My Introduction

A forum for asking questions and talking about angels.
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My Introduction

Post by mia »

I am 58, a mother of 3 sons and 1 daughter.
All my boys are married and between them, they have given me 11 grandchildren.
My daughter shares a house with me
When I was small, a baby, I can remember having my nappy changed, lying across my mothers lap looking at upside down books.
I remember my brother's birth when I was 15months old. And sitting on the pram seat, whilst he lay inside.
I also remember trying to communicate with my mum with thoughts, she never listened though and I would get frustrated and kick or/and scream.
I knew if grown ups liked me or not, I knew what they were thinking. I thought everyone did!
I honestly thought others were stupid cos they didn't know things like I did. It wasn't til I was in my forties, a friend asked how I knew a car was coming round a bend that I realised I was different.
As a child, I could move things by concentrating on them, not heavy things, paper, pencil, small plastic toys etc.
And I had fun making the bedroom door handle turn and making my sister scream, lol
I never saw spirit, but I did talk to someone, answer them, I didn't think anything of it.
Because I was so different from my family I thought I was either adopted or swapped at birth. I had no friends, cos I knew what other children were thinking and instead of trying to make friends, I just accepted their first impressions of me and kept myself to myself.
At my first place of work. I would tell the girls if they were pregnant or were going to be soon. This wasn’t appreciated, lol, so I made no friends there either.
I married at 17 and housework and babies were what filled my days, til my great grandmother (in spirit) took a liking to my daughter. At least I think it was her.
My daughter saw and heard voices and ‘a lady in white' dogs and a cat, I was sooo envious. But I kept her calm, acted like it was an everyday occurrence, but suggested she don't tell everyone just yet. I didn't want her to have the same treatment I did!
As my family grew up, I had more time for myself and became interested in herbs, my sister did also, but I started fulltime work, so gave all my books etc to my sis cos she had also started making her own herbal cream and potions.
I started learning aromatherapy and took a starter evening class, but, my thumbs were too damaged thru my job so I could not massage.
Then, on holiday in Cornwall, daughter found some crystals, I fell in love with them, bought books, learnt about chakras, crystal healing, they were my best friends,
Then, I found reiki.
Everything happened for me then. I had my master attunement in August 2003
I got a computer and joined the first of many spiritual/holistic sites/forums/boards.
In May 2004, I went on a Spiritual Awakening weekend. In one of the workshops we were advised to buy a book A Little Light on Angels, by Diana Cooper.
I bought it, and bought about 12 more for family and friends. This was the beginning of my relationship with angels.
I became conscious of my ascension Christmas 2004 and what an awakening that was!
It started with a real bad dark night of soul, I wanted to die.
For many weeks, I was down, then up, there was no break, I felt I was out of control, I shook, objects vibrated, I didn't know what things were or what to do with them. Forgot how to read or write, didn’t recognise family or friends.
This went on for about 3 months. But I had some wonderful friends to help me through on the old Lightworker board which closed down and Diana Cooper's board, which also has closed down.
These wonderful people also taught me how and why I should forgive and kept with me as I forgave those I needed to.
During those terrible weeks, I would escape as often as I could to be alone, to cry in peace, to meditate, to talk to the angels and to learn about what was happening to me.
I also realised I didn't want to be with my husband any more. I told him in May 2005 and left in June 2005.
I have seen spirit, ascended masters, angels, other beings (aliens) I have had many adventures in the ether (if that is the correct term) astral travelled, guided many lost/grounded souls to the light and met many of my soul family.
In September 2006, I saw a star in a blue summer sky and heard the words ‘you are mia' I also saw suns spiraling around a stick.
So I call myself mia.
At present, I am learning/experiencing/trying to understand the changes we are going through within our bodies and thoughts.
I don't get the bad ‘downers' any more, or maybe they are not so bad cos I know what they are and don't fight them lol
I find peace in meditation and in nature, especially trees. I used to get the ‘I want to go home' feeling. Not any more. Now it's an ‘I need to connect with my soul family' I wonder if anyone else gets the same?
My guide was the best friend of my dad. I have a picture of him.
I believe I am in the work I am supposed to be in, because it doesn't feel like work. I am a carer support worker.
I sit with people, whilst their carers have a break for a few hours. Or take people out who have no family to help them.
I truly love my job and my life :)
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Post by kshitij »

very interesting indeed.. i must say.. i am at a loss of words.. i though really hope.. u will be able to guide many of us.. who have just stared their spiritual journey...
welcome to the site..
do share ur lovely experiences.. and i am sorry for the bad ones..
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Post by mia »

Thank you kshitih (((hugs)))
I am Jack of all trades, buit only master of a couple I am afraid.
And I get as confused and have downtimes like everyone else.
I have a few friends who help me thru though and I do the same fior them.
But I will help anyone who needs it without hesitation.
Love mia xx
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Post by lilly »

Hi mia,
Welcome to our site. You're definitely in the right place...loved your story.
Love lilly xoxo :hithere
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Post by blue nova »

Hello Mia welcome to the site :hithere
I also remember trying to communicate with my mum with thoughts, she never listened though and I would get frustrated and kick or/and scream.
me too ! except i would usually go upstairs to my bedroom and sulk in tears...
I knew if grown ups liked me or not, I knew what they were thinking. I thought everyone did!
yep...sometimes, they were so intense i would hide behind my mom...try and use her like a shield...
As a child, I could move things by concentrating on them, not heavy things, paper, pencil, small plastic toys etc.
i would spend much time trying to, but never much success came from the effort.... :lol:

my ascension started in December ....2005 :D

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Post by nimi »

Welcome Daughters name.
Love and you will be Loved
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Welcome Mia

Post by Theresa1111 »

Welcome Mia,

Thank you. I am glad you are here. Mia, how did you find this forum?
Just wondering if we found it the same way.

You are in the right place. Welcome! :hithere :flower:

Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it. Lucy Maud Montgomery Author of Anne of Green Gables
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Post by mia »

Hey Blue Nova, it feels like years and years ago now though does it to you?

Theresa I found this forum through googling 'holistic spiritual ascension mesage boards'

I am a member of a couple, but nothing was happening on them, so I looked for something new and found this one :)

Love mia xx
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Hi Mia

Post by Theresa1111 »

I really enjoyed hearing your journey and am looking forward to hear more it is an amazing life journey. Thank you. I knew we found this through a google search the same way. I asked because I have noticed that alot of people here have found there way seeking answers to prompts and for people with similar experiences.

Again welcome and I know you will love it here, I do.

Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it. Lucy Maud Montgomery Author of Anne of Green Gables
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Post by blue nova »

Hey Blue Nova, it feels like years and years ago now though does it to you?
it sure does. it was those childhood memories, the curiosities, that lead me back to the Path again.... :D :D
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Post by kshitij »

hey.. since it was mentioned.. if anyone can tell me what is the "ascension"??
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Post by mia »

kshitij, I am lazy and have given you the explanation of ascension from a site that can explain it better than I.

Note the numbered 'instructions' go up to 11 ;)

Ascension is about humans clearing, healing and evolving our energies into a higher form...ascending to a higher vibrational level. The Angels, Light Beings and the Ascended Masters are flooding this plane with guidance, wisdom, information, and techniques. It is up to each one of us to embrace the gifts they offer.

In your personal physical ascension, you must begin where you are. If you have a worn-out, unhealthy body, it is necessary to bring it into greater balance for ascension. Energy imprints and patterns must be cleared. The physical, spiritual and emotional bodies must be healed. Many people don’t realize that ascension means transforming the body they have into a body that will take in more light and higher vibrations of energy. If you are like us, when you realize that ascension means working and healing the body you have, and clearing your patterns/energy imprints, it can be a little overwhelming. You slowly begin to realize how important healing the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies are. I know, until recently, our physical bodies had not been a priority. When it became clear that we would not be able to use the higher velocity of healing energy to help others, we finally got what the angels were trying to say………take care of yourselves! We both knew we would doing Ascension work with others, but we had no idea how our own lives would change, including how we took care of our bodies. For us it has been a wonderful journey, one that is still unfolding.

We know we are not alone on this journey. We also know that each person will experience ascension and the life changes in their unique way.
We have personally experienced many “ascension/light body symptoms”. They include joint and muscle pain, persistent fatigue, headaches, stiff necks and shoulders, weight gain, difficulties with sleep and concentration (foggy headedness), sore throat, transformational flu, body aches and pains, hearing changes, irritable bowels and bladder, low-grade fevers and depression. We were often at a loss as to what to do to find relief from these symptoms. By trial and error, we found that the list below is what is needed. We have organized what we feel are important ways you can actively support your personal ascension process. This list can serve as an outline to assist you along your transformational journey. It is a list in process
One of the first things each of us must do is take responsibility for our body and auric field. Remember, you are not a body with a part of you being spirit. You are a spiritual being who has incarnated in a physical body. This body is your temple. Others can help, but you are ultimately responsible for your spiritual, emotional and physical health.

1. You are a spiritual Being, a being of light. It is important to partake of the universal life force energy that is freely available. Before getting out of bed, take deep breaths of life force energy into your body and say, “I AM a creation of Light. The light of God flows through me, in me, and around me.” Throughout the day, take deep breaths and say, “I AM a creation of light. The light of God flows through me, in me and around me.”

2. Take full responsibility and release all energy imprints and patterns that no longer serve your highest good. Many of these imprints and patterns are also are held within the auric field as well as the DNA. These imprints and patterns actually block light from coming into your physical, spiritual and emotional bodies. Light is what you are. Light is where you will return

3. Practice spiritual non-attachment.
Archangel Metatron tells us not to become distracted by drama.

4. Strengthen your energy circuits:
As more light comes into your physical body, your muscles must be strong enough to hold the light. Regular exercise that strengthens and tones is important, also subtle body exercises, like Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, etc. are important.

5. Keep your chakras - your spiritual energy centers – clear:
Meditation, regular healing sessions

6. Attune to your higher guidance: Take time to connect with your Soul.
Learn to communicate with Ascended Masters, Angels and teachers for insight, encouragement & guidance. They are always available to you.

7. Making changes that support and promote optimal physical health: Clearing/detoxing of the physical body and releasing attachments to food. We have found that the alkaline food plan is a wonderful way to aid the light body. Be open to your body's wisdom, regarding what you eat.

8. Etheric clearing of the chakras and subtle bodies: We are Spiritual Beings. We are not just a physical body. We must begin a daily routine that includes taking care of our chakras and etheric bodies. This includes, chakra meditations, sea salt baths…meditations such as Raphael’s Gift.

9. Activities to help raise your vibration: Forgiveness, gratitude

10. Meditation and prayer:

11. Daily acts of service: Remember, service to self is important. You must take care of your spiritual, physical and emotional needs
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Post by kshitij »

hey.. thanks a lot!!!
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A Newbie!

Post by SunshineGirl »

Hey Mia and everyone

I am new here. Just got registered. Unfortuately, i am sad and depressed.
Mia i was wondering if u could help me out with my problem. Any chance of me sending u a private message or do i have to spell it out on the board?

Its good to be here though. Looking forward to chattin with you all
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Post by mia »

I have pm'd you sunshine xx
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Mia...Like kshitji, I am at a loss for words...what a blessing it is to read your posts and to welcome you to the message board. Thank you dear lady for sharing your life and your light with the rest of us. :happy
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Post by Sandy »

Hello and welcome SunshineGirl,
We're glad you found us too. I am sorry that you are sad right now and pray that whatever is hurting you can be resoved. Sending you love and a warm {{{hug}}} from Australia.
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Mia,

Gee you have had some fun.

Great to have you here.

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Post by mia »

What lovely smiles you all have!

Makes me smile back :)

Much love to each and every one of you beautiful people (hug)

Love mia xx
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello and welcome to the Board Mia! You sound such a beautiful soul! And helping Sunshine straight away; giving her your time and all!!

:hithere Hello to you Sunshine! I hope you're better today?

Love, Petra xxx
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by SunshineGirl »

Everyone thanks for the welcome! I write to you from Jamaica!
Have a good feeling about being here.
Thanks again.
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Post by lilly »

Hi Sunshine,
Lovely to see you here. I hope you're feeling better.
Love lilly xox :D
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Post by lilly »

You are such a gentle, beautiful person. I'm so glad you joined us here.
Love lilly xox :happy
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Dear Mia,
Hello and Welcome to You here.
I also enjoyed your story.
I have at times an ability to know when someone is calling me on the phone or get a feeling that a friend is comming by for a visit.
Sometimes I get it wrong.

Dear Sunshinegirl,
Hello and Welcome to You as well.
I do hope you get your Spirit up. I am sending you some Love. :kiss:

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oxoxoxo Help SomeBody Today oxoxoxo
xoxox Share A Smile With SomeOne oxox
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Post by blue nova »

Hello SunshineGirl welcome to the site :D

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