11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by Hatta »

spike22 wrote:I've realized that I have had many of 11:11 prompts, on more than just a clock. But, I have had the most of the 222. Is 12:22 a version of the 222? Because it seems like every single time I look at a clock, or get a random phone call, it's either 12:22 or 2:22. My basketball number was 22 this year, volleyball number was 12, and my softball number was 2. My birthday is also 12-22.

What does 222 mean?
I read this it 12:22 if you care......
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Post by Hatta »

George wrote:Jules writes:

<<< I have to assume something has been slipped into my mind while I am in a more receptive state and they are just politely letting me know. >>>

Precisely. "Stuff" is put into your superconscious mind. Likely you'll be writing about them, talking about them, working with them in some way. It will unfold, as it always must.

God bless....
George thanks. I was wondering what all these downloads were for and now you have hit the nail on the head - wriiting. I have been wondering why I get information that I don't understand - it will make sense later.
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Best Thing To Do

Post by cavemanlove »

Is to sit still and let your light guide you, your higher self will tell you what you need to know about ZERO...ZERO is a Number as well.....

Good Luck~
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12:12, 14:14, 17:17 ?

Post by xAngelx »

Hi There

I was just wondering whether 12:12, 14:14 or 17:17 were of any signifance? I have only vividly noticed one 11:11 that i can remember it clearly, i know i have gotten them before but if you aren't aware you don't notice it. But now it seems on an almost every day occurrence i am prompted to look at my phone, pc screen whatever and it reads either 00:00, 12:12, 14:14 or 17:17 this has happened to many times to be coincidences and when i get the 00:00 prompts i get a feeling that i can't describe but best way i can is like a Hello or OI! - as in someone shouting for my attention

I have been wondering whether these prompts are actually prompts and mean anything or if i should forget them and they mean nothing?

Would really appreciate your views

Thank you

love T xxx
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Angelx Hello

Post by cavemanlove »

If you are here on this site and seeing numbers its for a reason...And if you are on this site then you are at the right place...Just find out what you need to know from this site. Theres a great group of Special People Here!


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Post by Sandy »

Hello xAngelx,
I look at the 12:12 just as I would an 11:11 as a hello. The other double repeat numbers could very well be the same thing... The Midwayers know us or at the very least are in great contact with our angels who know us and how to best grab our individual attention. The prompts can get quite personal and sometimes the meaning you will discover together with your "spiritual guardians."

I usually associate the 0's with God. :D

I hope you are feeling comfortable here xAngelx...keep posting those questions they help others who are also confused and looking for answers.

I think I will repost this oldie written by budgie. It contains some good information.

Dear all,

Before posting your questions, please read the 11:11 Background Information and Frequently Asked Questions forum.

Newbie wrote:
The 11:11 prompts have waned. It’s left me feeling abandoned. I know the prompts are a wake-up call, and I understand that the prompts may have been done to lead me here – which means they were successful. But I still miss them and their familiarity. Is it normal for them to practically disappear? Rather than seeing 11:11, I’m noticing 11:10 and 1:10 more, almost as often as I once noticed the 11:11 prompts. When I notice these “new” times, I feel almost like I’m cheating if I look again for 11:11. Or would these new times be new prompts?

George wrote:
Why these variations on 11:11 -- 11:10 and 11:12? Maybe your clock is out, and that might simply be it.
For me 11:11 means "Hi!", and I'm just lobbing in to see "if you are still breathing". Oh! Great! You are still breathing!

11:12 means you were still breathing, and doing something, so we "stuffed" some info into your mind, and it will pop up when needed. Basically it's a courtesy call and warning you now have "got" something you cannot "get at" for some time.

11:10 means we want to talk with you when convenient, and I usually tell him/her, not if I've done something wrong... don't wanna know. Hah! I don't know what these (11:10 and 11:12) numbers mean to others. Maybe the same.

Newbie wrote:
I have the Healing With Angels book by Doreen Virtue, which contains the meanings behind numerical prompts. But there’s nothing about sequential patterns like 12:34, 1:23, 2:34, etc. Are they significant? In what way? Likewise, mirrored numbers like 10:01 and the like. Any relevance?

Snow_Wolf wrote:
That book is awesome, I love Doreen Virtue and I prob have most, if not all of her books. ... I too, like CherBear have a 'special' connection with 4's in general. I see them as much, if not more than the 1's, 2's, 3's etc. Right now it's loads of 9's; my family is at the end of a long hard cycle, this is our rewards time, what we have been so diligently working for. ...Good to know our Angels/Midwayers follow us wherever and whenever we go, and never fall short of letting us know with the number prompts.

George wrote:
ABC-22 tends to lob into my "burrow" at 1:22 (ABC-22), or number 22 of the first family. I read 12:12 like I read 11:11, 1:11, 1:01, 2:02 etc. Just an "hello", likely with a subliminal message "attached" which will safely surface when needed. 2:22 IMO is just another double digit prompt.

4:44 is generally understood to deal with Destiny Guardians and the Cherubim -- saying "us four" are on duty. Hi-dee, how-dee, Kiddo!

12:34 and 12:48 deal with "progress" (progression). It means "Good on ye" or "yes!", go ahead for the sake of progress.... we concur.

The good thing about it is that once you yourself establish a given meaning, they'll know, and prompt you further along those same lines. See dreams below*****

The 11:11, 12:12, 1:01, 2:02 etc was my suggestion back in 1988. It was immediately taken up on, because of the convenience of most of these being 61 minutes apart, not 60. And in that one minute, I tell people, the Midwayers can do their washing, a weeks worth of shopping, and pay all outstanding bills. )

Dreams **** for instance... If you buy a book on dream interpretations, no matter how unlikely the interpretations, your Destiny Guardians already know the book, and will serve up dreams to suit. Back in the sixties one of my patients gave me a dream interpretation book. I read it from cover to cover, and I was not impressed with it, but from that time on almost every new psych patient began to tell me dreams that related to that very book, and this gave me faster insights into their neuroses, phobias, disorders, etc. My dreams, too, changed immediately, and when I requested to be given just 3 main points to conclude on, it was immediately accepted... not just for me, but for 100's of patients, too.

We are "progress", always short on time, and every Celestial cooperates where they can. Angels are severely underrated. They are the "super-brains" and the chatterboxes of the universes.

Newbie wrote:
And is it considered a prompt if 44 keeps coming up, like 1:44, 3:44, or – like it was when I thought to ask this question – 9:44? Does that constitute a 44 prompt?

Budgie wrote: In my experience, the 44's have been constant for us in response to mental conversations with our angels. I get 44's four or five times a day, usually by means of a phone call or one of the animals alerting me to the clock. Angels also use 1's, 7's and 17's - keep an eye out! Once I was "zinged" while I was chatting with a group of business people in a crowded, loud golf clubhouse! When I slipped my cellphone from my bag, it was a 44 time prompt.

George wrote:
Why should angels use fours? During the past few weeks there have been many posts from 11:11 listees asking me what the multiple fours are all about. The short answer is that I don't know, but the theory is that they are indeed Angels, rather than Midwayers that are attracting our attention at that time. If that theory is correct, they are in fact saying, "Hey'ye, Kiddo, we're here, too -- all four of us."

Indeed, we have four of them, if... If we have reached (1), a certain level of spirituality, or if (2) we are in some way useful to the Midwayers. Either or both of these circumstances (reaching the fifth of a seven step attainment, or working with the Midwayers) immediately grant us the full complement of angelic teachers. That is two seraphim and two cherubim -- a hardworking quartet.

Newbie wrote:
Once you realize there’s a significance to numerical prompts, how can you tell whether you’re receiving a prompt or if you’re looking for a prompt? I guess what I mean is, how can you tell if you’re being led?

Helen wrote:
Prompts are usually things to me like I suddenly feel a need to go get my mobile phone out of my bag. (thinking perhaps I've had a text), and its 16:16 or 3:33 or whatever.

There's always an element of suprise and a 'hint' to look.

..Messages, yeah I guess that works too... though you may get random prompts amongst a string of numbers as message..... for instance I havent had the 10:10 for a week or so now, but I was thinking about some dream messages I received earlier in the week which I knew I wasnt fully interpreting correctly... this morning it started to come to me what it meant. and I was 10:10 prompted.... so saying to me again 'yes, divine guidance is with you.. trust that last thought'.

Budgie wrote:
When is a number sequence a real prompt, and when is it just a random number? I have two criteria for this:

A. A number sequence is only a prompt if you NOTICE it. There is a difference between NOTICING a number sequence, and SEEING it. This is especially important if you are driving around LOOKING for numbers. It is very hard NOT to keep looking at the number plates of other cars… but in the interest of driving safety – keep your eyes on the road. Your Celestials are very capable of turning your head and making you NOTICE a prompt. Ditto for time prompts, I would say.

B. A number sequence is only a message if it is accurately repeated (at least three times) within minutes, or numerous times over a few days / weeks. Again, your Celestial Friends are perfectly capable of doing this properly. See A above.

Newbie wrote:
Likewise with dreams about prompts. The other night I had a dream in which the numbers 1 and 2 in various patterns were written in a line. 112, 121, 122, etc. Is this a prompt or is it possible that with the newness of all this numerical prompt stuff, my subconscious just ran with it?

Budgie wrote: One morning, as I was just beginning to wake up, I ‘saw’ a number sequence – it was 4:77. I remember thinking in my fuzzy sleepy state that it was strange, because it looked like the time on a clock, but clocks don’t have 77 minutes! Later, I ran a virus scan program on all my computer hard-drives. As it was scanning for computer viruses, the program showed the count-down of the files it was scanning… it was going really fast and I was watching this countdown absent-mindedly… Then the countdown froze – just for a second – but I felt a mental nudge to look! The last three digits were 477 – and I noticed immediately! It reminded me of the numbers I had seen in my dream. The time on the computer clock was… 7:44!

The number sequence received in the morning was confirmed in the afternoon by three 477's within five minutes - the last was a telephone number, painted large as life on a truck: 477-4777. Clearly our Friends can use different methods to send number sequences as well as time prompts. All the numbers were authentic prompts - something 'made me look'.

Newbie wrote:
How often does a number have to appear in a given amount of time before it’s a pattern/prompt? I mean, if I see 3333 on the back of a cab, is that a 333 prompt or is that just 3333 on the back of a cab? One day on my way to work, I noticed in different places 1111, 3333, 5555 – all on various vehicles and all within 10 minutes. Prompts? Or me looking for meaning where they may be none?

Budgie wrote:
As I was driving in my car one day, I noticed a 77 on the number plate of an approaching car. In fact, the complete number was 277. Almost immediately, before a full minute had passed, I saw 277 for the second time – also on a numberplate approaching me. About three minutes later, I saw 277 again for the third time; on the numberplate of a truck which had suddenly appeared in front of me. The truck was very slow, and I had follow behind it for a few kilometres, so there was no way I could ignore the number staring me in the face! To see the same number three times within minutes is enough to convince me!

In my experience, sometimes a number may be repeated over days, weeks or months, and one set of numbers (977) has become a constant prompt for me - I see it every time I go out, mostly at intersections or on a car parked next to me.

CherBear wrote:
As you know, 4:44 and 44 has almost more significance to me than the 11's. When I first started with the numbers, it wasn't just 11:11 or 1:11.....it was 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, etc. I've always "known" that my angels were answering me. But I love to receive confirmation.

George wrote:
Just adding to this, and Budgie just reminded me.... There have been occasions when I've been completely befuddled by the numbers, and finally I found the paper OR the page in the Urantia Book, and then, perhaps days later, Bzutu or Samuel, or Andréa would come through with a transmission on what I had read -- enlarging on the text, and surely able to push my comprehension of the subject farther than what I would be capable of if I had not studied the subject indicated by the prompt.
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Post by Sandy »

cavemanlove wrote:
If you are here on this site and seeing numbers its for a reason...And if you are on this site then you are at the right place...Just find out what you need to know from this site. Theres a great group of Special People Here!
Hi J. you are one of those special people! :wink:
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Post by xAngelx »

Last edited by xAngelx on Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sandy »

Dear T,
I too know what it is like to be fearful of something. Since I left "my world" behind I have dealt with my own feelings of withdraw. It's so easy for me to hide behind my husband, George, here in Australia and not venture out on my own. I guess the greatest challenge and lessons lie in facing those fears and knowing that good or bad we are strong and we are taking with us through thick or thin the best friend a person will ever have deep within us..our Higher Selves or God Within. Meditation helps to further that contact and friendship which is priceless.

I hope you have a wonderful time with your new friend and that the relationship progresses as you desire. Today is a new day! Time for good things and people in your life! :sunny:
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Post by MastersSigns »

I was just reading the particular reply that said
..." As i was reading this i looked at the time and it was...." I look at the time and it was 9:44
HELLO MY ANGELS :lol: :lol:
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Post by Sandy »

HI Dave,
I have been getting a lot of 44's today too. Love it and those wonderful angels of mine! Nice to know they're with me through "thick and thin"! :D
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Post by bhaskar »

hello..i am new to this site and i didnt read the rules fully.i ask ur permission for posting my doubt here and hope i will get answers.ok. my doubt is as follows, this phemomena is happening to me. i have seen a lot of number sequences.i think i first noticed it on my computer but i didnt care, then i bought a digital watch, actually there was no need for a digital watch then but my mind prompted me to buy it , and i saw 1:11, 11:11, 2:22 etc on it on most occasions . then 1 day i searched in the internet and i am here.my question is ," i think i am a bad person and does bad things, i am irresponsible,ugly,a failure in life and a total waste.then why is 11:11 happening with me ?"
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Post by nasra1996 »

Welcome Bhaksar... :D

You have a high oppinion of yourself... :P

Why you..? They obviously see something special in you that you don't, here's a list of reasons from the 11:11 archives:

Reasons you are prompted:
1. You are genetically capable of 2-way contact with the 1,111 and other Celestials if you care to meet them halfway.

2. You are prepared to be guided -- obtain information from those who measure their IQ’s in the thousands.

3. You are fair in your dealings with others, and useful to the 1,111.

4. You are ‘ascending’ in spiritual growth.

5. I’m often told the 1,111 will ask for your help at some (distant) future time, but I rarely get specific details for anyone other than for myself.

6. A member of your family, recently passed on, may have requested this contact, as the Lucifer rebellion has finally been adjudicated (1984).

7. And, most importantly, your Thought Adjuster (Spirit Self or God Fragment) wishes for you to get involved with the 1,111.

Take a look at this too:


Love Sarah
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Bhaskar,
You wrote:
then 1 day i searched in the internet and i am here.my question is ," i think i am a bad person and does bad things, i am irresponsible,ugly,a failure in life and a total waste.then why is 11:11 happening with me ?"
Well..often times we have a more critical opinion of ourselves and judge ourselves more harshly then do those around us... What really jumps out at me from Sarah's post is the last line...
7. And, most importantly, your Thought Adjuster (Spirit Self or God Fragment) wishes for you to get involved with the 1,111.
This Fragment of God within us knows us better than we can know ourselves...while we certainly exercise our free will in making our own decisions, we are still gently prodded towards or presented with experiences and directions that can benefit our eternal spiritual growth.

Besides being...
a bad person and does bad things, i am irresponsible,ugly,a failure in life and a total waste
...does not mean that you are not loved and cherished by others most especially The Source of all there is...

Love is what its all about. There's Nothing more powerful in the Universe.
Welcome to our friendly site, bhaskar.
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Post by lilaslight »

i think i am a bad person and does bad things, i am irresponsible,ugly,a failure in life and a total waste.then why is 11:11 happening with me ?"
I sincerely doubt all of this harsh self-judgment is true. But even if you feel you have done bad things, that does not make you a bad person. Perhaps you have been irresponsible. I too have been irresponsible and I admit my life is not a glowing success in every area but a total waste? No, I assure you your life and you are not a total waste.
If you are seeing 11:11 of other numerical signs your guides and angels probably want to make themselves known to you so that you might begin making better decisions and turn your life around. All is possible.
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Post by Tiggy »

Hi Bhaskar.

Nice to meet you...... I would like to know if that is your real and honest opinion of yourself or has someone or something made you feel this down on yourself. You have to start believing that all of Gods creation is of value..........God doesn't create in vain...... you have a purpose in this life, maybe now you are waking up to realise that you have to reconnect with the Creator and then I promise you, you will start loving yourself too and then everything around you. It doesn't matter if we make a mountain of mistakes ........as long as we feel we are able to repent and ask for Gods love and guidance in the future. He helps everyone........we are all equal in His eyes. Please try look at yourself in a more positive light, I'm sure you will start seeing the goodness.......I know its there.

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Post by bhaskar »

thank you all for the valuable replies..."6. A member of your family, recently passed on, may have requested this contact, as the Lucifer rebellion has finally been adjudicated (1984). " written by nasra1996, what does (1984) in that line indicate ? i was born in 1984..so is there any link..actually i was afraid when i read about 11:11 for the first time and it was frightening for me to sit in my room . also i have 1 more doubt "will they punish me if i dont listen to them?".to be frank i am a bit afraid...
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Post by Redshift »

bhaskar wrote:hello..i am new to this site and i didnt read the rules fully.i ask ur permission for posting my doubt here and hope i will get answers.ok. my doubt is as follows, this phemomena is happening to me. i have seen a lot of number sequences.i think i first noticed it on my computer but i didnt care, then i bought a digital watch, actually there was no need for a digital watch then but my mind prompted me to buy it , and i saw 1:11, 11:11, 2:22 etc on it on most occasions . then 1 day i searched in the internet and i am here.my question is ," i think i am a bad person and does bad things, i am irresponsible,ugly,a failure in life and a total waste.then why is 11:11 happening with me ?"
I think you are judging yourself by how others around you are judging you and you shouldn't do that. Whoever is prompting you sees you for what you really are; someone who matters and is receptive to this. Learn to see yourself as celestials see you, with love.
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Post by Redshift »

bhaskar wrote:thank you all for the valuable replies..."6. A member of your family, recently passed on, may have requested this contact, as the Lucifer rebellion has finally been adjudicated (1984). " written by nasra1996, what does (1984) in that line indicate ? i was born in 1984..so is there any link..actually i was afraid when i read about 11:11 for the first time and it was frightening for me to sit in my room . also i have 1 more doubt "will they punish me if i dont listen to them?".to be frank i am a bit afraid...
I doubt there is any link to the year you were born. No they don't punish anyone. Everyone has free will to choose their own path and they have total respect for all people. Good things will happen to everyone either in this life or afterwards whether you accept 11:11 or not. There's no judgement at all. All is good and there is nothing to fear and one of their favourite phrases is "the universe is friendly!" :D
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Post by muddhaa »

I agree with redshift that its free will that lets us choose our path each lifetime.Maybe Bhaskar is remembering a previous lifetime of strife?
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Post by ssam »

Hi everybody.. I am new to this site and like most have been seeing the 11:11 prompts for a long time now. I only see 11:11

Just like to share a story.. which shocked me and made me further look into the 11:11 prompts.

I was driving home from work one day and i happen to look at the odometer on the car dash which displayed 11111111.

It is comforting to know that i am not alone.

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Post by George »

Hi ssam,

Welcome to the 11:11 MB.

Enjoy the FAQ's

God bless......
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Post by justylonging1111 »

Hello Ssam!

Wow, thats a load of Ones! lol I hope you enjoy this wonderful place!!

God Bless You and Yours! :sunny:

Love Tannis
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Sam,
What are the odds that you would look at your odemeter at that precise moment? :D Very cool! 8) Hope you are finding your way around the site and feeling right at home. Welcome!
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello and welcome Sam. I often get a prompt on the odo, even when I'm not the one driving!

Love, Petra x
ॐ LOVE Petra
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