is no worthy or unworthy.) we begin to see how all this fits in relation to our own lives and eternal future. So please let's put this thought in our head... that we are all absolutely, positively cherished and every single time we reach up to the heavens they do reach back and not reluctantly either. There is great joy in our minor or major accomplishments! Let’s open our hearts to our own sense of self worth and feel this joy! LOL (I laugh because I am speaking to myself too. ;) :roll: I have trouble in this area. ;)

Well, I know this is a crazy “mish mosh” of a response but I must get outside and mow the grass before it swallows the flats. The day is so beautiful and despite the work ahead, I am looking upon the job with excitement and expectation as this methodical going back and forth, back and forth (we have a very long yard here) is very good for the soul and a perfect time to talk things over with whoever is listening... ;)

Love to all you dear lovely people, :hithere
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Mael »

Hi Michele,

Hope you are well on the Eve of the New Year :hithere Regarding the doubt we experience, I think all of it will vanish when we have made contact with a spiritual being, and we can continue to liaise with it. From what I have read, there are enough teachers for everyone of us. We have been prompted so now it it up to us to continue with the meditation exercises, to do so with the right motives, until they believe we are ready and make contact with us. For me, the doubt will completely vanish when this happens, and it's the only way to get rid of it permanently.. I move on to the 3rd exercise after New Years, I will go through it as recommended without any expectations and will see what happens. In the mean time, there are plenty to keep me busy with work, family, friends, and studies.
I believe a balance can be achieved where you let him know you are there, and offer whatever you have, but when you see he is not yet willing to accept the help, it is not selfish to move on
I will take your advice, I've tried to help so many times - he's not ready to ask for help, his ego is still preventing it. So I'll go on with my journey! Thank you for the advice.

PS: It is not my baby in the picture, and it's not a boy - it's one of my nieces haha!! :lol: She definitely looks like a little lad in that one though.. :roll Take care!

Hi Sandy :hithere

You said:
One has to do nothing but listen as it is being played. So if there is any advice I could give you regarding this exercise and the following exercise, the Akashic Construct, it would be to go into the meditation exercise with absolutely no expectation. To just be in the moment and to enjoy it. Afterwards, then to not critique yourself. That is very easy to do because let’s face it, there are times our busy minds are hard to shut down as we think about the jobs and days ahead. That is why this is truly is an exercise because overall when done frequently and reliably, it helps us to build the foundations of our spiritual muscles that we will continue to build on.
Once again I am very thankful for the advice, which I will obviously follow ;) I've had a few instances when I've completely lost myself in the visualisations, and others when my mind is not able to settle. But either way, I don't judge the performance, I simply try to clear my mind more the next time around. I do have to say that when I am able to be completely focused on George's instructions, it always makes for an amasing experience. Like you said, it is like a muscle which we have to strengthen through practice, I have the patience and desire for it.

Thank you again for the advice, I am very grateful :loves

Speak to you all in the new year, enjoy the festivities!!
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Your little niece is adorable, Mael! You can tell her uncle loves her dearly from that photo. ;)

You have a wonderful New Year's Eve and New Year down there in Melbourne! We are having a quiet one watching the Sydney fire works on the tele and maybe slipping outside to catch the local ones from the back yard. We are fortunate to have a pretty good view from the lake and have an open skyline... But I suppose every night is a goodie that I spend with my George, New Years or not. He is my biggest blessing. :happy
love and good cheers,
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by KurtSchluter »

The greatest gift God has given us is love. This series of posts illustrates it!
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Mael,

It's fun reading your message, because you have this kind of beautiful certainty that with enough patience and time a Teacher will come through. That's awesome! :sunflower: It's like that old saying, when the student is ready, the teacher comes. The photo of your niece is beautiful! I suppose it's not easy to tell if a baby is a he or a she when all's said and done.

Thanks for that lovely message Kurt, I agree! :roll Happy New Year everyone! Hope the 3rd exercise works well for you in the new year, Mael.

With love, Michele :loves
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by Sandy »

Hello Kurt!
The greatest gift God has given us is love.

It is isn't it! :D I am reminded of a member who I haven't seen in a long time named Bing. He always signed off with the phrase, "Throw a little Love into the wind!" We cannot loose by "sporting" love even if some people do not understand it at this time. In the end, Love always wins. :happy
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Re: Looking for support in making contact..

Post by KurtSchluter »

This past week my wife has been noticing the 11 prompts all the time and telling me several times a day. I have explained what we think they mean and she accepts this. Then the other day she woke up from a nap and saw a being of light who radiated love and filled her with joy! It really shook her. Then the other night she woke to a male voice calling her name from the corner of our bedroom where we store our walking sticks that we found on the beach. She is not afraid at all but is getting closer to understanding what I talk about. Her path to God is the Buddhist way with a smattering of Taoism while I am full blown Urantian. I look forward to traveling eternity with her. We've been married for 33 years and it gets better every day. We are both right as there is no wrong path if God is the destination. :kiss:
Peace, Kurt
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