Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by happyrain »

hey guys(hi, hello), i've been finding $ laying around recently and i *think* it's related to the 1111 experience. mostly pennies, almost everyday now- and on rare occasion $1's and $5's. the other day i found near $15. a couple days before that $10. heh. well. this is a new experience for me but it *is* happening *frequently*. hmm ¿
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by happyrain »

hey after posting this i did some research on the penny prompts and found out a lot of people get dimes too. well i literally just found a dime. the reason i'm sharing is because i've been in the same spot for over 2 hours now, it wasn't there earlier. not only that the dime has a clear marking on the heads side- a line/cut/indention running across the mouth. i took it as a message to calm down and keep my mouth shut because i was starting to react out of anger and impatience before finding the dime. all fear based i suppose. still. hmm gotta go !
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
It sounds like "they" got your attention. :D I've been given pennies before as a reminder. Funny how it works...you would think it would be easy to take the coin for granted, say that it was a coincedence that it was found where it was...but somehow you just know and often like with you and the dime, the message comes through loud and clear just when you need it. So good that you felt the nudge. and thanks for telling us all about it.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by inawe »

Hi all! Just got my cool prompt! My brother just sent me an E-card for the holidays... I had to open the attachment... The pic number was... You guessed it... 1111 plain and simple! Love it!! Peace!!
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by happyrain »

how nice inawe of your bro. does that mean you guys open about 1111 together ? love the holidays ! hey @sandy* ~ i just found a penny with the same marking as the dime mentioned earlier. a line running through the mouth. huh. not sure what to think but if i get another one i'll bump ya and let u know. c ya !
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by 11light11 »

Thanks for sharing, Eric and Vanessa! Great prompts! ;) I've heard of finding coins like that, Eric. It's really cool when the date on the coin is your birth year! :shock: That happens to me every once in a while -- for me it's especially unusual 'cause you have to figure '77 coins are a bit out of circulation by now! :lol:

Vanessa, my prompt yesterday was a lot like yours! We'd gotten my boyfriend's grandpa a Christmas present we thought he'd really like - a cup with his favorite basketball team, and the logo was a hologram. He's so childlike and filled with wonder, we knew he'd marvel at the hologram for hours! He's really fun.

I was peeling off the price tag when I saw it said 1111 up in the corner -- for no reason, really! It didn't say "BIN No." next to it or anything, just good 'ole 1111. Must be they agree it was the right gift for him! :lol:

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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

I'm enjoying all these prompt stories. :sunflower:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by inawe »

That is so. Cool!! Wow... And me too, Sandy, I am enjoying these stories , this board and everyone on it..m. Ohhh, btw, my 12 year old daughter is getting prompts too!... She is awakened every morning at 4:42. And then every hour she notices OO...4he says sometimes while she's sleeping she can hear voices teaching her... Well, I told her, she has nothing to fear, she said, "I know"" we have fun laughing at our prompts.... She said Mommy, we have to spread light.... <3
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Well, I told her, she has nothing to fear, she said, "I know"" we have fun laughing at our prompts.... She said Mommy, we have to spread light.... <3
:D Vanessa, you have no idea what joy you give me today to hear your daughter says these things! :sunflower:

You know, when I see 00 or even 000, I feel a reminder straight from the "Big Guy/Big Gal" telling me.."I Am here!" Such peace is found in those moments! :happy
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by inawe »

I'm so glad Sandy! I'm also so thrilled that what she's noticing and living is so obvious to her that she wanted to talk to me about it, with joy! I told what the 00's mean and she was so thrilled.
It's a great joy to have my daughter with me on this wonderful journey? Journey does'nt sound right because they come to an end, but to be chosen as well.... :-) :kiss: :bana:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by inlikeflint »

11,111 I received this today while harassing people in the comment section of Youtube news.
The number usually indicates how many replies the news story has received.

I did mention that I did not accomplish much today in another thread...

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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by happyrain »

thanks michele i looked for a birthday year and couldn't find it. my girlfriend likes to do the same thing ! heheh. i *did* however notice a mint 1920 penny among my recent finds. so thanks for the advice. cheers :)
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by soofaast »

Just as I signed up I got this showing on the website: It is currently Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:33 am
But I got a good one earlier today. As I opened astro twins webpage called "Make A Wish" something draw me to look at the clock on computer screen and it was 11:11. BTW it was my first 11:11 and of course I did not make a wish. I just had the urge to find out more about the numbers and how to read them. I used to see 7:11 a lot but from the time being I believe it had to be a warning sign.
My true feelings are telling me that we need to open up our hearts and listen to them as we are getting those promts. One more thing: I'm going to make a Dictionary Of Numerology and Code Of Light book so if there's anyone out there that can give me a hand on this would be great.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by 11light11 »

Exciting! I can't wait to see your Dictionary of Numerology and Code of Light! This sounds great! And I like your idea that we need to open up our hearts and listen to them as we are getting these prompts . . .I think our first impression is often that it is a warning, but after a while you notice the peaceful feeling the prompts bring. Happy 11:11 to you since you just saw your first prompt! And thank you for sharing! Welcome!!!! :kiss:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Oh my goodness...Soofaast...I missed this one with the holidays and all... :oops: Congratulations of your first 11:11 time prompt. I hope it is the first of many and that with each one you experience a certain measure of peace... We all can use some ot hat, eh?

You wrote:
My true feelings are telling me that we need to open up our hearts and listen to them as we are getting those promts.
That shows a great deal of wisdom... :)
... a belated welcome to the message board! :oops: :hithere
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by jack6251 »

Lots of numbers lately but also word syncs. TV words, spoken or in captions, matching up with whatever I happen to be reading or thinking in that exact moment.

A different representation of the same data :)

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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by 11light11 »

Jack, isn't that the weirdest??? I've been noticing that a lot lately. Is this that 5d living we keep hearing so much about?! :shock:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by dianakp »

Good morning! :) I hope all had a lovely holiday...and are looking forward to the New Year; as I am! Personally, 2012 was full of challenges. I will be glad to see the change.

I've had several number prompts on my phone recently, but have had an interesting thing going on for the past couple of weeks. I use my cell phone for all contact, and have been receiving calls from an "Unknown Number." Not a "private" number, but "Unknown." I don't answer my phone when it is unknown, private or a number I don't have programmed into my phone, as a rule. It is worth noting I rarely, if ever, get calls from "Unknown" numbers.

So...the real interesting thing is that I've been getting these calls at "prompt" times. Most recent was yesterday, I received the call at 1:43pm. In text speak, "143" means "I love you." There is ALWAYS a voice-message left when one of these calls comes through, the cool thing is that these "messages" are all just weird sounds. Not like a fax machine, but like, some sort of electronic interference. The message that was left yesterday was some electronic sounds...then silence.

I have listened to the messages to see if I can discern any sort of voices or sounds...thinking along the lines of an EVP session. But so far, nothing has popped out at me.

Waiting for my call today. ;) Wondering what it all means, and the connections.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Good morning! :) I hope all had a lovely holiday...and are looking forward to the New Year; as I am! Personally, 2012 was full of challenges. I will be glad to see the change.
We had a lovely peaceful holiday, Dianakp, and I hope you, too, enjoyed this special time of year. :) I'm with ya and excitedly booting out 2012! (Was full of challenges for us too. :? ) But, I'm very optimistic that 2013 will be filled with new experiences, hope and opportunities to grow. Hmmm... of course, sometimes those things come wrapped in some pretty tough packaging...well, no matter, the New Year is for celebrating and I am looking forward to this fresh start. :sunflower:

What interesting prompts you've been receiving.
So...the real interesting thing is that I've been getting these calls at "prompt" times. Most recent was yesterday, I received the call at 1:43pm. In text speak, "143" means "I love you."
How good is that!!! I love it! :D I've heard something like this happen to other people before but not with the 143 text meaning. :sunflower:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by jack6251 »

At the gym, an 11:22 and x2 11:11's.

Slip slap slop that's it :P

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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by 11light11 »

Nice! :sunflower: Also you posted at 1:23 my time! :roll

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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by overmind »

I think a midwayer turned on my drier an hour ago (it didn't start, was just turned on which flickers the light in my room since my room is next to the laundry room). I was praying a lot for my grandfather to be healed this week since he had to go to the intensive care unit. He was trying to recover from a hip replacement and an operation from an infection, lost some muscle in his legs, so he was in therapy. It turns out his heart has been having these weird spikes of activity which isn't good since his heart is so weak (he had a heart attack a year or two ago), so it was getting to the point where his body couldn't flush enough fluid out of his body and water was going into his lungs. Although the doctors have done everything they can to help, he will most likely be going to Mansonia very soon. I take this prompt to mean that the death process is going as smoothly as possible, so that makes me happier. And the good news is he will get to see his wife again, so I am happy for him. ;)
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Dear Overmind,
I am so sorry to hear about the serious health problems your grandfather is experiencing. George experienced something similar last year when his heart failed because of an allergic reaction to medication. It was a tough recovery and the docs told him thank goodness he had a strong heart.
You have such a wonderful way of looking at the potential of his passing. Just think... there are so many wonders waiting for them... people they have been separated from... viewing the universe through Morontia eyes! Oh I get excited just thinking about it. But the temporary separation from this end can be almost unbearable for those of us left behind. :(
I know the Angels and Midwayers are with you and your grandfather. It is nice to have understanding friends to lean on and to escort us into the land beyond.
I will remember your grandfather and your family in my prayers. :kiss:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by sammy »


You are maintaining a wonderful perspective. That's not easy to do. Sending you love, comfort and prayers that all involved maintain such a positive outlook.

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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by sammy »

OH! I have to add I just got a "dad" prompt! As I hit "submit" for my above response I was thinking about how I wish I could have a self-less outlook just as Overmind does, and thinking about my dad...I glanced up at the url and the end of the url read
...dad always used the numbers 077 in his pass codes! Overmind - I think my dad is telling us your outlook is EXACTLY what we all need!


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