Hello from a curious 11:11er

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Hello from a curious 11:11er

Post by 4Aces »

I made a tweet about 11:11 a few days ago and it was just favorited by this site. I came to check it out. I posted about this phenomenon on another board I frequent. Some folks experience similar things like 11:11, 12:34, their birthdays or streetlights going out. Interesting stuff. Most think it's the subconscious placing importance on it, then having your internal clock alert you to it.

My dad and I both tend to notice 11:11 or 1:11 a lot, and have for some time. We refer to 11:11 as 4 aces. I have been noticing it a LOT more recently. As a kid, I remember noticing 4:44 a lot. Not so much anymore. I also noticed 5:15 a lot. It is my birthday, and my dad says he looked at the clock when I was born and it was 5:15pm on 5/15. Sorta odd from the beginning! Haha

My recent occurences have become more common in the last 2-3 weeks. Usually, it's glancing at the time on the DVR, car radio, clock on laptop or work computer, or cell phone. It's happened at home, work, at restaurants, and even in church last week. Last week, I went with a coworker to lunch. My bill was $11.xx and they gave me the little flag for my order and it was #11. Even the cashier's voice inflected when he said, "Your total is $11.xx and your order number is...eleven. I honestly didn't notice till my coworker pointed it out. Now I know to look for it in more places than a clock.

I have always felt like I had an ability that I wasn't able to tap into. In HS, I had a dream of a basketball scoreboard with teams and the final. It just flashed in my mind's eye. Next day, the game was part of March Madness and it finished with that score. Another dream 10 or so years ago was eerie. Was talking to a girl online for awhile. Felt a connection with her (I.e. a crush). Had a dream that she was playing volleyball and hurt her leg or foot, and was in a lot of pain while helped off the court. Next evening I told her about the dream, and she said she had sprained her ankle in the game the night before and was carried off. She didn't believe me that I had dreamt it. Thought I was a stalker and was there. Haha

Another time, had a dream about a man looking for his son in a creepy forest. He turns a corner and is in our hallway. Walks down the hallway, turns another corner, and bumps into his son back in the forest. Next morning, my mom asked if I heard footsteps in the hallway the night before. That was a little unnerving.

I'm rambling now. Sorry. Just wanted to see people's thoughts and say hello.
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Re: Hello from a curious 11:11er

Post by overmind »

Hi 4Aces, I'm a bit exhausted, but I didn't want to just leave you hanging. Your experiences are pretty normal here, so I think you'll feel at home. Also, I wasn't even aware we had a twitter account. :scratch: You learn something new each day. Feel free to ask questions or read the FAQ.
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Re: Hello from a curious 11:11er

Post by Sandy »

Hey 4Aces,
Welcome to the board! :hithere

I like this...
My dad and I both tend to notice 11:11 or 1:11 a lot, and have for some time. We refer to 11:11 as 4 aces.
Never heard that before but a perfect description because that is sort of how I feel when I see the 1111's, like I won a hand of cards.
I also noticed 5:15 a lot. It is my birthday, and my dad says he looked at the clock when I was born and it was 5:15pm on 5/15.
That made me smile because my birthdate was the first number prompt I was given. (7:11) When I first came here I wasn't seeing any numbers at all like everybody else on the board. ( I came here after reading the Urantia Book and wanted to learn more about celestial beings known as Midwayers.) Anyway, I was feeling a little left out and wondered, "What is wrong with me!" But then, one day, I started seeing my birthdate everywhere and all day long. That evening as I was drifting off after watching a movie, (happened to see my birthdate here too in the movie extras) I heard a very loud "Happy Birthday!" in my ear. I jumped up but no one was there. LOL I knew from the board all was well and was sooooo excited! Finally! I sort of felt like I had been given a birthday present even though it wasn't my birthday.

Anyway, I see prompts eveyrwhere now and and enjoy the benefit of getting to know some of the beings behind the time prompt. It's all good!

Sounds like you have some interesting abilities within you...I agree the dreams especially the second one and your mom asking if you heard footsteps would have been a little freaky for me too. :shock: But all in all, these things are real blessings and as we learn to use the natural "abilities we can do great good not only for ourselves but those around us... or even people halfway around the world.

I know this is getting a little long (I am notorious for that. :roll: ) but I wanted to give you a few URLs to check out when you have time... just in case you haven't already. They might help in your search for answers on the numbers you have been seeing.

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What It Really Means

Stillness Exercise

11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Nice to meet you, 4Aces!
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Re: Hello from a curious 11:11er

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hello 4Aces :hithere ..May we call you Ace? :?:

Unfortunately, like my pal above, I also happen to be exhausted at the moment but also didn't want to just leave you hanging. Trust me, at our best, we have a lot to give here and don't ever worry about rambling, you are welcomed and cared about. I do hope that you will continue to share with us and I also plan on trying to say more when I have some more energy.

I've often felt like the numbers are not trying to say something specifically, but are more of a wake-up call to be aware and look within for meanings and answers specific to the individual. In my opinion, a key a point you made is that you have always felt like you've had an ability you haven't quite tapped into yet. Perhaps the aces are a signal, a reminder to you that there *is* some sort of ability and the time is coming to use it? This could be anything.. it could be a physical or professional skill that would serve useful in your life. It could be some sort of mental or intellectual gift, it could perhaps even simply be some sort of ability within you to connect with other human beings. Ultimately, I have a feeling that your feeling is right.. I think you have something within you that would add to your life and to the world, and the answer is within you.

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Re: Hello from a curious 11:11er

Post by 4Aces »

Thank you overmind, Sandy and Lucky for the warm welcome. It's always nice to get some replies to your first post on a new site. Tells me this is an active place.

I hadn't thought of it, but Ace would be a perfectly fine nickname for here. :)

I appreciate all the comments. I think maybe you are right, Lucky. Perhaps a big change is coming in my life. I can think of a couple things it could mean. I just need to dedicate myself to becoming a better person.
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Re: Hello from a curious 11:11er

Post by Sandy »

Hi Ace!
I just need to dedicate myself to becoming a better person.
No pressure though, eh? You are more than likely a perfectly wonderful person just the way you are... ;)
XX Sandy
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Re: Hello from a curious 11:11er

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Well you can consider yourself part of a family here Ace :)

Your dreams are interesting to me. The one about the girl getting hurt playing volleyball reminded me of many times that I've had a dream about an event or an image/symbol that appeared the *next* day. It is actually really incredible if you think about it. It's one thing for something to happen and then appear in dreams afterwards.. but how do we explain something coming into our life AFTER we dream it? It makes me think that "time" may operate in a much more mysterious way than we usually think, and that we could probably learn something from our subconsciousness.

About the dream with the man in the hallway.. I'm not one to assume anything or get hung up, but is there a chance that any part of you feels like it could relate to either: something "spirit" related in your home, or perhaps even sleep walking? I know that is weird to suggest to someone that maybe they would have slept walk, it just seems interesting that your mother heard footsteps. I'm probably rambling here though; it could be anything, and it could be nothing. It's all about what it means to *you* really!

If you don't mind me asking, you said perhaps there is a big change coming in your life, and I'm just curious if there is anything going on in your life at the moment that seems like a transition or something that you can predict may change? Something professionally, relationship-wise, personally, or whatever the case may be... now look at me getting nosy, don't mind me, I just love people and their lives :)

"There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness." - Dalai Lama

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