what does this mean

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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what does this mean

Post by starfox »

i was reading this article about 1111 and i was kinda scared on what it said. at the end it talks about your lastlife time on earth. am i gunna die? http://www.free-psychic-insight.org/111-Numerology.html

also i wonder what does the number 1111 REALLY mean? why am i still seeing this number after the past 4 or 6 months?
what are these signs trying to tell me?

i would love you feedback and answers.

Thank You, Starfox.
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Re: what does this mean

Post by Geoff »

Dear Starfox,

There are many other sites out there, and unless a site is actually associated with us, it will give a different opinion as to what 11:11 means. We have gone to a lot of effort to set out why we believe what we say here, but if you don't read it, you won't find out what we do say. So all i can suggest is read at least these first two threads, preferably all three:

11:11 signals are driving me nuts

11:11 digital prompts

Messages from Celestials about 11:11

Many other folks have their different theories, but I have yet to find a single one with a skerrick of proof. At least we have what we consider proof.

Oh yeah, you will die. We all do. Actually its no big deal that, but you won't be reincarnating, so enjoy your time here.

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Re: what does this mean

Post by touchedbyanangel »


Hello Starfox,

It's hard to discern your age by your question about dying, I couldn't help but wonder if you're not very young. Dying, as Geoff writes, is something we all do, let me graciously add the word.."eventually." We all die as the result of many different factors, seeing the number 11, 111, 11:11, I don't think is one of them. I've been seeing those numbers for a while now and i'm still alive..and still seeing them. :sunflower:

But, what I think is worth noting, is that you are curious as to their meaning and why you are seeing these numbers. As Sandy wrote in your other thread, numerology can explain some things realitive to your birthdate, but reading the FAQ's and other threads on this site could offer you a better understanding as to what you are experiencing. I too began seeing the various one's, I too looked where you have been looking, I didn't find the answers I was seeking until I came here.

I can only add this..you have been called by the angels of heaven to participate in a wondrous adventure of higher spiritual learning. If you are feaful of what seems an inexplicable urge to look at a clock, or to notice numbers, don't be, looking at clocks or seeing numbers can't hurt you. Again, welcome to the forums. There are many here that can help you find your way to the answers you seek. :)

Touched... :sunflower:
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Re: what does this mean

Post by Paul »

Dear Starfox,

Some people think that the 11:11 phenomenon has something to do with advancing spirituality. That is true, to an extent. If you read the various posts that Geoff referenced you will discover what it really means. The secondary midwayers were produced about thirty seven thousand years ago. These secondary midwayers are the great-grand children of our planetary Adam and Eve. They share the same space and live here on the earth, but they are invisible to us because they live in another frame of time. There were originally 1,984 secondary midwayers produced. Of that number, 1,111 remained faithful to the mandates of our Creator Son Christ Michael.

These secondary midwayers were given permission by their superiors to use the 11:11 time prompt to get the attention of their human cousins. This time prompt reflects the fact that 1,111 secondary midwayers stayed faithful to Christ Michael. The main reason is to get us started on our spiritual journey and to discover the Spark of God that lives in our minds. You have your own Spark of God, Starfox, that lives in your mind. This is a piece of the Eternal Father that has come to live in your mind. It is His purpose to spiritize your mind as you walk the mortal life. When you die He will continue to walk with you on the mansion worlds when you take up your soul body. One day, if you choose to, you will fuse with this fragment of the Eternal Father and a new creature will be formed. You, Starfox, and a piece of the Eternal One. This comes about as we increasingly make the doing of the Father's will one with our will.

On that web site that you referenced, it refers to the end of a person's lives here on earth. Some people believe that we continue to reincarnate until we achieve a point where we can move on to the other side and continue progressing. Those that believe in reincarnation think that there comes a time, after many incarnations, when that soul will no longer have to return to the earth to make spiritual advancement. Suppose that particular person has incarnated 100's of times and he/she has now reached a spiritual plateau. They think that this will be the last lifetime that they will have to live on the earth.

Now, according to our secondary midwayer friends there are no reincarnations. They should know since they have lived here continuously for thirty-seven thousand years. They know that there is an ascension plan of the Eternal Father. We start life on this planet and we move on to the mansion worlds when we die. After we find ourselves on the mansion worlds with our fledgling souls, we continue to move forward progressing to the Paradise Father.

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Re: what does this mean

Post by Sandy »

Dear Starfox,
i was reading this article about 1111 and i was kinda scared on what it said. at the end it talks about your lastlife time on earth. am i gunna die?
What we believe will occur to us after we pass on in many ways is of no consequence. (Okay that's my opinion...which is coming from a teeny tiny mind. ;) ) What I do see that is important after observing all the wonderful people who are members of this site, many of whom have different beliefs as to what occurs after we pass on... is the fact that we are stretching and reaching towards God in all his many faucets of Being. God does not care whether we believe Hindu teachings, Christian teachings, or the teachings of the Urantia book,etc. ... But this All loving God, who is the Great Parent to all substance and living beings in the universe, does crave our own seemingly puny human love which is the only thing of substance we can offer back to this Great One who has all Things in a thought. This tells me that Love is of the upmost value as we live our daily lives. Learning to know this Infinite Being is our own eternal Quest. We find ourselves immersed in this fabulous journey as we sit quietly in stillness/meditation, allowing our thoughts to eventually dissipate and a deep peace to come to the forefront. The information of all things is found here... the belonging we crave is found here... the direction and guidance we desire is found here. Yet, it can be different for each individual... different but all leading to the same mountain of Truth-Reality. The path may be long for some of us...short for others, depending perhaps on the directions and side paths we take to the top. But in the end, what we learn along the way stays with us forever. So explore your own path to your heart's content but please remember that there is nothing to fear if love guides your footsteps. If Love is present so is our Benevolent God. All is well.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: what does this mean

Post by linda1111 »

You bring tears of joy to my eyes, I just love you! Wish I could write as beautifully as you do.
Linda :loves
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Re: what does this mean

Post by 1111:1111 »

Sandy wrote:Dear Starfox,
i was reading this article about 1111 and i was kinda scared on what it said. at the end it talks about your lastlife time on earth. am i gunna die?
What we believe will occur to us after we pass on in many ways is of no consequence. (Okay that's my opinion...which is coming from a teeny tiny mind. ;) ) What I do see that is important after observing all the wonderful people who are members of this site, many of whom have different beliefs as to what occurs after we pass on... is the fact that we are stretching and reaching towards God in all his many faucets of Being. God does not care whether we believe Hindu teachings, Christian teachings, or the teachings of the Urantia book,etc. ... But this All loving God, who is the Great Parent to all substance and living beings in the universe, does crave our own seemingly puny human love which is the only thing of substance we can offer back to this Great One who has all Things in a thought. This tells me that Love is of the upmost value as we live our daily lives. Learning to know this Infinite Being is our own eternal Quest. We find ourselves immersed in this fabulous journey as we sit quietly in stillness/meditation, allowing our thoughts to eventually dissipate and a deep peace to come to the forefront. The information of all things is found here... the belonging we crave is found here... the direction and guidance we desire is found here. Yet, it can be different for each individual... different but all leading to the same mountain of Truth-Reality. The path may be long for some of us...short for others, depending perhaps on the directions and side paths we take to the top. But in the end, what we learn along the way stays with us forever. So explore your own path to your heart's content but please remember that there is nothing to fear if love guides your footsteps. If Love is present so is our Benevolent God. All is well.
The key word in all of that was Love. I think that we have taken the leadership to take our challenges in life and use them as opportunities to grow light, and understanding. I don't think it's coincidence that many of us have had super natural occurences in our lives, have seen a lot of pain in our lives and within our family, have extremely rare talents, and some of us seem to even be psychic or emotion sensitive. Have we mastered neutrality? Or are we close?

It seems we are leaders, meant to lead by example and truth, and to show the hardest things to show, which is love, compassion, and understanding. Taking on the challenge of self correction. Wanting to obtain more self control unlike those around you who fall so easily prey to things that are of no progression.
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Re: what does this mean

Post by happyrain »

:hithere hi sandy
beautiful post
thank you : )
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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