Fearing Meditation...

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Fearing Meditation...

Post by USCtrojan17 »

Hi Everyone!

I have been receiving prompts for a really long time... and now I am pretty sure it's time for me to meet the midwayers "halfway" so to speak... but I am scared to do this- I'm scared that something weird might happen or that I might be wasting my time- I know that even if I do end up doing this contact won't come easy at first... but I don't want to struggle with it immensely like some of the other people who I've seen on this message board.

Is there anything any one of you all might know that may allay my fears? Any advice?
Thanks for everything.
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello USCtrojan, meditation is a tool to aid everybody on the planet who want to strengthen their bodies, to helping others with healing, to uplifting ones spirit. There's a myraid of reasons, and these reasons will vary as you progress.
There is absolutely nothing to fear. Easily said than done, I know.
Here's a page about the Akashic Constuct CD, one everyone on this site is familiar with, so have a little read of this:


The CD you have received is the inspiration of George Mathieu Barnard, a long-time practicing therapist from Australia. For nearly 40 years George worked with “invisible” beings, which he referred to as the “Eleven-Eleven Creatures of the Temporal Half-way Realm.” In his work with these entities, George performed many rescues and healings while “out of his body.” George did not know who these beings were, he only “followed directions” from his Half-way Friends, and the “rescues” were performed. Many were remarkable life-saving events, some were “remote healings” and others were therapy sessions that dramatically turned suicidal patients completely around, and into productive citizens within their communities.

It was during these “rescue efforts” that George utilized the Deep Alpha exercise that he is now teaching on this CD. It is in the space that George calls the “Akashic Library” that he is allowed the freedom to “leave his physical surroundings” and literally go anywhere he was needed to perform whatever task the Half-way Realm Creatures had scheduled for him. The concepts are not “new” but are the accumulation of many established methods added to his personal experiences of many years.


Your mind/brain has 4 basic metabolic levels of operation: Beta-Alpha-Theta-Delta.

Beta is the “conscious” level, and it functions between 21 and 14 cycles per second. Alpha is the “subconscious” level, and it “ticks over” at between 14 and 7 cycles per second. Theta is the “unconscious” level, working at between 7 and 3 1/2 cycles per second. And Delta is your “super-conscious” level, and it functions between 3 1/2 and 1/4 cycles per second.

Your decision making process goes on in the Beta level. Bodily functions (like breathing) happen in the Theta level (requiring no conscious participation). Delta is the level of “Higher Thought”... universe messages and communication happens there. Alpha is your Truth level.

Your subconscious -- your Alpha level -- seeks only the truth. It does not rationalize situations. It is “truth sensitive” in that it intuitively knows what is right or truth, not necessarily in a moral sense but in the judicial sense, as in; is this Just, is this Fair, is this Love?

By lowering your Alpha level -- the level at which you can exercise the greatest amount of control -- you also automatically lower the other three levels.

Consequently, a lower metabolic Beta level will allow you to make better “forebrain” decisions. A lower Theta level will give you a better functioning of your entire physiology. A lower Delta level “prevents interference” with the “universe messages” brought into the Delta level.

And so, just by lowering your Alpha level, you allow “universe” information to “bubble up,” and all the way up to the Beta level in a “clearer” (unpolluted) fashion; with less distortion. This process is therefore designed to allow you to use your Full Consciousness.

The Exercises

# 1 - Relaxation Exercise

This is the first step in learning how to allow yourself to relax to a point where you can lower your Alpha level. Think of it as a “guided” Meditation or Stillness exercise. You'll need a comfortable place to either sit or lay where you will not be in direct sunlight or be interrupted. The exercise will help take you down to that desired metabolic level. You may want to practice with this exercise for about a week, daily, just to “get the feel.”

#2 - Deep Alpha Exercise

This is an exercise in reaching that Deep Alpha state where you are completely relaxed. This is the exercise you will need to master in order to effectively receive those messages that come from your super-consciousness -- your inner, higher mind and source. You will eventually become so adept at this routine that you can perform it on your feet, in the midst of daily activities. You will be able to be calm, clear thinking, and be able to perform at a much more effective level during any situation.

You will also want to practice this exercise for about a week, daily, until you are comfortable with moving on to Exercise #3; your Construct.

#3 - The Construct

This will be the exercise you will be using primarily from this point on. There will come a time when you will be able to go down into your Akashic Library on your own, but it will be worth your while to occasionally revisit this guided session as a reminder of things you may have forgotten and to remind you of your own growth.

Before listening to your CD, please read the following:

Constructing Your Pleasant Scene in Nature

In the exercises you'll find on this CD you will be practicing the skill of “lowering” your Alpha level. This takes a number of “practice runs” as you adapt to the “counting down” and allowing yourself to go into a more self-hypnotic state. This is very similar to many meditation practices that you may have already attempted where you concentrate on your breathing or in putting your conscious brain into “neutral.”

Your “Pleasant Scene in Nature” is a place for you to find comfort and security with nothing being able to bother you or interrupt you. This Quite Place is your refuge. Design it, as you will, creating the most peaceful and familiar surroundings you can imagine. You may find this self-creation to be a space that you cherish -- a place to go, to just relax and refresh your energies.

To create your Pleasant Scene in Nature:

Visualize the most comfortable and serene place you can imagine. The concept of this being a scene in Nature is obvious; Nature usually provides the seclusion and peacefulness that you're seeking in this special space. Of course you may imagine another type of scene that provides such an environment. The idea is for you to create that place. This is where you take that first step in assuring you have all the elements that give you a sense of confidence. You “construct” it, using those elements that work for you.

Your Pleasant Scene in Nature is where you reach a level of relaxation that many people reach during effective meditation, stillness and centering. In this scenario you can move down to the Akashic Library level; which is an Active and Participatory space where you can become pro¬active in the co-creative process at a higher level than you may have ever imagined.

From your Pleasant Scene in Nature you will “construct” a pathway that leads up a slight hill. You will be walking up this knoll and then down again toward your Akashic Library. The little hill should be high enough so that when you are at the top, you can look back at your Pleasant Scene in Nature, and as you go down the other side, you lose sight of your Pleasant Scene.

But always remember that your Pleasant Scene in Nature is a safe haven; a gateway to the Akashic Library level yet a wonderful place to visit and dwell at any time to relieve stress, get grounded and get re-energized.

Constructing The “Construct”
Your Akashic Library & Workroom

This is yet another place, or space, that you Construct; you visualize it; you build it from scratch.

see www.1111AkashicConstruct.com for the purchase of this inexpensive CD.
Best of luck, Petra XXX
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by blue nova »

Hello USCtrojan17 welcome to the site :hithere

nothing to fear.

meditation does wonders for the body and mind...soul too :wink:

~*~* Live in Om! *~*~
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Post by Sandy »

Hi USCtrojan,

Meditation is wonderful! I love it! Yeah..sometimes it takes a little time to learn to quiet the mind...but if you do not allow frustration to set in that is short lived and you can begin then open your heart and mind to the wonders of the universe.
hmmm Besides who to say you won't take to meditation like a duck takes to water. :wink:

Anne wrote:
meditation does wonders for the body and mind...soul too
Absolutely! In fact it is so beneficial that educators are beginning to teach school children stillness and relaxation exercises.
One of our new members HeartBrain posted a wonderful URL speaking about this...http://www.edutopia.org/linda-lantieri- ... relaxation

You wrote:
I am pretty sure it's time for me to meet the midwayers "halfway" so to speak... but I am scared to do this- I'm scared that something weird might happen or that I might be wasting my time- I know that even if I do end up doing this contact won't come easy at first... but I don't want to struggle with it immensely like some of the other people who I've seen on this message board.
I began somewhat slowly and was meditating before finding the message board... I was fascinated with the idea that a person can communicate with the Midwayers, Teachers, and Angels. So I entered meditation quite enthusiastically and made progress but I must admit I was rather lack on doing it regularly. To be honest, there are so many wonderful lessons and discoveries along the way I would say that meditation was not really so much a struggle for me... more like a journey...a never ending journey of enlightenment and peace. It did take a little time before I was quiet enough and open enough to hear my Teacher and the Midwayers, but I did get to that point where I could hear messages...complete sentences and paragraphs of instruction and encouragement and I could feel them with me/us in our daily activities. The joy in those moments is indescribable. Getting to know these beings as friends and drawing closer to the Fragment of God within, my Higher Self, has been the best thing I have ever done for myself, Trojan. I hope some day you will be able to say that too to someone else who is just a little bit confused and fearful about meditation.

Why not simply take your time...maybe read a little, join in on discussions on the site, make some friends and keep your eyes peeled for the little nudges,and those little synchronocities that direct and inspire you. There is no rush to begin meditation till you feel happy and comfortable with the idea...okay? Take care.

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Re: Fearing Meditation...

Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

USCtrojan17 wrote: I have been receiving prompts for a really long time...
and now I am pretty sure it's time for me to meet the midwayers "halfway" so to speak... but I am scared to do this- I'm scared that something weird might happen or that I might be wasting my time- I know that even if I do end up doing this contact won't come easy at first... but I don't want to struggle with it immensely like some of the other people who I've seen on this message board.

Is there anything any one of you all might know that may allay my fears? Any advice?
Thanks for everything.
OK.. so what's the worst that could happen? You'd waste your time. Well, at least you would have spent it doing something interesting, and perhaps learned something. Stillness is very good for us and is well worth your time. There is nothing to fear..
I love to meditate.. i come out of stillness with focus, drive and love.
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Post by memawlaura »

:idea: What are you afraid of?
Those are what you will need to address to get beyond stillness. Our loving midwayers and celestials would not approach you if your afraid that is not their intent.
So look at it as a leaning tool (you go to school right now) to overcome your fears and when your ready everyone will know.

I've been doing this for over 1 1/2 years, I've only had a handful of meetings mostly believe it or not for my benefit to overcome my fears. Others move much faster and learn to remove their blocks and some move slower like me (probably because I'm getting much older) :lol: or that I have years of fear to overcome.

The best help we all can give you is for you to take the time you need to feel comfortable. You will read mostly wonderful AC visits of healing and receiving messages. We will be here for you always.
Love and Peace Always,

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
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Post by USCtrojan17 »

awwwww thank you all soooo much- I really truly appreciate everyone's help and encouragement.
Today, I might add, I was feeling very spiritually disconnected- like my mind was focused too much on the material world. However, now I feel enlightened and energized to try this meditation and open myself not just to a communication with the Midwayers, but all the relaxation and focus that meditation can bring.
I'm GONNA try it- I will and I really want to now.

An anecdote: As some of you may know, I am from Los Angeles, CA, USA and thus I am a huge fan of our professional basketball team, the Los Angeles LAKERS!!! Well our coach, Phil Jackson, also practices meditation like many of you- he also teaches his techniques to our players; he has even earned the nickname "Zen Master" because of it. He is, by the way, the most successful coach that the National Basketball Association has ever seen- he has 9 championships and the best winning percentage! And I'm sure his techniques have a lot to do with it.

I am excited to begin this journey, and I hope to use my experience to do a great service for God and the world!
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Post by memawlaura »

:cheers: By George I think you got it :cheers: thanks for an example like the Zen Master, these are not coincidence that you see them they are Godincidences.
Love and Peace Always,

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
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Post by Sandy »

Hi USCtrojan,
You wrote.
I am excited to begin this journey, and I hope to use my experience to do a great service for God and the world!
Oh I just go tingley when I read that! What a beautiful thing to say and I am sure that God, the Midwayers, and Angels are delighted for your help! :D
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Post by lilly »

Hi USCtrojan,
Many years ago if I went to relax....a panic attack would be the result. Thinking back it was just fear.....it will eventually subside and the more you meditate the closer you will come to knowing yourself. All your helpers are there with you....and nothing can harm you in any way....only your own thoughts...and they can be changed.
Just set your intent before you begin...Ask and you shall Receive.
Love lilly xxx
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Post by silvrevo »

I too felt the same,,,,,, almost like contacting spirits that might be BAD

But wait till you hear George's voice!!!!!

All is good, come on in, the water is NICE. 8)
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Post by George »

Hi silvrevo . . .

That's goooooood! That's fiiiiiiine! :)

Now might be a good time to check the instructions, yes? :lol:

God bless.......
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Post by silvrevo »


You should see me put together an entertianment center, or desk.

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Post by George »

Hi Silvrevo,

I operate like that!

"Does this chair have four legs? Three? No, four? Better get the instructions out of the bin!"

Intent is ALL that counts
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