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Re: Nicotine

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Sandy,

that was a wonderful lesson you just gave us...thanks :kiss:

I have a lady coming over this afternoon and the first thing we're going to start with is...meditation..

thanks for putting my day back in order. :kiss:

love you sis :kiss: :kiss:

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Re: Nicotine

Post by Sandy »

I love you too, sis! It was good hearing your voice tonight on the phone... After we hung up I kept thinking... (picture smoke pouring out the ears.. ) shoot! :? was that one of those things you said I may need to "correct/work on"? ;) :) Anyway, never under estimate your power to teach. You teach with your you did tonight. :thumright: We all do it with each loving thought, word and action. We are all students...we are all teachers. :kiss:
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Re: Nicotine

Post by peacockplume »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

that was a good image ,,,poof poof... ;) ;) and no,,,I don't think you have to work on it - not that one anyway..

tonight has been one of those long nights,,,,haven't done that in a long time...

talk again soon sweet sis...

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Re: Nicotine

Post by luvinlife »

PP, welcome back! I've missed you!

Love, Clare
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Re: Nicotine

Post by blue nova »

(((((((((((( PP )))))))))))) :hithere :kiss: :sunflower:
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Re: Nicotine

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Clare and Anne,,

Thank you so much,,,I feel your loving energy..

What a funny thread to get re-connected with you...(just as I put out a ciggy)

I'be been lurking about the board,,so I really am still here,,,

Just working through some areas that still need work on and just couldn't write,,,

I feel much closer to our Beloved Father and Mother,,,and Archangel Michael is being a huge guiding influence right now,,(since 08 actually) so the lessons I'm learning now, take time for me to absorb and incorporate,,,before I can share the wisdom....

I am so connected to you and all our 11 11 family and it's so cool to know as another comes into my heart,,,it just keeps expanding and expanding...

I'm just about to go to a neighbours for our weekly card's about the only thing I'm doing socially right now....not counting Dr's visits and grocery shopping....and they're not very exciting...

Hope the no smoking attempts are going well for those really trying...when you're really ready...mind made up, it will happen....

we could be a good support group on this thread and help each other over the rough spots,,,and it might encourage others to give it a try...we could write about the particular things that have helped us,,,it's always good to get feedback from anyone who's making it stick,,,,

ok,,,gotta run now... :bike:

love pp :kiss: :kiss:

ps I heard it's Geoffs birthday,,,so I have to find that thread xoxoxo
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Re: Nicotine

Post by SpiritSeeker »


I just wanted you guys to know I am still nicotine-free. September 10 will mark three and a half years. And I read all the replies that were posted since my last visit. Many great insights! Ruth, I especially want to thank you for your points. They were totally on target. I am also very sorry about your dad.

I agree that nicotine acts as an antidepressant, so many smokers are self-medicating without even realizing it. I also agree that smoking literally "clouds" your thinking and ability to focus. My dreams have been much more vivid since I quit, and I do feel like I am not as "blocked" spiritually as I was before. I am eternally grateful for the help I received in becoming free from the grip of nicotine. I know I could not have done it without the help and support of loved ones both on earth and on the Other Side, including all of you. :hithere

And on yet another note, I want to mention that my employer completely banned all smoking at its facilities last week. I immediately felt very bad for the people who are still smoking, because I understand that it is a disease, and that all smokers deep down want to quit but don't always have the spiritual strength or tools to do so. At the same time, I was also grateful that I quit when I did.

Thanks for reading.
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Re: Nicotine

Post by peacockplume »


That's a HUGE accomplishment....may the nicotine bug never bite you again.

Love and Blessings, pp
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Re: Nicotine

Post by Sandy »

Hi Spirit Seeker,
This is great news! :D
I just wanted you guys to know I am still nicotine-free. September 10 will mark three and a half years.
I join PP in celebrating your success! :bana:

I think smoking is banned inside around here and even outside these daysin public as you are not allowed to smoke under covered walkways. It is good for all the non smokers but I know it must be rough on those still bitten by the "tobacco bug." I have watched George struggle with quitting for several years. I think finally now this habit is behind him. :sunflower:
Good to see you again! :hithere
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Re: Nicotine

Post by LurkerAbyss »

It is a wonder I've never encountered this thread before. Reading through it, I find it a bit funny to learn about a couple more people here I never knew were smokers, on top of the ones I've already discovered. Of course, I've had others show surprise when they find out I'm a smoker as well. It just goes to show that even very sincere, spiritual, and contemplative people fall victim to the epidemic.

I've made a thread about quitting before, and it's funny because only a few hours before stumbling upon this thread I am actually once again looking to take action and quit. As PP said way back, I find that the quitting is actually relatively easy and it's the STAYING quit that is so difficult. I like the idea of having this thread as a support group.. I've found that quitting smoking is very difficult to do quietly even though I am the type of person who doesn't feel the need to make a big deal out of my inner battles and express them to other people. I really think that talking about it and "announcing" it to others does help because, even though all of us on-offers know how irritating it can be to hear "how's the quitting?" or "have you been smoking again?", it is sort of a favour to ourselves to make sure that we keep the idea of quitting pushed in our own faces. It seems so easy to quit when I'm having an epiphany and feeling especially spiritual or apt for change, but then it's easy to slip and forget with time and therefore I think it's important to surround ourselves with inspiration and people or things that will constantly remind us and recharge us with the motivation we had when we decided to try quitting.

Even though it's only been a few hours since I had my last smoke and decided "I'm done" again, I think what is different this time is that there is more than just the desire to become a healthier, wiser creature and fulfill my philosophies and principles.. this time, part of what inspired the quit is that my throat and lungs have been so sore that it's no longer a matter of "I should quit because it's not healthy" but rather "I NEED to quit because I can feel myself DYING".

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Re: Nicotine

Post by Sandy »

Dear Lucky,
I'm glad to hear you are going to try giving up the "smokes." Please don't wait for some serious health happening as George did with his heart problems of six months ago. I am happy to say he has been smoke free for 6 months :cheers: ...but with that said there have been hard days when temptation has reared its sneaky head...

I smiled at this...
I really think that talking about it and "announcing" it to others does help because, even though all of us on-offers know how irritating it can be to hear "how's the quitting?" or "have you been smoking again?", it is sort of a favour to ourselves to make sure that we keep the idea of quitting pushed in our own faces.
Well, I must admit I have been in George's face like a bulldog if he even mentions how great a ciggarette would taste. grrrrrr I know the celestials allow us our free well decisions but this wife is taking charge in this instance. ;) :lol: Naw, luckily I don't have to strong arm him much at all these days and the cravings are really gone...its just the habit at certain times still gets to him. When that happens we go for a walk or busy ourselves with something else.

I go through something similar when I give up (mostly give up) by beloved sweets. Sugar is deadly too but tell that to my little belly. Still, meditation helps...amazing what strength and peace that little act provides eh?

Hang in there Lucky. I want you to be happy and healthy for a very very long time! :sunflower:
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Re: Nicotine

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Lucky,,,,

and.......hmm hmmm, (shhh --- how's it going).

Quitting is a state of mind,,,,prodded along of course by the demanding thoughts of better health in the offing!! I've tried many ways, many times...

Have had some successes, short and long, which doesn't seem like much of a success when one falls off the wagon,,,but they really are!

Oh and the excuses we use....usually caused by stress,,it's better to find the cause of the stress instead of finding a smoke (by then you've forgotten about it) :mrgreen:

Having someone else in the house smoking is no help either,,,but really, that's just another one of those excuses.

'They' say, that cold turkey is best, and I'd agree but only on one condition.....when your mind is absolutely made up! I've done it that way, but if you're really not doesn't work......set a date ???? that was a set up for disappointment.

Now one thing that does give a person some determination is needing an operation and they won't do it if you're smoking,,, so for a long time I got down to a 10 a day, and since I was re-couping, I wasn't much in the mood to be mobile and go outside, so just staying in the bedroom, meditating, or reading or tv but mostly sleeping,I didn't seem to mind so much. I'd say within the last 4 mo I've been down to 5, so it's something that is slowly just becoming something that I don't even think of very much, in fact I rarely actually finish one in one just becomes something that you really don't want. I call myself a non-smoker incognito. I also like the extra dollars...oh yeah, that's a good one!

So don't slam yourself,,,it'll happen,,,,,just get in the mental mode about it....convince yourself (no promises though - that's devastating when you break one of those |!!! and guilt on top of it all is not a good thing.

so keep up the good work,,,,you'll always have lots of lovin support here... :loves

Blessings, pp
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