
Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by 11light11 »

Thanks John! Thanks Vanessa! Wild stuff, eh?

I have to say I agree with John about the word or concept of "evil," more likely it is just a mischevious, but harmless entity like he suggested. With the Lucifer Rebellion over, I'm sure there can't be a truly dark presence harming you or wishing you ill. You can just keep calling in the white light.

As for banishing rituals, I do this whenever I move into a new home, because after all, someone lived there before me. I just do it to cleanse the stagnant energy. Someone once told me that there is not usually a 'ghost' in a haunted house, but instead the old energy resides there to some extent -- the residual energy of the previous tenants. That makes more sense to me, too. So I just use the sage (an ancient Native American ritual, and also a European Pagan ritual) to cleanse that old, dead energy. I don't want it! I want an energetically clean home. ;) My friend's cat was going wild crying into the corner, hating something in the corner of her living room. She would stand there and cry to the corner for hours every day, with all the hair standing up on her back and hissing and mewling. We did the sage and the cat stopped completely! Whatever it was, it's gone now!

Peace you guys, and thanks for the ideas about the vibrations! I was slightly worried there was a 'presence' there and it's comforting to think it's just an internal opening or process I'm going through. Love to you all!

Michele :loves
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by inawe »

Thank you John! I agree with you entirely... You are so right about using that word, and it should be banished from our thoughts entirely. I believe it was allowed because I needed to deal with this..- feel good this morning, now. And your words of comfort are well, very comforting! This journey we are on is so fascinating, exciting and wonderful to say the least... I'm so honored to be on it, and to share all of this with all of you.... Peace and light....:-)
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by inawe »

That is so crazy Michelle! I love it! One thing I have learned with the Angels is that it's time to embrace all concepts of light, not to be stuck in one set way of thinking or dogma.... So I'm slowly embracing everything... Tolerance and unconditional love... I have kosher salt, I'm getting sage.... I'm part American indian so I love anything that pertains to it! Haaaa... This is all so wonderful....what else can I say?
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by 11light11 »

I'm with you, I know what you mean, Vanessa. I've become so eclectic! A bit of Hinduism, a bit of Paganism, Native American folklore, Kabbalah. When I land upon something that seems peaceful and soothing and like a nice tradition, it doesn't bother me so much who came up with it, I'm just glad they did!!!! There's so much wisdom out there and it all seems to help . . . not only that a lot of it agrees! :shock:

Take my Italian grandmother, who was a very strict Catholic. She believed in the evil eye, or the Spanish call it mal ojo (we call it mal'occhio). Well that is not a Catholic belief!! It's an old Pagan belief. Anyway then I found out that a tenet of ancient Judaism is to ward off the evil eye, too! And then I found out the Egyptians feared the evil eye as well. So it's funny but there are all these different religions, and belief systems, that worry about the evil eye. (The evil eye is basically the idea that someone envies you for what you have, or who you are, so they wish you ill. You can protect yourself from it by various means.) I just got a kick out of discovering that so many different groups of people believed in this same thing! When you come down to it, it often seems to me like all the world's religions agree. They are more alike than they are different.

Peace Vanessa! With love, Michele :kiss: :loves :sunflower:
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by inawe »

Yes Michelle, I could'nt agree more.... Why not use bits and pieces of other philosophies and ideologies to get along and make it through? I have so many mal'occhio's... They are pretty at that! Hand of Fatma, a bowl of water and a flower in front of Buddha... I light a candle for st. Anthony on tuesdays... Have an "alter for my Angels... As an artist I've made gris gris aNd decorative lucky horshoes... They sell so quickly!! And now, everything points to me learning about egyptian gods and godesses... Enrichment, culture... It's what it's all about... It's a beautiful planet...take the good...thank you, I burned the sage and sprinkled the kosher salt and you know what? It feels great!! Love and light to you too.... <3
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by 11light11 »

That is so neat, Vanessa. You took me back: My grandma always prayed to St. Anthony. I think he is the one you pray to when you've lost something? I am trying to remember. She had a little statue for each saint, and she'd kiss them and rock and mumble her prayers in a trance. She was very connected.

Here's a great saint story!!! My friend Vanessa, her brother was trying to get a job with the fire department. Her mom found out that St. Vincent (I am just throwing that name out, I don't remember which saint this was) was the patron saint of firemen. So she started praying to him every day that Jason would get hired through the fire department . . nothing. After a long time, someone pointed out to Linda that St. Vincent isn't for the fire department -- he's for pregnancy! Then his wife turned up pregnant! :shock: LOL ! ! ! ! :lol:

Glad you got a nice peaceful feeling from burning the sage and sprinkling the kosher salt. To me it's like paying homage to nature's cure-alls! ;) Kind of like the idea that if you get hurt in the Amazon, you're going to find a plant that cures what ails you!

Peace! Do share if you learn anything interesting about the Egyptian Gods & Goddesses! I understand that the Jewish faith is quite predicated upon the Ancient Egyptian Faith! The Egyptians have Myses (sp?) and the Jews have Moses. Cool eh? There are many similarities.

Peace! :kiss: With love, Michele
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by inawe »

Yes! St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost objects! My family has a huge devotion to him.. My grandmothers, the native American indians were Catholic and just swore by him so I inherited a beautiful 18th century icon and a bronze statue and also the responsilbility of lighting a candle every tuesday. The rare times I forget, I smell my passed grandmothers perfume as if to remind me!!! By the way, everything started happeneing when she died.. Prompts.. I met my twin flame the day she died... She loved me very much... I miss her but feel her everywhere...b anything that gets us through is good, as long as it from love I suppose? Getting so many prompts today!! Makes me feel soo happy! Love to you michelle, thanlks for everything!
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by 11light11 »

You gave me the chills, I feel like you're describing my grandma! And she prompts me too! That is really amazing that you smell her perfume if you forget to light the candle! :kiss: :loves With love, Michele
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by Sandy »

I love both your stories about your grandmothers and their favorite patron saints. George's mother had a favorite one too... I believe it was Saint Christopher. She believed in the Angels and the Saints but George said in reality, in her case she was working with Midwayers. She just called them the Saints. :)
How wonderful that both of you still feel a connection to your Grandmothers. What a blessing! :sunflower:
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by inawe »

I do Sandy! Very much so these days.... ?.... In the. Week leading up to here death, she was visited every night by so many beings? Beeings that I could'nt see in anycase..." I would hear her say, "I'm not going until Vanessa's been taken care of, until I'm sure that all will be great for her" two days before she passed, I heard her say " it's done? It's o.k. For Vanessa? Alright then, I'm ready" she held my hand and told me that I would have to leave my husband, and that I would be so happy, that I deserved so much more.... Again , like I said, I met the love of my life the day she died......... O.k.... Today I'm getting soooo many prompts!!! All pairs.... Hmmmmmmmmm? :loves
Michelle, I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one like this! Phew!
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by 11light11 »

Jeez Sandy, that is really neat!!!! :shock: It's interesting to think how she was able to view them as Saints, even though they were Midwayers! That way it fit into her view and made it feel friendly!

Vanessa, the story of your grandma is so moving! What a special connection. That is a remarkable story! :kiss:

Love you guys! Michele :loves
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by Sandy »

Oh it must have been a great comfort to you, Vanessa to know your grandmother was being surrounded by so many loving beings before she passed over. I wasn't there at my own grandmother's death, but my mom told me she was so giddy and excited... almost like she couldn't wait. Wouldn't that be wonderful to feel excited at what was to come and to be welcomed by those who have gone before us! :bana: Actually, I am a little excited about it as we speak. :D Not rushing it by any means, but wow... some day...the things we will see and people we will greet again... :sunflower:
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by 11light11 »

I know what you mean Sandy, that is nice! When you have seen the other side, you can relax into knowing what is coming! It reminds me of my "Death Dream." :lol: Still working on it! :kiss:

Peace! Love, Michele :loves
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by inawe »

Love it! I'm completely unafraid of death... Just one dimension into another...- think it's wonderful how your grandmother , Sandy was so open to it and waited for it with such enthusiasm... I think I'll be the same way should I grow old.... I had a very nice, strong epiphany today.... I've been perplex and wondering why I keep glancing at the clock 3 minutes before my favorite prompt. I've attached so much to that particular prompt, and I had become very impatient and annoyed that nothing seemed to be moving, nothing was happenning that I began to feel like, the game has changed,what I have been hoping for has gone. I asked for clarity, to understand why this was happening, and it dawned on me. I have to wait. Not like a punishment wait, but more like let the time come. Let it happen. The clock keeps ticking, the numbers come no matter what, and so shall this.I have to be ready,, yet patient... Make sense?
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by Sandy »

Hello Vanessa,
Your words make so much sense to me...I have this tendency to expect the future to present itself in the fine little box that I have created. Yet, at the same time, I'm forgetting that we change from moment to moment... family... friends...strangers ...we all change in nearly every way little by little. So how I think the future should be or how our lives will be, changes as our needs desires and realities become reborn. So to look too far into the future, deciding how the world should be according to "Sandra" :) for myself and others is a little bit limiting. I long to be able to embrace the day and what comes to me, accomplishing those little goals and then appreciating what they are bringing into reality. It seems we are in the process of creating the best that the future can hold, complete with all the little lessons and trials that serve to strengthen and perserve, while at the same time, creating a strong platform for additional structures of understanding and being.

So I am trying to ease up on the self dictation here... :lol: while allowing more time to stretch those sometimes sedentary spiritual joints. ;) And learning to just wait with love and anticipation too for all that comes, knowing that what happens in my life will be derived from my own choosing through infinite numbers of decisions and thoughts both big and small. In the long run no matter what, it will somehow, some way, someday benefit me in the worlds to come. :sunflower: Thank you for providing, so beautifully with your way of being, this important lesson for us to ponder. :kiss:

Life can sure twist us into pretzels shapes sometimes...but still, I hope we can always find a way to to say..." Oh its so good!"

P.S. I just want to mention the phrase, "Oh its so good!" was something a lovely man, television chef, Art Ginsburg, known as Mr. Food used to say. Sadly he passed on last month. Thanks for contributing to our enjoyment of life here, Mr. Ginsburg. :hithere
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Re: Synchronicity



You spoke to that mans heart with what came from your heart because "WHAT COMES FROM THE HEART REACHES THE HEART" and that allowed you to see exactly what was neccessary to touch hearts. BEAUTIFUL STORY!!!

Also I am a writer an artist too ;)
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Re: Synchronicity

Post by inawe »

(((( Sandy))) you brought me to tears. Your words flowed to my heart in filled in the cracks of what I have just come to realize. Thank you. We are so blessed to be guided , and surrounded by such magnificent celestial beings, to be basking in light, and to have( if I dare be so bold to say)enugh humilty to accept, even with great ease or difficulty all the changes and turns that life brings to us, or we bring to ourselves. I wake up everyday now with the firm assurance that I am guided, encouraged and so so very loved. And know as sure as I am writing this that all of this contact is as real as I live and breathe... It's guided by the heart. What more could we ask for?
Thank you Infinity, I'm glad you liked the story, I have sooo many!!! But I think you all do too....:-)
I have to share my amazing prompt story. I was invited to lunch yesterday and made a solemn vow not to look at the blackberry! To ignore Fb, and twitter, my emails and text messages, and just enjoy lunch at a very good french restaurant.... Well, would'nt you know, I got my promots verbally!! A lady who was'nt even invited came and sat down with us, and if she did'nt mention 777 or 77 at least 5 times!! I burst out laughing everytime!! Then this mornig I sat to breakfast in my mom's house, she has an analog clock with very detailed numbering minutes and I'm enjoying my toast, yep , I get my nudge, "look at the clock" 6 :55...55 being the operative number here! Yep, our angels are the best! P.s. Infinity, I love what you said about what comes from the heart touches the heart, I m going to use it today... Beautiful!! I'ds love to see your work!! I also discovered that that God wants us to use our talents as much as possible too, to inspire othewrs... So let's do it!
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Re: Synchronicity


inawe wrote:(((( Sandy))) you brought me to tears. Your words flowed to my heart in filled in the cracks of what I have just come to realize. Thank you. We are so blessed to be guided , and surrounded by such magnificent celestial beings, to be basking in light, and to have( if I dare be so bold to say)enugh humilty to accept, even with great ease or difficulty all the changes and turns that life brings to us, or we bring to ourselves. I wake up everyday now with the firm assurance that I am guided, encouraged and so so very loved. And know as sure as I am writing this that all of this contact is as real as I live and breathe... It's guided by the heart. What more could we ask for?
Thank you Infinity, I'm glad you liked the story, I have sooo many!!! But I think you all do too....:-)
I have to share my amazing prompt story. I was invited to lunch yesterday and made a solemn vow not to look at the blackberry! To ignore Fb, and twitter, my emails and text messages, and just enjoy lunch at a very good french restaurant.... Well, would'nt you know, I got my promots verbally!! A lady who was'nt even invited came and sat down with us, and if she did'nt mention 777 or 77 at least 5 times!! I burst out laughing everytime!! Then this mornig I sat to breakfast in my mom's house, she has an analog clock with very detailed numbering minutes and I'm enjoying my toast, yep , I get my nudge, "look at the clock" 6 :55...55 being the operative number here! Yep, our angels are the best! P.s. Infinity, I love what you said about what comes from the heart touches the heart, I m going to use it today... Beautiful!! I'ds love to see your work!! I also discovered that that God wants us to use our talents as much as possible too, to inspire othewrs... So let's do it!
WOW WHAT A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY to find a fellow artist who is aligned with the pa I'd LOVE to see some of your art work as well I don't know if you've seen my 11:11 movies but here they are!

As well as my photo bucket with some of my books on there.
( images moved )
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