I could do with some guidance please.

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I could do with some guidance please.

Post by Lilith »

Hi there,
I am new to this site too. Although I see the number sequences, mine nearly always come as 9.11, or 3.11 and sometimes 11.11. Although lately these happenings have quietened down somewhat, I believe this is for another reason as to which I can elaborate later. I've always had a connection with all things spiritual, and have had many experiences that have made me lean towards belief, but I seem to fear the reality of taking that final step.
For a start I fear the loss of my family, if I were to share what I see and believe. Even my partner is such a total non-believer I can't talk about anything of the sort with him at all. Lately I find myself drawn to more and more subject matter and research on the existence of the paranormal, and trying to find out what 2012 is going to bring us. I have been having vivid dreams, including a scary one the day before the Japan earthquake where a "poisonous bomb" went off and I "lost" all my family and became disorientated. In my heart I feel like I know the truth, but the fear is holding me back.
Just last night I was reading on the internet about the signs happening all over the world at the moment, and I thought to myself "I am alone in this state, I need a kindred spirit to help me through this!" Then today an amazing thing happened. I was down in our local town, with my children, and my little 3 year old remarked that a boy we walked past was from her kindergarten.(she has only just started) His mother stopped and said hello to us, and we started chatting about the kindy and babies etc etc. After a few minutes our conversation progressed (we were talking about modern children's immunity) to where she asked me if I had read anything about HAARP or chem trails and 2012, I was amazed at the co-incidence as it is not normally a topic people bring up with strangers! I know this lady has something for me to learn, we swapped numbers and I came home feeling a little strange about what happened.
I would really love to hear what your thoughts are about this coincidence, 2012 and my numbers appearing as I stated above.
Thanks everyone-
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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by Geoff »

Lilith wrote:if I had read anything about HAARP or chem trails and 2012,
Dear Lilith,

Welcome. Our position on 20.12 is stated at the top of this forum, and we are not willing to discuss it any further. The other two topics are also not really appropriate for our forum, but don't drive us as barmy. They have both been discussed in passing I think. Perhaps there is truth in them, perhaps not, its not something we have a position on.

One can have any specific number as an initial prompt, but generally that is just the starting point. Once you pay attention, it will change. Try the first forum for a lot of good stuff, especially this one 11:11 is driving me nuts
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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by Sandy »

Dear Lilith,
Welcome to the message board! :hithere
It sounds like you met a potential good friend there. :D Something similar happened to me long ago when my boys were still very young. I met this lovely lady with kids, two boys too the same age as mine and we hit it off immediately. She became a lifelong friend, someone who has been there sharing all the many phases of our life...It is a blessing when we connect in this way even though the reasoning behind the connection may not be clear just yet... I guess I am of the mind that all events of our lives cannot be separated from spirit involvement and the ripples from these events and our lives continue to flow outward connecting and reconnecting with others... Probably making a beautiful pattern as viewed from on high especially if light and love is involved. I am happy for you that you have found what it seems you have been needing someone to speak with of these things which are growing on your mind of late. I'm glad too that you have joined us.
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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by sammy »

Hi Lilith - Welcome aboard!

My spiritual journey started off in a similar way. I was raised Catholic, so anything "metaphysical" was a taboo subject...heck, at age 38 I had never even heard the term. Suddenly I found myself meeting total strangers who would start talking to me almost immediately about different metaphysical theories and such. Synchronicities...gotta love them!

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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by luvinlife »

Hi Lileth! Welcome and good luck with your journey.

Love, Clare
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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Welcome to our board Lilith :)

First of all, as others have touched on, you may find that we often have people, things, and events that almost seem to be "placed" in our lives, our path, that connect with the thoughts and feelings we've been having or perhaps lead us to new ones. I am personally the type who believes there is some sort of truth or message to be taken from just about everything, even if it is really subtle, but it depends on how much attention is paid and how far the ability to imagine and interpret go together.

One thing I wanted to address from your post is about your family, like your partner for example, who you feel nervous or reluctant to share with. For so long I often felt the same way, but lately in my life I realize that it's okay not to share those beliefs and feelings that are so dear to you and may seriously affect how others look at you or treat you. Now on one hand, it is not wise to pretend or force yourself to contradict or belittle your own beliefs just to "fit" and sometimes we need to disconnect from people who have a heavy negative influence on us or make us feel uncomfortable with being ourselves. Now on the other hand, it is not wise to completely lay down everything on people who are on a different wavelength, as they may not be ready for everything and may feel alienated or confused by your beliefs. So where's the middle ground? It all comes down to connecting with people on their own levels, and finding the things that we have in common. And the way I see it, as long as we are human beings, there will always be *something* we have in common with each other even if everything else is opposite. Take your partner for example, who you've described as a total non-believer. You may not be able to talk with him about things like the paranormal, or "God", angels, souls, or even dreams.. but you don't need to. What it comes down to is that even if he professes not to "believe" in something.. I'm willing to bet as a human being even he must still be searching for some sort of meaning in this life, some sort of answer to "why am I here" and what life means to him. And that's really all you need to make that loving connection with him as a human being and try to understand each other.

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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by Lilith »

Hello everybody,
Firstly, my apologies for posting a topic that is off the menu, so to speak. I have just had a rather crazy week, with lots of happenings, dreams and co-incidences, which combined with my already challenging role as a mother of 3, meant I only had a few minutes to post my question here. I appreciate all your responses.
I guess I have stifled my spirituality somewhat, especially where my immediate family is concerned. But it keeps coming back to me in one form or another!
I probably feel and understand a lot more than many people I am surrounded by, it makes it rather difficult to find someone on the same wavelength at the moment.
I don't know, daily life just seems to detract so much from anything spiritual it's hard. Thanks again, for all your replies.
I will look forward to reading in more detail some of the topics in this forum!
Take care everybody-
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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by sammy »

Hi Lilith!

No worries, I think most of us have posted something taboo at one time or another! You are in a loving, forgiving place!

I think there are many of us who are distracted by daily life. I have yet to accomplish that balance, but Geoff once posted a lovely video that helped motivate me for a period of time...perhaps Geoff may recall the video?

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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by Geoff »

sammy wrote:perhaps Geoff may recall the video?

Dear Sammy,

I would need a bit of a clue here?

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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by Sandy »

sammy wrote:
perhaps Geoff may recall the video?


Dear Sammy,

I would need a bit of a clue here?

I would think by now, dear Geoff, that you would be able to read our minds! ;) :kiss:
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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by sammy »

I would think by now, dear Geoff, that you would be able to read our minds! ;) :kiss:

Oh boy, I was really hoping you would just remember...it was a year or so ago, at the time I was talking about having difficulty making time to meditate, and you mentioned that for you, you really look forward to meditation and posted a video you found to be really inspirational. IF (notice that's a BIG IF) I'm remembering it correctly, it has some lovely pictures (slide show style video)...it seems to me there was music in the background and there must have been some text mixed in with the pictures somehow...Oh...I'm sorry...I just don't remember enough details. :duh

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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by theunim »

Sammy! I feel like I know what you might be talking about~ it could be on Geoff's YouTube...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l2CBrN3zVg - Is that it?
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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by sammy »

SCORE!!!!! or EUREKA! You've found it! :thumleft: :cheers: :bana: :roll BRILLIANT! You go girl!

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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by theunim »

yay!!! love to you too~~ :loves
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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by Mamo »

:hithere Hi Lilith :sunflower:

My name is Mahsa and I visit this lovely board from time to time. After reading your post I felt I had to write a few words. You say:
I seem to fear the reality of taking that final step.
For a start I fear the loss of my family, if I were to share what I see and believe.
Well, tell your heart that the fear of rejection is worse than the actual loss. Because most likely your family will understand you and probably welcome a discussion.
In my heart I feel like I know the truth, but the fear is holding me back.
Let go of the fear my dear. That's my only advice.

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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by Geoff »

sammy wrote:SCORE!!!!! or EUREKA! You've found it! :thumleft: :cheers: :bana: :roll BRILLIANT! You go girl!

Dear Sammy,

Glad you liked it. Of course I "remembered" that video, since I made it, but your comment did not give me any clues about WHAT the video was supposed to be about.

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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by sammy »

Geoff wrote:
Of course I "remembered" that video, since I made it
:shock: :? :oops: OOPS! I guess I missed that part...Still love me anyway? :mrgreen: (Nice work by the way!)

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Re: I could do with some guidance please.

Post by luvinlife »

Sammy, how could we NOT love you! It's soooooooo nice to have you back.

Love, Clare
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