Trouble making it to the next level

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Trouble making it to the next level

Post by murlin99 »

Good Afternoon All,
Since I started practicing the AC meditation 2 or so years ago I have posted some info about my experiences while using the meditation tapes. One of the threads took off and took on a mind of its own, that is awesome. The more I think about the other meditative experiences that I have had I think the one of the "graceful bird" was the only true one. I believe now that the others were dreams I had where I had fallen asleep during the meditation.

I come here today asking for guidance because I seem to be at an impasse with my meditation. I put a post on here a while back with tips on how to relax during meditation, do not sit waiting for something to happen because that is not the purpose and so on.... I follow my own tips as far as that goes but still feel that I am stuck and can not go any further in my meditation than I already am. At this point after I am about 15 - 20 minutes or so into the meditation I start go get very restless and agitated, to the point of stopping the meditation and going off to do something else. This does not seem to start until I have been working on it for a couple months, everything is pretty smooth up until that point and then it starts all over again.

I have a fairly quiet place to meditate, I can either sit up in a chair, or a bed or lay down in the bed, with a fan on or without a fan on, I can use headphones or just let the meditation tracks play through my speakers so I have a very flexible way and time to do my meditation and I have tried every combination, it always comes out the same after I am about 2 months into it I become too restless to finish the meditation.... I have tried to force myself through the restlessness but after that point my mind is firing on 20,000 different things that I cant push away and I just give up. I have also tried this at different times of the day from 10am on through 9pm, it does not seem to matter....

Anyone have any thoughts on why this might be happening? I could understand it if it happened from day one, but this does not seem to come on until after I have ben practicing for a couple months.

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Re: Trouble making it to the next level

Post by George »

Hi there Bryan,

Basically I have no idea, but only because I've not come across this specifically -- ever.

I suggest you shorten your meditation to Part 3 only of the Akashic Construct and
take the time in the workshop to do a healing on whomever needs it, and or
program your dreams to inform you of what is going on.

Like a mantra for the dream to be revealing of the unusual stressor.

Generally interference of that kind deals with fear, hidden, but quite real -- and
surprisingly because of any old circumstance even prior to birth.

Good luck...
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Re: Trouble making it to the next level

Post by murlin99 »

Thanks for the reply. Though it sort of defeats the purpose of meditation I kept a slight thought on what I was doing and exactly what was going through my mind when it started to wander last night. I think I have figured out that it is my mind constantly wanting to schedule everything, so what is happening I think is I am paying attention to time while I am meditating. I think it may have to do with me using headphones 99% of the time and though it may sound funny, its the thought of having to know when to take them off when I am done.

This evening I am going to change a couple things in my routine, mainly taking everything out of the picture that may cause my mind to try to form a schedule and ditching the headphones, also isolating the AC3 track so nothing will play after it, right now any number of random pieces of audio could play after that track is over.

I will let you know how it goes.

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Re: Trouble making it to the next level

Post by Krystalshard »

Hi Bryan,
Just a thought, as I am not an accomplished meditation student... but an observation:
Perhaps it may be you are seeing this as a challenge, and thus your brain feels it must stay in control? When reading your post I thought: Ask for help. And you have... but maybe also ask for help from those who are always by your side: your helpers. Then, (as I seem to always have trouble with): LET THEM. :D

Envision yourself when you were a small child, and for whatever reason, when fatigue overcame your little body, you would resist and fight it so as not to miss a thing. Then, Mom, Grandma, Dad... someone would say, "Come up here on my lap" and they would hold you and you could let go, probably "conking out".

You are cared for, and you can let go.


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Re: Trouble making it to the next level

Post by Sandy »

I loved this Jean and found it very helpful in translation to meditation!
Envision yourself when you were a small child, and for whatever reason, when fatigue overcame your little body, you would resist and fight it so as not to miss a thing. Then, Mom, Grandma, Dad... someone would say, "Come up here on my lap" and they would hold you and you could let go, probably "conking out".

You are cared for, and you can let go.
Thank you!
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Re: Trouble making it to the next level

Post by KurtSchluter »

This is exactly what I do too! I use my earliest childhood memory of being held in my mothers lap in our living room watching the cars drive by our house leaving the school next door one night. I remember all the tailfins on the cars because it was 1960 or so as I was born in 1958. This memory gives me that warm cared for feeling mentioned above. My other similar memory is when I climbed to the top of a very tall tree in our yard and spent a long time looking at my world from a new perspective. I have this feeling now as I read this forum and other related venues. The celestial perspective of our world is fascinating!
Peace, Kurt
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Re: Trouble making it to the next level

Post by Krystalshard »

Wow... Lol! I also spent many a day high aloft in the branches of trees as a child....

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Re: Trouble making it to the next level

Post by Sandy »

Kurt wrote:
This memory gives me that warm cared for feeling mentioned above. My other similar memory is when I climbed to the top of a very tall tree in our yard and spent a long time looking at my world from a new perspective.
and Jean...
Wow... Lol! I also spent many a day high aloft in the branches of trees as a child....
I did too! :sunflower: Could sit up there in the tree for what seemed like hours... and that feeling!!! I hadn't thought of that in years and years... :happy
XX Sandy
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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