Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by CityLight »

Hello all, :hithere
I'll make this one quick hopefully, ++lol+ sometimes the words to express wont stop streaming. :oops: +++++++++

I like to take my mother out every week and give her a sense that she is still very valuable to me, I let her teach me how to pick the right fruits and vegetables for about...the thousandth lesson, but i love it. You know, "squeeze here and shake there and hold it up to the sun over there". She plays the lottery from time to time, i believe at this time the NY state Lottery was about 4 trillion billion gajillions or whatever, about 12 euros. Before we head out she asks myself and my stepfather for a number to play. I chose something, She chose 4:44 and he shouted out something in spanish that i couldnt hear, she said "He wants '1111'". I kid you not. Please keep in mind that this was about 2 days after i 'somehow' came across the video that changed everything, so i was already spiritually shell shocked. so we head out and shop and enjoy the love that still endures, on the way home she stops to play those numbers , and she told the man all these numbers she wanted to play and after a pause he said very low "11...(something muffled)". i couldn't hear as there were about 12 to 15 people in this tiny corner store(Shop/Bodega). She said loud "1111 is out" My face turned white as i realized the scale and the very real 'reality' of this experience. My face color returned as this feeling of warmth and weightlessness was all over me. My back straightened, head held high, i felt as if i would hug each and every one of them. I gazed into the eyes of these strangers and saw how they stood in line eyes tired and hoping lightly to win this money, I could not help but feel a different love, like Ive never felt before. I remember as we were leaving i walked into the gaze of this one heartbroken looking man, he looked straight into my eyes and i felt inside telling him "we're gonna be ok". When I began to ponder about how many people it takes to sell out a single lottery number, I felt so very small. "how many people are being prompted?" I asked myself "How many will be conscious enough to see these sequences,let alnoe connect them with love and Spirit?" "There are so many that do not even believe in Spirit" My mind could not comprehend what I was trying to understand. It still can't.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Oh how I would love to borrow your mother when I visit the produce section of the local markets. How often I have picked a tough and unripe fruit. You are a good son, Daron. :)

What a lovely prompt you received. And the way you received it and shared it with those tired people waiting in line was beautiful indeed! :happy

The Midwayers and angel messengers are patient as they have observed human beings for time on end. They have great faith in the Infinite One's ability to reach us in this world or the next realms. So much Love exists. Perhaps it is in opening that firmly closed "inner door" just a little allowing just a bit to filter in (and out)...well, we are part of that job and the "angelic team"...helping to crack the doors within us and then in others. :lol: I was just picturing us as persistent tire irons... in a funny kind of way. :roll: :D
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by JuniperLea »

I haven't been here in a while, but after several purchases of $111 and one of $11.11 and one of $111.11, I came back today to look around. Then I went to facebook and shared a photo for the 111th time! 111 is as strong with me as 11:11. Interesting... yes, I see you... thank you for reaching out! Come again!
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by ChrisD »

Phone rang at exactly 11:11am this morning. It even shows up on my Rogers Cable TV call log. Last night it was 11:11pm too when I went to snag a snack. It seems to have increased in the past week or so.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by happyrain »

8) :lol: :loves :mrgreen: :P :shock: :hithere :lol: 8) Hi CHRIS D MF !!!! welcome :lol:

i had an 1111 prompt with my entire FAMILY
it was GREAT
the other day
my clock WENT TO ZERO
and then it turned to 444
this was at 7:something at NIGHT
i tried to take a pic and show my roommate but then everything turned to 4:45
WTF !!!! crazy electonixxcsdkfjsdklfjsdfklsdjf

HEY WELCOME :D :D :D :D: D:D :D D:D :D :D D:D: D: D:D)D:D)D:)D:asd ^_^
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Shredder »

Hi, after reading Rains reply on another thread this was my cool prompt



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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by ChrisD »

Thanks Rain :hithere

Last night was actually funny. I was Watching the LA vs Jersey hockey game and the two players facing off each had 11 on their jersey lol. I laughed and just kind of looked around and said "good one" :)
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by CityLight »

Hey ChrisD :hithere , that was a really good one, I wonder if it was meant just for you or if it was like hitting hundreds of birds with one stone, so to speak. It's all so mysterious,eh? Nice to meet you.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Hi ChrisD,
That Hockey player prompt was a great one and reminds me of some of the fabulous ways a member, Nick, used to experience the 11:11 number prompts. He recorded many of these in his "traveling with 11:11 thread. We haven't heard from Nick in awhile. I hope all is well in his life.

Shredder, it looks like you got a 'triple whammy!" :lol: :sunflower:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by jack6251 »

Oink (that's pig for hello) :pig:

I was just about to watch Episode 1 of Series 6 of Lost when I glanced at my computer clock, it was 23:23, an infrequent one for me. 24 hour clock style you have 11:11 hidden in there, take it on face value as a 23:23, mix it up a bit as an 11:23 or even a 23:11. That's how my process works with numbers, they usually fit into other prompts too somehow.

I wonder if there's any depth to it since I was going to watch Lost. I don't feel very lost as it goes, in fact, feeling quite the opposite and have for some time. ;)

Truth is lately (past 6 months) I've had waaay too many dailies to post or that's all I'd do, so limiting myself to the rarer ones now like the 23:23's. I like these, they're like an occassional treat :)

Jack :pig:


Woo, maybe if I'm really good all year I'll get a 444 somehow, never had one. Now I know what to ask for Chirstmas :roll :finger:

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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Oink :pig: Jack,
Heres hoping you get your 444 Christmas present early this year! :sunflower:
Sandy :elephant: (just sneaked into the cookie tin and feeling a tad guilty :roll: ... sigh )
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

Hi guys
Last night i was in deep thought about how closing myself off from my spirituality felt like a deep loss in my life. ive missed it, and hadn't even realised how much until i returned here. Anyway, as soon as those thoughts crossed my mind i was prompted at 1.11am (first time in quite some months) and i just had to share with you because i felt incredible joy in knowing that they never really left me.
I was prompted twice more today. i really am so excited :bana: :bana:

Love you guys
Now i know the answer to the question:
Do dreams come true?
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

"They love you Baby!" (sorry couldn't help saying that, Star, as I just recently saw the late great Tele Savalas on a rerun of his old television show, Kojak . His pet phrase was very similar, "Who loves you baby!" All this was way before your time...but he was very interesting man and actor. :)

I got off on a little side street there didn't I. :lol: Back to our mutual "friends". I have had periods where I feel that I too have shut myself off from this eternal lifeline...my own spirituality. Not sure why I do this... probably part of an old survival technique I learned as a kid to protect myself from things I didn't want to think about for some reason or another... I find this old habit is very easy to slip back into if I'm not careful... you know... shut everybody and the world out...including my human and celestial friends. But those understanding and gentle "guys" don't push us. They sit beside us in those dark moments...unseen and even ”unfelt” if that is what we wish..but that does not prevent their “hand” holding ours...their own prayers on our behalf... their hopes that we find what we so desperately need and are looking for. Unfortunately, no one else can really give this to us. It is our responsibility and sometimes...that is the frustrating part, isn't it? You see someone who has found it and you say, "I want that!" ... but how? The how is unique to us and the relationships, personal to us. The great thing is we do find it...we just keep looking, keep digging, keep talking and something we forget sometimes...keep listening! It comes to us in a zillion different ways, which makes it all the better, eh? Once found..not so easy to leave behind in the ever changing ashes of our lives. Thank God for that. :bana: :sunflower:
Love you, sis. :kiss:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

Dear Sandy
You are so right. Shutting things out is the story of my life. I'm a little hermit. When im feeling depressed or even that i just want to be alone, i go into another room and don't even talk to my boyfriend :lol: luckily he's accustomed to my little ways.
I feel bad for saying it because ive always known them to be so caring and non judgmental, but i underestimated them, and how much they care about me. I thought they'd left me for good (i thought maybe my TA had departed too)
I felt such guilt and even shame because i thought that i'd let them down. Now i realise that they never really left, they were just "out of sight" until i was ready to embrace them again. That is true friendship, never pushing, and always supporting unconditionally. i feel very lucky.
I got prompted twice while writing this post :bana: :bana:

Now i know the answer to the question:
Do dreams come true?
Still staring at the world
Through my rear view.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by CityLight »

:sunflower: Hey Star and Sandy! :loves Sandy your words help me every time, even when not directed at me, i've come to see it is a lovely gift you have, and i treasure it.
Star, I'm so happy for you! You are so precious i cannot see why they would leave you, i'm so happy you've cleared the air enough for them to reach you again. Maybe they know you need the lonely time. Hey, i used to call myself the youngest hermit in the world :lol: I was in my twenties too. I don't know much, but i know that i'm happy you've come back here to share with us and experience the changes occurring. Such a sweet and bright presence shouldn't be hidden away, It should shine its light above. Sandy is right STAR is the perfect choice.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by nobadges »

My cool 11 prompt today was very enlightening.
I was researching something today online and one link led to another and I ended up landing on a very informative and interesting article on Wikipedia about, you guessed it...the number 11. It is indeed significant!
Here's the link to it.

Quite an amazing number. 8)
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

That's a lot of "enlightening," Allan :) Thanks for passing it on! ...and what a knowledgeable way to receive a prompt. It's good to stretch the ole mind a bit. :)
It's nice to see you again. Hope all is well fro you over there in beautiful Canada. :hithere
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by inlikeflint »

I have a job that has a giant evergreen hedge and my electric trimmers are kaputz. So I was using my garden sheers and the customer's battery operated sheers... and I am about 4-1/2 hours into the job and I am not halfway finished yet... It's a big hedge... So the customer wants me to use a gas powered hedge because he thinks that the job is going to faster this way, but I don't own one... So I either have to borrow one or rent one on the cheap, because buying one will put me back $300.00 that I don't have.

Anyway, I mulled around about it for a while. I fell asleep and then I woke up at 4:44 (or about 3:00... it's the clock I never reset.) And I get the idea that I should look at Craigslist for a gas powered hedge trimmer. There was one available for sale and so I called the guy and met him after work near where the guy lives and while I was driving to meet him... When I turned into the parking lot and parked. the time on the dash was 4:44. (I had just enough money to pay the guy for his used trimmer and the gas round trip.) Now I don't have to rent anything and I paid the guy what he wanted without haggling (because of the 4:44.)

It was cool.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

God bless Angels, Midwayers and Craigslist. :D
Hi Flint, You gotta love those 444's! I'm so pleased that it worked out for you, and just think how handy those gasoline powered hedge trimmers will be on other future large jobs. :sunflower:
Love it! 8)
Hmmm I bet they're heavy though...I probably wouldn't stand a prayer of using them for any length of time, not unless I bulked up a bit.
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by jack6251 »

I had a weird synchronistic prompt thingy the other day. I was eating rice and thought it needed a little salt, at that moment someone said the word bland on tv lol.

Gotta love it :)

Jack :pig:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

:sunflower: Messages come in infinite number of ways don't they? I love it! :sunflower:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by inlikeflint »

So, I had thought that for some reason the hedge trimmer I bought was no good.
I went so far as to think that this was some sort of lesson that I need to not be so trusting of the prompts or people I meet...

(I was mad. I was sure I had learned the lesson of being duped before.)

The hedge trimmer had quit working and I did not understand why. It worked pretty good for a while and then it just quit... Then I went through buyer's remorse for a day or two...

So today, I watched some videos on Youtube on working on the the Craftsman Hedge trimmers and I inspected the trimmer and opened up the air filter and it looked brand new, and then I adjusted the carburetor speed and It started right back up as if nothing had ever happened.

So my lessons learned today is that I can trust the time prompts and that sometimes things happen, and that I might no need to be so excited when things don't immediately work out the way I want them to.

It was a lesson of sorts.
I feel better. :cat:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by jack6251 »

:hithere That's really good it resolved for the better for you Flint! I've been full of buyers remorse (great phrase by the way) myself, usually with techno gizmo's of some sort, but for me, they really do pack up and go on the perma fritz. I dunno, eventually anything technological somehow goes weird lol.

I've just won bidding on a 125cc motorbike yesterday, I'm really happy about this as it'll open up potential job opportunities further afield that I otherwise wouldn't be able to feasiblly reach. On the face of things, the bike seems to be a gift from the cosmos as the seller on Ebay lives in Wakefield where I live, I've never known that before, and it's a collect in person only deal so we're just negotiating when's best to collect it. The bike itself has only done 8 miles too, it was bought for a young lady to do her bike test on, it's never been used after that and is in immaculate condition on the photo's. The thing is, I'm really not mechanically inclined at all, so will need to get with it fast as I'd hate to have an issue with something and not recognise what it is.

Jack :bike: :pig: :bike:
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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by inlikeflint »

Nice score on the motorbike Jack!

The lack of skills in the mechanics department can sometimes be compensated for through Youtube.
You can find a ton of information about your new motorbike through Google, Google Images, Google Videos... Sometimes it beats going to the library or Amazon.com to order the manual.

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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Post by Sandy »

Jack wrote:
The thing is, I'm really not mechanically inclined at all, so will need to get with it fast as I'd hate to have an issue with something and not recognise what it is.

This is exactly how I feel about my computer. :( It can be rather frustrating to be "left behind" in this ever changing technology!
But I feel more secure with Flint's post...
The lack of skills in the mechanics department can sometimes be compensated for through Youtube.
You can find a ton of information about your new motorbike through Google, Google Images, Google Videos... Sometimes it beats going to the library or Amazon.com to order the manual.
There may be hope for me yet. ;)

Flint, I'm glad your hedge trimmers are now working smoothly and with another great lesson in tow. (Wow, that lesson contained a double whammy! :lol:)
And Jack, well done on finding what sounds like a great deal on a motorbike. Please drive safely. :bike:
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