Numbers and love

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Numbers and love

Post by pepper »

Hi, I'm new, but I've been seeing number sequences for a couple of years (1:11, 11:11, 12:34, 2:34, 3:33, 4:44, sometimes 5:55)((I see them most in time)) - I'm 25. Sometimes I see them more than others, and at times barely at all.

This post is in regards to a particular situation that I will attempt to make short. This boy (that i love) that I'd been seeing for about a year and I had a fight of sorts in late January. I was hurt, and thought things were likely over. I kept seeing 11:11, 1:11, 12:34, 2:34 and kept thinking about him (even when I'm pissed/"hate" him, he's always there). I can literally "feel" him nearly all of the time. Thinking things were over, I tried a "cut the cord" exercise, and I didn't feel him anymore. It felt kind of sad and weird, but I thought that maybe it was for the best.

I stopped seeing any numbers. At all.

Then, a week or so later I had a dream with him in it; I don't remember it, I just know I woke up feeling that he was in my dream. I started seeing the numbers again and I could potently "feel" him again immediately upon waking up. And I actually noticed this time that what I felt was loving/love and warmth, and constant (like he was thinking about me all of the time). All of this despite logic. We hadn't spoken since that night in January (it has since been our longest time without speaking), and I kept feeling like maybe talking to him again, but I wanted it to come from him first. Oddly, I felt like I'd be hearing from him soon even though I thought it ridiculous since he's been crazy busy with work and was at a HUGE conference this past week. And I had a dream last night that I got a text from him. And then I received an email from him today! I was shocked. He apologized and wants to try to reconcile if it's ok with me. This is kind of big for him.

I am mostly kind of perplexed by the whole numbers appearing and then disappearing completely. Wasn't sure how to take it all, since I'm sure I've read that 2:34, 12:34 indicate something along the lines of being on the right path.

We're wonky, him and I; but despite all the shenanigans we've been through it doesn't "feel" over.

I'd love any insight some of you more experienced dears might have. Thank you.

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Post by Sandy »

Hello Pepper,
I am happy for you...that you are again working at a relationship with this boy that you admittedly love. It sounds to me like you are very intuitive... Are you like this with other people and other happenings in your life or does it seem to be centered with this one fella?

Anyway it is a mystery to me why the prompts stopped while you were apart. Sometimes they do come and go for no apparent reason. I do not think the prompts are necessarilly associated with a particular person or a relationship, but sometimes they do use number meanings we have accepted to give us little helpful "hints".
Of course, we still must make all our decisions as they do not give us the answers..(that would be sort of cheating)

I hope you find the answers you seek and I hope your relationship with your boyfriend and also your celestial friends grows and blossoms in a wonderful way.
Nice to meet you Pepper and welcome!
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Post by AJ »

Welcome Pepper! :D
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Post by MichelleP »

Hi Pepper,

It sounds to me like the two of you have a connection. The really good ones test us to our limits but have this underlying feeling that just keeps us going. The prompts I believe are probably a good indication for you to think things through before making decisions. In one way or another they are definitely there to give you support. My best to you that you both works this out and live happily ever after.

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Post by lilly »

Hi Pepper,
Welcome to the site. Have you meditated or sat quietly to feel if there is a connection with our unseen friends?
lilly xox :hithere
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Post by pepper »

Thank you all for the hello's and insight! :)

Yes, I'm pretty intuitive; but it's with him the connection is reallly strong. Once, in June, when we were still officially together he was out of town visiting a friend. I had an uneasy feeling the night before and woke up early the next day feeling very distressed and anxious and panic-y for an unknown reason. It was really freaking me out. Suddenly, I felt a wave of calm come over me (like someone pulling a blanket over you when you're cold), and my stomach stopped hurting and twisting, and I managed to fall back asleep. Later that day, I learned that his grandmother had died that morning, and he'd already been feeling sad because it also happened to be father's day and his father died 4 or so years ago.

I guess it just seems we aren't finished yet, in whatever capacity. I keep seeing the numbers and I'm not terribly good at meditating so I'm not sure what they're trying to tell me.

It's just hard to know what to expect. And it's hard to talk to other people about it all because their own experiences entirely color their perceptions. We're so accustomed to things failing, and love falling apart. I like to imagine that it means something if we both can drive each other batty but still want to hang out. Even my mom still thinks about him sometimes and has had dreams with him in it (and she's only met him once)((she's pretty darned awesomely intuitive, too. I think she likes having me for a kid because we actually can talk about this spiritual stuff which she hadn't been able to do in the past)).

So, something is definitely going on and usually I think I can tell when something is a bad situation. I've learned (the hard way) to heed that internal "no!". I think it's all just my own nerves/fear. I think all good things in life take work.

man, it's hard to know what's what when there's so much going on inside your head!

Sorry for being so verbose (hope this all makes sense as I didn't want to write a novel). Sigh. But, anyway, I've believed in angels since I was a little girl. Was fascinated by them for a bit, too. Been told I've had a bunch of them around me. Always felt like an old soul, before I read about them even (I totally thought it was my own idea, ha).

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Pepper,
You wrote:
I guess it just seems we aren't finished yet, in whatever capacity. I keep seeing the numbers and I'm not terribly good at meditating so I'm not sure what they're trying to tell me.

It's just hard to know what to expect. And it's hard to talk to other people about it all because their own experiences entirely color their perceptions.
That is true...our experiences do color our perception and our path in this world and perhaps even beyond this world to the Creator...they create a version of truth in our hearts that the celestials are perfectly willing to work with regardless of belief as long as love colors our outlook.

I too have a chattery mind and at times have trouble getting quiet for meditation...I sort of view meditation, in whatever method or form practiced, as exercising a muscle, a spiritual muscle, that is every bit as important as one of our physical muscles...maybe even more so...
I think all good things in life take work. a relationship...growing spiritually and understanding the subtle"things" that are going on around us, takes some effort on our part...a willingness and a dedication to push past some of the inner issues with eyes focused on the light and our goal.

You are very intuitive...Reach out with your intuition...ask...and see what comes back at you, what you feel around you when the numbers come up. Trust that in some way you will find the answers... you will. Follow your own Inner Guide and the leads that It provides.

Perhaps it would help to simply make the most of each day that you and your boyfriend have together. The future will come but it is built on each moment and each hour and each day..etc... so maybe it is best not to worry to much about the relationship a year from now...but rather what it is like at this very moment... Hard to do though...don't I know... :roll: Gosh I sound like an old blow hard today... :roll: :lol:

Anyway, I enjoy reading about your experiences... and hope wonderful things are in store for both of you. ( your mom too... what a blessing for you to be able to talk to her.) Take care Pepper.
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Post by pepper » a relationship...growing spiritually and understanding the subtle"things" that are going on around us, takes some effort on our part...a willingness and a dedication to push past some of the inner issues with eyes focused on the light and our goal.

Perhaps it would help to simply make the most of each day that you and your boyfriend have together. The future will come but it is built on each moment and each hour and each day..etc... so maybe it is best not to worry to much about the relationship a year from now...but rather what it is like at this very moment.

Thank you, Sandy. :).

I do my best to just live in the now with him. He's a bit older (almost 6 yrs) and I think unintentionally winds up getting too worried about the future, which is silly because who knows who we'll be when "the future" gets here. If that makes sense. As in we are ever changing. Hopefully, he will see this when we meet because I'm far from the person I was when we first started going together.

Anyway, I'm tripped out because I emailed him earlier about when and where we'd meet up, and I just checked on it a few minutes ago to make sure it had sent (because the sent folder in my mail program looked like it was "thinking") and I was startled to realized it had been sent at 11:11. I had no idea about that when I wrote it!

Also, checked my phone at exactly 5:55 this afternoon. I don't normally see that, but recall having read about it "meaning" big change. We'll see, I guess. Whether it's about him or getting hired by someone. Ha.

Thanks again! :)
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Post by Sandy »

Hey Pepper,

Six years isn't so much. :wink: My hubbie is considerably older than me yet we have a wonderful relationship. Two hearts beating as one in love, gratitude, respect, understanding, and appreciation of the differences as well as the similarities makes for a successful relationship regardless of the ages involved. Of course that doesn't mean everything is always perfect... whew... I often need to work on all of the above. :roll:

What a great time for an 11:11 prompt! Hope all goes well at your meeting. Are you getting a little nervous? excited ? I'm saying a little prayer that the best thing happens for both your lives.

I too had 555 prompt same day. I thought, "Okay..I'm ready for what ever changes come my way.. (trying to sound positive... :D cause the changes could be great changes.) I have lived much of my life unfortunately dreading change so it takes awhile for me to look objectively at changes in my life with appreciation.. :roll: Slowly getting there though...

Take care Pepper and hope you receive some great news on the job front as well. :finger:
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Post by memawlaura »

:hithere Pepper,
Being intuitive and having many experiences like yours, 'thinking about someone and than they communicate in a short period of time' I can see how you'd be correlating it with the number prompts. What you might want to try is to see how you've been thinking or feeling at the time you see the prompts. For instance, if you've spent the day pondering over getting back with your boyfriend, but hesitant because, why? I hope this helps you understand how to use your gift. I'm not saying one way or the other he's right for you and the only way is your way, so very important you see the whole picture.

See the first forum, the FAQ's and find out about 'Stillness' nothing much to do their but empty the mind of thought and go to your peaceful place you pick and let the rest go from there.
Love and Peace Always,

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
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