
This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Re: meditation

Post by mm1111 »


I think that might have been the name, but I am not sure. I will try to reach him again during my meditation, any tips? :P

Much love, Maggie.
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Re: meditation

Post by Petra Wilson »

Keep at it Maggie, that sounds like a marvellous break-through.
I've had to buy ear plugs because where I live it gets so noisy in
the Spring and especially summer.

Much love, Petra
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Re: meditation

Post by 555 »

Hi Maggie,

Unfortunately, no tips. I am too,new on this and still learning...
Let us know if you do get the name.
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Re: meditation

Post by sammy »

I had an interesting meditation yesterday. Now just a little history. Prior to trying the AC CD I had been meditating on my own for a while - on a regular basis for the most part. My main issue is that it takes me a LONG time to get my brain to shut up, and once I get into the "zone", I have memories of about 5 minutes worth of imagery or experience, but an hour to an hour and a half of lost time. I have tried the AC CD many times, but because I have such a hard time visualizing (I seem to end up just having a conversation in my head about what things look like rather than actually seeing them) - I get frustrated.

Anyway, I haven't taken time to meditate for a while. Usually when I meditate it is with the goal of sending love or healing to someone. For the first time yesterday I decided to just ask to show me some "truth"...any "truth". Again, I had trouble stilling my mind. Finally I thought to used the first part of the AC CD for relaxation. I don't even need to put the CD on at this point to hear George's awesome accent walking me into relaxation.

The next thing I know, I saw a child, maybe 10 years old, she had a single short braid or pig tail on either side of her head. It was a black child wearing no shirt, she had her back to me - I never got to see her face. I noticed many lumps all over her back, then a pair of arms wrapped around her mid-section, the hands around her little waist. The hands turned golden. She was being healed. I have no idea who she was or who was healing her. VERY COOL!

But, what I really want to know is what happened to the rest of the almost 2 hours I can't account for! Prior to seeing the little girl, I had been attempting to settle down for about 5 minutes. My son hollered to me that he was walking to the store with his friend (this usually takes an hour or so). A few short minutes later I heard a car in the driveway (I thought this might be my husband coming home from his lunch meeting). VERY shortly after this I saw the healing of the little girl. And what felt like 2 minutes passed and I heard my son yell that he and his friend were going in the pool. I figured they skipped the trip to the store. I also figured I was going to have no luck meditating any further, so I got up. I looked at the clock and almost 2 hours had passed...AND there were 2 messages on my answering machine - I never even heard the phone ring!

I felt very conscious the entire time. Even when I saw the little girl! Usually when I am meditating I feel like I drift in and out of I go too deep and then wake myself up repeatedly. Not this time I said, I felt very conscious. I was actually very surprised to see the little girl and the healing because I didn't feel like I was in a meditative state yet.

So what happened to all that time? And who was this little girl?

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Re: meditation

Post by Sandy »

Dear Sammy,
Awesome!... I am thinking that it may be helpful to ponder what you saw and experienced from the point of view of what you asked for as you went into meditation..
For the first time yesterday I decided to just ask to show me some "truth"...any "truth".
You put God in the driver seat..allowed him to steer and direct... Perhaps the truth is that it does not matter if it takes you a little while to feel like you are in "the zone." Good things happen for you and others regardless. The truth is from my human perspective, that you are a brilliant healer because you Love... and it doesn't get any better then that!

You have given all of us who become a tad frustrated when our minds are slow to settle down a little bit to chew on... So no frustration just open ended trust, allowing the Source to direct what happens. Perhaps our job is to just be available in whatever way we can.
Love you,
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Re: meditation

Post by George »

Hi Sammy,

You're TOO comfortable! Try sitting in (on) a chair, a kitchen chair, not your bed, :lol: .

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Re: meditation

Post by sammy »

Oh George!!!! :kiss: I SOOOO know that. :( I have some neck and back issues that make it very difficult for me to relax enough to meditate while sitting up - if you have any additional suggestions I will certainly try them! Perhaps I could try my neck brace while sitting.

Sandy - Wow! That certainly is something to chew on! I had pondered the vision of the healing in the context of my meditation, and briefly thought the same thing, but then I dismissed it. (I really need to develop some confidence in my thoughts rather than being so dismissive as though I'm being silly.)

I frequently think about how it is said that in the Mansion Worlds we will be able to create with our minds. And then I think about how easily our minds create while we are dreaming, and how if we have recurring dreams we can make a conscious decision while awake to affect change in that recurring dream. THEN I think about the bible (Matthew 21:21) Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. I then put the three things together and wonder how powerful we may actually be, yet perhaps we just can't see it.

Hmmm...interesting...the quote above starts with "truth" - the topic of my meditation. By jove I think you're onto something here my Love!

By the way, I also had the intention of getting back that feeling of walking around in a bubble of God's love. I could tell my meditation was nearing it's end and I could see a "stream" of energy pouring down into the vague shape of a head. I laid there a bit longer believing something was being "downloaded" into my brain. I waited until it slowed and finally dissipated and it looked like the top of the head was "sealed" back up from where the energy was entering. I have been walking around in my love bubble ever since. (Sending THANKS!).

LOVE and HUGS!!!!
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Re: meditation

Post by Sandy »

Hi Sammy,

It's interesting how this last post is relating to something I am reading and trying to wrap my brain around... The how we don't have to wait but can accomplish all we wish on this level of existance. We are all capable of doing amazing things. I believe that is true and in a most practicle sense. All our hurdles, our mountains, seem bearable when looked at from this vantage point of Faith... a "can do" spirit because of our heredity. We are all children of the Universe Source, made up with this "infinite celestial raiment"! We are Loved beyond measure, not simply due to our inteligence or our good works, looks, or even our ability to love and serve others. That has nothing to do with being loved by the "Divine One." It has to do with our inheritance...something we didn't ask for it was simply given us at our Divine inception... Just this morning I read this in "The Masters of The far East"...
"To be a joint heir, with Christ, to the Kingdom means to be equal participants in all the blessings of the Kingdom.
Sometimes others accuse us of making ourselves equal with Jesus. That is because they do not understand what is meant by joint heirship. I am quite certain there is not one among us that would say he was on the same plane of enlightenment as the great Master, with his great purity. This joint heirship means we have the possibility of the same power, the same strength, the same degree of understanding. And yet there is not one among us that does not realize the full truth of the promise of Jesus to all God's children, to every true disciple, that they may be participants in all the qualities of the God head as he is. We fully recognize his meaning when he said, "Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect." We know full well that the great soul never for a moment asked of his disciples a mental or moral impossibility. When he saw and asked perfection of man, he knew he asked only that which man can live up to. A great many have taken false comfort in the belief that they can never be perfect as the Master was perfect. They argue that he was Divine and that, because of his divinity, he did marvelous works which no other member of humanity could possibly do and that, therefore, it is absolutely useless to try. They say they are here with nothing better or more skillful or scientific with which to carve out life's destiny than mere human will power. The great Master made it clear that, while it did take some human will power to start, the mere human will is not a factor in the case, the factor being divine understanding. How many times did he say, "You shall know Truth and the Truth shall set you free."

Let us reduce this to the simple physics of the world about us. The moment men become fully aquainted with the truth of anything in the physical world about them, that moment they become free of their ignorant concept of that particular thing. The moment men became aquainted with the fact that the world was round and that it revolved around the sun, they became free from the antiquated idea of a flat earth and the rising and setting sun. The moment men becomes free from the belief that they are mere human beings, subject to human laws of life and death and the limitations human beings have imposed, that moment they will see that they are free from all human limitations and may become sons of God if they will. The moment they realize they are Divine, they are free from all limitations and possed of strength of divinity; and man knows that this divinity is the place where being comes most directly in contact with God. Man is beginning to see and know that this divinity is not something to be injected into each from without. He is beginning to know that it is the very life of each and every man."
I believe that we can, even in these mortal bodies, create with our minds and hearts what is pure and good for ourselves and others. Even now we are so much more than a lose collection of cells and matter... It is a matter of taking upon this mantel of heredity, embracing it, and sharing it with powerful Love dominating all we see, touch and do. Seems impossible but we are assured over and over that it is not. Believe, believe, believe just as that bible verse you quoted, huh?

Sammy, you asked for Truth and went to the only place it is Real. You asked and went directly to the Source and I believe you were rewarded as you "lost yourself" in meditation. I think you proved to yourself that we do not have to do this alone...We have and can be gifted with what the passage quoted suggests... "divine understanding" and a "bubble of Love!" It begins just as surely and continues just as simply.
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Re: meditation

Post by sammy »

Wow Sandy! That paragraph really sums it up! My mind is spinning with thoughts on this.

You said "believe believe believe" - and we have free will to choose what we believe (although sometimes the brain can be a bit stubborn to believe what the heart chooses to believe!). Huh - the brain can so help or hinder. Well - I am going to have to spend some time working through all these thoughts. I can hardly start typing a sentence before another thought jumps in on this. I'm going to try to organize the thoughts a bit before I finish this response.

Thank you for that Sandy!

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Re: meditation

Post by happyrain »

wow sammy
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Re: meditation

Post by happyrain »

hello friends
thank you to all who have contributed to this thread
i went back to read and am amazed by some of the similarities we experience
tiggy, clarity, elektrum, sammy, blue nova, lola, sandy, clare, kenge, listeningeyes, george, and geoff

i miss you guys ! thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom

do you remember this sammy ? and now, with your recent experience ?
Sandy wrote:Ahhh we are brothers and sisters in every sense of the word...I love you all...

This morning the time passed quickly in meditation and as you mentioned Happyrain, a whole hour passed so quickly! I just had a laugh as I remember Sammy's account of "hearing" in meditation that she should meditate four hours a day!... and how shocked she was...
sammy wrote:But, what I really want to know is what happened to the rest of the almost 2 hours I can't account for! Prior to seeing the little girl, I had been attempting to settle down for about 5 minutes. My son hollered to me that he was walking to the store with his friend (this usually takes an hour or so). A few short minutes later I heard a car in the driveway (I thought this might be my husband coming home from his lunch meeting). VERY shortly after this I saw the healing of the little girl. And what felt like 2 minutes passed and I heard my son yell that he and his friend were going in the pool. I figured they skipped the trip to the store. I also figured I was going to have no luck meditating any further, so I got up. I looked at the clock and almost 2 hours had passed...AND there were 2 messages on my answering machine - I never even heard the phone ring!
i've quoted here some things of interest mainly in this thread and through out the forum. there is plenty to be found but wanted to bump a little and focus it in one post
Sandy wrote:Recently I saw/experienced something interesting in meditation. I found myself looking downward from a great height at what appeared a mountain range but there was no color and it was a subdued muddy green... I saw a violet light emmitted from one point in a valley far below and as it touched me I was pulled towards it... hmmm can't remember much more right off the bat... I would have to check my journal. Funny how sometimes the things in meditation leave the conscious mind for a time.
happyrain wrote:last night i decided to meditate with a friend- we didn't realize an hour had passed and the deeper i got- the more, "dream-like" it became.
in one instance i thought i was actually outside looking up at the moon. this is the first time i've seen an image other than random color so clearly- it was bright, full, and really white. i felt connected
blue nova wrote:our experiences during meditations may not always make sense to us at first. we must not get frustrated at this. we will eventually understand them. try not to rush understanding....or over analyze.

welcome them when they happen and enjoy !! do not only enjoy the sights....but soak up the feelings too
Sandy wrote:George saw his sister's face once as he zeroed in during mediation on what looked like moving flowers making lovely shapes and patterns from afar.. She had long ago passed on but here she was doing this most joyful dance in the next realm...
Sandy wrote:I do remember once I was working on some spiritual work all hours of the night and I got perhaps an hours sleep before needing to get up for work the next day. My job at that time could be rather physical so I asked God to assist me, providing the needed energy to remain alert and positive in my work. The day couldn't have been better and I had more energy then on a normal day. So sometimes all we need to do is ask... and allow...
LolaandLight wrote:I understand exactly what you mean. I haven't reached the state that you describe as getting beyond yourself in many many years. However, my experience of it was like I knocked and a door opened. It was as if the experience was given to me. At least that is how it felt.
blue nova wrote:i kept feeling a 'kocking sensation' in my right ear....tap tap tap on eardrum... i sensed it was or were person's from here.... i joined in...
LolaandLight wrote:Happyrain,
For some reason, I just realized, by reading your post that Petra quoted, that you said you received frontal lobe sensations. I have been getting these on and off. I thought that it might be anxiety that was causing them. Could you describe what it feels like so that I can compare it with my frontal lobe sensations? For me, it feels as if my frontal lobe just jumped or something.
luvinlife wrote:Lola, it's funny that you should say that. When I felt a sensation in my face (I used to think I was having a stroke or something), it was usually when I was upset or depressed. Now, I realize that I'm being comforted, as if they are "physically" telling me that it's all going to be okay.

Love, Clare
blue nova wrote:frontal lobe forehead area ?

if is third eye chakra opening up....or being used. if one receives sensations to top of head...that area is crown chakra. one will experience sensations in kutastha (third eye chakra)...then usually start to feel 'stuff' at crown chakra.

kutastha, third eye, a tool to contact god again. to contact soul. to contact teachers of god...or even other souls. either way(s) is a commune tool of soul.

when one has sensations there....or in those areas.....this is a 'good thing'...
LolaandLight wrote:Don't worry about how you are seen. Sometimes just pulling in and keeping your "discoveries' or insights to yourself is the best way to perserve them. Give what you are expeirencing time to incorporate itself within your being. I am getting the word transfiguration. This could be what you are experiencing and you want to shout it to the roof tops because you feel its realness and rightness. But, it is for you right now. When it is time to share it with those around you that are not expereincing it themselves, you will feel the rightness of the time as what you have discovered will be in the very cells of your body and they will sense it when around you. This will cause them to stop and listen as they will feel it. Just don't rush anything and but do enjoy the "rush" of what you are receiving.
clarity wrote: It makes perfect sense. People are free to believe what they choose, whether or not they choose to accept the ideas you express does not have any bearing on who you are. Really it's the ego's attachment to these ideas and trying to maintain an identity is what causes the anger. Remove the ego's attachment to these ideas and you'll be free to share your beliefs without concern for whether they are accepted or not.

Here's a beautiful quote I was reminded of while writing this . . .
"When you give the world the freedom to exist on its own, without the need to control it, you give yourself that same freedom, you give yourself the freedom to simply be; and when you give yourself this gift, this gift of surrender, you experience who you are as love, without condition."
happyrain wrote:a giant blue orb in front of me.
the backyard seems full of life atm. i noticed little mishapen orbs too floating by. some are orange. i try to send my awareness to 3rd eye and when i do i get a very soothing chill up and down my backside
earlier in the day i had a bit of tapping on the crown and also seeing the tiny blue spec of lights similar to what clarity mentioned in one of his post
CutieKenge wrote: I remember when I was a kid, maybe like 5 y.o., playing outside with my cousin and I saw these two or 3 big glowing orbs (yellow, orange, red) WIZZ past us and in between two houses...then they disappeared. It was like they were chasing one another. Not sure exactly what they were, but I was just reminded of that when you talked about the big blue one when you opened the door.
listeningeyes wrote:I tried meditation and when I asked questions I could hear a mans voice answer back,he wouldnt really talk over me but I could hear him talking in my head,while I was still asking questions.We would talk at the same time but I could still understand everything he and i were saying,its strange.And he is kind of sarcastic,lol.Not in a mean way,he just kind of seems easy going and lite.I thought they were supposed to be all serious and deep. lol.then I got this REALLY loud ringing in my left ear.
Tiggy wrote:I tried another meditation last week.....I got the word 'Serphilus' (not sure of spelling) coming through very clear.....and then another message: 'Genuine belief stems from the very parts of you unknown. Deseased hearts will transmit erroded trails of concete.'..... again I got the word 'Serphilus'...I asked is this your name and the response was........'it's a word, remember it'..........I don't have any idea what serphilus means but its such a strange word that I probably wont forget it either. Does anyone else get words through that are very unfamiliar, this is not the first time for me........
mm1111 wrote:I could feel a very strong energy vibrating through my heavy feeling body. I felt the sensation that I was about to talk with a celestial. I was close to getting a name when someone outside would not stop honking their horn! I tried my best to stay down and asked if "they " would please stop that honking and it did stop. I was unable to hear the name completly but it sounded like Otheous. It felt like someone was pushing their thumb up against my forehead.
happyrain wrote:i saw a black orb shoot down from the top of my head
it was to fast to be a bird, has anyone experienced anything similar?

also, today i saw a gold light with pink aura behind closed eyes
George wrote:Only once did I see a black disc (orb) belonging to another.

The blue/green scintilating disc (orb) I see dart away (mostly when I question (consider) my depth of trance) is my TA, leaving my mind exposed to Midwayer contact. Without TA approval and His/Her "stepping aside" from the human mind there can be no contact with other Celestial Personalities.

The term "Mystery Monitor" is quite correct IMO.
theunim wrote:I saw colors while in that state! I remember most vividly red, staying there the longest in my "vision," then later transitioning to yellow and orange. Finally, after a bit, I was surprised to see WHITE! From the bottom to the top of my vision. There were some other colors but I may have wrongly judged it to be like an afterimage of the backyard...there was some green.
happyrain wrote:i began to notice a pattern of light
a bright green/yellow circle with an undefined color in the center... it seemed pink or red
it repeated like moving down a tunnel
Twinstars wrote:Hi all, awoke this am to another 6:06, closed my eyes for a few seconds to realize the green i see is pretty much like looking at Deamons leaf avie.
Sammy, I usually see some red too.
transient_man wrote: typical OBE's have been irregular and fairly uneventful. Sometimes I don't even know ... my eyes I saw a swirling of deep orange or red color, almost like a ball. Needless to say, ... went away immediately, but instantaneously a green light shot into my vision (eyes still closed)
ruthnfla wrote: I usually just close my eyes, without the cd and I start seeing deep purple or green or red, and then when the cd starts, my brain doesn't want to switch
Coltrane wrote:When I was a kid, probably up until 12 years old or maybe 13, anytime I would be in a dark room I would see very bright dots and empty circles of green and red light. They would come in waves, swirl around and leave my vision. Every 10 seconds or so, something I'd call a "portal" when I was a kid would appear and move towards me until it went through me and was gone
Geoff wrote:Perhaps someone can be very specific about what you saw, but I suspect that what you saw is simply a somewhat different "image" of spirit manifestations. There are Morontia machines, that are often captured as orbs on photos, and it could be that. Otherwise it could simply be spirit, and that your spirit vision is different to many others, but obviously some folks see much as you do. I think that if you were to practise meditation, and maybe a technique like the Akashic Construct, you may achieve more detailed results.
there is so much to be found through out this forum- from feathers to tappings and ringing in the ears. colors and other spiritual experiences. visual phenomenas etc. even from the humbling stories shared in our day to day experience with our brothers and sisters
relationships and communication
love and progress, revelations and recognition- grace and humility
thank you all for sharing

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Re: meditation

Post by Sandy »

there is so much to be found through out this forum- from feathers to tappings and ringing in the ears. colors and other spiritual experiences. visual phenomenas etc. even from the humbling stories shared in our day to day experience with our brothers and sisters
relationships and communication
love and progress, revelations and recognition- grace and humility
thank you all for sharing
Thank you HR for putting this together and once again sharing with us your thoughts as well as our own thoughts and experiences once again. It amazes me how these things can sometimes fade into the horizons of our minds...And yet in the rereading the joy of the experience, whether it's ours or someone else's, it can once again fill us with the zeal of discovery and even address something we are needing at this future moment as if on cue! Some days I feel like an old time artic explorer as I work to quiet my simple mind. My mind can act like a pack of dogsled dogs with each thought needing categorizing, fed and settled before I can taste the peace for myself. There are days those "dogs" seem hungrier then at other times. :roll: But I am determined to reach the "North Pole!" :lol: ( Hope that silliness makes some sense.)

Love you little brother...always will, :kiss:
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Re: meditation

Post by Tiggy »

Hello happyrain :hithere

I'm still here..........and have missed you guys too. Thanks.

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Re: meditation

Post by Sandy »

Hello Tiggy,
It gave me such a peaceful feeling seeing both you and John on the boards today. You have been missed on the forums, sis. Please know that you will always come back and find a seat at the 11:11 family table with your name on it. (big ole piece of chocolate mud cake too! :mrgreen: ) That goes for you, John, as well. ((((everybody)))
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Re: meditation

Post by Tiggy »

Oh Sandy, bless you :love

A peaceful feeling is what I ache for too......and peaceful friends. I've missed you and the love you share, so equally, so unconditionally, so free of judgement. Knowing your welcoming acceptance of me back into the fam brings happiness to my heart..............the mud cake helps too of course :lol: :roll

:loves Tiggy
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321 - REALLY???!!!

Post by sammy »

:| I've been trying to meditate around 2pm everyday. (If I attempt to meditate in the morning I just end up back asleep.) Today I was running late, got my self settled to meditate and glanced at the clock...321! REALLY???!!!! SERIOUSLY????!!!! Erg! I chuckled and said (out loud) to whoever was sending me THAT nasty prompt..."Well, if I'm backsliding we'd better get to work!"

That said, when I opened my eyes (with no recollection of anything) I sat still for a minute and tried to re-gather myself, glanced at the clock and it was 4:45...apparently they were done with whatever they were doing with me at 4:44...and left me with a headache to boot!

I sit up (with my neck brace on :lol: ), set my intention (which I have been just asking to be led to do God's will...AND that I remember what happens while I meditate), my mind goes nice and blank and BANG...over an hour goes by with nothing....well except for a few weeks ago when I saw a blip of a cool healing, and another blip about "dragon food".

I'm getting concerned that I may not be able to reconnect in a meaningful way. I've taken breaks from mediation before, and it traditionally does take a bit of time for me to be able to get anything from my meditation, but this is getting frustrating.

George - I recall reading a couple of times that you had been "cut off" for a period of time (although if I recall it was more due to discomfort and inability to focus?) - any thoughts on what else I can try besides patience. That has become my mantra (patience, no expectations, God's will be done)...and I feel like they are testing me (I have promised myself that I will stick to this EVERY DAY even if I don't recall a thing). Do they respond well to threats? :mrgreen: (Joking - sort of!)

Just venting...sorry. :roll:
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Re: meditation

Post by Sandy »

Hi Sammy,

I just looked at the clock when I began posting and got a 1:23. I believe that was yours and I believe in fact you are progressing in your meditations. Progress, if your think about it really isn't measured by what we remember about our meditation necessarily but maybe by things unseen. There is a growth and strength that cannot be measured in human terms but is celebrated by our angels because they see it as a glowing light within us. Sammy, sis, I am as blind as a bat spiritually but even little ole me...bifocals and all, can see the light you bring to others here on the board and in those around you. You could see it, your proof in those photos you showed me last week. The way your Father looked at you with glowing pride the way you make other people feel so good about themselves, the way people smile and feel good when they are around you. That is true spiritual growth, heavy in love and caring as it should be! So don't you worry ...don't give it another thought...what you will see and feel and hear cannot be measured against the fact of your Love. Love is the measuring stick used On High. :kiss:
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Re: meditation

Post by sammy »

HEY HEY!!!! The time of your post (on my computer) is 11:33!!! The Doreen Virtue translation is:
The ascended masters are working with you on your thought processes. In many ways, they are acting as mentors, teaching you the ancient wisdom involved in manifestation. They are sending you energy to keep you from feeling discouraged, and encouragement to stay focused on the true goals of your soul. Additionally, the ascended masters may be offering you advice, guidance, and suggestions on your life purpose. Always, however, they teach that every creation begins at the level of thought and idea. Ask them to help you choose wisely that which you want.
Combine 11:33 with your 123 and sure enough...NO WORRIES!!!!! I will keep at it! THANK YOU my darling!!!!!

I just had another thought pop into my head...perhaps 321 means that during all that "blank time" they are working to undo some of my ingrained thoughts. ( :lol: :lol: :lol: They sure will have their work cut out for themselves! :lol: :lol: :lol: )

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Pineal Gland

Post by inlikeflint »

I think it is called the pineal gland (3rd eye.). I notice the pressure on the front to my head, between my eyebrows where the superciliary ridge splits the freont brow line length of my forehead, and about the same distance in between the tip of my nose and hairline.

I used to get this pressure feeling when I would drive a truck for long hours during the night. I would "Day Dream" while I would drive and sometimes I would lose track of time. It has gone on for years. It's just something I feel occasionally when I put my body on autopilot and pretend I am president for the day, or I have some sort of super power like Super Man. (It's what you do to pass the time while you drive a truck.)

The AC/CD does this a lot for me on the second part, and on and off on the last library part. I feel the pressure IN my forehead and so I know something is going on.

While I was reading a bit of these threads I felt an uplifting pressure near the top of my head about where the rear of my head is. (The crown.)

I am not sure how to gage my success of meditation but I am getting numbers and license plates like crazy. (Today I had 557 ASK at 2:22.)
I've also started to notice 1:01, 2:02, 6:06, I've pretty much stop trying to make sense of the numbers and I am trying to do this meditation.

I just chimed in to share that I TOO have the pressure in the head feeling.

The CD has some skips in the third part which kind of caught me off guard, but for the most part I think the meditation is going alright. (I start, I stop, I start, I stop.) I keep finding new things I swear I did not hear the last time I listened to the CD and so this keeps it kind of interesting. I think I would like to get off the CD and do it on my own, but I keep expecting some sort of confirmation that I am there so tha I can recognize it the other way.

Anyway, thanks for reading my rambling.
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Re: meditation

Post by Sandy »

Hey Sammy and Flint,
I have no doubts that either one of you are doing well and progressing much to the thrill of your celestial allies.
I just had another thought pop into my head...perhaps 321 means that during all that "blank time" they are working to undo some of my ingrained thoughts. ( :lol: :lol: :lol: They sure will have their work cut out for themselves! :lol: :lol: :lol: )
I had to laugh out loud at this Sammy, because the thought popped into my mind that our " celetial lot" must be gluttens for "teaching punishement" as I too am a hard nut to crack...The lessons come very slowly to me as I plod along... :lol:

I also smiled at your words, Flint, as I pictured you, driving your big truck down the highway, lost in time. I've been there...I arrive at a destination and think, "Wow! don't remember much about this drive. Sure hope I stopped at the stop light at Hill Blvd and St. Clair if I was supposed to!" :lol: It is different though, like you are functioning on auto pilot, making all the proper decisions and such and it defintely isn't something you plan to do or even is wise to plan to do. It just happens. Now I have also drifted off, not asleep, but the mind drifted away from what I was doing and found myself heading for a ditch on the side of the road. (After saying that all people living in New South Wales are most likely pleased to know I haven't ventured into the family car on my own. :lol: Interesting the difference, though. :scratch: With one you are a heart beat from disaster and the other...probably in my case driving better than I normally do. :shock:

I see that pressure on the crown as a very good sign and an indication that we are opening up to Source energy... Sometimes it feels like there is a hole in the top of the head and I can feel energies flow both ways, up from the earth through my body and out and downwards from the heavens through my body and into the earth. You would think all that happening at the same time would be slightly unpleasant but it's not...although the downloading is by far the most pleasant and long lasting. :)
Anyway, thanks for reading my rambling.

Ramble away, Flint. I like it when you ramble! :)
P.S. I began to notice after some time doing the cd that I was also doing it in my head along with G and I knew if I chose I could do it without the cd. And so I did, coming back to the cd every once in awhile. In this manner I could extend or shorten certain aspects of the meditation the way I preferred. I also could take as much time as I liked when working on multiple patients...or a particular project. I like to take plenty of time. :)
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Re: meditation

Post by sammy »

Hi Superman (Flint) and Sandy!

I'm glad you both addressed the headache. The thought did occur to me briefly when I got up from that meditation that the headache was caused by things opening up. And BOY oh boy did I get prompts out the wazoo yesterday! The one best one was while I was sitting at a stop light with a car in front of me that was a bit annoying...sitting a bit too far back from the car in front of him, and blocking the driveway to the post office so on coming traffic couldn't cross into the post office. I kept staring at the car (in annoyance) trying to will it forward several feet :lol: It's a long light and I was getting more and more annoyed - FINALLY it inched forward. As it did I suddenly noticed the license plate that I had been oblivious to in my annoyance...888T (it made me think of our dear Theunim), all at the same time I glanced up to see 123 on a sign and the car to my right had a plate with an odd combination of 2's and 5's with em at the end (which rang in my head as Amen")!

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Re: meditation

Post by theunim »

Wahaha, Sammy, I feel like I drive like that sometimes...oh no!! :roll :roll But I just started driving not too long ago anyway...I'll use that as my excuse! Hehehehe....

I liked your prompt from that plate ;) I think that's amusing!

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Re: meditation

Post by sammy »

Ok...I FINALLY got something during my meditation - nothing exciting, and nothing I understand - First I saw a pair of man's legs from the knees down, wearing flip flops, his legs were peeling (like after a sunburn). Then 2 separate times I saw the color red and heard the words "I have a targeted ad, I've had it for a while now".

I sent an email to a friend who came to mind both times I heard the message, waiting to see if it means anything to her.

OH!!! I almost forgot, in the middle of my meditation it felt like a cat or something walked across the bed - right at that moment my son yelled to me "MOM, WHERE'S THE BUTTER?" - so my eyes snapped open and I didn't get to figure out what I was feeling. BUT, I did get right back to where I was in my meditation!

I KNEW these celestial would have to give me a tid-bit soon - I just am not stubborn enough to stick to it very long if I'm not getting anything. :oops:

T - Glad you liked the prompt!

LOVE!!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: meditation

Post by inlikeflint »

Thanks for reading my ramblings everybody and spurring me on. :bana:

I don't think I have ever had a headache after mediation, but I get a pressure inside of my head feeling like something expanding or something pushing in or lifting up.

When I get headaches I meditate/concentrate to get rid of them (Sometimes.) I think of a forest fire inside my head until I can almost smell the smoke and hear the popping sounds of burning wood. Then I catch a cat nap for about 20 minutes and when I get up I am good as new. (You can tell yourself to wake up in twenty minutes before you fall asleep and most of the time this works.)

I am of the opinion that if you want something bad enough, all you have to do is ask for whatever it is. I think I asked for this 11:11 stuff a long time ago when I came to a dead end in my life. I started to experience things, but never did I take notice of any particular number. At some point I prayed for death. I received change instead. (Same thing, just less dramatic.) I couldn't make sense of what I was doing, or see any future in my life. I think all my directions in life were exhausted and instead of moving up I moved inside.

Really thinking about this, I started to experience 3:33 at 3:33 in the morning, every morning at some point about 2006. I had experienced this before, but I figured this is the time my body just liked to wake up, or that maybe this was the sign I asked for that things are a lot bigger than they seem. It wasn't until a couple years ago I stated to look for answers about it when all the other number combinations started to happen.

I have already started off my day with my first prompt of 1:11am when I thought about coming here to read and post.
I quit my day job, (a while back.) but a new one found me without even looking for it. I'm supposed to call sometime later today. Afternoon.
I don't have to drive a truck and I make about three times the amount of money I was making in a third of the time it took to make it.
I think things are looking up for me.
I have time to meditate, time for art, estate sales...
Everything is good and everything is fine. :D
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Re: meditation

Post by Sandy »

Hey Flint,
I think things are looking up for me.
I have time to meditate, time for art, estate sales...
Everything is good and everything is fine. :D
:D :loves

You have said so many great things in this one post... First of all the head ache thing...I almost never (knock on wood :) ) get headaches but my poor sister-in-law gets them and so I am always on the look out for something that might help. I suspect this statement is important in the final effect...
I am of the opinion that if you want something bad enough, all you have to do is ask for whatever it is.
... and so the relief she receives.... well, it may or may not work so well with her depending on her "belief in the relief." :)

I will keep this method in mind the next time I have a "back blip." (my achilles heel" :roll: )

I'm glad you got a much needed change and it strikes me that sometimes when we think we have exhausted all our human options in life and have nowhere else to go... that's when the Higher forces say step back as they roll up their sleeves and show us the infinite ways Love can manifest in our lives in the most amazing way! But most of all I am so pleased that you are still with us on this world and able to share who you are in so many versatile and amazing ways.
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