Meaning of Trailing Colored Lights

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Meaning of Trailing Colored Lights

Post by katmatcon »

I would like to know if anyone knows what trailing colored lights are. I would see them every night when I was very little in my bedroom in the dark. They would float all around the room in a line, looping and swirling, and they would fly all over the room. The lights were not vivid. I would say they were more of a pastel color and they were very small, but I would see them every night for a long time. I would say there were a dozen or more. At the time I thought this was normal. Apparently not.

I'll also mention that my aunt was psychic and my mother had spiritual encounters, and she receives signs when she asks and prays for answers. She is very religious and attends church every Sunday. I know I have a guardian angel, maybe two, who bailed me out of dangerous situations many times, especially when driving.


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Re: Meaning of Trailing Colored Lights

Post by Geoff »

Hi Kathy,

Broadly I would say these were "orbs" which different people see a bit differently. But its also possible they were not orbs, but some spirit presence, that you only saw partially. Orbs by our definition, are "machines".

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Re: Meaning of Trailing Colored Lights

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kathy,

I must admit, I'm not sure either what you have seen. But I have seen something similar on rare occasion. I was thinking of a member and friend of ours, Light1 (Anne) who has much experience with viewing orbs and lights along with many other spiritual essences with her naked eyes and am hoping she may be able to provide a bit more insight. She has shared a photo of these tiny lights with George and I as they were emerging from a light on a Lotus leaf...It was absolutely awesome! Whatever these tiny little lights are...minded machines sent to gently gather information for our celestial cousins or tiny light emmanating from spirit presence...I believe they signal something good and beautiful in your world and within you. :sunflower:
I am glad your angels and spirit guardians are on their toes when you are behind the wheel of a car... :) It is good to have you among us! :hithere

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Re: Meaning of Trailing Colored Lights

Post by Light1 »

Goodmorning All...

I too continue to see Lights in my room at night, I have seen them from my earliest memories. I remember playing with them as I went to sleep, like little balls I could roll them off one hand into the other hand. I only spoke of this once because my parents became alarmed and I was whisked off to a doctors LOL...

Once I awoke to these energies as an adult I came to understand that my third eye was fully open, in most people it closes down by age &yrs due to non-acceptance. I can also see the auric field around living things, beautiful colours that I later studied to understand thier significance, this is partly why I became a healer, I use this gift during healings, to assertain imbalances within the being. I believe you have a gift which spirit has bestowed upon you and learning to develop this gift will help you understand it. Buy a book on color therapy, then you will understand the energy presenting to you.

Please feel free to ask further questions any time. Much love to all ..

Light1 Anne xo
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Re: Meaning of Trailing Colored Lights

Post by Sandy »

There you are dear Anne...Thank you for sharing your wealth of experience in this area. You are an awesome lady! :kiss:
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Re: Meaning of Trailing Colored Lights

Post by happyrain »

wow i dont see it like that but lately have been seeing some color again. idk why it comes and goes but i really like having the experience. i see streaks or flashes and sometimes blotches(just now tiny green ones) over things or people. on rare occassion mishapen orbs. i dont mind not knowing but wanted to ty for this thread and all the input that come ur way. its nice. : ) . . . ok time to pass out. gnightt
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Re: Meaning of Trailing Colored Lights

Post by Light1 »

:loves :loves :loves :loves Goodmorning Angels

Seems a few folk out there can see colours, during healings I work directly with the chakras...there are seven main ones and each has a distinct colour. Green is from the heart chakra, it can range from a murky olive greeen to the most beautiful luminous green. I can assertain from the shade if the person has an imbalance, murky olive gree tells me there is emotional pain associated with the heart, electric fluro green which is the other end of the spectrum tells me this person heart is open and full of love. Each energy centre is shaped like a funnel, if a person is out of balance the chakras may not be spinning correctly, or maybe slightly leaning over, in etreeme cases I have seen a chakra completely closed down due to truama of some kind.

The lights I see at night are associated with a meditative state before sleep, the third eye opens when we are relaxed and we have second sight. When the Light reveals itself in this way it like a prompt in some ways, to use for sending healing thoughts to anyone who may need some love, including ourselves. A nice excersise is to lay quietly and direct energy into your hands, ask spirit to help you. You may feel a pleasant warmth flow into your hands and you can the place them on yourself for healing or send distance healing to others.

Pay attention to your dreams when the colours are active, often I have truly astounding dreams when I go to sleep during play-time with the Light. I have my own thoughts on the different types of orbs. Some are like little portals where other beings are observing us. Others are energy eminating from us as we rest. Some belive Angels are afoot, I must say I have seen the odd orb that eminated beautiful energy that left me quite breathless. To see these energies is a huge part of my life, I see this gift as something I can harness to help people. Many of my students can also "see" so you are not alone in this. It is fun and exciting but the most important thing to remember is that this can be channelled into a healing modality, like massage or chakra balancing. I also believe animals can see the Light colours and also children, I have watched my dogs looking at little orbs and because I also see them it is confirmed. One thing to remember is that most folk do not "see" so I have learnt to be discerning on whom I speak to about such things, fortunatly because my work is metaphysical, it is kind of accepted by my clients that I be a tad different LOL its almost expected.

Enjoy you colour and orbs, have fun and study, study, all you can on couour therapy and you never know this may be the catalyst to you becoming another healer...or bearer of The Light...

Much love...Light1 (Anne)
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Re: Meaning of Trailing Colored Lights

Post by Sandy »

Thank you for that, Anne. I have copied your post and placed it in my file of things I want to remember and refer back to. :cheers: (I'm a bit of a pack rat where information is concerned... :mrgreen: )
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more on color

Post by happyrain »

this is kind of embarrassing to ask but does it mean anything when you desire certain colors more so than another ?also sometimes the colors seem random ? what could it mean when you see more than one color next to each other. like tonight pink, some kind of olive, yellow maybe. i dont remember. but all different shapes. is there a difference between the tiny blue or white sparks and the organic/lucid transparent streaks ? more but.tired. is it all just, something physical ? brain chemistry or something ? idk @_@; X_X
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Re: Meaning of Trailing Colored Lights

Post by katmatcon »

Wow! I just now checked my post and was pleasantly surprised. Thank you to all, especially Anne, for your insight. I might also mention that my birthday is 11/11 and two years ago on 11/11/11 I turned 50 years old. Ever since I had a reiki healing, (randomly, by accident) and projected astrally during that healing, I started researching this subject. People tell me that I project pure love in my hugs and can see colors and light when I hug them.

My seven year old daughter can see and hear angels and she sees other human and animal spirit forms, especially in the dark. She's also told me that she was alive in another time before here, and that was a few years ago.

I would just like to know what I should be doing to develop my gifts and also what I should be doing for my daughter. Should I start using crystals? meditate more? learn how to use reiki? I feel like I'm starting late but I've always been a late bloomer. And I promise to check my post. I won't let two years go by! Thanks to all! :loves
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Re: Meaning of Trailing Colored Lights

Post by Sandy »

:lol: Hi katmatcon, better late then never. I hope you have had a great couple of years...
We are glad to see you back and saying hello and I so appreciate you posting again on this thread because Anne's post is very informational and helpful and I am sure other members will do well to read it again.

I would think daily meditation would be a great start to furthering your skills and often from there the path continues...whether you choose crystals, Reiki or the many other spirit led possibilities, that will be entirely up to you and your inner guidance. Sometimes we feel sort of drawn if nothing else to learn about something we pass by or harbor a strong curiosity about some teaching or method...maybe we can't get it completely out of our mind. You can look at it like this, with a prayer for guidance it is always great to learn something new. So maybe jump in somewhere that thoroughly interests you. There is no right or wrong, in my opinion... just added wisdom to our journey.
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