Struggles with beliefs

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Struggles with beliefs

Post by universallove7 »

Hi just some thoughts I've been having...

I have never believed in God, I just found the idea of a God unrealistic...Though I have always believed in the power of the Universe and felt a connection since I was a young child.

Since being on here and reading the messages received, I have had to digest a lot of information that wouldn't normally sit well with me. I'm reading of the Creator and now left He really real? And Jesus Christ too?

One of the main issues I have had is the Bible, do we know if that has any truth to it?

I don't know if the struggles I have with this subject will impede my chances of any celestial messages..

Thanks for reading my ramblings :kiss:
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by Sandy »

Hi universallove,
I have never believed in God, I just found the idea of a God unrealistic...Though I have always believed in the power of the Universe and felt a connection since I was a young child.
I think that in a way, what lies underneath and behind every cell and atom the universe is in a very real sense God or at the very least the fabric of God. I believe this "divine Power" in the universe is to each of us what we need It to be and perhaps even reaches out to us in these ways, custom designed for our needs alone. Of course, no one can prove this or the very existence of "God" to another person. And the way we think of this Power, Source, Infinite being, Eternal Father ...whatever... is very, very personal. I remember much to my embarrassment some years ago getting furious at a man who levelled on another person for expressing their idea of God as a fatherly figure.(His own father had been quite abusive and so in some ways very understandable) But still for me...this was very hurtful and me telling you what you have to think about God, my way would be wrong as this is your journey. We can describe God from our own impressions as we sit in stillness and feel the love and universe vibrations. But this time is fleeting...sort of like a butterfly landing here and there as we long to express in a human dialog what we have seen, heard, felt...all three just as equally important. But we can never do it justice... they are just words when given second hand. But what we felt was real, vibrant... Truth. Real Truth with a capital T lies in those moments of stillness when the world and all its distractions stands still and it is you and this "Creator/upholder/ Power"...when you feel this overwhelming Love and in those moments you don't have to understand the complexities... the “hows” and the “whys”. I guess for me just knowing that out there is something massively unexplainable that reaches for me and finds a way without words to soothe my sorrows and instil a quiet peace regardless of the turmoil of my life. "Things" have occurred in these moments that science would be hard pressed to explain...But my imprints, the way I feel about this Power, in reality are my own and not to be offered as proof positive. But I will say that I found the answer to "the age old question" and found that it comes from sitting in quiet meditation over and over and even over again. We can read about God in books but they are still just flat black and white words that will never do this Infinite Power justice.
Whether there is a God or there isn't is for you to discover and this goes for each of us... it is the only way.

Oh now, Jesus!!!! He saved me when I was at my lowest point ever! I called to Him and felt Him in the much Love!!!...I cried for hours from the sheer beauty of that Love... But once again,same as above...we have free will to search, discover, find, contemplate, digest, accumulate, withdraw, trust, back off, reach out, etc... and I do all of those sometimes in a day. LOL

It helps me to know that the universe allows for our confusion and doesn't expect us to suddenly know everything...We have time to figure it all out be it here or in other realms...this allows us to just be... be in the moment and appreciate what this might mean...The coolness of the air as it brushes past my skin, the smell of my neighbours lovely dinner on the stove, the sounds of the birds splashing water out of my make shift bird bath and the site of the magnificent mountains overlooking the lake. But that is not where it ends..this is just the beginning what is superficial to the moment... we go deeper...and we ask ourselves what is inside of me...why am I exalted and brought to tears when I am reminded of this moment...having left my worry about the finances, my health, my inabilities behind me for a time. As I get even quieter and follow the trail of thoughts and feelings .... I see I am tracking something.... tidbits and impressions of something larger then I can possibly imagine... A biblical fiery cloud emitting power and radiance?...well, maybe somewhere in the universes of time but here and for me in this moment it is delicate laughter...deep within...a shared resonance...a most cherished communion deep.

Nope see...words cannot describe...and I am reminded that I cannot help you prove or disprove anything. How I wish I could. but it is all good... your thoughts...your way... your view of this universe power. Relish the discoveries you make and know behind them are more...and more...and more.
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by fmspirit39 »

Sandy, thank you for being in this world! It never ceases to inspire me how you are able to give each person a totally personal response to what seem to me to be the same questions over again. You must be connecting on a far deeper level because each time you answer, it is beautiful and profound: suited to that individual. Amazing! Your tireless and endless contributions are amazing. My heart is sending you gratitude right now. Love.
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

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IP.S. I did not know the time before I posted. I looked at the clock after I sent it, and it was 10:10!
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by sammy »

Hi Universallove,

I'm rushing out this morning, so I apologize for having to respond in such a brief manner, but perhaps this will be some food for thought...

Let me start by saying that I am NOT a Jehovah's history is I was raised Catholic and have had plenty of my own doubts along the way. The most compelling evidence I have ever read that there IS God came from a booklet left for me from the Jehovah's Witnesses. I think it was called "Is God Real?". In it, they discussed in detail the science behind how this rock we call Earth was able to become filled with life. I don't recall the details, but it basically talked about how if the positions of the planets were off by just a fragment life could not exist every bit of molecular activity has to be "just so" for life to exist here, and the statistical odds that this occurred by chance is beyond minute. When you read those details it becomes difficult to NOT believe that our existence is not of intelligent design, it basically provides awesome evidence of a supreme being as our creator.

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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by Sandy »

(((((( fmspirit))))) I so appreciate the love you sent me today. :happy And in reality it is I whom are grateful to you and the contribution you make to the lightening of our world. We are a family of sorts here I think...each of us unique but united to in the Power of God...the power of unconditional Love. Our love mingles and blossoms into something new everytime we reach out in some way and share what is growing within us... everytime we embrace life without fear. That last bit is the hardest for me... but it is love and the support of you and the "family" that help me to knock down those self made walls one brick at a time.
I am so blessed to have all of you in my life. :kiss:
With love,
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by happyrain »

hi universal love.. i too struggle with beliefs in the same area. i don't think though this question is about accepting anyone elses belief.
you're really being asked to go to within and understand the concept and purpose of belief. your unfolding and experience.
here's a quote, "True belief is independent of reason." i think it's as sandy has said... something one feels in which words can not justify.
i've met wonderful people of all faiths and have had some interesting encounters with strangers... rosemary and mark... they've taken me in and have shown amazing acts of kindness- they do all this with a belief in jesus christ- a relationship with him. its been suggested that i must accept jesus christ as my savior for salvation. i don't want to accept that jesus christ is the only true embodiment of god incarnated in the flesh. that's not my belief but- this does not mean i have to shut others out for expressing their love.
you don't have to believe in jesus christ to believe in his message. you don't have to believe in others understanding of anything. it's again as sandy has stated a personal journey and one which the reasoning of man can not justify.

in the above quote sandy has highlighted from your words- if you read it you can see, certain words that come from the analytical while other words come from something spiritual.
take this urge and place it inwards. this is a soul calling opportunity. really listen to yourself and think of yourself as an alchemist paving the path to truth. or a pioneer simply living your life and discovering the uniqueness of your being.

you know sometimes people will say something and be so opposed to just one word and from that point on will shift their focus or shut themselves off that they don't give the speaker a chance and deny themselves opportunity. i don't think that's the case with you so don't worry about questioning these 'celestial messages'. it's healthy. we're just living our lives... hope you're having a good day
thanks for the post
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by universallove7 »

Sandy, thank you so very much for taking the time to write such a heartfelt reply. You really are a special lady and I feel that you have a lot of love to give out, not a common thing these days, so again thank you :loves I enjoy readin about your experiences, I can see and feel them and it's a joy.

I guess I am pondering alot since joining here, so much to take in. I am amazed and so pleased, I almost feel like I have finally found what I am supposed to be doing; I've been told on a few occasions that I should be healing with my hands and I so hope I get a chance to do this :)

Hi Sammy, thank you for your thoughts and experiences also; that theory certainly does make alot of sense...It's amazing how we can survive here and how we are made up of these elements that allow us to breathe and function. I may read up on that theory too, thanks again :)

happyrain, hi and thank you for your kind words. I too know people with many different faiths, I accept them for the humans they are and not what god/s they believe in. I only struggle when people try to push me into their way of thinking/believing as I truly feel in my heart that they don't really "get it". I don't want you to think I am arrogant and I would never express that to my friends as I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings but thats the way I feel. I don't think that anyone truly understands (or perhaps a few in the know do!) why we are all here, I certainly don't; and I think that all these different beliefs and religions simply keep us all divided when we should all be like a huge dysfunctional family...I mean we are only human! :) We are never going to all be best buds but the hate out there caused by religious indifference is relentless. And yes you are quite right I have always felt spiritual or spirit guided since a child, apparently I used to have great conversations with "absolutely nobody" in my bedroom much to the bemusement of my parents! :)

I'm going on I know but it's really lovely to have somewhere to express yourself without fear of reprimand, thanks :sunflower:

Can I just ask?? Did anybody else find it hard to meditate? I am on the first part of the CD and I feel I may be here for some time, I knew I would find this difficult as I never seem to be able to switch off :/ I have to fall asleep with the tv on as it helps me focus and stop my mind going 100mph!!

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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by sammy »

Universal...I STILL have a hard time...but that is because I am not "religious" (pun intended) about sticking to it. Originally I found that I would fall asleep, but a different sort of sleep where I had no idea any time had passed. When I stuck with it I started having some amazing experiences, but then when I took time off from meditating it was like starting from square one again. It WILL come, you have to take the pressure off yourself. Any thoughts that come - try to breath them away (refocus on your breathing or on the words from the CD).

I also used to re play that first section a couple times...I am slow to relax, and it was hard for me to relax those tiny muscles behind my eyes without the muscles in my head tensing back up...much less work all the way down my if I played it a second time it was more effective for me.

Take it easy on yourself...and good luck!

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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by Sandy »

Hi Universallove...
Me too...I am the world's worst meditating chatterbox. I am always thinking...and I am not talking high and lofty thoughts either. :roll: :)
Some days I find that I am also acting much like a "color commentator" as I begin to meditate..." Hey..that muscle is still tight! ... What are you wiggling for??!!... Oh NO! is that a stray thought? Wow...look at that! What do you think that is?" :roll: :roll: :roll: Then I find the stern thinking Sandy chimes in...Enough already! Breathe! ... I said Breathe! :? :roll: If I can stick with it for a few minutes the thoughts get quieter and quieter and I begin to simply view...( I meditate eyes closed so when I say view I just allow whatever comes into closed eye vision to come and go... come and go. It is very soothing and usually helps lead me to that peaceful place. It's almost like I have to get past a "hump" and then things become easier...The "hump" being my own resistance.

Sammy, that is such a good idea... :sunflower:
I also used to re play that first section a couple times...I am slow to relax, and it was hard for me to relax those tiny muscles behind my eyes without the muscles in my head tensing back up...much less work all the way down my if I played it a second time it was more effective for me.
I didn't have much what I would call success with the first exercise... But the second one really helped me and George still often leads me through it before I head to my Akashic workshop. It is the second part that often puts us to sleep..I experienced it's wonderful to help correct poor sleep problems or even health problems where relaxation assists...hmmm I suppose relaxation can assist us in any health problem. ( so basically what I am trying to say can probably cheat like the rest of us and scoot on into the second exercise. ;) :mrgreen: )
Anyway, no worries... you are doing great...

You know, George and I were just talking about meditation this morning. He said it isn't so much the length of time that you do it but the regularity...trying every day at least for a few minutes. Meditation strength builds much like going to the gym. At first we are sore and stiff...complaining and wishing we could get past the initial work outs. But if we stick with it the pain leaves and we feel those wonderful affects of our body's endorphins possibly even looking forward to future work outs. Yep...meditation is very much like that. So please... no worries about your doesn't matter... just keep trying every day if possible and know that you are progressing whether you think you are or not.
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by sammy »

Sandy - :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Your "color commentating" comment gave me a such good laugh first thing this morning! YEP!!! Me too!

And why is it that I find it SO hard to maintain regularity? I AM back working at it, but once again, I took WAY too much time off.

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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by Sandy »

Hi Sammy I just had a chuckle as I thought about your earlier post where you were speaking of how a long break in meditation can make you feel as if you are starting over again. Yep...I know exactly what you mean and I just imagined a long suffering angel sitting at an old fashioned switchboard in the heavenly spheres saying, ..."Hey, I've got a very faint glow from Sandy down on Urantia!... Better send a technician!" Another angel wearing one of those fax leather looking tool belts and gold tool box materializes...he takes one look at the board and says" "Been there before...gotta work fast with that one... Last time I was assigned this job I hadn't even opened my tool box and the session was over!" :oops: :roll: :mrgreen:

I think it is made all the harder from our end after we have meditated like the wind for awhile and experienced wondrous things... because then we expect certain aspects from our previous experiences to return in much the same way and that is not always the case. We then become frustrated when things don't "perform" from our own preconceived specifications. What really may be happening is that "tech angel" is sitting by the switch board operator with a celestial sandwich in hand saying..." Lets give her a few more minutes, eh?"... :shock: :roll: :) Just kidding of course, but sometimes it feels like that doesn't it? In reality, it is our job to do the work from the human side of show our intent and dedication by daily doing the work and by work I don't mean hard stuff but simply giving ourselves the time to attempt some form of meditation and communion. Afterwards regardless of whether we sang with the angels or listened to the crickets in the yard next door, we have made progress. :finger: :roll
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by sammy »

OH SANDY! I can just picture that! Too funny!

I have been attempting to get back to meditating on a daily far I'm only getting in a couple of days a week (and really I have no time constraints these days, so it's just a matter of doing it :oops: ) I suspect I had better put in some real effort. I've had 5 or 6 dreams about my dad over the last couple months. Each one when I see him I'm like "DAAAAAAD!!!!!" and then I give him a HUGE hug. This is always followed by me asking him some question that has to do with either the after life or spiritual growth that I had been pondering during waking hours. He will speak to me in detail for about 5 minutes. When I wake up I can't recall a word of what he said to me, and I also can no longer recall even the question that I had been pondering during my waking hours. It is as though he is feeding me information that soothes my mind, but perhaps it is information I am not supposed to know? So...I must meditate on this to find out if I am not supposed to know this stuff or if I am just not able to recall for some reason. I had one of these dreams last night, and boy was he handsome! He looked to be about 30 years old and had a nice tan. Toward the end of the dream I attempted to take a picture of him with mom, but my camera wouldn't cooperate, I finally force the camera to work just as he was leaving and all that was captured was a faint image of him, blurry and very a bright light had "captured" him.


Editing - As I was trying to take the picture dad indicated (not verbally - more in his mannerisms) that he had stayed too long and REALLY had to get "back".
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by Sandy »

Hi Sammy,
Now knowing your are having these dreams involving your Dad really puts a big smile on my face. I am leaning towards you are getting information that will be recalled when it is needed or at the appropriate time. One of the reasons I feel this way is that you normally don't have too much trouble remembering your dreams this feels a little different. It feels solid if you know what I mean and not something wishes are made from. I am so happy for you... :sunflower: It seems perfect too that all your camera caught was a faint image of him, blurry and very a bright light had "captured" him.
I have seen celestial in this manner before and blurry and bright is a perfect description... :D
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by sammy »

HI Sandy!

I was just talking to my mom about these "dreams"...we both agree that there are "dreams" we have of passed loved ones where it feels like an experience rather than a dream, and then there are dreams that just feel like dreams. The first dream I had of dad that was similar to this felt like an experience...the odd thing is the "dreams" since feel like they are somewhere between "dream" and "experience".

I sure is comforting to hear your take on it though. Seeds have been planted and will be harvested at the right time.

OH! That just made me recall....after the dad "dream/experience" last night, I was suddenly somewhere with apples growing on trees and potatoes growing ON TREES! I picked a lot, but for some reason couldn't bring them home with me. Much chaos ensued in the dream and I was trying and trying to get back to the trees. Within the chaos someone gave me a "formula" for planting apple trees. I can not clearly recall the formula, but I KNOW it had only 2' s i the formula...something like 2 trees every 22 acres. To which I gave a lot of thought in the dream...the trees I saw sat on a a VERY small narrow plot of land, there were 2 trees on this plot and they were growing fine, and the apples and potatoes were very large. So why would I have to plant 2 trees so very far apart on 22 acres??? I then came up with my own formula (which of course I can't recall), but the numbers were all 1's.

I am sitting here giggling at myself as different pieces of the dream come back to me...I sure do have odd dreams!

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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by George »

Hi Sammy,

I would see the experiences as real, spiritual, but oh so real. 8)
And they are yours at a deep level, a soul evel, Alpha or even deeper,
and that's not easily translated to Beta when you are awake again.

I've spoken to my parents twice, yes whilst seeing them clearly, and Sunny's
grandmother in the picture, too (plus some man neither of us know?).

Both times the "visit" was short, as in, their time was limited.

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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by sammy »

Thanks George!

It's funny how in these experiences your feelings during the experience are different from that when you awake.

In this dream/experience my father in law was also present. He is still alive (here)...but in the dream I knew he had passed. In the dream it all seemed "normal", but to my now awake, 'logical' brain, some of it doesn't make sense. Basically, he was visiting along with my dad, but something he said indicated that he was "asleep" since his "passing" (my now awake brain questions how he could visit if he were "asleep"). I was trying to explain to him that perhaps, if that was his belief when he was "alive, here", it may take a while for him to awaken, and I was attempting to quickly sway his believe system. I recall there being a lot of noise and I could barely hear myself speak, so I started yelling and speaking quick as I perceived I didn't have much time to communicate my thoughts to him. I quickly summed up by yelling that we could pray for him to be "awakened by angels" in the mansion worlds.

In the dream, my sole concern was for his continued spiritual that I am awake, I of course find myself concerned that he may soon be passing. Ah...but the time over there is not the same as here. Perhaps just a glimpse (hopefully) FAR into the future.


PS...They sure must have a lot of work to do in the Mansion Worlds if they have such short "vacations"!
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by universallove7 »

Thanks for your replies and interesting convo!

I am trying hard to make the time to meditate, it's important to me and I feel I need it but alas the Mum in the house comes last in her needs...same story with most Mums/parents I think ;)

Thanks again George for answering my email today, will make it so much easier for me :)

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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by Sandy »

Hello you busy mum. :hithere
You wrote:
I am trying hard to make the time to meditate, it's important to me and I feel I need it but alas the Mum in the house comes last in her needs...same story with most Mums/parents I think ;)
Actually I was fortunate in that when I began meditating years ago my kids were nearly grown and often out of the house doing their own thing, but I had two big needy dogs and a lovely but sneaky little cat...all inside the house with me. I would settle down to meditate and that is when my black lab would decide it was time to drag out the squeaky toys and my cat would decide he needed to take a bath on my lap... and not to be out golden retriever would sit in front of where I sat dutifully crossed legged on my chair and just stare at Even going into the bedroom and locking the door didn't diminish their efforts as they would slide their paws under the door, (all three of the little monsters did this) so rattling the door and my concentration that I would give up for a time. But it seemed to get easier as they got used to the energies and I would consol myself on those rough days by thinking... “Shoot! If I can learn to meditate through all this, some day, on some distant world, I will be able to meditate on the side of a volcano as it erupts!”... So like you, I just did the best I could when the opportunity arose and tried to remember that every little bit of meditating effort helps us in the long run. I have to admit, though, that I am a long way from meditating through volcanos, events of natures, and the neighbour's “yappingingly” overprotective tiny "guard dogs" but still I'm not giving up on those "future imagined goals"... ;) I am sure beyond a doubt that what you are doing in what little time you are given as a busy mum is causing joy and excitement in the spirit realms... :D
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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by universallove7 »

Thanks Sandy, lovely message again :)

Like you when the kids are out or asleep I have the dogs to contend with! lol A Bullmastiff, a German Shepherd x Bernese Mountain Dog and a you can guess who the most annoying is?! We also have a Cat, rabbits and fish...

I like most try to meditate in the evenings when it's quiet, but I fell asleep, I think, the other night and then something jolted me awake and I could see this violet light streaming down and then images flashing at me which were unsettling and I wasn't sure what they were but one a face almost pointy like a jester?! Strange but hasn't put me off :D

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Re: Struggles with beliefs

Post by Sandy »

Hey universallove,

I would feel right at home in your world with all those animals. I have always been surrounded by plenty of animal friends, well until now anyway... been missing them a lot lately. A Burmese Mountain dog! :cheers: That is the name I have been trying to remember. There is a commercial on TV here that shows one of them and every time it comes on I am left racking my brain trying to remember its' breed.
bet you can guess who the most annoying is?!
:lol: My money is on your Chihuahua. I wouldn't be surprised if the Chihuahua doesn't rule the world some day! ;)

I see purple light every time I meditate...It may be associated with the opening of the crown Chakra located at the top of your head where you connect to your Higher Self... as you continue to meditate you may feel some tingling in the top of your head too... it's good! :D
I too have gone quite deep while meditating and fallen asleep...especially in the evening and when I do the second exercise in the Akashic Construct cd. That one is soooo relaxing and I would fall asleep towards the end of it allowing the track to continue through a nice quiet blank five minutes or so between tracks. Then suddenly there would be George's voice booming back in my ears as he began the process of leading participants into the Akashic Construct, the Third exercise. :shock: :lol: I generally had to take some calming breathes to allow me to quiet my racing heart enabling me to continue on if that was the plan. This usually would happen when I was physically tired in late afternoon or evening but mornings were not always the best time for me either.
Well we do what we can and simply enjoy the flow of the journey...surprises and all, eh? :hithere
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