Count your Blessings

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Count your Blessings

Post by Geoff »

Idaho, US of A, December 22, 2003.
Machiventa Talks.
Subject: "Count Your Blessings."

Received by Sandy Montee.

Machiventa: "This is Machiventa and I greet you one and all. It is again the time of Christmas in your world, and a time to count your many blessings.

"You all do have many blessings to contemplate, and first on the list is that you have been given the chance to live a mortal life, on this earth, and at this time of great potential in your planet’s progression. Indeed, many, many as yet ‘unborn spirits’ will not have the honor of being in the forefront of making spiritual history in the way this opportunity has been placed within your reach in these important and crucial times.

"Countless personalities on earth now have a chance to greatly advance themselves to the point where they can talk with their Spirit Guides, receive advice from their Personal Teachers, and confer with Celestial Authorities of many kinds, therewith taking giant forward steps in their personal spiritual endeavors.

"Compare this opportunity you are given in availing yourself of ‘heavenly teachings,’ to the fate of still so many who will go through life without knowing there is a God, and viewing death as an overdue but welcome end to a miserable existence.

"Their purpose in life is hidden in the ‘darkness of ignorance’ and in the ‘shadows of innocence,’ whereas the majority of you who hear these words bask in the glorious ‘light and warmth’ of knowing your Heavenly Father.

"Imagine for a moment what it would be like to not have a home, to have no loved ones, to not even have a pair of shoes to wear. Many such unfortunates live in your hometown, and their circumstances are not due to how they choose to live.

"Their lessons in life are tough, compared to those of the fortunate.

"As you contemplate your blessings, and compare your circumstances to those of countless others who have little, it will be easy for you to find something to share with these siblings. Try to reach out to them with acts of kindness, and you will be blessed even more.

"Yes, counting such blessings is one of the great secrets of happiness. And I wish for you to experience much happiness this season of Christmas.

"This is Machiventa."

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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Count Your Blessings -- Twice.

Post by George »

Spare a thought for our dear Machiventa.

His Melchizedek task NEVER ends. :(

After coming up with his "Count Your Blessings" lesson, it was discovered that the record of it was not even there. The recording was lost, and no receiver would ever remember what had "come through" during that deeply tranquil state of mind.

After a pause, the Planetary Prince returned, and, fortunately, he remembered the lesson well. :D

Our good luck.

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Post by JungShim »

Geoff, George,

Here is a message I received from a girl named Bernette, she lives on the Ivory Coast. I love Machiventa dearly...

December 12th, 2003

Beloved In Christ,

Thanks a lot for your message of hope that you have just sent me this
morning may the Lord bless you and your mother in the Mighty name of our
Lord Jesus Christ.

You can buy any colour of shoe for me I will like it but my size should
be (size 10). Yes We do receive Federal Express. Please kindly let me
know as soon as you send the stuffs on Monday and also let me know how
long it will take to get to me, I will also be glad if you can talk to
your friends about me may be they might be willing to help me more.

God Bless You.
Yours Sister In Christ,

December 29th, 2003

Beloved In Christ,

I know that there is no amount of words that can explain to you how
appreciative I am for all that you have been doing for me but In just want
you to understand that I do appreciate all that you have done for me
and I know that our heavenly father that sees in secret shall pay you
back in a double folds in Jesus Name. I sat down last night and started
thinking all that you have done for me since we have meet on the internet
and I realise that you are the only person that care about me since I
have get into this problem, your mails encouraged me and give me hope
that tomorrow will be alright, life was full of sorrow and pains for me
and some times I felt I am alone but when I remember you my heart cheer
up again, oh............thank you for all that you have been doing for
me, I know it`s you but God has make you HIS channel to bless me and I
want to say may the Lord bless you for all that you done, My Pastor
also send his greetings as well, we all Love you and we shall keep praying
for you.

I have just PICKED-UP the money that you sent, Thanks so much and may
the Lord bless you in Jesus Name.

I have gone through some changes in my life lately, a series of ending
and beginnings. You have been there to HELP ME pick up the pieces along
the way. There are still times when I don`t quiet know where I am going
or how I will get there, but you have given me the COURAGE , STRENGTH &
SUPPORT to me ahead.

Your ENCOURAGEMENT has helped me feel that everything will turn out
okay after all. I couldn`t ask for any more understanding and
support.......... I couldn`t ask for any one more LOYAL, LOVING, CARING and
SUPPORTIVE than you have been to me, but all what I want to say from the inner
most part of my heart is (THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE FOR
ME..............May the Lord bless you all your life and grant you all your heart
desires in Jesus Name.

I shall keep praying for you and your house hold. Hope you will write
Christmas & Happy New Year In Advance.

Yours Sister In Christ,

Here is a message recieved from Bernette today...

Beloved Brother Greg,

When I was reading the word of God I saw some extra-ordinary verses of
what God did in the lives of people who devoted their time helping the
poor. Abraham in the old testament welcome angels into his house
unknowingly, he thought they were ordinary people who needs his help, he
ministered to these angels by watching their legs, feeding them with food
and some other delicacies and they blessed Abraham, the Lord bless
Abraham even in a strange land because he always take care of the poor, you
have been doing like Abraham, you have been so nice to me even when I
lost all what I have, when my hope and faith are gone your encouraged me
with good words and with your money, you are caring, nice, honest and
loving, God created you with a kind heart to help the poor, I wonder
what could have happen to me without your help, I wonder what my life
could have become with your help and I realized that you are God’s sent
into my life to help me, I am very proud of you my brother in Christ. I
wish I see you to show my appreciation to you so that you can know that
my heart appreciates all that you have been doing.

LOT in the book of “Genesis 19:1-4. Accepted strangers into his
house, he has never meet them before but because he has a kind heart like
you he unknowingly accepted angels in his house, the angels are in Sodom
to destroy the city but because of the generosity and good heart of LOT
he was save with his family, I pray that in any time of trouble you and
your house shall be save in Jesus name because you have devoting your
time and money to help a poor sister in Christ who need a help and
really appreciate all that you have been doing. I spent all my night showing
the Lord all these kind men in the bible and ask the Lord to bless you
the way he blessed them, I have never see the kind of your person
before, you are too kind and never complain, honestly my heart is very
happy for all that you have been doing for me, I really do not know how to
thank you for your HELPS but I know that the Lord Himself shall keep
blessing you for me so that you can keep assisting me until I can get a
job myself.

What I have studied in the Bible is every giver never loose, God keep
blessing and blessing them and that is what will happen to you in Jesus
name, God shall keep blessing increasing you and your house hold, every
aspect of your life where peace has been missing the LORD is restoring
PEACE back in Jesus name, I can feel the hand of God as I am typing
this particular part of this message and I am sure that God shall always
keep unto His words because He is not a liar. You shall never be put to
shame in Jesus name, God shall always be on your side for your good
heart, there are lot of rich people out there but not all give out their
time and money to help the poor but you, with the little that you have
has been doing the will of God by helping a poor like me, I still keep
wondering why the Lord brought you my way but it is only HIM that knows
why and He is capable of blessing you back in double.

God always do a miraculous thing when we give and sacrifice what we
have, I can see this in the book of “Genesis 4:4â€
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