Eleven after the hour.

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Eleven after the hour.

Post by touchedbyanangel »


Sometimes I find myself wundering what would be happening to me if I hadn't been brought here. It has been almost a year now since the prompts got my attention. I have had to change my entire view of the universe, (or universes), and all that's in them. To my dismay, I find myself alone, nobody in my circle, or anywhere around me, seem connected to me anymore. I certainly don't feel that I can explain what's happened to me, let alone share it. I feel separated, and isolated, who around me in my everyday life would be able to comprehend such wonders? No one that I know of. My mom is the only one I have shared this knowledge with. I think, she thinks I'm certifiable. To be fair, who wouldn't have to wunder?

I have come to a point where I NEED to come here to find peace of mind and comfort. I feel accepted, and to some larger degree, appreciated. :loves I felt I needed to get that off my chest, I hope you're still reading at this point, I'll move on to why I posted this thread.

Way back when, I posted a message about the various prompts I was getting. I had noticed the 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, all the way up to 12:11. I couldn't help but to be amazed by them. I didn't know what they meant, so, I gave them a meaning. I attributted those prompts to God, I decided to pray to Him whenever I saw the eleven after the hour. I have held true to that 90% of the time. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, and exhausted, and don't pray. It's usually when I see them every hour, I run out of things to pray about. But that's not what's bothering me.

What's bugging me, is that the prompts have changed, It seems as if I'm getting an early warning signal prior to the eleven after the hour prompt. (Yes, I still get them.) Not to wonder, but, I also get the 22 after the hour, 33 after the hour, the 44 after the hour, last but not least, the 55 after the hour, it would almost seem as if I never take my eyes off the clock. Sometimes, I do actually get the time when I look at the clock. :D

Maybe the ten after the hour prompts are what I think they are, but, I remember someone else posting about getting the ten after the hour prompts. I guess what I'm getting at is this...Do these change ups mean something more profound?

That's not all. I also have been seeing the 01, 02, 03, etc, after the corresponding hour digit. In other words, 1:01, 2:02, 3:03 and so on. I see 11:01, just about every night, although, the 11:11 prompt, I see very seldom now. I never know what I'm going to see next. Am I alone, or are there others among us, that could shed some light on this plethora of prompts I get? My constant analyzing is isn't getting me far.

I'm all eyes!.. :)

Touched... :loves
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by Sandy »

Hello Touched,

Oh yes, I get those prompts too. :) I think this thread may help you in your dicernment of the prompts you have been seeing.

11:11 More questions about number sequences.

People often speak of coming here and soon after the 11:11 prompts change as more are added. They begin seeing 22's and 33's among many others. These prompts are a part of the "name number" of several wonderful Midwayers who work with the Progress group and know all of you. ABC-22 is Chief Bzutu's (George's name for him which even the Midwayers use at times ;) ) so often times when you see 22's, Bzutu is making his presence known. The 33's are part of the numerical name of a foreign Midwayer we call, Mathew. He too and his group of nine is very active among the members here and often prompts with 33's. Our personal angels (Destiny Guardians) often prompt with the 4's... Most of us working to lighten this world have 4 of them...2 Destiny Guardians and 2 Cherubim. I sometimes get 17's if my Guardians are specifically needing something. and I am more attentive to what is occurring around me at this time. When I see 06's I immediately think of Midwayer Sharmon. And and 08 is very special. It occurs when a Midwayer Doctor, MNO-8, Dr. Mendoza is needing me to work with heaing or to pay closer attention to an aspect of our own health practices.

I love praying when you get the prompts. Please know that our Midwayer friends love God just as much if not more than we do and they pray and speak with him too in what they calla time of reversion. Our closeness to God is uptmost in their minds and they always lead us ever closer to the Great One.

Anyway I hope this helps a bit with the numbers.

About 6 years ago I very much understood what you describe in your post about feeling alone with what you are discovering. But it isn't so much the knowledge of what you are experiencing that is important. It is the love that accompanies an ever growing closeness to God and our Celestial kin. Opportunities to shine and share Love will come to you often on a daily basis... and this is truly what creates bonds of lasting friendships. Just love and follow the guidance you receive from God. I assure you that you are not alone...there are others awakening to love all over the world and in our hometowns. Time will make it clearer I think. :finger: In the meantime, I am thrilled that you share our lives here on the board. In a very real sense we are all together...all part of the One and so as close as a thought. :D This comforts me on lonely nights when I long for old friends and family that now reside half a world away. :loves
With Love and a (((hug))) for good measure!
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by touchedbyanangel »


Thanks Sandy, I get feeling a bit confused at times. I have read part of the thread you posted, before. I found that I needed to take more time and carefully read all of the messages on that thread. It did help a lot. I really appreciate your time in guiding me to the right place. I need to write these things down so I can remember them when I see the prompts.

For some reason, I don't feel like you're a half a world away. I am sure glad you're as close to me as a pc.

Have a great day, wherever in the world you are!!

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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by Shield »

Hi Touched, Except that my mother has already crossed over my experience has pretty much mirrored yours. Esp. not being connected to any one in my former circle of friends.
Starting in October I started getting prompts in unusual and often to me funny situations. Today I had to make an unexpected side trip going to work and noticed the odometer on my van read 77755 when I parked.
Lately I have entered prompt numbers when possible when using a digital device. Today I put $44.44 in gas in the van when I fueled up. When I use the microwave if the cooking directions are heat 1 minute I put in 111,222 for 2 minutes etc. When I know I am over heating something I stop microwave at 33(on the microwave now) 44 or 55 etc. Just a reminder to myself that I am not alone.
I don't know if that is something you would want to do but it does seem to work for me.
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by touchedbyanangel »


Hello Shield,

Thanks for your response. Since I posted a reply to Sandy's post last evening, I have been getting every single prompt I mentioned, along WITH Sandy's 17 after the hour prompt. Every time I have looked at the clock today, whether it be in the kitchen, bedroom, or front room, the clock has had one of the prompts. When I looged on, the time on the computer was 3:17 pm, uscst.

Don't know what's going on, but it can be overwhelming. I woke up a bunch of times last nite only to see a prompt. All day today it's been the same thing. They must also be able to read everything I write. It continues even now. I'll be back at the eleventh hour to update.

Touched.... :bike:
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by Sandy »

Hello Sheild and Touched,

Touched, I chuckled at the abundant prompts you are receiving. ...even the 17 now. :lol: I have days like that and then some where there are not so many...
Today, on the way to the store we saw 777 and on the way home a 555 on a license plate in front of us. The 55's were everywhere! I always think of change when I see the 5's...
So it is a comfort for this "ole wary of change lady" to see the positive 7's as well. All is well. :)

I am getting ready to cook up a storm tonight as Thursday and Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching. I'll be thinking of you both and all of you my 11ner family when I think of my blessings and the oh so many things to be thankful for tomorrow. :kiss:
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by Wild River Rose »

Hello Touched,

Not so long ago I too felt very much like you - isolated & lonely (I still have moments of this). I was however, urged to think of this/that time not as a punishment, but rather an opportunity to connect with my Spirit/ God - Creator/ Angels, etc. - That this alone time is a gift to allow this connection to happen and my focus to be on my own needs so that I can serve others most effectively. Now having "met" these wonderful souls on this site and learned about Midwayers, Thought Adjuster and how our Angels and they attempt to connect with us, I remind myself that this is a blessing and pray to have the faith and hope not to fall into despair and negative thinking.

I hope you can too :kiss:

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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by Shield »

More 7,s and 5,s. Yesterday I had to re route my usual route and when I got home my odometer showed 77775. :bike:
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by LurkerAbyss »


I just wanted to be another person to let you know that you are never alone.

I am still so young and have a long way to go, to move forward with my life, but I am also going through a very difficult time of feeling isolated, alienated, and alone. I am like WRR and I also recommend to anyone, to remember all of "this" as a blessing and pray for the strength and courage not to fall into negative thinking and despair. This board has brought me an extreme sense of comfort and community and I'm glad to know that you and others here feel the same way!

I love you guys..

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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by Sandy »

Hello dear Lucky,
You are our brother and we love you too!
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by touchedbyanangel »


Thank's Lucky, Ofek, Sandy, WRR, Shield, George, Geoff, Luvinlife, and all of you that have been here to help me.. :sunflower:

It's going to take alot of getting used to, being different, from a spiritual standpoint.

I just wanted to say something about, what is perhaps, why it's a little scary at first. Most believers in Christ Jesus are considered Christians. That is the label used for all, it lumps us all together. We are taught, from the beginning, that the Bible is the only authority on the subject of God, the Son of God, creation, salvation, and ressurection. We then become conditioned to that way of thinking, only one source of truth. That's the krux of everything here. This site shows us that there is 'another' path to truth. I feel as if I've been in kindergarten, as far as my knowledge of God, and creation is concerned. It's as if now, after a lifetime of confusion, and doubt, I have graduated to the first grade.

My 'self' has alot of changes ahead, I'm doing what I can to not let the cares of this world, distract me. It's really good to know that God really is guiding me. I just have to stop kicking and screaming as He does so. I have to learn to trust Him, I mean REALLY trust Him.

That's all for now... :bana:

Touched... :loves
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by linda1111 »

You are loved and blessed, touched, keep on truckin!! :bike:
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by Sandy »

Hello dearest Touched. I smiled at your post because I have been there too...and experienced similar "kicking and screaming." So if it helps, know that we all are sitting around that big ole first grade table with you. :study:

Love you sweetie! :kiss:
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by LurkerAbyss »

I concur with the kicking and screaming statements!

As far as that first grade, here's to being together for plenty of show and tell! :study: And a bit of recess too :D

Love always
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lucky
I got a chuckle from what you wrote:
As far as that first grade, here's to being together for plenty of show and tell! :study: And a bit of recess too :D
.. a good one! :lol:
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by touchedbyanangel »


Again, I want to thank all you, for sharing your time and spiritual energy with me. Being cared about by people, who a person has never met, is exceptional, and a commodity hard to find, I'm blessed to be among you all.

Acceptance seems to be the key to advancement in our community. Accepting these prompts, and what they represent, seems an essential step in moving forward on the learning curve. I'm sure that isn't anything new to many of you that have been experiencing the prompts for a long time. I'm sure much of what I write about isn't anything neccasarily new, it's just new to me. :)

There is always something new happening to me too. (Seeing the myriad of prompts is starting to be less of an event, and becoming more of an important part of my awareness of being in the presence of "my angels and the Midwayers.") Today is no exception to new things, let me explain; I'm sure this is happening to many of you too.

As I've written previously, I usually come to the site around 11:00 am/pm uscst, mostly everyday...okay, everyday! :sunflower: Although, I usually don't feel a nudge to come here, I just feel a need to come here to be with friends, I want to come here. But, today, I didn't come here at my usual time. What has now happened to me, is that I was compelled to come here. This is the first time I've actually been preempted by "something", (I think it was Christ Michael), and moved to come to the site. I believe it is for study purposes, as I've begun to do more reading of the UBook. I'm incorporating the reading of the UBook into my evening routine of reading.

I actually "felt" a moving in my spirit to stop what I was doing and acknowledge that I was being prompted. But this time, not to look at the clock, but to come to the site. Is that normal? Is that happening to anyone of you? I was really excited about it when it happened. I was sitting in the living room playing a card game on my hand held, when I felt this inner sensation. I immediatly acknoweldged the Lord and told Him I felt His call, although I didn't instantly quit what I was doing, it took a few minutes. I then got up to get a Dr.Pepper, and went into the kitchen, I was drawn to look at the stove clock..it was 1:11. I got my drink and came here to write this. :bana: :bana:

That was definately worth a double bannana!!

Touched.. :loves
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by happyrain »

touched :) that's so beautiful!! :loves thank you :sunflower: :happy

and, i agree with you and think this is clear indication of progress on a personal level and somewhat mirrors todays lesson

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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Dear Touched, this little line made my day for whatever reason! :lol: :D
touchedbyanangel wrote:That was definately worth a double bannana!!
Also, I think I totally know what you're talking abouuuuut! I've always wondered, like you, if it was "normal" and something that came with experience or not, but yeah... to me, it kind of feels like yet another challenge of growth, like... the challenge of no longer just visual, physical recognition of prompts but rather being able to "recognize" prompting in the mind and the spirit. Again, I really think I know exactly what you mean and I truly think it's a sign, a signal, a symptom of spiritual growth; of increasing manifestation of the Thought Adjuster in the mortal Will upon recognizance and acceptance of these "thought prompts". If that makes sense! Just my take..

Love Lucky
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by Sandy »

Listening to spirit is a beautiful thing, Touched! :D

touchedbyanangel wrote:
That was definately worth a double bannana!!
Perhaps even a triple! ;) :bana: :bana: :bana:
(I too enjoyed your post and the spiritual joy which comes across when you write!)
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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by touchedbyanangel »


Dear Lucky,
Yes, what you wrote makes perfect sense. It's much like what WRR wrote in response to a message I wrote on her thread, http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=18166, I mentioned how I have become trustful of the UBook and it's teachings. She in repsonse, said, for her, there was a difference in "knowing" something, and a "felt" sense, when she actually gets something that becomes part of her. (best to read the post for the exact flavor of her thoughts.) However, I didn't mention that I also feel the same way as she does about trusting knowledge by reading, and knowledge by, let's say, "devine defining light". That's what I call that instantaneous minds eye view of revealed truth. You understand everything clearly, and wunder why you didn't understand it before. Like, you said, it's the work of the Thought Adjuster as he awakens you to devine reality.

The "felt" thing is another example of an amazing occurance that happens to me when I come here. If it's not happening to me just then, it will, almost immediately afterward. I got that "felt" sense thingy that WRR was talking about, a day or so later! :bana: :bana: :bana:

I can't wait for it to happen again. I AM evolving, into a new spiritual creature of time and space...I clearly understand now, that, with the Lord, ALL things ARE possible! I'm sure glad that the Thought Adjuster is emptying the recyle bin in my head. It feels so good to dump all that clutter created by wrong teaching, and wrong believing. :sunflower:

If you can think it, you can do it!! That's the way I'm seeing it... :bike:

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Re: Eleven after the hour.

Post by luvinlife »

Great thread! Thank you everyone!

Love, Clare
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