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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by Geoff »

Monica L wrote:Thanks for your response Geoff.

If this indeed was contact from an angel, it is my first time actually seeing one, aside from the time prompts. Is this sort of contact common?

Dear Monica,

What is common? A 100,000 people across the globe? Or 1mil. We dont know how many people have contact, but its a lot, and a number of those won't tell anyone, because they are too scared of what it may mean, and what others will say.

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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by Ang »

Yes Geoff absolutely right. There's only one person I can talk to. Sometimes my sister shows signs of agreeing with me but she very quickly recovers and goes on with her limiting beliefs. Still love her though - it's just not her time.
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by DJKENZ »

Dear George,
I'm about to buy the dream book noted below upon your advice.
They have a newer version now so I would get that: ... 256&sr=8-1
(Yes, the sample pages don't resonate with me either.)

However, how do I request my Destiny Guardians to use the book?
Do I go into the AC & mentally ask or do I just say
"I'd like my Destiny Guardians to use this book when creating my dreams" in waking state?

Please advise, thanks.
Love & Blessings.
George wrote:Angels and Dreams.

During the years I ran my clinic, and solved countless "people problems" with the help of the Midwayers, there were some strange occurrences. Some of these dealt with three of my patients bringing me a small book -- the same little book each time !!!!!!!!!!!!

I did not ask for the book. They just kindly decided to purchase the book as a gift for me. As well, the next patient turned up with a new copy as soon as the previous book fell apart because of extensive use.

The first one was given to me in the 1960's, the second around 1985, and the third and last in February or March of 2000.

The book is called "Zolar's Encyclopedia & Dictionary of Dreams." (a Fireside Book by Simon & Schuster.) I read it from cover to cover back in the 1960's, but decided it was ever so much hogwash.

It probably is. It could be. But . . . it worked. With a request made to my Guardian Angels, who are responsible for generating dreams, my dreams began to "align themselves" with the dream translations in the book.

Not only that, but my patients began to relate dreams that also made perfect sense . . . in that same little book. On occasions they were aware of the fact that I would find the answer in "a book I might own."

There were a few instances of a "Spirit" telling them of a book in my then extensive clinic library holding the key to the meaning of their dream.

I don't "do" dream translations, not anymore. I recommend you get the above book, and read it from cover to cover, a dreary task, but it will be in your subconscious, then ask for your Destiny Guardians (who know the book by heart) to relate your dreams to that writing.

It works!

I wrote all this before, and someone started talking about a "better" book. Doh! Double Doh! This is not about a better book, but a system that works.

God bless.......
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by Twinstars »

Hi All,
Don't know how it is that I missed this thread. I Adore talking about and translating dreams. I have the Zolar's book, and a dozen or so others, somewhere, and I must agree with George...
I wrote all this before, and someone started talking about a "better" book. Doh! Double Doh! This is not about a better book, but a system that works.
There is no "better" book, only different approaches to an ages old mystery. I personally prefer a Spiritual approach to the subject, meaning, that although I have read every dream book I own from cover to cover, and even though the information, most of it conflicting, is now a part of my sub-conscious mind, I like talking with dreamers to get a 'feel' for what they are feeling.
I want to know and share every intimate little, "why?" Why, in the mind of my Destiny Guardians, a particular color? Why a particular vehicle? Why a particular dream theme? If a certain style of automobile is meant to represent my physical vehicle, then why that particular vehicle? Why not any one of the numerous other cars and trucks I have owned? If, in the language of dreams, animals are said to represent our attitudes toward our Self, and others, why? If someone walking toward me in darkness is meant to signify a dark personality, someone whom my Guardians see as best avoided by me, why? If a bicycle is said to signify balance, or lack of, depending on the condition of the bike, and, if I, the dreamer, am able, or not, to ride it, why? If climbing up a ladder is better than descending a ladder, why! If I dream one night of being inside of an elevator that is moving upward, and then the following night I dream of being in the same elevator that is moving downward, why! Why is something happening to my left said to signify the past? Why is a curve in the road to the right said to represtent a future event?

I once recorded, in my daily journal, every detail of a dream of standing in a doorway of a pub in Jamestown, Virginia, during the early 1700's. I was standing in the doorway next to someone whom I knew as my wife, a stern, uneven tempered creature who also ran the small pub. She was busy threatening a man who was walking by and leading a horse. The man was known to all as a local trouble maker and my wife was about to tag him with a broom stick. I knew and recorded his name, and also the name the townfolk had for him.
I next looked around to see a small child who I referred to as Mary, whom I knew as my daughter. She was upset because the man leading the horse had just kicked a boy hard who was playing in the street.
Some four years later I found the very same dream recorded by someone who had died more than Fifty-plus years prior, who had recorded the dream as a past life experience! Why? Why would my Guardians choose to show me that? Knowing full well that I have been struggling with the concept of reincarnation? And, if that was not strange enough, one day while speaking with my daughter I mentioned Yorktown, Virginia. Yorktown is where the Jamestown settlement is located. My daughter, age nine, suddenly remarks, "Oh I remember that, my name was Mary then, and your name was John. We were married once too, but you probably don't remember. My name was Mary then too. But mostly I have always been your daughter, just like now. :shock:
A short time after that, at a time when I was working with alcohol and drug abuse kids, I got a call to pick up an out-of-control teen. The young man was so drunk that he could barely stand so I put him in my car and brought him home with me. While he was there, and still quite drunk, he surprised my family by opening up about an "earlier" life he had as, what he called, a "castoff." He was crying, telling me of "the memory" of me taking care of him even "back then", and that, "like now", all he ever wanted was the love of a family and that I had always been good to him by keeping him fed and clothed. "And here you are all these years later, still pulling me from the gutters and still taking care of me." :shock:
I have had more experiences with that dream since I recorded it. I even met the man who in the dream was leading the horse. He was different, in appearance, as we all are, but as for personality, it was him. Not choosing rely only on my own instincts, I pointed out the fellow to each of my family members, and to the "castoff" asking "I wonder where I have seen that guy over there before? In every instance each had the same negative reaction to him. The castoff even went as far as to name him by what he was called in the 1700's. Saying he was "...The meanest man I ever met back then."
What I know is that I have not found a "better" book out there with the answers to my "Why" questions. However, one day as I was getting into the shower, while yelling to my (now) ex-wife who was in the next room and voicing my resentment to the fact, I heard, "You should write one!" :shock: So I asked, "Write one what?" To which came the reply "Write a dream dictionary." So, I asked, "What am I going to do with a dream dictionary?" And, came the reply, "Market it!"

I was given a great idea, and a green light, to my way of thinking, and to date the manuscript weighs in at just over 250K words, with an average chapter of 4K words each. Not a "better" book but, possibly, an upgrade. :mrgreen: Once I asked "Geez, when am I ever going to be finish with this? I immediately heard, "Never!"
Fine! I'll just keep working and adding to it then. :lol:
As George so aptly stated at the beginning of this thread,
...rubbish or not, it is a COMMON language, and much good can come from learning that language.
John :roll
Love All...

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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by sammy »

Wow! That was a fantabulous set of events to read about! Thank you for sharing all of that!

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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by DJKENZ »

wow Twinstars!

That is indeed a fabulous set of events to write about and more-so to experience.
I always enjoy your writing. you have a good flow, you make sense & you are deep.

(Better get to marketing that I can buy it mate!)
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by Sandy »

Holey Moley John!!! :shock: Wow!
Kenz wrote:
That is indeed a fabulous set of events to write about and more-so to experience.
I always enjoy your writing. you have a good flow, you make sense & you are deep.

(Better get to marketing that I can buy it mate!)
I agree, John! :cheers: I'm waiting in line, just behind Kenz, money in hand, for an autographed copy! :kiss:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by Twinstars »

Hi All,
Thanks for the kind words. I realize that at some point I will need to stop compiling and actually get on with the task of producing a hard copy. My sentiment is that the book was inspired on the celestial level, so I'm waiting, sort of, for some sort of 'confirmation'. Something on the order of "Do it now!" Although it could be a while longer. The way its progressing at it's present stage, is that it could turn into a Spiritual Self Help book, maybe two books, with chapters on many varied subjects. It is a lot of work, but as far as subject matter, as soon as I finish one subject another simply shows up. And so I happily go to work on it too. Image
Absolutely autographed copies! :mrgreen:

Love All,
John :loves
Love All...

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Post by Wild River Rose »

[quote="George"]The angels were saying, "What about us?" :lol: OK for you to be talking to them Midwayers, but we are with you ALL THE TIME.

Hello from Atlantic Canada everyone!

It has been my experience that the Angels are indeed very close at hand always and use the 444 prompt to let me know.

One night I awoke to find my clock at 4:44 and to my astonishment, while I watched the 4:44 split in two - or doubled (I blinked hard a few times to prove to myself that I was actually seeing this and not my eyes crossing as I went back to sleep :lol: ) After they split the 4:44 on the right floated or "flew "up and stacked on top of the other to create what I can only decribed as a very "angelic" looking script. I was so very cool, the way the digital numbers looked.

Another time I was considering Angels and how lucky we are to have been "given" them to watch over us. I was considering what their "lives " were like ~ from my humble human perspective ~ If they have friends, groups of friends they get together to commiserate with etc. - Very silly things like that.

On the drive home, just in front of my office a car with 444 on thie license plate pulled in front of me. Then, as I reached the intersection another van pulled out to the turning lane with 444 on their plate. It was pretty neat to have that communication / confirmation considering what I was thinking about.

Happy weekend!
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by Sandy »

Hi Monica!
You wrote:
One night I awoke to find my clock at 4:44 and to my astonishment, while I watched the 4:44 split in two - or doubled (I blinked hard a few times to prove to myself that I was actually seeing this and not my eyes crossing as I went back to sleep ) After they split the 4:44 on the right floated or "flew "up and stacked on top of the other to create what I can only decribed as a very "angelic" looking script. I was so very cool, the way the digital numbers looked.
Wow! That was amazing! The most fascinating things seem to happen when we are in that very relaxed in between sleep and awakened state.

The 444's always seem to come at just the right time. The angels never fail to raise my spirits in difficult times and remind me of their peaceful presence in my life.
I chuckled at what you wrote about wondering what their angel lives were like... George told me once, that they are known as the biggest gossips in the universe. :lol: So it sounds like they enjoy discussing their charges in their instantaneous ways of communication with each other. ;)
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by Wild River Rose »

Hi Sandy,

Yes the angels seem to have quite a lighthearted way about them, even when their communications are limited to number prompts. And, they seem to come through almost instantaneously when I ask for their assistance and support. Not that long ago, when I first came to recognize the number prompts, I remember wondering if they communicated in ways other than the 444 prompts as I was walking one day. No sooner than the thought entered my mind, did I see a coin on the ground. I later learned that coins were another way they communicated, along with feathers. Pennies and dimes seem to show up for me.

That's hilarious to hear that they are "gossips". Wow, but do they ever have fodder for that from us their human charges! :roll

Much love,
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by gmiller28 »

Help please. I have read the sites about the angels. I need to know exactly what they are telling me. I noticed it said to just meditate or ask. I started seeing 11:11 in september of 2009. It frightened me. I thought it was a bad omen. I am having a hard time in marriage and at work. My husband suffers with bipolar depression. I can not take it anymore. I am praying for help. I just want to be free. I am the sole bread winner, problem solver etc..... I am on the verge of a meltdown. I need help. Can I ask the angels to remove me from this situation. I really want a new job. Both are too stressful. What can I do?Thanks for listening,
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by Paul »

Dear gmiller,

Welcome to the board.

There are times in our life when we feel that we cannot take another thing. We feel helpless and hopeless. You are overwhelmed with problems at the moment. You think that there is no way out, but there is a solution. I would advise you not to give up.

The signs that you are seeing are nothing to be concerned about. These signs are being given by beings that we call midwayers. These midwayers have been mistaken for angels. There were 1,111 midwayers that stayed faithful to our Creator Son Michael. They were given permission by their superiors to use the 11:11 prompt to get our attention. The main reason to get our attention is to reveal that there is a fragment of the Eternal Father dwelling in our minds. This Father fragment works with us through this mortal life to teach us to become more like the Father. The midwayers want us to get started on our spiritual journey. They cause you to see 11:11 and you know that there is someone with intelligence causing you to see this. Please read this:

I am going to pray that things work out for you. The Father sees your suffering and he wants to help you. I will pray that you are directed to the people or agencies that can help you with your problems. There is hope, my friend. I send my love and support.

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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by DJKENZ »

gmiller28 wrote:GEORGE,
Help please. I have read the sites about the angels. I need to know exactly what they are telling me. I noticed it said to just meditate or ask. I started seeing 11:11 in september of 2009. It frightened me. I thought it was a bad omen. I am having a hard time in marriage and at work. My husband suffers with bipolar depression. I can not take it anymore. I am praying for help. I just want to be free. I am the sole bread winner, problem solver etc..... I am on the verge of a meltdown. I need help. Can I ask the angels to remove me from this situation. I really want a new job. Both are too stressful. What can I do?Thanks for listening,
gmiller28 : :?:
Dear Gmiller,
Welcome to the board. I'm sorry to hear you are facing hardships.
I was perhaps once like you thinking only George Bernard can answer all my questions about 11:11.
While he can & does, he is still human and his hands are in many pots.
I found that there are many amazingly experienced & insightful beings on this board that can guide you just as well.
People like Geoff that know George very well and ALL our moderators....and our friends.

I can totally understand where you're coming from & what you may be going through.
I have 2 friends who are bi-polar.
I'm going to lend you my thoughts from what you've said so far.

Firstly, the circumstances you are in indicate to me that you are being tested.
I've been through many of those in my life (as most people do) - one of which left me with a permanent
memory disorder (which seems to have been slowly healing over the years.)
These situations come in waves...and just like any wave, they build..
they peak..then they recede. We must learn to ride the waves...
else we submerge...and that's no fun.

Being tested means, you have choices (free will) in how you want to handle each test.
Be it what you're going to cook for dinner or how you're going to handle your husband's Bi-polarity.
I wouldn't be surprised if your pre-birth plan was to be in this learn
lessons you needed to learn. You may say "Why me!?" Well, I say, why not?
Have you ever thought of how many other souls would like to have the experience of duality that
you have the opportunity to experience? I.e. spiritual & yet physical in a single entity?
No, I'm not putting you down. I would NOT do such a senseless thing.
But, do you realize that you are very likely saying the single most
important phrase a living creature can utter? And that phrase is..."Oh God!"


Things to do:
Work it out, work it out, work it out.
No matter what you get thrown at/into. Do not let the circumstance become an obstacle.
Winners are not quitters! And quitters are not winners!
Maintain your poise. There is always a solution to EVERY problem. The web is a great way to
search for what others did before you.
I've learned to tell myself to mentally "step out" of tough situations and examine them
as if I'm not a part of them.
A situation only becomes a problem if you percieve it as a problem.
Look back & notice how-big certain situations in your past seemed & when they passed, how they shrunk!
Perception is so real yet often uncredited that Hypnotherapists like myself actually
"move" physical pain in a Subject's body around to a place where it's more from
the upper-back down to the little finger. This can be done because pain is a perception
and perceptions can be CHANGED. Perception starts with thoughts.
A lemon is only as sour as you deem it to be.
Let go off Soda for a while and diet soda starts tasting good. Come back to regular Soda and now
all of a sudden, it's TOO sweeet for you!
My toddler didn't know that the poop in her diaper is supposed to smell REALLY YUCKO until
my wife & I drilled it into her head.
Prior to that time, she would look at the poop in the diaper from inches away and smile.

-I have personally seen that alcohol makes a bi-polar person behave very erratic.
So, I would keep that away from your husband for everyone's sake.

-ASK God for guidance to remove obstacles in your path. If you don't yet understand the concept of God but
are more confortable with "Higher Self," then ask your higher Self. It's INDEED a spark of God in you.
We may not feel 'it' but He is there.
Lay yourself steady in a bathtub & you can't tell the temperature...until it moves or you move.
Put a 25 pound weight on your'll feel it...leave it there because you can't remove it...
& you can learn to manage living with it....and life still goes on.
All that you experience & your reaction to those experiences are relayed to the final source & center, the ultimate energy...God.
If you triumph, that experience too is relayed to God in its entirety by that spark straight from your unduplicated, unique
amongst universe of universes, particular, individual, Blessed, special, one-of-a-kind personality.

-I have seen that a simple hypnotherapy session helps a bi-polar person calm down
(as long as they're not having their episodes at that moment.)
I recently did hypnotherapy for a bi-polar person who was going through some crazy set of circumstances
namely; has 2 kids, father & boyfriend hate her, lost job, is bi-polar, has liver disease,
depression for which she was taking pills, insurance wouldn't pay for her pills..
the list seemed horrifyingly endless & clue-less! So, I firstly asked her to take 3 deep breaths & went deeper from there.
The result was when I woke her up from the trance. she not only felt no more pain in the liver (I don't know if it returned later,
& I had never said "You shall feel no more pain in your liver,")
she got her composure back, was smiling, had clarity & reflectively said "I shouted at my father,"..."I shouldn't have
told my Psychiatrist what to do.") Clarity..a different perspective on the SAME problems The solution was inside her already.
I also gave her a "trigger" & had her practice it 3 times in trance. The trigger (which can be anything,
a smell, taste, word, sound, feeling, thought, activity, etc.) was a touch of her thumb & index finger to re-create on-demand,
the same feeling of wonderfulness she was feeling in trance.
When I woke her up, she was able to reproduce it on demand. Needless to say she felt great (& surprised,) no longer confused
or stressed. I told her to use the trigger anytime she feels agitated, confused, angry & even when she "feels bi-polar."
You can learn this to help your husband & it will help you too. The possibilities are far-reaching
what you can do with Hypnotherapy. (Whether you want to make him quack like a duck, dance like a chicken is up to you!)

-When you get a prompt (see 11:11 or any other repeating set of numbers: x:22, x:44,)
know that somebody up there loves you and is around you witnessing your struggle.
Verbally acknowledge the prompt coz Midwayers are not allowed to hear your thoughts (unless you verbally permit them.)
There is something about you that you may not recognize & appreciate yourself, that they see as valuable.
Recognize this and feel good about it.
Everyone doesn't get prompted even if they LIVE with a family member who does!
In fact, your own guardian angels are struggling along with you continually.
When you are sad, they feel it too. When you are happy, they feel it too.
Do you really want your Holy guardian angels to feel sad? I wouldn't.
Know that they live their lives serving you by rules from their masters to keep you on-track with your
own game plan & juggle when you change it. Hey, youz got free willz dawg! You can!
However, If you give up, there is more than 1 living creature on this earth that fail in their mission.
There will be more than 1 creature that will be judged for your actions.
There will be more hearts than yours that will be broken... and you may realize & regret that later.
And that also relayed to God..... So don't give up!
when the going gets tough...the tough get going baby!

-To maintain your sanity, do things that you enjoy when you get the opportunity.
When chores are done, everybody needs goof-off time. I've learned NOT to feel guilty about that!
However, a simple meditation or merely the act of shutting that damn TV off, closing your eyes &
'letting any-thought-that-comes merely pass you by without pushing or engaging it' for 15 mins
beats any 'activity' you can engage in. It's refreshing to clear your head of thoughts.

-Get a good nights sleep, even if it means power naps.
A fresh mind makes sound decisions calmly.
If you email me at, I'll email you a short progressive relaxation MP3 that will
give you a nice well-deserved rest. Friends & I use it frequently when things get chaotic
and sleep becomes uneasy. After a while, you will find yourself remembering the simple words
& can rest deep without the MP3.

-Ask relatives or a friend to help you when schedules conflict (& immediately strategize for alternate ways.)

-Do not pity yourself. You're wasting your energy & that attitude is laughable.

-How do you know that the 11:11 midwayers are real living creatures?
Take a moment to think about this:
Can you see the light of your microwaves cooking your food?
Can you see the light of your remote control turning your TV on or off?
Can you see ultraviolet radiation?
Can you see X-rays when your insides are recorded on a B&W photo?
Can you see in the dark? You'd need night-vision goggles wouldn't you?
Can you see the light from your cellphone communicating with the tower?
Can you see the light from the 24 earth-orbiting satellites talking to your GPS?
Can you see the heat emanating from your own body?

The answer to all those questions is NO...yet you KNOW that the light exists!
Why do I say "light" because light is a part of the Electromagnetic spectrum
and so are ALL the other forms of energy, matter, radio-waves included....even us.
Just coz you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
What you SEE is a tiny fraction of what exists.
Look at the 3rd picture down labelled "The Elecromagnetic Spectrum".
The part most people base their opinion/perception of "reality" on is 10% of what really exists in the universe.
This is simple physics:
What we previously thought never existed is actually intelligently "asking us" to look at
very specific numbers over & over again.

-Order George Bernard's Akashic Construct CD. I did.
Not only does his voice take you to a beautifully deep, serene & peaceful place
but the training is likely to open-up some beautiful unexpected skills you may/may not be aware of.
This is a very very easy thing to listen to a CD while chillin.....and oh so worth it!

My gut instinct tells me that you will manage it through.
I also feel that when this "phase" is over, you may look back at it like you ran through a barbed
wire fence & are going to feel greatly empowered at how you managed yourself -with grace under fire.
I haven't even met you, but I can sense you will say this with a smile on your face.
If I had let (my perceived) cyclical confusion & sadness in my mind at age 19 submerge me,
my body would've ceased to exist..and nearly did.
But unknown to me & not even being a believer in a real God at that time,
there was someone up-above watching me & he/she/they setup a series of co-incidences
in my path during that time.. the result of which caused my recovery from clinical depression MYSELF.
I have scars on my wrist to remind me of that day. And I too smile at them now.
Frankly, my act was disgrace under fire....hee hee....if I had known then what I know now. (-:

-I would like to send you my Seraphim Healing Energies if you wish. Just email me a time & day.
Everyone that I've sent them to usually say they felt peaceful.

-Know that no matter how bad things seem, someone else has it worse than you.

-Know that to serve/sacrifice for a family member is a special opportunity to be grabbed by the antlers.

-Know that not all thoughts are yours, particularly when your thoughts & the resulting action lead to a co-incidence.
You may already know that coz you weren't trying to look for the "11:11" prompts in the first place, right?

-Know that clearing the mind of thoughts that don't serve you well is a bloody good idea mate!

-Know that talking to yourself is not silly. It's clarifying.

-Know that you are a lightworker (thanks Sandy!) Someone in a pioneering role.

-Know that everyone on this board loves you like a sister & a close friend & will grow to understand you.
We will lend you our ears & thoughts when you're having a bad day, when you're
having a good day, when you're having doubts & need reassurance, when you want a
suggestion. And we will share with you a hearty smile from all our 32-teeth
('s left of them) when you tell us of your triumphs! :hithere
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by Geoff »

gmiller28 wrote:GEORGE,
Help please. I have read the sites about the angels. I need to know exactly what they are telling me. I noticed it said to just meditate or ask. I started seeing 11:11 in september of 2009. It frightened me. I thought it was a bad omen. I am having a hard time in marriage and at work. My husband suffers with bipolar depression. I can not take it anymore. I am praying for help. I just want to be free. I am the sole bread winner, problem solver etc..... I am on the verge of a meltdown. I need help. Can I ask the angels to remove me from this situation. I really want a new job. Both are too stressful. What can I do?Thanks for listening,
gmiller28 : :?:
Dear gmiller,

Welcome. You can be 100% sure that the number prompts you are seeing are the angels trying to support you. And if you really r4eally ask for help, they always find some way to help. However, like the story of the guy surrounded by flood waters, who refused the helicopter assistance offered because he was "waiting for God to help" - you will need to make the moves as opportunities present themselves. They cannot actually interfere in our lives, but they can engineer opportunities. What I am saying is they may provide a boat, but you still have to jump into it.

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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by luvinlife »

These situations come in waves...and just like any wave, they build..
they peak..then they recede. We must learn to ride the waves...
else we submerge...and that's no fun.
Great post, Kenz! Yours, too, Geoff! I, myself, needed to hear these words today.

Love, Clare
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by SunshinesMoonshines »

thanks, mate. We believe in angels! :kiss: :farao: :flower: :bigsmurf: :smurfin: :viking: LUV2 :sunny: :bounce: :compress: :shaking2: :colors: :shaking: :study: :pl: I believe in angels with all my heart!
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by happyrain »

SunshinesMoonshines wrote:thanks, mate. We believe in angels! :kiss: :farao: :flower: :bigsmurf: :smurfin: :viking: LUV2 :sunny: :bounce: :compress: :shaking2: :colors: :shaking: :study: :pl: I believe in angels with all my heart!
:sunflower: :bana: :kiss: :loves :D :love :shock: :lol: :alien: :happy LUV2 :sunny: :cheers: :flower:
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by valorousflame777 »

Geoff, I am sorry, but I really had a good laugh about your dream about not being able to enter the toilet, and being unable to get anything done! :oops: I have actually had this same dream and had most unfortunate results in the dream. I am angst-ridden to say that this much-less-than-sexy scenario spilled over into my waking hours as well, with similarly dismaying results. And you are indeed right on the money, I really think that this is the BODY telling you to slow down, or it will MAKE you slow down. You are trying to do too much. In my case, I was overwhelming my body with all the things I was trying to fit into a day and it just wasn't working, especially since I don't have a car. I realized that I was allowing creditors to rule my life,running all over creation on payday making "payments in person" on their demand, and I eventually told them all that I cannot be doing this "pay-in-person" thing anymore because it was RUNNING ME RAGGED. I'd get off work at 5:00 and get home at 9:00 after making a mad dash to pay these bills, and I could never quite make it inside my apartment in time at the end of this dash. Just awful!!! So, after one particularly awful rainstormy night in which I became soaked to the skin that ended up with me in the hospital with bronchitis a few weeks later, I called them all, told them just exactly what was happening to me at the end of those "mad dash" payment days, and none of them put up any argument. I could care less about "too much information" by this time, as I was living it, let alone hearing about it! Now I send my payments through the mail and they accept them and without a "late fee," too.

Sometimes, "too much information" is very empowering, heh heh!!! :roll
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by valorousflame777 »

Calicomeow, not only have I had the school dream, but my dream is always with me finding myself back in high school at age 49, unsure of what my schedule is, where I am supposed to be going, where is my locker, where are my schoolmates...why are their jeans so loose and mine are so isn't until the end of the dream that I finally realize, HEEEEEEY, I graduated from high school in '79, and not only that, I spent ten long years getting an undergrad degree, and then I am trying to find the door and get the heck outta there, and that takes an unbelievable amount of time as the hallways seem to have become an M.C. Escher etching! But being multidimentionally perceptive, I figure out a shortcut and jump my way out when the opportunity avails itself (I remember once thinking there should be some kind of academic achievement award just for being able to not only wrap my brain around that little problem cubed and execute the solution at the exact same time to perfection)...but then once I am outside running across the huge green lawn to the student parking lot...gee, it sure seems farther away than I remember...I can't find my car and eventually end up walking home and it gets dark and no one will stop and give me a ride and I end up in my old (bad, very bad) boyfriend's neighborhood but he doesn't live at that house any more....waaaah!!!!

:duh Einstein's got nothing on ME, Babes!!! :bike:
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by DJKENZ »

Hi Y'all!
I couldn't find an appropriate topic quick-enough to post this experience of last week
but the word "Toilet" rang-out on the last post (hee hee) so I'm posting here.

I usually wake up with moans & groans from bed most mornings (due to
stiffness & my chronic neck/back/shoulders pain) & then head-over to the toilet.
I'm trying to recall the exact sequence but it went something like this:
So, there I was, still half-asleep & had my cellphone with me on the little table
I have in the bathroom. I decided to hit the first "11:11" video that showed up
in YouTube - just to kinda start the day on a spiritual note.
Then the video started to 'miss the point' so I shut it off.
In a little while, I felt a lovely warmth, holiness & peace inside of me.
This was unusual...and um...most unexpected when more urgent priorities are in effect! :roll
While, I recognized this, I didn't know what to do about it or what was causing it.

I then texted another 11:11er healer friend of mine to tell him I was coming to his
town this evening for dinner and we should try to catch-up.
I put the phone down. In a few mins, I felt the need to look at it again.
I picked it up and there was an "11:11" prompt right there!

I realized I had just felt the presence of an entity/entities & likely the 11:11 group.
I guess I've had over a thousand prompts by now but never have I felt
the presence of the secondary midwayers.

I don't believe I'm particularly good at sensing the presence of an entity but
I've been doing a lot of energy healing (even in dreams) and have been delighted at how
my hands can feel energy...sometimes almost to a level of feeling as if I were
touching a solid object.

Later that day, I got a again in the bathroom by Matthew -3:33.
I admit I usually read the UB more in the restroom than any other part of the
house because it's one of those times when I get a few mins to myself in peace.

Have others felt the presence of the midwayers/secondary midwayers?

I irk at what thoughts the 11:11 platoon - all squeezed into my bathroom -
could have been having as they stared at me paying homage to my porcelain God....LMAO!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kenz,
I laughed out loud at your post...Oh my...Yep, I can understand your dismay after have months of not feeling "their" presence...It reminds me of conversations with Anne (Blue Nova) She always had "friends " with her while she showered. :shock: Well if you think about it it does make sense. We are relaxed and comfortable there and if we aren't terribly prudish (which erhmmm I am), why not. We can't show these guys anything they already haven't seen in the thousands and thousands of years they have been observing and participating with life on earth. :lol: I remember Helen Whitworth, a wonderful channeler and moderater who was here when I joined, speaking about grounding in these times...we are sort of naturally grounded by "the nature of things." Oh dear... Okay anyway...loved your post, ... yours too Valarie. (I think I must of missed them earlier) You guys are such good writers! :)
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by luvinlife »

Sandy, you're a good writer too! Kenz!!! So nice to see you! I've felt presences many times. I sometimes get goosebumps or a "shiver". Most times right before I fall asleep. Since the title of this thread is "Angels and Dreams", I want to share a dream I had last night. It was upsetting. In the dream, I dove into a pool and I went too deep and I was struggling to make it to the top. As I was running out of breath, I gave myself up and thought I would die. I took what I thought would be a gulp of water, but then I woke up to air! I guess it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that I'm probably "struggling" with something or feel "out of control" (don't forget, I'm raising teenagers!).....

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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Clare! :D
That certainly was an unsettling dream! And I can certainly understand the occasional "feeling like you're in over your head." (Had two boys myself. Lovely though they were, there were moments when I felt like this... :shock: ) Hope tonight's dream is a real "swash buckling good one!" Image z z z z z z Image
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Re: Angels and Dreams.

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Kenz, your story made me smile because I will admit that I, too, have the more-than-occasional 'sensation' of company or a check-the-cellphone prompt in the restroom when, as you put it, "urgent priorities are in effect"! At first this DEFINITELY threw me off, because I found it rather awkward, but upon repeating I realized it is really all in our heads that such a thing is even the slightest bit 'awkward' to these guys. In fact, embarrassing as one would think this could be to say, I'm totally cool now with having full-blown conversation even during those 'urgent priorities'.

As far as the question about feeling presences, I feel like I do ALL THE TIME but perhaps I'm insane or going through some crazy condition that someone could confirm for me. You see, 24/7 I find myself having constant "shivers", mostly in present-centered awareness and spiritual thoughts (which happens to be majority of the time), but even sometimes in mid-conversation with other people. In the case of the latter, there's usually a "you cold!?" comment but the funny thing is I'm never really cold, even with shivers running down my spine and goosebumps sometimes! It kind of feels like some sort of 'energy' that is 'crackling' down my spine and throughout my arms and body, Clare mentioned something similar, and I'm wondering if anyone else has any experience like this or any idea what this would be if not "presence".

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